smriti-5 · 6 years
can't wait to get my hands on them !
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Celebrating Women in Philosophy Reading List
To celebrate women’s contributions to philosophy, we have created a reading list of books and online resources that explore classic female philosophers and recent feminist philosophy. Despite the lack of opportunity in academic philosophy and their apparent invisibility in the field, women have been practising philosophers for many centuries. Some of the great social and cultural movements have also been enriched by the female minds. Explore books and articles on feminist philosophy, gender oppressions, and women’s empowerment below.
Natural Goodness, by Philippa Foot, Clarendon Press
Down Girl: The Logic of Misogyny, by Kate Manne
Categories We Live By: The Construction of Sex, Gender, Race, and Other Social Categories, by Ásta
Pornography: A Philosophical Introduction,by Mari Mikkola
Scarlet A: The Ethics, Law, and Politics of Ordinary Abortion by Katie Watson
Essays on Ethics and Feminism by Sabina Lovibond 
Differences: Rereading Beauvoir and Irigaray, Edited by Emily Anne Parker and Anne van Leeuwen
The Social and Political Philosophy of Mary Wollstonecraft, edited by Sandrine Bergès and Alan Coffee
Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman by Toril Moi
The Well-Ordered Universe: The Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish by Deborah Boyle
‘British Feminist Thought’ in The Oxford Handbook of British Philosophy in the Nineteenth Century  from Oxford Handbooks Online
‘Feminism in Philosophy’ in The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Philosophy from Oxford Handbooks Online
‘The 18th century: Amazons of the pen’, in Feminism: A Very Short Introduction
‘Virgins or whores? Feminist critiques of sexuality’ in Sexuality: VSI
‘Hypatia’ in Wandering Poets and Other Essays on Late Greek Literature and Philosophy from Oxford Scholarship Online
‘Theorising Oppression’ in Simone de Beauvoir and the Politics of Ambiguity from Oxford Scholarship Online
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smriti-5 · 7 years
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There are times when you want to disappear and never be in sight of people. But then you realize you that's nothing but just a phase where you withdraw yourself from the reality and enjoy your own company. At times like this when your mind is a mess, the only medicine you need to calm your mind is morning zephyr letting your adrenaline rush pump the love you've for nature annd music tuned in soo loud inside your headphone that the existence of outer world looks nothing but vague and self-centered and you'll feel better for getting lost and completely immersed in the world you've found within yourself. #Writingdiaries #Konégin #ScribbleFanatic #InsideFtOutside #2differentworld
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smriti-5 · 7 years
You annoy me indeed 😖
I don't care how physically appealing you are, if your soul and heart aren't clean, you're unattractive to me.
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smriti-5 · 7 years
Couldn’t have said any better myself
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smriti-5 · 8 years
Give people time. Give people space. Don’t beg anyone to stay. Let them roam. What’s meant for you will always be yours.
Reyna Biddy (via deeplifequotes)
Exactly what I wanted to say
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smriti-5 · 9 years
Even today he's my dream Still a dream, I urge to hold on Still a memory, I can never dare to burn. #words #5thFeb #EvenToday #memories
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smriti-5 · 9 years
I miss my best friend.
reblog this if you miss someone
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smriti-5 · 9 years
You're the master of the universe. 😊 #thesecret #lawofattraction 👑
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smriti-5 · 9 years
Take a look at Smriti Shrestha (@Konegin_):
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smriti-5 · 9 years
“Your life is not an episode of Skins. Things will never look quite as good as they do in a faded, sun-drenched Polaroid; your days are not an editorial from Lula. Your life is not a Sofia Coppola movie, or a Chuck Palahniuk novel, or a Charles Bukowski poem. Grace Coddington isn’t your creative director. Bon Iver and Joy Division don’t play softly in the background at appropriate moments. Your hysterical teenage diary isn’t a work of art. Your room probably isn’t Selby material. Your life isn’t a Tumblr screencap. Every word that comes out of your mouth will not be beautiful and poignant, infinitely quotable. Your pain will not be pretty. Crying till you vomit is always shit. You cannot romanticize hurt. Or sadness. Or loneliness. You will have homework, and hangovers and bad hair days. The train being late won’t lead to any fateful encounters, it will make you late. Sometimes your work will suck. Sometimes you will suck. Far too often, everything will suck - and not in a Wes Anderson kind of way. And there is no divine consolation - only the knowledge that we will hopefully experience the full spectrum - and that sometimes, just sometimes, life will feel like a Coppola film.”
Letters From Nowhere   (via excrutiate)
The covered truth beyond the lies the world created. 😒
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smriti-5 · 9 years
Love ❤❤
Darling, drunk in your love ❤ I don't need 6 shots of vodka anymore.🍺 With your arms to hold me on,👫 The bed doesn't even feel warmer anymore.  You fade away all my insecurities,🙏 You are the reason behind the curve of my serenity. 😊 All i could ask for, is your love beyond the horizon,🌄 Craving our love so deep, shinning so bright upon the stars. 🌟                       -S       23rd December, 2014
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smriti-5 · 9 years
#likeagirl. Because, you worth it.
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smriti-5 · 9 years
Survival my only hope. Success my only revenge.
Patricia Cornwell, Postmortem (via wordsnquotes)
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smriti-5 · 9 years
“We are all unique individuals. There’s not a single person in this world that thinks in an identical manner to the way that you do. What you do defines you, and represents who you are. So forget about making him or her proud, make yourself proud. You are your own virtue, and you define your own character.”
Explicit Reality (via psych-facts)
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smriti-5 · 9 years
The Universe has unlimited ways to bring your dream about. The only thing you have to do is feel as if it has already arrived - and it appears in a way you would never have dreamed possible.
Liam Tinker via iamtinker (via psych-facts)
It's all about #LOA
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smriti-5 · 9 years
Fall in love with love and life this summer. Spend time appreciating the beauty around you and the people who compliment your lives. Go out more and take as many pictures as possible. Collect memories. Go for long walks or bike rides and watch a fucking sunset. Meet up with friends, sit on a bench and catch up until it’s night. Do random shit. Eat fruit. Exercise outside. Have fun. Compliment strangers. Don’t pass a homeless person without giving them something. Anything. Just don’t ignore them. Meditate, spend the first 10 minutes of your morning sitting in silence. Donate some of your time to a children’s hospital or something to do in your community. Read a few books. Clear your mind and spend the rest of the day thinking positive thoughts. Eat clean and drink more water. Just live and enjoy life. We are not promised this evening, let alone tomorrow. Everything is temporary, so grab it while you can and hold it close to your heart. Fall in love with love and life this summer.
MH (via kushandwizdom)
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smriti-5 · 9 years
You look in the mirror and see a mess of a human being You don’t see the lives you’ve touched, or the people you’ve saved You don’t see all the love you’ve given freely, or the extraordinary memories you’ve made You are a museum of beautiful moments and feelings You are not weak because you cry over boys You are not a simple being You make plants come back to life, and you turn cold rain showers into warm downpours You are a piece of art that makes people feel things You don’t bring people to their knees, you give them a solid footing And that is beautiful
heartbeat-inthe-brain (via wnq-writers)
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