smythsandlegends · 1 year
So I was watching clips of the Goes Wrong Show instead of doing my homework, as usual, and I realized something
When Bry as Vanessa is supposed to be speaking French, one of the lines she says is 'voulez-vous coucher avec moi.' For those who don't speak French, the English translation of that is: will you go to bed with me? And for all of those that saw Moulin Rouge, well, I'm imagining not many people think of that as like cuddly sleep time.
But I just want to point out Sandra's reaction.
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her first reaction, horror that Vanessa just said something so rude in front of the audience. Expected. Why does she kind of look like she's dissociating in the void and attempting to land anywhere but on that set?
But the second reaction is where I think things start to get interesting.
Sandra turns back to Vanessa and pulls this face
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And like, sure you can say she was trying to keep the scene going or slightly worried because she knew Vanessa was slowly losing her mind trying to improv some French phrases out of nowhere, but I have a whole different headcanon.
To me, this looks like Sandra accidentally had a moment of bisexual panic in front of the entire world and now isn't entirely sure how to proceed.
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smythsandlegends · 1 year
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smythsandlegends · 1 year
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Fuck all the haters, Bella Ramsey is KILLING it as Ellie. They are Ellie just as much as Ashley Johnson is ❤️
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smythsandlegends · 1 year
These couples… ❤️❤️❤️ the complexities of these characters and relationships, one set in 1830s Yorkshire and one set in the modern world. So much resonates with me. Fear of rejection, the blending of their different worlds, family expectations, their past relationships all seem to weigh them down and yet when they are brave enough to face them and learn from their past experiences, they are buoyed by their new loves and their ability to love themselves.
Suranne’s stellar performances are at the heart of it all. From the tough yet vulnerable Anne Lister, to the resilient, seemingly unshakable yet brittle Amy Silva still recovering from past traumas, she brings such realism to every character she plays.
Fuck! Such beautiful writing by Sally Wainwright and Tom Edge. Thank you for giving us these relationships on screen and the visibility of queer journeys.
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
Ariana Grande: God is a woman.
Lydia Riera, an intellectual: 
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
A Short List of Shenanigans My Parent’s Dog Has Engaged In:
This is Arwen, she’s a Husky/Kelpie mix and a little Asshole:
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“I wonder if she can jump?” my dad asks the first five minutes we have her.  She perks up at the word, and clears a six-foot fence form sitting on the ground. “Oh.”  Says dad. “Shit.” Later that night she got up on the counter and ate three pounds of corned beef in roughtly 68 seconds but this was considered part of the learning curve of having a new dog.
I wake up at 4 AM to the sound of the toilet being flushed repeatedly in the hall bathroom, and assume plumbing is now posessed by angry and wasteful ghosts.   I get up to disconnet it and find her in the Bathroom, standing to flush the bowl, then shoving her head in to drink the running water.   I’m not totally awake, so I stand there like an idiot trying to understand this, and my sister gets up to see what the noise is, sees the same thing and also stands there.  Fiance notices my absence and does the same.   Mom eventually wakes up and finds us standing around like very confused zombies and almost joins the parade of baffled zombies before shreiking “THE WATER BILL!” We got her a circulating water bowl after that.
My parent’s don’t have AC, but they haveone of those “fridge on top, pull-out-freezer below” fridges.  Last summer, we were remarking that we might need to shave her so she didn’t get heatstroke, to which she looked up and made a disgusted noise at us. …Then got up, used the dishrag to pull open the freezer and climbed on top of the frozen vegetables, stretching out and sighing contentedly.  “Arwen,” Mom began, but was interrupted by a loud ‘WHAAAaaaaarrr?” from Arwen.  “Ok you can stay there for now but we’re getting you a kiddie pool so you have to get out when we get back.  Don’t eat anything.” She ate a bag of frozen green beans and farted for three days straight.
Took her walking along the lake with the long lead so she could sniff things to her hearts content.  She went about shoving her head in the undergrowth, usually coming up with her head covered in leaves and pollen. Except for the bush where she came back out with a 7-foot Bull Snake wrapping itself around her ehad and neck, trying it’s best to strangle her before she can eat it.   She immediately ran back to me, the parts of her face not occupied with the snake arranged in a gleeful expression of “Look!  I found Snacks!” I screamed, not immediately regognizing that it wasn’t a rattler, and fell, splitting my knee on a rock.  The screaming made her let go of the snake, but I still had to grab her and wrestle the snake off her because it lacked the sense to just scuttle away.  I finaly got it lose from her (Despite her best effort to continue trying to eat it and turned around to fling it off the trail-  -And directly into the face of one of my 90-year-old neighbors who’d come out to see what the screaming and profanity was, making her collapse. I’m pretty sure being told “I accidentally threw a snake at my neighbor.” was the highlight of that EMT’s day.  Dottie was unharmed but she still doesn’t speak to me.
One day, we left her in a Harness and overhead tether in the (at the time) unfanced back yard so she could enjoy some relatively free-range outdoors time.  I walked by the window not a minute later to find her completely GONE, and race out to the yard to find her.  It took me a good heart-pounding five minutes to realize the overhead tether was goign UP into the ancient silver maple and realized that  1. Arwen can apparently do something really weird with her shoulders where they pop out sideways, allowing her to bear-hug the tree and  2. climb a good 40 feet into the three to fight 3. A porcupine, which i didn’t even know LIVED out here. Fortunately, Porcupines weigh considerably less than Awen and she couldn’t get a good enough foothold to get all the way up to it, but I still had to climb up there and lower her down, barking dog profanities at the porcupine the whole way.
My parents recently acquired a mechanized recliner which has been instumental inmom’s hip surgery recovery.  Execpt that Awen Also likes lounging on the furniture, and is more than capable of hitting a large, elder-friendly button with her paw.  So now when she gets back from a walk or the dog park she makes a beeline for the living room, get in the recliner and pushes the button until it’s flat and stretches out in it.  My parents didn’t have a problem with this because she gets out of the chair when they ask her (Mom even tells her “Go get my chair ready” in winter because she does a good job pre-warming it), until last winter when Arwen taught my dog Charlie, another devoted couch animal how to do this. One afternoon there was a tremendous outburst fo barkign and snarling from the living room and we rished in to find both dogs in the recliner, Charlie on the fully-reclined back and Arwen on the elevated seat and foot rest, bellowing at eachother for control of the recliner, thier movments having pitched it back to it’s two hind feet, the device swaying to and fro like a leather covered boat upon the high seas, a furry mutiny on board.  Neither dog was willing to yeild the plush throne, nor to listen to the humans yelling at them to knock it the hell off, until Arwen tackled the usurper, kocking him off and managing to cantaleiver the recliner clean over, flipping it into the hall, both dogs and all humand miraculously unharmed. She still doesn’t let him sit in it.
I love her so much.
(If you got a laugh out of this, please consider donating to my Tip Jar or Paypal to get Arwen (and Charlie!) nice treats)
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
“You’re…different. I’ve never met a girl like you.”
She stares at him, hands stilling over her sword. “What?”
“All the girls in my village are so boring,” he says. “So focused on finding husbands that they don’t bother learning about the world.”
“Girls in your village aren’t allowed to own property or vote,” she says, somewhat incredulous.
He winces at her tone. Need she be so harsh? “Well…it’s not like they’ve ever needed to, we’re a very progressive village and I always vote in favor of their needs. You’re not like that though, you fight for your rights yourself.”
“They are fighting for their rights,” she says. She sets down her sharpening stone, a frown stretching across her face. “No voting, no property, no wages of their own to purchase necessities. Besides finding a kind husband, what else do you think they can do to find a good future?”
“Th-they could leave,” he says. He did not expect the conversation to go this way. He expected her to blush like she had when he complimented her sword skills. He finds himself oddly defensive. “The men in my village aren’t slavers. The girls can leave any time.”
She snorts. “On foot? Your village is a hard, three day ride from the nearest city and that’s by horseback. And, even if they made it, what skills do they have? What references? The risk is too high for any woman to leave, that’s as good as trapping them. The fact that it takes me holding a sword for your opinion of women to change just shows how small-minded you are.”
 He bristles, unable to refute her. “Look, I was just trying to pay you a compliment! There’s no need to attack me.”
“Trust me,” she says, standing when he moves to loom over her. They’re of near equal height and, if he was trying to intimidate her, he fails. “You’ll know it when I’m attacking you. This isn’t it.”
He doesn’t seem to hear her, flustered to be seeing her eye-to-eye. “Furthermore, I think I’d know what sort of girls I grew up with! They’re timid and lack a desire to explore the world.”
“The world you created for them doesn’t take long to explore,” she says. Her sword is bare in her hand. “Marry or descend into poverty. Bear an heir or be cast into poverty. Behave or be thrown into poverty. I was there for a week and figured it out. But,” she continues, looking him up and down, “maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to judge. After all, you’ve lived there your whole life and you still haven’t figured it out.”
He splutters. “That’s not–there are other options–”
“When the revolution is done,” she says, coldly, “and your people are forced to give women rights, see how many stay and how many leave. See how many suddenly discover their wander-lust. See how many end up like me.”
She leaves him there and stalks off to the edge of camp. She leaves him there with his mouth opening and closing, and heart pounding in his chest.
She leaves him there with the unsettling realization that he doesn’t want the women in his village to end up being like her, so different and strong. Because, if they did, where would he be? Where would his home be?
It’s an upsetting realization to have, mid-revolution. No chance to back out now.
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
me: okay, before we go through with this, i just have one question. is the aversion to garlic like, a lactose intolerance thing where you can consume it but you’ll regret it later, or is it more of a severe, potentially lethal allergic reaction kinda sitch?
vampire: *pausing mid-bite* why… does it matter?
me: i’m just not sure if this immortality deal is really worth it if i can never eat garlic again
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
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Eve’s Glory series by A. Tamboly
A hundred years after the First World War, modern women demonstrate military prestige by donning vintage uniforms historically exclusive to men. Highlighting uniforms from the Second Industrial Revolution until the end of the Weimar Republic, Eve’s Glory compares the ceremonial attitudes historically associated with the military to the proud independence of modern women.
Military uniforms are symbols of heroic and elite social status. The authentic uniforms belong to officers from several countries, symbolizing the strict value system of the period from 1868 to the 1930s. If women had been granted the same status as men, how would they have been perceived? Would society focus on delicate femininity or strength? Melting away the barriers by integrating women into this masculine world, this project questions the gender divide.
I am interested in challenging the conventional ways in which females are visually presented. Women in fashion magazines, TV commercials, and mainstream films are usually dressed in a way that speaks to a structure of social expectations. Characterized by a sharp division between masculinity and femininity, dominance and passivity, toughness and delicacy, women are narrowly defined. A woman in uniform is a visual impossibility.
Showing the contrast between two different worlds—the masculine and the feminine—Eve’s Glory deals with unique characters regardless of age, health, and origin to show women who fought their way through life and the young women who strive for their own path.
—A. Tamboly
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
Floofy Shirt Sew-along - Step 0: Getting Started
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I’m thinking we’ll start properly in August to give people the time to find fabric. For now we’ll do some measurements so we know how much fabric we need and get the preliminaries out of the way.
Keep reading
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
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here ya go, noni. 
Updates with all the latest posts from David Peterson’s tumblr. The things in italics are mostly just assumptions, so be careful when using those. 
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
Feminist Friday
When Robert Downey Jr. was asked about his acting process and Scarlett Johansson was asked how she got into shape 
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Two-time Oscar-winning Cate Blanchett 
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Designer & author Lauren Conrad 
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Award-winning Emma Stone 
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When award-winning actress Julianne Moore was asked to put her fingers into a “Mani Cam” 
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When award-winning Elisabeth Moss did 
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Emma Watson
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Megan Fox
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Nicki Minaj 
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
*Nicole helping with moving furniture at the homestead*
Wynonna: “Hey Nicole…” *huff* “slow down for a sec and…and put your end of the couch down so I can take a quick breather.”
Nicole: “Fine. You’re weak lmao.”
Wynonna: “How are you so strong though? It’s not like you need all that arm strength for police work in a small town…”
Nicole: “It does help a bit with the job, but I work out pretty regularly to maintain strength.”
Wynonna: “Ugh why though? How do you have the motivation?”
Nicole: “Well it’s a requirement that I’m able to lift 120-130 pounds effortlessly.”
Wynonna: “And again I ask: WHY THOUGH?”
Nicole: “Well that’s what Waverly weighs. And I need to maintain my reputation as an Extra™ Lesbian and be able to lift her no matter how unnecessary it is. For example, I lifted her once even though the bed was four feet awa-”
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smythsandlegends · 2 years
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Push play and just trust me
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