smol-stone · 9 hours
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Pain surpassed love.
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smol-stone · 12 hours
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Join my Purrtreon for extra purrs ✨✨
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smol-stone · 2 days
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I forgot to post this Crow Time to tumblr! Here it is!
I love Jellybean Juice so much...
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smol-stone · 2 days
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smol-stone · 2 days
I smiled in my weakness.
Dazai Osamu, No Longer Human
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smol-stone · 3 days
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smol-stone · 3 days
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ೀ⋆。˚ BEAUTIFUL STRANGER ꒰➳ Keigo Takami x Reader GENRE: FLUFF ✧.*
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  ' 13th December 20XX ', the day you first met the love of your life. The day Keigo met ‘his beautiful stranger. ’ 
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A chilled and leisured morning, you had wakened up earlier to get a bright and early start to the day. ‘Early bird gets the early worm’ or in your case, ‘Early bird gets the first and best choice.’ December was one of the less hectic months for you, the year coming to a close. Nonetheless you had to wrap up the reports for the year. The sooner you had finished it, the earlier you’d be free from the confines of work.  6:50 AM, you were fortunate enough to attain a window seat at your favourite cafe, a small minimalistic cafe snugged in the corner of a busy street in Japan, almost unnoticeable. You were greeted with a smoky, and nutty smell when you entered; the aroma of strong coffee. The cafe had a homely and cozy atmosphere to it, vaguely similar to something out of a Ghibli movie. Lined by the lightly frosted window was a rustic wooden bar table, the window had curtains that hung neatly at the sides. The table was adorned by small glass potted plants and two wooden birds. There was a suspended wooden shelf on top, lined with glass jars, a wooden globe and a small mini speaker. The vines from the potted plants on hung loosely on the edge of the shelf. The chairs were brown and fluffy, ensuring comfort. The staff were exceptionally friendly and polite. They provided great service, having greeted you by your name as you were quite the regular at their cafe. Other than bringing them business, they often enjoyed and appreciated your company. Today, a mini wooden chalkboard laid on the counter of their cashier; an appealing offer listed on it. ‘ National Cocoa Day , hot chocolate and selected mochas buy 1 free 1. ‘ You pondered over it, and decided on giving the free mocha or hot chocolate to whoever would order next. You hadn’t really thought much about it, but having two drinks would be a waste especially since you couldn’t drink that much. At least it could potentially make someone’s day.  You headed back to your seat with a wooden tray that consisted of your order. A forest green coffee cup, filled with hot chocolate with small marshmallows floated ontop, and a plain croissant. Your laptop was conveniently placed on the table, though before you got started you stared out of the window. The sun soberly rose across the horizon, a hue of yellow surrounding its wake, light overwhelming the once navy blue sky as it turns a lighter shade. The ring of the door chime snapped you out of your daze, reminding you to proceed with your work.
7:20AM, Now, Keigo was adamant on starting his day with any form of caffeine. He had accidentally stumbled onto this specific cafe as he was heading to his agency, quiet and out of attention. It was what he needed, a piece of tranquility to start his day before he got an earful from the commission or from anyone really. The bell hung above the door jingled as a signalled his arrival, his wings folded neatly as he observed the foreign surroundings. A total of 4 guests and 2 staff, which was just perfect as this cafe wasn’t suited for crowding either.  The staff greeted him, fully composed which was somewhat surprising and unusual to him but he appreciated it. The overexcitement in the air was more often than not overwhelming, and this reminded him that he was human too. He eased somewhat a lazy smile on his face as he looked at the menu above, though the barista was quick to ask if he was interested in a free mocha instead.  He tilted his head curiously, an almost confused and unsure looked on his face. “What for?” He was used to people giving him special treatment, and thought it was just that until the barista responded. The barista shrugged and gestured towards you, who was engulfed in work. You looked as if the work had swallowed you whole and as if you were stuck in that chair, unaware of surroundings. He was barely able to register what the barista had said after. Keigo doesn’t know what it was, though when he looked at you his heart skipped a beat. Frankly, Keigo didn’t believe in love at first sight, but just staring at you had captivated his attention. It felt like something snapped in place, like some kind of fairytale bullshit; he refused to believe in. He was staring for more than a second too long. He had even subconsciously, ruffled his hair to make himself look neater as it was messed up by the morning December breeze when he flew here. He glanced at himself from a reflective surface. His avian mind taking over him without notice, he had the urge to be presentable, and neat to appeal to you.  Why was he doing this? Especially over someone he just met? His thoughts were jumbled, he failed to realise his gaze was still attached on you as he innerly freaked out.  This felt so unfamiliar, foreign and strange, Keigo didn’t believe in love and attraction, never felt it, unfamiliar with that very concept. You noticed a gaze trained onto you, you turned your laptop brightness on the lowest trying to determine who it was without scaring them off. Looking into the reflection, you noticed a winged individual with a familiar uniform and jacket, one you had seen so many times on TV. That stranger only recognised as Hawks. Being respectful, despite your inner self being pleasantly surprised and shocked, you flashed a tiny sincere smile. Only then did Keigo notice he was staring for too long, he was embarrassed, almost flustered. His heart fluttered when he saw your tiny smile directed at HIM, it was so innocent, so bright and genuine. He’s unaware that your smile has sneakily earned a place in his mind and heart.  He didn’t expect that you’d catch on and he quickly turned around looking back at the Barista who was waiting for his answer to a question he didn’t even hear.  “Sorry what was that?” He sheepishly apologised, scratching the back of his head with an apologetic light hearted closed eyed smile. The barista repeated what they had said earlier but Keigo was internally conflicted, when he shouldn’t be. He should be familiar with these types of situations especially since his outer persona was supposed to be charismatic, and here he was acting like a school boy with a crush. It was different with you, but he convinced himself he was just out of it today. He was the one that lost composure, his mind scrambled, how the tables have turned.  He hadn’t even heard what the barista had said, again. Way too embarrassed to ask them to repeat, he just agreed to it. Too consumed by his thoughts to think straight, his instincts were pumping adrenaline; fight or flight.
He chose flight, he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible because as long as you were in the same room as him, he would be unable to even function properly, unable to think rationally or even form coherent words. He doesn’t know what hit him, it felt like a love potion but worse because it was realistic. As soon as he got his drink, he dipped. Walked out as fast as possible and took to the skies, he felt embarrassed and unusual. You were left confused, wondering if you did something wrong.
Then Keigo remembers he forgot to thank you and mentally swears, he didn’t even say anything to you at all; another excuse to meet you once more. He would have to find you after that encounter because your smile would plague him until he would see you again.
Throughout his day, he wonders what if he stayed in the cafe for a little longer, to approach you and to thank you, to ask for your name, to maybe even exchange a few words and possibly exchange numbers. He’s frustrated he did none of that, and he berates himself for it. What if he never sees you ever again?
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‘A fairytale moment could have occurred, but my beautiful stranger will have to remain a stranger until I see them again.’ INSPO. LAUFEY - BEAUTIFUL STRANGER This felt so corny to write
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smol-stone · 3 days
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I drew Maka Albarn! I seriously love Soul Eater and haven't drawn anything for it in ages!
I hope you guys enjoy some of my traditional art! This was a lot of fun to do! :D
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smol-stone · 3 days
In the end, people are only able to think and feel within the limits of the "system", the specific culture of the society they belong to. Notions like artistic value and beauty are inevitably shackled by that system, and even the words we use are dictated by it.
Ayatsuji Yukito, The Mill House Murders
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smol-stone · 4 days
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I desire your mind, your heart, your soul, you. I choose love that isn't defined by sexual attraction. One that will be the same now as it will be in 40 years when we are old and grey. An endless desire an endless love.💜
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smol-stone · 4 days
valid ppls:
✅ Asexuals who engage in sexual things
✅ Asexuals who enjoy sexual things
✅ Asexuals that experience hyper-sexuality
✅ Asexuals who have never done sexual things ever
✅ Asexuals who are sex-negative/repulsed
✅ Asexuals who are sex positive or neutral
you still have human feelings and emotions, you are not just some stone-cold face everyone passes by. You are amazing and I love you all (/p)
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smol-stone · 4 days
Thank you 🖤🩶🤍💜
to any person on the aromantic or asexual spectrum who is feeling excluded this pride, who doesn’t see their flag anywhere, who doesn’t have any friends or community who understands or relates…
i see you. i’m there with you. happy pride.
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smol-stone · 4 days
Disrespectfully I hope these people perish
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Like… Asexual/Aromantic people can write/draw smut of two characters, that’s fine.
(Also Demisexuals and Greysexuals exist)
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smol-stone · 4 days
"Love and sex make us human"
Wrong. Most animals fuck. Some reproduce without a partner. Then there are some that can choose not to fuck (like those that remain in their pride or family and forfeit the right to mate in exchange for safety).
Definitely a lot of them love. In their own way or even our way. Like... so many birds mate for life. Humans only wish for that marriage success rate...
Love and sex don't make us human. The absence of them doesn't make us human.
You know what makes us human?
Humans are the only creatures in existence to cook their food. To have a culinary culture. To purposefully change the molecular structure of their sustenance for fun, art, and pleasure.
So, in a way, at the root of it, is pizza over sex and romance.
Pizza makes us human.
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smol-stone · 4 days
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Nothing is off topic when it comes to us, happy pride month, my fellow asexuals 💜
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smol-stone · 4 days
Gosh I LOVE THIS!!!!!
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bsd x mha doodles!!! ^^
Currently just uploading some of my old pieces here, i hope yall dont mind :)
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smol-stone · 5 days
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