smoloof · 5 years
don’t bash daniel. just support stephen
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smoloof · 5 years
If y’all start with the fking “boycott daniel” thing I’m going to be real pissed
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I’m also just going to spam this photo everywhere
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smoloof · 5 years
I don't really like talking about things like this, but i deem it necessary.
People have already said it: but don't hate on Daniel. That's not what anybody needs in this situation right now. What Stephen doesn't need is an army of internet fans going to bash on Dan.
That's not helping anybody.
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smoloof · 5 years
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smoloof · 5 years
thinking of warmer days 🎐
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smoloof · 5 years
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Now that the new video is up, here’s a reference of their superhero clothes that I designed huehue and also some Dan doodles
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smoloof · 5 years
Daniel: Alright Stephen, what's the first thing you notice about someone when they approach you?
Stephen: the audacity
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smoloof · 5 years
They did it! :'D
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smoloof · 5 years
Can I also add that on one of his streams he's said he's planning to graduate soon (if I remember it right but if I'm wrong please correct me) and so unless he skipped a few grades in school I'm pretty sure he isn't 19 ówò
can we talk about how Jay is like 19 and the video of him getting drunk was three years ago- so he was 16- bRO, tHat'S fUckINg iLLegAl wjnsjebdj
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smoloof · 5 years
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smoloof · 5 years
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please i really need to stOP MAKING BORDERLINE SHITPOSTS i remembered that one time where dan was like y are we so depressing all the time?? so i wanted to make smth nice and positive but it turned intO THIS ahe m
please dont repost my art anywhere thank you uwu
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smoloof · 5 years
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So I caught Stephen and Hosuh’s steam and doodled something Hosuh drew.
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smoloof · 5 years
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smoloof · 5 years
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GIF emotes i made for Jay’s Discord server 💃💃💃
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smoloof · 5 years
Ahahah, here I am once again over a month later with an update to the story (Thanks for anyone who remembers because I don’t know if this story is something that can be remembered XD). I really wanted to update this earlier but school decided to not hold back at all till now-ish. My goal is to finish this before 2019 ends but I honestly don’t know how it’s gonna go-
Nevertheless- here it is!
Halloween Night - Chapter List (For easy access) Chapter 2 Chapter 1
Chapter 3
    It’s not so bad talking to the ghos – Dan. Surprisingly, Dan apologized for freaking him out earlier. He normally tries to scare whoever rings the doorbell to the house. The fact that the only way to get in in the first place is to ring the bell implies that scaring people is a necessary action to take for the ghost.
    Despite only being able to ask mostly yes or no questions, or questions that didn’t involve answers using the last six letters of the alphabet, Hosuh finds that Dan isn’t a scary ghost within the fifteen minutes they started conversing. He’s actually pretty nice and energetic even though he can’t talk out loud. He tried to at first but all Hosuh heard was unsettling cracks and wheezes coming from the empty space in front of him. It wasn’t a pleasant experience to say the least.
    Hosuh is sitting on a flat cushion on the ground at the coffee table as he watches the die levitate and drop four times in a row to create the sequence of numbers: 14, 1, 13 5. He looks at his phone which is currently opened on a note taking app. On the note, it has the first twenty letters of the alphabet typed out in order along with a corresponding number beside it.
    “Name?” Hosuh says after deciphering the message. He ponders over it for a few seconds before it suddenly occurs to him that he never introduced himself. “Oh right, I didn’t give you my name yet! I’m Hosuh. It’s nice to meet you, Dan.” Hosuh says cheerfully with an easy-going smile. He feels quite comfortable being inside the not-so-abandoned house as he watches the die land on a 20.  
    Now that he’s more settled and not feeling as jumpy, Hosuh takes a closer look around the room he’s in. It’s practically barren aside from the coffee table and an oval shaped full body antique mirror that looks to be taller than him. He sees his reflection in the mirror looking back at him and bites back an awkward smile.
    To think he would be sitting in a not-so-abandoned house on Halloween night talking to a ghost through a single die is not something he would have ever considered doing before. He wouldn’t think it was a possibility to begin with. For the most part, ghosts don’t really bother with the ones that are still alive unless it’s out of spite.
    As Hosuh turns to look back at the table, he fails to see that his reflection doesn’t copy his movements entirely. As soon as his attention was fully away from the mirror, his reflection turns its head back and watches the ongoing conversation with narrowed eyes filled with suspicion.  
    Despite the holes in the floor here and there, and that the only modern looking thing is the coffee table and what’s on top of it, Hosuh finds the place surprisingly clean. In fact, he doesn’t notice a single surface that’s dusty. Maybe Dan cleans the house periodically?
    “Dan, do you clean the house often? It’s really clean.” Hosuh asks. The die is cast and lands on a 20. “Huh. I didn’t know ghosts care about how clean the place is…no offense.” He says sheepishly. The silver haired man watches the die roll a one. He thinks to himself silently for a few seconds, trying to come up with questions to ask Dan. It’s really not often for a ghost to be this conversational so he might as well ask what he can while also respecting the fact that some questions are better off being left unasked.
    “Are you the only ghost living here?” He asks, completely unaware that his reflection is giving him a hard stare at the question asked.
    Hosuh watches the die levitate in the air for a few seconds longer than normal. It’s almost as if Dan is considering how to answer the question. Just before the die is cast, Hosuh gets an urge to look backwards. He turns his head back and finds his gaze back onto the mirror with his reflection looking right back at him wearing the same expression of mild unease. He blinks and furrows his brows. His reflection does the same.
    The clattering of the die brings his attention back to the table. He turns slower this time, eyes not leaving the mirror till the last second. His reflection follows his movements completely in sync.
    Hosuh sees the die has landed on a 20. He doesn’t see his reflection turning its head and body to face him.
    “Oh…Doesn’t it get lonely?” Hosuh mutters more to himself than to Dan. Nevertheless, he watches the die get cast onto the table and it lands on a one. An unsettling feeling of discomfort almost instantly settles in his stomach.
    A sudden knocking sound comes from somewhere within the house, making him freeze. It actually sounds like someone is knocking on glass. The issue is that the sound did not come from the direction of the window.
    “What was that?” Hosuh asks, looking in the direction from where the sound was coming from. His eyes fall onto the mirror and this time his breath stops mid inhale. ‘Holy crap.’ He thinks as his voice has left him for the most part.
    His reflection smiles and waves lazily as it sits facing him with its legs crossed. With the way its reflected would mean that Hosuh would have to be sitting up against the mirror. But he's not. Hosuh, not having waved nor is sitting in the same position, only looks on with wide eyes filled with shock.
    A silent, but tense, moment passes as Hosuh just stares at his reflection, unsure of what to expect next. He’s afraid if he moves, whatever is on the other side will also move more than it already has.
     “Hey Dan? Why is my reflection not – uh reflecting me the way it’s supposed to?” Hosuh asks once his voice returns. If it crawls out of the mirror, he swears he’s going to throw himself out the window. He’ll have to apologize to Dan for breaking it, but he’ll find another time to come back – if ever.
    He watches as the die floats into his field of vision and comes up to the mirror. It spins around while making several brief pauses mid-air. The reflection also turns its gaze to the die but Hosuh knows it is still watching him as well.
    Another tense minute, that feels like several long minutes, passes in silence. Almost as soon as the die stops spinning, his reflection focuses its gaze fully back onto him. It feels like its silently judging him which is both ridiculous and concerning.
    Finally, it lets out a silent sigh and opens its mouth to speak.
   “Alright fine, Dan. I’ll trust you on this one.” His reflection says in a low voice that sounds nothing like his own. The way it’s frowning also shows that it still doesn’t seem to trust whatever Dan has told it.
    “Huh?” Hosuh says in complete confusion but can feel the urge to escape the place quickly diminishing and being replaced with wonderment. The floating die retreats and hovers in the air a few feet away between the mirror and the silver-haired man currently still frozen in place.
      Hosuh watches with rapt attention as his reflection disintegrates and blurs before being replaced with someone else entirely. Instead of his reflection sitting cross legged on the floor, it is a man with short fluffy blond hair wearing a dark green sweater, black pants, and a pair of sneakers.
    The man looks at him through narrowed eyes and smiles a bit out of respect and maybe a bit out of awkwardness at the situation too.
    “Nice to meet you. I’m Jay.” The man in the mirror says.
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smoloof · 5 years
Danplan AU Teaser???
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smoloof · 5 years
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Traitor part 2
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