smolrussianpunk · 3 years
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Oops I relapsed, again…
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smolrussianpunk · 3 years
"I just want to be okay for a day. I want to wake up and be happy to be alive. I want to enjoy the company of people around me. I want to look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. I want to breathe the air freely and enjoy life."
— things people with mental illnesses wish they could do
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
“Just because they keep coming back doesn’t mean it’s out of love. They kiss your ass, play the victim card, make you feel guilty for trying to move on and promises to change… Not because they are crazy in love, but because they are testing and experimenting with their control over you, trying to see which buttons they can push to get you to take them back.”
— (via perrfectly)
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same."
Emily Brontë
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
“My mother told me when I was young that there are two types of girls that will love me: 1. The girl who makes me happy but makes me feel unloved. 2. The girl who makes me sad but makes me feel loved. She told me that on rare occasions I’d find both qualities in one girl. But not every boy is lucky to find both qualities in one girl. So if I ever have to choose between the two, she told me, to always choose the girl who makes me happy because that’s what she always wanted for me. Yet I don’t want a girl who makes me happy. I want a girl who makes me feel loved. So if I ever have to choose between the two, I will always choose the girl who makes me sad.”
— juansen dizon, Confessions of a Wallflower page 113
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
“If you’re meant to be with someone, it will work out. Whether it’s next month or in five years, what’s meant to be will always be.”
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
May we find our way back into each other’s arms
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
“I hope you find someone who knows how to love you when you are sad.”
Nikita Gill
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
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You had hardly described our meeting in Berlin when I was already dreaming of it…we weren’t walking arm in arm, admittedly, but we were closer to each other than when people are arm in arm. Oh God, it’s difficult to describe on paper my invention for not walking arm in arm, not being conspicuous, but still walking very close to you…
But wait, I’ll draw it. Walking arm in arm is like this. But we were walking like this.
Franz Kafka, Letter to Felice Bauer, February 11th/12th, 1913
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.”
— Franz Kafka
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
Dear Milena,
I wish the world were ending tomorrow. Then I could take the next train, arrive at your doorstep in Vienna, and say: “Come with me, Milena. We are going to love each other without scruples or fear or restraint. Because the world is ending tomorrow.” Perhaps we don’t love unreasonably because we think we have time, or have to reckon with time. But what if we don't have time? Or what if time, as we know it, is irrelevant? Ah, if only the world were ending tomorrow. We could help each other very much.
― Franz Kafka
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
“It’s still you, it always has been you, it always will be you.”
— B.D (hatin)
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
“Never wish them pain. That’s not who you are. If they caused you pain they must have pain inside. Wish them healing.”
— Najwa Zebian
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
zase raz o láske
chýbajú mi jej správy aj keď píše 
chýba mi jej objatie stále aj keď je bližšie
chýba mi jej vôňa aj keď ju cítim
chýba mi jej dotyk aj keď v náručí spí mi
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
Nakoniec aj tak každý jeden z nás má človeka ku, ktorému by sa vrátil bez ohľadu na to ako moc mu ublížil.
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smolrussianpunk · 4 years
I thought I was getting better. I honestly did. But now I'm laying in bed at 4am, trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me and why I'm never enough.
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