So many shourtney moments I had to put it all in one post
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as much as i like phone it in because i like shows from smosh pit that shows ppl's competitve nature (you posted that, who meme'd it, shayne guesses etc), i fear it would end fairly quickly because of the amount of crew they have. so i'd say around 2-3 more eps of this. or at least very occasionally with a fair amount of gap before a new one.
so im genuinely impressed that they were able to have enough time and content for that pilot episode.
It’s funny you say that bc as soon as I was done watching the pilot, I thought the exact same thing. For it to be 50+ minutes long with Tommy saying they still had more crew/cast that wasn’t shown, it makes me wonder if they have more people there than we think. I don’t remember everyone who was apart of it, but I do remember thinking how there was barely any cast members included. The only ones I can think of were Angela, Tommy (technically), and either Keith or Noah (I think). And if you look at just the vidcon lineup, they have WAY more cast than that. So I’m really interested to see how many episodes they can milk out before they run out of members. They could also maybe do a little spin on it and make it other things phone related 🤷‍♀️? But idk, I just want to see where this show goes, it has over 600k atm so there a chance for a ep 2.
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I don't like phone it in. 😭
It reminds me too much of Shayne guesses series. (Which I do like but not this one so much). I can see why people like it since it's a game, the humor, the fans get to see more cast moments together, etc but yeah it's not my taste at least not yet.
I didn’t even realize how similar it is to Shayne guesses lol. Unlike you, I actually don’t care for Shayne guesses (comparatively) and slightly like phone it in better. On a side note, although I don’t really like it, I’m really excited for whenever Shayne guesses the cast/crew by baby photos comes out. For some reason I love looking up people as kids and when they were younger and I feel like that could be one of the only videos of the series I can participate in. Back to what you were saying, I see potential in the new show and it’s totally okay if you don’t like it so far. Everyone has different opinions and who knows, maybe after next episode (if it happens) it might grow on you. I know it’s hard adjusting to new stuff right away so just try to give it some time, if you still don’t like it, there’s other content you can enjoy, not everything is a hit for people.
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🕯️Manifesting co_mill post tomorrow🕯️
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They were lowkey so evil for doing this to Courtney 😭
Shayne being there made this 10x more crazy and even crazier being the one to play the music
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Happy b-day to the 2nd cutest Smosh boy
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I’m the original person who sent in I hope Courtney doesn’t post for Shayne’s birthday. When I said he obviously likes to keep it private that’s because he has literally said he doesn’t like when a ton of people post about his birthday. And I mean they should be able to just enjoy the day without everyone wondering when Courtney will post and making that what Shayne’s birthday is about.
Oh Shayne has said that before? I didn’t know that. I mean I honestly get it, it’s probably bc of different reasoning but I don’t like to make my birthday a big deal as well. So I get why he’d just want the privacy, especially bc of his circumstances
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Nevermind!! Remembered it was in the gamers Smosh Mouth with Shayne, Spencer and Alex lol (Around 11:50 if you’re curious)
Thinking thoughts about whose party they’re at 👀
Other ask sent in: It's actually the next story! https:// www.instagram.com/stories/
But figured out it's Pass the Pig and Shayne, Spencer and Alex talked about it! Shayne didn't know about it but he did call it Roll the Pig which does match her caption lol
I’m sorry I didn’t see this, when I answered your last ask, I was half awake and fell asleep as soon as I answered lol. I’m glad you were able to find it tho! Also, I did think they were celebrating Shayne as well. Fingers crossed for some fun pics🤞
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Re: Erin’s latest story with the pass the pig game
Anyone can remember in which video they talked about that game and who talked about it? I know I even googled the game when I watched the video but now I can’t find it in my search history hahaha
I’m unsure of what video you’re talking about, are you sure you’re not mistaking it for herd mentality? It has a pink cow that looks like a pig and maybe you’re confusing it with that? If anyone knows the answer, send in an ask. Here’s the story anon was referring to ⬇️
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Imagine we get a full Courtney post from Shayne 👀🕯️
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It’s officially Shayne day! 🥳🎉🎂
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yeah i guess i just don’t see why a wife mentioning her husband’s birthday would be any crazier than anything that happened in the last 5 months lol people are gonna talk about shourtney today regardless of anything (i mean…. clearly, look at what we’re doing). like it’s shayne’s day yes but why wouldn’t court also want to celebrate that publicly? i’m obviously completely fine with whatever they choose to do, it’s their relationship, but i guess it just doesn’t make sense to me (from a fan standpoint) that a birthday would be worse than when she first posted a selfie of them for example. people are gonna celebrate him no matter what :) (i do apologise for how the last ask came off, but damn lol fans wanting to see a cute birthday post isn’t the end of the world)
No need to apologize, your last ask didn’t seem rude or anything, you were just sharing your opinion. Although there have been crazier posts just in this last 5 months alone, there’s always a possibility of other anon being correct about them wanting privacy over this one thing. I know a lot of people would think since they shared a whole wedding + more w/ us they would share small things like a birthday, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they automatically share what we consider small pieces of their lives. At the end of the day, we’ll just have to see around 3-4pm my time (usually when Courtney posts) today to know how they actually feel.
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anon sounding worse than shippers lol clearly those two don’t care as much as they seem to think otherwise courtney wouldn’t have posted idk…. 70% of her instagram posts in the last 5 months. and “shayne obviously prefers that stuff is private” is crazy because they’re either implying courtney would disrespect his wishes or that they somehow know him better than his wife. they have posted literal wedding pictures. how could a birthday post be worse/crazier/anything more than THAT?
I’m not in the other anon’s head, so idk if this was their mindset, but from what I got from that, I think they meant Courtney and Shayne don’t want to make his birthday about shourtney and draw attention away from his special day to make it about a ship. Or they could’ve meant just a simple thing of shourtney not wanting to post about everything and just keep this celebration to themselves, which is very reasonable. That’s probably why Shayne hasn’t/doesn’t post things for Courtney’s birthday bc they probably want to just enjoy the day and live in the moment and I guess anon thinks the same logic should apply for today (technically bc it’s 12am now where I live so it’s his birthday for me)
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Honestly hope Courtney doesn’t post a dump tomorrow for Shayne. He obviously prefers that stuff is private and it’s just gonna give the shourtney fans more to freak out over and cause more of the comments that neither of them wanted. Just them have a day to themselves as a couple.
I could see why you’d say that, but I selfishly want her to do one. I will respect if she doesn’t but I hope we could at least get a story since that technically isn’t permanent and won’t have to really deal with comments and stuff. Also, I’m sure if Courtney did do a full on post, I feel like they would still be able to enjoy the day. It could maybe just be like a singular photo not taken recently, maybe like a cute little throwback and they could call it a day. It doesn’t have to be a big deal showing everything they did to celebrate, just something to acknowledge it without having to invade privacy and give greedy fans (me) something to obsess over for a few days 😂
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Shayne themed Reddit ep for his birthday tomorrow🥹
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Ian: And that’s why you guys are made for each other
Lunchtime w/ smosh
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I knew Courtney’s would be the last one
Shayne guesses fridges
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