smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
i really love sending my friends things i find related to their favorite things. i hope it makes them realize that they arent alone and they are heard. like i see the things you are interested in, i see the things that make you happy. im listening (:
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
a lil wholesome rant cause i have nobody to talk to rn and i just need to blab lol
so ik exactly where im moving once i graduate; these nice quiet apartments about 30 minutes away from here. around 2 weeks before my grandma passed away she was already trying to move there and she gave us a tour of the apartment her and my grandpa had bought. their other house was really old and practically falling apart so you could tell she was eager to get out. i loved how her face lit up with hope as we walked in. she was so happy. anyways, im not sure what it is but that place just called to me. it was so perfect, exactly what i was looking for. and ive had my heart set for almost 3 years to live there now. rent and utilities are cheap as hell, its quiet, and im pretty positive they allow pets. since my brother left to go hang out with friends i was making myself dinner and singing in the kitchen earlier. i made chicken and quinoa/rice, and set aside 1/2 of the food in a tupperware container for my brother. it just made me think about moving out and having such a great life with my bf. being able to come home everyday and goof off and enjoy eachothers company. im so fucking excited to dance around while we make breakfast and just forget about this awful world. so excited for peace
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
watching the icicles outside my window grow each day makes my soul happy
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
the house is silent.
everyone but me is asleep.
sitting on my bed doing some tarot work.
and all i can hear is my dog coughing up a plehm downstairs.
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
“you have an important place on this earth. if you are lost, you will find your way again. if you are feeling hopeless, you will find hope again. if you are sad, you will find happiness again. it may not be tomorrow, but one day you will look back and be so glad you kept fighting.”
— shelby leigh
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
“don’t get me wrong, i’m an independent person. but i quite like the idea of waking up in the middle of the night with your arm wrapped around me. not protecting me, just holding me. and when i can’t sleep, i get to admire you. i can hold my breath until our heartbeats are in sync or maybe i can kiss the scar above your lip. i can count the freckles on your arms like i am an astronomer mesmerized by the stars in the sky. i can guess where your dreams are taking you by studying your wavering smile or fluttering eyes. and when i do fall asleep, i will dream about you, the last thing my eyes saw before i gave into the exhaustion. and when i wake up, the first thing i will see is you. maybe you will still be sleeping soundly holding onto me, or maybe i will catch you admiring me, too.”
— excerpt from it starts like this by shelby leigh
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
my goal in life is to be compared to a feral cat.
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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Looks like my familiar shares some of my views
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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Henry McCook - Spider Webs, “American Spiders and Their Spinningwork”, 1889.
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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Samuel Beckett, from The Complete Dramatic Works; “Endgame,”
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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Submitted anonymously
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
i'm sorry i zone out sometimes when you're talking about space.
it's just your words tangle up into this big knot and i'm not sure what planet or star or psudeo-galaxy we are on the topic of anymore.
i'm not complaining at all, i'm only apoligizing. cause sometimes i'm just totally lost in what you are saying.
sometimes it's just easier to let you talk and be happy while i just listen to your voice and try to stay focused.
sort of an asshole move right? i don't think you mind though.
i'm sorry i zone out sometimes when you're talking about space. but i promise i'm still interested.
dont get me wrong, it's not boring at all. infact it's really cool to me, learning about how big and scary space is and how small we are.
i've learned more from you than i have in all of my science classes over the years though, so thank you.
i really do love hearing what you have to say. the way you speed up your words when you get into a topic is so fucking adorable.
but still, i'm sorry i zone out sometimes when you are talking about space.
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smokeweed-killcops · 4 years
so are we all just collectivley missing our s/os tonight?
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