smol-and-soft · 1 year
You mentioned once that you found a website that allows you to hypnotize yourself- do you have the link for that?
yeahhhh...honestly i dont think its worth it tbh! its very junk food-y, and i mostly gravitated towards it because i was desperate <:3 i can assure you that if youre looking for a good self-hypnosis experience youll be happier checking out the blogs/accounts of kink hypnotists and taking notes
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smol-and-soft · 1 year
I’m so curious about the whole hypnosis thing; how do you hypnotize yourself? Can you really hypnotize yourself into thinking you’re small??
(funny, you sent this after a night of doing similar stuff with my partner <×<) so, short answer, yes! its difficult, though. lots of people have a much easier time than i did getting their brain's ability to imagine a scenario to link with their brain's ability to *experience* an imagined scenario, but it required a lot of active effort on my part and a good hypnotist to actually fully immerse myself in the experience enough to let my brain fill in the gaps and stop itself from untrancing itself
its been extremely worth it, id say. getting to feel utterly microscopic on the tip of my partners finger is an experience i wouldnt trade for the world. i could maybe write up my journey and kind of explain how i got to the state im in, but i honestly dont know how helpful itd be? mine is certainly not what ive heard most peoples experience with hypnotism is
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
“You’re really still moping about this?”
Her brisk and deliberate walk stopped in its tracks at the question, and she threw her hands up above her head in an exasperated motion, one that highlighted just how long her limbs were. “Yes! It’s the one day every year that I get to parade around with the makeup and the outfit and the…everything!” To her credit, I only noticed that she had been moping because she was wearing the choker that she had ordered for Halloween underneath her turtleneck. It was subtle, but it looked cute on her, I thought.
“I just–look, it isn’t often that I get to flaunt who I am. I figured that maybe, if I decided to go out for a change, I could really impress some people and show off.” Her arms slumped to her sides, her brow furrowing in consternation. It always made my heartstrings twang with frustration when she was pouty about something; it broke my heart to hear the sadness creep into her voice. “I don’t get to do that very much, what with my restrictions and all,” she muttered, tilting her head to give me The Look.
I felt a sympathetic frown settle on my face. I turned the predicament over in my head in the quiet space between us. She had gotten excited this Halloween because she had finally moved in with me a few months earlier, and I had been one of the first people to try and accommodate her peculiar state. To be specific, her peculiar state was vampirism. Classical vampirism, the kind that came packaged with barred entry from homes that she had not been invited to and deathly aversion to sunlight. The whole ‘feeding’ thing was also present, though her particular brand of feeding leeched off of both blood and something symbolic that left with the blood. She took emotions, trains of thought, and even physical mass some days. Although the people she lived with always knew and were willing to let her alive alongside them, they never made any attempts to make that kind of life easier on her, much less let her feed on them. She had to rely on the generosity of whatever companions she could manage to make in the dead of night. Having a partner that indulged in that and made it just as important to them as it was to her had completely changed her world.
She found solace in All Hallows Eve before she had met me. It had always been where she got to celebrate this part of her, make it into something lighthearted and enjoyable and not just some burden she put up with because she couldn’t change it. She wanted this year’s to be special, because it was the first we had spent under the same roof and she wanted to know what it was like to truly indulge herself and share in that experience with someone she loved. It broke my heart further every time I remembered how excited she had been, and how much it bothered her that we had both been too busy to enjoy the holiday.
A thought intruded on my brooding about her situation. Against my better judgement, I decided to pitch the idea to her, clearing my throat.
“What if, just for tonight, you got the outfit on and played it up for me? I know it’s not the same as getting to show off at parties, but I figure we can make it something special.”
She blinked, taken aback. I watched the gears turn in her mind, her face scrunching up in thought. It was always so adorable when she did that. When she spoke again, she seemed almost hesitant, like she was breaking some unspoken contract by wanting to accept my offer. “…You’re sure? I’m worried I might get too into it, and I don’t want to hurt you by accident.”
“Of course. Trust me, I’ll be okay. Just humor me.”
Her eyes lit up, and she darted away into her room. It took her roughly 20 minutes in total to get into her attire. I mulled over my decision while I waited, splayed across our couch and watching whatever videos I could to keep myself thinking. On the one hand, she was right; she had a habit of feeding way too much if she was really hungry and I gave her the go-ahead. On the other hand, I had nothing better to do with my time, and I wanted to see her happy. If I had to be exhausted for a day or two, so be it.
The lump in my stomach vanished the moment she stepped back into the living room. I had forgotten how good she was at dressing up and had been firmly reminded when she stepped languidly in front of the couch, white ruffled shirt tight against her chest and just short enough at the collar to show off the studded choker that I had caught sight of before. Black dress pants adorned the lower half of her body, and I noticed she was also wearing contacts to give her eyes a predatory red glare to them with slitted pupils. A fine petticoat sat tied at her waist, allowing her to let it slide off of her shoulders and still stay on her body. She wore it well, and I could practically feel my logic and reasoning evacuating my brain at the sight of her.
She was quiet, smirking to herself and basking in my reaction. I usually would’ve said something, but she could tell that I was clamming up because I was stunned. She stepped closer, and something in my brain told me to act like prey, squirming away in an attempt to sink into the couch. Her hand reached out to grab me by the collar of my shirt, pulling me against her. I felt her head press against the side of my own, warm breath creeping across my exposed neck, making me let out a strangled whimper.
“As per usual,” she murmured, finally breaking the silence, “you are allowed to say no at any time.” She pushed her face closer to my skin, and I drew in a breath. “But I don’t think you’re going to say no, considering the way you get about these things.” My muscles tensed, bracing for the fangs that followed soon after, which sunk into my neck and caused my heartbeat to erupt into an erratic rhythm. My brain was quick to latch onto the task of figuring out what she would take this time, preparing for every eventuality as I felt the blood leave my body.
It took me a moment longer than usual to notice that she had to squirm into a better position on top of me to keep feeding. It took a few moments more to realize I had lost a handful of inches, and I realized that the lethargy that came with being fed from was hitting more intensely than usual. I wondered idly if it was something to do with the getup, but I didn’t have much time to question the source of it before I felt more height evaporate from my body. She grabbed at me, one hand pressed into my back to raise me closer to her and the other grabbing my shoulder to keep me in place. Some part of me writhed under her, grabbing at her arms in a half-instinctual and half-playful attempt to buy myself space.
The hand at my back moved upward, holding me tightly by the neck as she pulled away from me, eyes wild and hair turned into a mass of long and tangled burnt-red locks by the act. She peered down at me, easily a head shorter than her now where I had been half a head taller before we had started. Her grin turned wide and wicked, a full-bodied laugh that forced her to tilt her head back pouring its way out of her mouth. It caused a shiver to worm its way down my spine. I loved when she got like this.
“I told you, I had a feeling I might get too into it.” Her voice was commanding and the size difference was not helping. She always got so confident when she got to drink to her heart’s content. “I think that it might be good for me to stop. Don’t want to get too carried away.”
Before I could even process the pleas of my subconscious mind, I muttered a vapid 'moooore pleeeease’. It caught her brain, made her breath hitch. I watched her eyes widen, and she almost lunged to bite again, managing to convince herself to go for the other side of my neck to not draw from the same place twice. Before she stuck me again, she whispered, “Spoken like a true thrall,” and I felt the fangs pierce me again.
She drank faster this time, feasting upon me like a meal fit for kings. My height zipped downward, dwindling in her greedy hands, my mind fogging over. I could hear myself whimper and groan against her, weakly pushing against her as I reached half her height in what felt like a matter of moments, her grip changing to keep me as close to her as possible. I felt like a doll in her hands, barely able to do anything but make weak whines that vaguely sounded like the word 'more’.
Eventually, she forced herself off of me, panting in a desperate attempt to catch a breath after devouring me like that. My body shuddered and twitched, my limbs moving indeterminately and freely as they so chose. I was in paradise as she looked back down at me, surveying what she took. I heard her let out a whispered 'oh my god’, but I couldn’t exactly process why.
One finger pressed into the back of my head, lifting me to sit upright in her hands. I felt my consciousness slowly returning to me, coming in waves. Things only started to make sense when I used sensory input to parse what size I had ended up at–and once I realized, I instantly let out a squeak of surprise. Through the malaise, I had finally put together that I ended up at a grand total of a few inches tall, barely as tall as my girlfriend’s finger. My thoughts hiccuped from seeing her peer down at me in her hands, still too woozy to move much at all.
“…You weren’t busy tomorrow, right?” Her voice thundered around me, shaking me to my core. I shook my head, unable to form words just yet. The hand that wasn’t holding me dared to reach up and prod at me, moving to the side of my head to explore what was left of me. I felt my face heat up when she curled the tip of her finger, pushing against me in a vague simulation of scritching me like a rodent. Some part of my subconscious had me lean into it and close my eyes, which prompted a soft exclamation of delight from her.
I couldn’t imagine, in that moment, how being a thrall could ever be a bad thing. All I wanted to do was let her touch me. My hands reached up to grab at her middle finger, which came to rub the back of its thumbnail against my body. She cooed to herself, obviously watching me drink up the affection with touch-starved intensity.
I was in bliss, and I was going to be in bliss for a while. She was happy to accompany me during that.
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
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more indulgent minigiant snuggles cause i cant help myself
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
"You're really still moping about this?"
Her brisk and deliberate walk stopped in its tracks at the question, and she threw her hands up above her head in an exasperated motion, one that highlighted just how long her limbs were. "Yes! It's the one day every year that I get to parade around with the makeup and the outfit and the...everything!" To her credit, I only noticed that she had been moping because she was wearing the choker that she had ordered for Halloween underneath her turtleneck. It was subtle, but it looked cute on her, I thought.
"I just--look, it isn't often that I get to flaunt who I am. I figured that maybe, if I decided to go out for a change, I could really impress some people and show off." Her arms slumped to her sides, her brow furrowing in consternation. It always made my heartstrings twang with frustration when she was pouty about something; it broke my heart to hear the sadness creep into her voice. "I don't get to do that very much, what with my restrictions and all," she muttered, tilting her head to give me The Look.
I felt a sympathetic frown settle on my face. I turned the predicament over in my head in the quiet space between us. She had gotten excited this Halloween because she had finally moved in with me a few months earlier, and I had been one of the first people to try and accommodate her peculiar state. To be specific, her peculiar state was vampirism. Classical vampirism, the kind that came packaged with barred entry from homes that she had not been invited to and deathly aversion to sunlight. The whole 'feeding' thing was also present, though her particular brand of feeding leeched off of both blood and something symbolic that left with the blood. She took emotions, trains of thought, and even physical mass some days. Although the people she lived with always knew and were willing to let her alive alongside them, they never made any attempts to make that kind of life easier on her, much less let her feed on them. She had to rely on the generosity of whatever companions she could manage to make in the dead of night. Having a partner that indulged in that and made it just as important to them as it was to her had completely changed her world.
She found solace in All Hallows Eve before she had met me. It had always been where she got to celebrate this part of her, make it into something lighthearted and enjoyable and not just some burden she put up with because she couldn't change it. She wanted this year's to be special, because it was the first we had spent under the same roof and she wanted to know what it was like to truly indulge herself and share in that experience with someone she loved. It broke my heart further every time I remembered how excited she had been, and how much it bothered her that we had both been too busy to enjoy the holiday.
A thought intruded on my brooding about her situation. Against my better judgement, I decided to pitch the idea to her, clearing my throat.
"What if, just for tonight, you got the outfit on and played it up for me? I know it's not the same as getting to show off at parties, but I figure we can make it something special."
She blinked, taken aback. I watched the gears turn in her mind, her face scrunching up in thought. It was always so adorable when she did that. When she spoke again, she seemed almost hesitant, like she was breaking some unspoken contract by wanting to accept my offer. "...You're sure? I'm worried I might get too into it, and I don't want to hurt you by accident."
"Of course. Trust me, I'll be okay. Just humor me."
Her eyes lit up, and she darted away into her room. It took her roughly 20 minutes in total to get into her attire. I mulled over my decision while I waited, splayed across our couch and watching whatever videos I could to keep myself thinking. On the one hand, she was right; she had a habit of feeding way too much if she was really hungry and I gave her the go-ahead. On the other hand, I had nothing better to do with my time, and I wanted to see her happy. If I had to be exhausted for a day or two, so be it.
The lump in my stomach vanished the moment she stepped back into the living room. I had forgotten how good she was at dressing up and had been firmly reminded when she stepped languidly in front of the couch, white ruffled shirt tight against her chest and just short enough at the collar to show off the studded choker that I had caught sight of before. Black dress pants adorned the lower half of her body, and I noticed she was also wearing contacts to give her eyes a predatory red glare to them with slitted pupils. A fine petticoat sat tied at her waist, allowing her to let it slide off of her shoulders and still stay on her body. She wore it well, and I could practically feel my logic and reasoning evacuating my brain at the sight of her.
She was quiet, smirking to herself and basking in my reaction. I usually would've said something, but she could tell that I was clamming up because I was stunned. She stepped closer, and something in my brain told me to act like prey, squirming away in an attempt to sink into the couch. Her hand reached out to grab me by the collar of my shirt, pulling me against her. I felt her head press against the side of my own, warm breath creeping across my exposed neck, making me let out a strangled whimper.
"As per usual," she murmured, finally breaking the silence, "you are allowed to say no at any time." She pushed her face closer to my skin, and I drew in a breath. "But I don't think you're going to say no, considering the way you get about these things." My muscles tensed, bracing for the fangs that followed soon after, which sunk into my neck and caused my heartbeat to erupt into an erratic rhythm. My brain was quick to latch onto the task of figuring out what she would take this time, preparing for every eventuality as I felt the blood leave my body.
It took me a moment longer than usual to notice that she had to squirm into a better position on top of me to keep feeding. It took a few moments more to realize I had lost a handful of inches, and I realized that the lethargy that came with being fed from was hitting more intensely than usual. I wondered idly if it was something to do with the getup, but I didn't have much time to question the source of it before I felt more height evaporate from my body. She grabbed at me, one hand pressed into my back to raise me closer to her and the other grabbing my shoulder to keep me in place. Some part of me writhed under her, grabbing at her arms in a half-instinctual and half-playful attempt to buy myself space.
The hand at my back moved upward, holding me tightly by the neck as she pulled away from me, eyes wild and hair turned into a mass of long and tangled burnt-red locks by the act. She peered down at me, easily a head shorter than her now where I had been half a head taller before we had started. Her grin turned wide and wicked, a full-bodied laugh that forced her to tilt her head back pouring its way out of her mouth. It caused a shiver to worm its way down my spine. I loved when she got like this.
"I told you, I had a feeling I might get too into it." Her voice was commanding and the size difference was not helping. She always got so confident when she got to drink to her heart's content. "I think that it might be good for me to stop. Don't want to get too carried away."
Before I could even process the pleas of my subconscious mind, I muttered a vapid 'moooore pleeeease'. It caught her brain, made her breath hitch. I watched her eyes widen, and she almost lunged to bite again, managing to convince herself to go for the other side of my neck to not draw from the same place twice. Before she stuck me again, she whispered, "Spoken like a true thrall," and I felt the fangs pierce me again.
She drank faster this time, feasting upon me like a meal fit for kings. My height zipped downward, dwindling in her greedy hands, my mind fogging over. I could hear myself whimper and groan against her, weakly pushing against her as I reached half her height in what felt like a matter of moments, her grip changing to keep me as close to her as possible. I felt like a doll in her hands, barely able to do anything but make weak whines that vaguely sounded like the word 'more'.
Eventually, she forced herself off of me, panting in a desperate attempt to catch a breath after devouring me like that. My body shuddered and twitched, my limbs moving indeterminately and freely as they so chose. I was in paradise as she looked back down at me, surveying what she took. I heard her let out a whispered 'oh my god', but I couldn't exactly process why.
One finger pressed into the back of my head, lifting me to sit upright in her hands. I felt my consciousness slowly returning to me, coming in waves. Things only started to make sense when I used sensory input to parse what size I had ended up at--and once I realized, I instantly let out a squeak of surprise. Through the malaise, I had finally put together that I ended up at a grand total of a few inches tall, barely as tall as my girlfriend's finger. My thoughts hiccuped from seeing her peer down at me in her hands, still too woozy to move much at all.
"...You weren't busy tomorrow, right?" Her voice thundered around me, shaking me to my core. I shook my head, unable to form words just yet. The hand that wasn't holding me dared to reach up and prod at me, moving to the side of my head to explore what was left of me. I felt my face heat up when she curled the tip of her finger, pushing against me in a vague simulation of scritching me like a rodent. Some part of my subconscious had me lean into it and close my eyes, which prompted a soft exclamation of delight from her.
I couldn't imagine, in that moment, how being a thrall could ever be a bad thing. All I wanted to do was let her touch me. My hands reached up to grab at her middle finger, which came to rub the back of its thumbnail against my body. She cooed to herself, obviously watching me drink up the affection with touch-starved intensity.
I was in bliss, and I was going to be in bliss for a while. She was happy to accompany me during that.
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
who couldve guessed that getting to experience something that amplifies all of your feelings on something you already really enjoyed would make you like that something a lot
a funny little thing ive noticed: i used to be kind of opposed to nano sizes (or sizes beyond that) in things i was involved in and then my partner let me feel nano sizes with aforementioned techniques and suddenly its one of my favorites
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
a funny little thing ive noticed: i used to be kind of opposed to nano sizes (or sizes beyond that) in things i was involved in and then my partner let me feel nano sizes with aforementioned techniques and suddenly its one of my favorites
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
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a good explanation by @tinyinvadr​, tyvm :>>
Hello! I’m new to the community! I was wondering if you’d be willing to define some stuff and explain stuff about the community? Like what counts as a minigiant? What’s the difference between a borrower and a tiny? Stuff like that! I did go through your blog and I think I understand some stuff but more explanations would be amazing ty!
hihi!! im so glad to have helped a bit, im honestly probably not the best person to answer this (i dont talk with many people in the community, though i really want to!! (yall should send me messages and talk about cute g/t things with me) ) but from my perspective its all a matter of semantics. a lot of this space is about fulfilling fantasies, so everything, including terms like mini-giant and borrower, is in service to figuring out ways to fulfill those fantasies
from my perspective, usually i see mini-giant refer to giants that are typically in the ballpark of 8 to 15 feet tall, specifically at a size where they can still be mostly a normal person and still participate in normal life, but with some extra stipulations to account for their size. the difference between borrower and tiny is a weird one for me because borrower, as far as im aware of, was popularized by some particular kinds of media that iiiii have no real perspective on? <w> ive never read, watched, or seen anything with borrowers so ive never had to interact with it, but from what i understand a borrower is just a specific kind of tiny. if other people have a better understanding of it, lmk in the replies to this post so this anon can get a better understanding ^^
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
when high give definitions for g/t stuff!
do you mean just documenting the experience? because that might be a very good idea . . . 🔍
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
Any fun ideas with the tiny and Idris?
idris and the tiny . . . they float around in my mind occasionally. the thought i always come back to is the idea of the tiny ending up as a lab assistant and working with idris, since the tiny woke up in the lab idris works at/was built inside of. not much they can do at that size other than help test things, but i think they come to enjoy it. i want to write about that at some point
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
high? high on what?
THC edibles! :>>
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
I wanna hear the batshit dream-like descriptions. pls alter my brain chemistry
so, a word of warning, my partner has gone on record as saying that not even hyperbole actually describes how intense this sort of thing feels, so im definitely not going to be able to nail it 100%, but i can CERTAINLY try to describe it
getting high kind of fucks with your perception of reality. it means that your understanding of whats happening to and around you is faulty and easily exploitable, so a fun thing to do while high is have someone convince you of physically impossible things, because your brain will believe it. someone shifting upward to sit taller than you or pushing on the top of your head is going to be perceived by your brain, if done with intent, as you being shrunken instead, with your mind filling in the gaps and erasing inconsistencies
ive been on the receiving end of that A Lot and it is unbelievable every single time. you really actually feel your body compressing, your height dwindling and moreover that the world around you is suddenly Much Bigger. curling up on someones stomach is so much more intense when you literally dont feel like you can see past the horizon of their belt and cannot hear anything but their breathing and their heartbeat. getting to feel like their hand is covering the entirety of your body or, even, that a single finger dwarfs you by being multiple dozens of times larger than you. their words being thunderous and every motion from their body completely rocking the foundation of your understanding of reality to its core
a fun little benefit is that i also can experience a dulled-down but still intense version of this even when not high now because my brain remembers the sensations -//w//-
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
Hello! I’m new to the community! I was wondering if you’d be willing to define some stuff and explain stuff about the community? Like what counts as a minigiant? What’s the difference between a borrower and a tiny? Stuff like that! I did go through your blog and I think I understand some stuff but more explanations would be amazing ty!
hihi!! im so glad to have helped a bit, im honestly probably not the best person to answer this (i dont talk with many people in the community, though i really want to!! (yall should send me messages and talk about cute g/t things with me) ) but from my perspective its all a matter of semantics. a lot of this space is about fulfilling fantasies, so everything, including terms like mini-giant and borrower, is in service to figuring out ways to fulfill those fantasies
from my perspective, usually i see mini-giant refer to giants that are typically in the ballpark of 8 to 15 feet tall, specifically at a size where they can still be mostly a normal person and still participate in normal life, but with some extra stipulations to account for their size. the difference between borrower and tiny is a weird one for me because borrower, as far as im aware of, was popularized by some particular kinds of media that iiiii have no real perspective on? <w> ive never read, watched, or seen anything with borrowers so ive never had to interact with it, but from what i understand a borrower is just a specific kind of tiny. if other people have a better understanding of it, lmk in the replies to this post so this anon can get a better understanding ^^
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
if youre wondering where ive been, aforementioned partner has done One Million Size Things to me and it has permanently altered my brain chemistry. itd be like describing a particularly batshit dream to explain to you the feeling of being a meager few inches tall lying on top of your partner In Real Life,
remind me to write size vampire things today for halloween,,,my partner has left the thought in my brain and i Need to do something with it,
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
remind me to write size vampire things today for halloween,,,my partner has left the thought in my brain and i Need to do something with it,
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
I could feel my stomach drop out from under me as my body swung upwards, vaguely aware of the soft creaking of metal and joints underneath me. My hands gripped the metallic plating that was carrying me skyward, my fingers digging under the bottom of the alloyed sheets to keep myself steady. As I moved, I could hear the humming of servos and electricity burning through the monumental automaton I was at the mercy of, all of the inaudible circuitry coming to life from the difference in scale. I could watch its eyes click into place, each ring of colored lens focusing itself onto my diminutive form with eerie precision. My legs kicked instinctually, fear pulsing through my body, and I was shunted back by exactly an inch, as if I could present any kind of threat to this entity.
The sounds of its thoughts running through its hard drive were all I could hear for a moment over my thundering heart before it spoke, a simple two sentences, “Hello. What are you doing here?” I barely had time to so much as breathe and gather my thoughts before it adjusted its hand to keep me from falling, a sharp and shuddering motion that seemed to favor rotational increments of 5 degrees. While I busied myself with the herculean task of thinking about a response, I took a moment to take in all of its features; a frame of black rebar and wires cascading in a simulacra of a human form with flat chrome panels covering it to further emulate its target anatomy. Curiously, it had been dressed in a simple t-shirt that didn’t quite fit it–some joke was plastered on the front about programming that was well above my pay grade–with a pair of loose boxers to cover the bottoms and a slightly squished hat sat snugly atop its head. I noted there was no mouth to be seen, and I had to assume the voice, which had that warm vibration of a program that’s *just* close enough to human speech to not sound inauthentic, was coming from some speaker lodged in some part of its face. No nose either, but that was more expected. The face was odd, largely due to the panels that composed its structural makeup shifted constantly like chitinous scales, replicating some kind of facial expression–curiosity, I thought.
I coughed under my breath as my brain finally started to catch up with my thoughts, and I stared, wide-eyed and plainly terrified. That meticulous face peering down at me wrenched itself into a softer expression, ‘eyebrows’ curling upward in a vaguely caring gesture. “I think I’m lost,” I squeaked, still scrambling to give myself more purchase than the metal gave me.
“You certainly seem to be,” it wondered aloud, tone bemused. “I would like if you did not cause trouble, but I don’t believe there’s much trouble you could cause. One moment.”
I watched its head tilt upward to survey its surroundings before its eyes refocused on some other point in space, and I could barely let out the word 'wait’ before we started moving again. My body isn’t one to take kindly to quick motions like that, and so I wrenched my eyes shut, grabbing ahold of my mechanical captor for dear life. To its credit, it didn’t let go, careful to squeeze only as much as would keep me safe. By the time I knew where we were going, I had been gently settled onto a stone countertop not far from where I was picked up. The whirring made itself distant as I opened my eyes, and I got to see the full enormity of the robot. The scale made my dizziness even worse, easily less than a twelfth of its height, a doll to an automated titan. It made that sympathetic look at me again as it noticed my woozy wobbling and it seemed to take that as a sign to use its hand to keep me upright, one massive digit pressed to my back with a calculated tenderness.
“I would recommend not relocating very far from your current position. I am called Idris. I am not sure who you are, but I believe you need help, and I am well equipped to offer it.”
I planted my palms against my sides, shivering slightly. That offer of help shouldn’t have sounded so nice, but it did. For the past hour or two, I had been in a constant state of panic, trying desperately to find a way to navigate a new and unfamiliar world. I had been placed in a landscape made for giants with no semblance of an idea why, and I had scrambled for so long before it found me. My legs hurt, truthfully. My lungs ached from the exertion and stress. It’s finger was cold but so unbelievably soothing to my weary body. I think I felt tears somewhere on my face. I inhaled, a half-choked gasp as I realized that the offer had been genuine enough to activate some latent desire to be cared for that had shut off my ability to process information for a moment. I looked up at it and wiped at my cheek, and its face was set kindly as it stared back down upon me.
“I…would appreciate a drink right now.”
“Of course.” Nothing else. Without another word, it scurried away, coming back in record time with a small saucer of water, which I took to greedily, wiping my face down with my hands in an attempt to calm myself before chugging a full gallon’s worth of what might as well have been nectar to me. Mind you, it was a gallon scaled to my size, but it was a lot for me. Once I sat back down, panting idly from the reprieve I was being given, it pulled up a chair as well, the squeaking of the chair’s wheels rolling through my body as a physical sensation. It sat and placed its hands around me, a nurturing border and a place to rest my back against. I took to it and whined, some primal part of my brain satisfied by the gift of relaxation.
“Let me know if you need anything. I will be here.” I heard it say that, but I didn’t have much faculty to respond. My body was shutting down. It was time to sleep, I think. I needed it more than almost anything else, and I think Idris knew. I think Idris knew more about what I needed than I did. And I think I needed that safety the most.
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smol-and-soft · 2 years
I could feel my stomach drop out from under me as my body swung upwards, vaguely aware of the soft creaking of metal and joints underneath me. My hands gripped the metallic plating that was carrying me skyward, my fingers digging under the bottom of the alloyed sheets to keep myself steady. As I moved, I could hear the humming of servos and electricity burning through the monumental automaton I was at the mercy of, all of the inaudible circuitry coming to life from the difference in scale. I could watch its eyes click into place, each ring of colored lens focusing itself onto my diminutive form with eerie precision. My legs kicked instinctually, fear pulsing through my body, and I was shunted back by exactly an inch, as if I could present any kind of threat to this entity.
The sounds of its thoughts running through its hard drive were all I could hear for a moment over my thundering heart before it spoke, a simple two sentences, "Hello. What are you doing here?" I barely had time to so much as breathe and gather my thoughts before it adjusted its hand to keep me from falling, a sharp and shuddering motion that seemed to favor rotational increments of 5 degrees. While I busied myself with the herculean task of thinking about a response, I took a moment to take in all of its features; a frame of black rebar and wires cascading in a simulacra of a human form with flat chrome panels covering it to further emulate its target anatomy. Curiously, it had been dressed in a simple t-shirt that didn't quite fit it--some joke was plastered on the front about programming that was well above my pay grade--with a pair of loose boxers to cover the bottoms and a slightly squished hat sat snugly atop its head. I noted there was no mouth to be seen, and I had to assume the voice, which had that warm vibration of a program that's *just* close enough to human speech to not sound inauthentic, was coming from some speaker lodged in some part of its face. No nose either, but that was more expected. The face was odd, largely due to the panels that composed its structural makeup shifted constantly like chitinous scales, replicating some kind of facial expression--curiosity, I thought.
I coughed under my breath as my brain finally started to catch up with my thoughts, and I stared, wide-eyed and plainly terrified. That meticulous face peering down at me wrenched itself into a softer expression, 'eyebrows' curling upward in a vaguely caring gesture. "I think I'm lost," I squeaked, still scrambling to give myself more purchase than the metal gave me.
"You certainly seem to be," it wondered aloud, tone bemused. "I would like if you did not cause trouble, but I don't believe there's much trouble you could cause. One moment."
I watched its head tilt upward to survey its surroundings before its eyes refocused on some other point in space, and I could barely let out the word 'wait' before we started moving again. My body isn't one to take kindly to quick motions like that, and so I wrenched my eyes shut, grabbing ahold of my mechanical captor for dear life. To its credit, it didn't let go, careful to squeeze only as much as would keep me safe. By the time I knew where we were going, I had been gently settled onto a stone countertop not far from where I was picked up. The whirring made itself distant as I opened my eyes, and I got to see the full enormity of the robot. The scale made my dizziness even worse, easily less than a twelfth of its height, a doll to an automated titan. It made that sympathetic look at me again as it noticed my woozy wobbling and it seemed to take that as a sign to use its hand to keep me upright, one massive digit pressed to my back with a calculated tenderness.
"I would recommend not relocating very far from your current position. I am called Idris. I am not sure who you are, but I believe you need help, and I am well equipped to offer it."
I planted my palms against my sides, shivering slightly. That offer of help shouldn't have sounded so nice, but it did. For the past hour or two, I had been in a constant state of panic, trying desperately to find a way to navigate a new and unfamiliar world. I had been placed in a landscape made for giants with no semblance of an idea why, and I had scrambled for so long before it found me. My legs hurt, truthfully. My lungs ached from the exertion and stress. It's finger was cold but so unbelievably soothing to my weary body. I think I felt tears somewhere on my face. I inhaled, a half-choked gasp as I realized that the offer had been genuine enough to activate some latent desire to be cared for that had shut off my ability to process information for a moment. I looked up at it and wiped at my cheek, and its face was set kindly as it stared back down upon me.
"I...would appreciate a drink right now."
"Of course." Nothing else. Without another word, it scurried away, coming back in record time with a small saucer of water, which I took to greedily, wiping my face down with my hands in an attempt to calm myself before chugging a full gallon's worth of what might as well have been nectar to me. Mind you, it was a gallon scaled to my size, but it was a lot for me. Once I sat back down, panting idly from the reprieve I was being given, it pulled up a chair as well, the squeaking of the chair's wheels rolling through my body as a physical sensation. It sat and placed its hands around me, a nurturing border and a place to rest my back against. I took to it and whined, some primal part of my brain satisfied by the gift of relaxation.
"Let me know if you need anything. I will be here." I heard it say that, but I didn't have much faculty to respond. My body was shutting down. It was time to sleep, I think. I needed it more than almost anything else, and I think Idris knew. I think Idris knew more about what I needed than I did. And I think I needed that safety the most.
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