snakelordx · 4 months
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Padawan concept art for Kinect Star Wars by Ian McIntosh.
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snakelordx · 4 months
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snakelordx · 4 months
Monster Musume x abused S/O
This will be a series of headcannons that I've thought of based on ideas that I've gotten. BTW, forgot to mention it, but I am taking any requests that you guys have for me as long as I know about what it is you want me to write about here. Please feel free to send me suggestions!
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When she first found out that you were abused by your ex, she was mortified. As your girlfriend it was her job to look after you and protect you, so she felt horrible that someone had hurt the one that she loved more than life itself. She didn't notice the signs at first. It started off pretty small and wasn't noticeable to many people at first. You were sometimes a bit less talkative with everyone than usual and stayed quiet. Eventually you started to distance yourself from others and Miia started to get concerned. Then there was the fact that you didn't want to leave the house and often stayed home. Miia started to take notice that something was up and finally approached you to ask about it while you were both alone. You were very hesitant to talk to her about what had happened and the pain that you had to go through. What if she got angry? What if she didn't believe you or even hurt you?! You flinched slightly as Miia calmly put a hand on your cheek and looked at you with a loving smile.
Miia: "Darling, you know that you can tell me anything. Please, tell me what's wrong. I promise, whatever it is, I won't judge you."
You felt yourself starting to tear up as you finally let out everything right then and there while Miia wrapped you up in her coils and ran her fingers through your hair. You told her everything about your ex and how horribly they treated you while you were with them. Miia was beyond furious and wanted nothing more than for them to pay for harming her darling. She would strangle them in her coils if she ever saw them. But she calmed down when she saw that you were getting scared. She took a deep breath before holding you close to her, your head resting gently on her chest as she said this to you before you fell asleep in the loving embrace of your girlfriend.
Miia: "I'm so sorry you had to go through that darling. You're safe now, it's all over. I won't let that monster hurt you ever again."
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Papi was painfully oblivious to it at first. She didn't understand what was going on, only that you were hurting for some reason and that she wanted to help you get better as soon as possible! She noticed almost immediately that you were feeling sad and didn't smile as much as you usually would and you stopped playing games with her and Suu. At first you tried to force yourself to smile for her sake and tell her that you were ok, and she believed you wholeheartedly. But she actually started to get skeptical after she saw that you always started to seem more and more sad with every passing day until seeing you smile was something that pretty much stopped all together. All she wanted was to see you smile like you used to. She also noticed that you started flinching whenever the other girls got into arguments over Kimihito, and hid yourself away in your room. She heard you crying after Miia got into a small argument with the girls over who would be his wife amd immediately went to check on you. The door to your room was locked when she tried to open it and she could hear you crying.
Papi: "Hubby, please open the door. I'm worried about you."
It took a minute before you finally git up and unlocked the door so that she could come in. The moment she saw your face she did the one thing that she could think of that always made you feel better. She wrapped her wings around you and held you close. You flinched at first and wanted to say something, but the words got caught in your throat as you chocked back a sob. Papi, being the loving girlfriend that she is, was worried sick as she held you close, wrapping her arms around your shaking body as you slowly hugged her and just let all of your emotions out right the and there. You just couldn't hold back your tears anymore.
Papi: "Hubby, what's wrong? You've been so sad lately. I wanna help make you feel better, so please. Tell me."
You told her everything in that moment. Every painful second that you had to spend with your ex, every single excruciating moment. It took a bit for Papi to understand, but when it did, it hurt. The concept of abuse was just so....alien to her. It didn't make any sense at all. She thought that hubbies/wives were supposed love their partners! Why would they hurt someone like you?! You were such a loving and kindhearted person that she loved and cared for more than anything! She felt more sad than angry and just sat there with you as you cried until you eventually fell asleep in her arms. Papi she'd a silent tear of sadness and kissed the top of your head.
Papi: "I'm so sorry hubby. I promise no one's gonna a hurt you again."
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Mero was the first of the girls to notice your changes in behavior. Especially how you would just look so distant and often tried to make yourself scarce whenever there was any sort of argument, or just any conflict going on in general and it worried her to say the least. Sure, she had the odd tragedy fantasy because of her fetish, but that didn't stop her from being concerned for the wellbeing of her S/O. She cared for you more than anything else in the world and wanted nothing more than anything eles for you to be happy and safe. And if there was something that was hurting you in any way at all, she wanted to know about it. It didn't help that you always just tried to keep up an act in front of everyone and smile through the pain that she knew that you were feeling. She knew that you definitely weren't yourself, and that feeling was only proven more valid when she saw that you had accidentally gotten caught up in an argument between Miia and Centorea as to who would be a better wife for Kimihito. You ended up flinching after one of the girls accidentally knocked over a glass that was on the table and let out a little scream before going up to your room. The two stopped fighting almost immediately and everyone was more than a little concerned for you. Of course, she was the first one to go up to your room. You hadn't bothered to lock the door so she just opened it and wheeled herself into your room. The lights were off as you were trying to hide yourself at the back of the room on your bed, your head in your hands as your body shook violently. You were speaking incoherently, but she was able to make out some words. 'I'm sorry' or 'Please, no more.' That was all that she needed to hear to know that something was definitely going on. She wheeled herself over to the bed and got into bed next to you, gently pulling you into an embrace. You flinched and tried to pull away before realizing that it was Mero.
Mero: "My beloved, what's wrong? I know that you've been acting strange lately, so please. Tell me what's wrong. I want to help you."
You slowly calmed down as your sobs soon became sniffles and soft whimpers as you told her everything. She was furious. Beyond that even. She called Ms Smith almost immediately after your explanation and made sure that she put her behind bars for good. You never once tried to protest against it as she held you close to her and kissed you.
Mero: "It's alright now my beloved. They will never harm you again. Not as long as I'm here with you."
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Suu....well, she knew nothing about it and had a fair bit of trouble understanding just what was going on with you at first. It all started out mostly ok with you occasionally taking a bit of time away from everyone and spending time alone, but that was normal. You needed to take a break and get away from the stresses of life every once in a while. Suu would always be the one that stayed with you just to keep you company whenever you needed it and you were always so happy to have her around you. But eventually, little by little, you started to get distant from everyone including Suu. She was confused and sad, but she was able to tell at that moment that there was definitely something very wrong here. Where you would once be so happy and cheerful with her, you started to just get more quiet and reserved and it was becoming more and more of a rare occurrence to see you smile. Well, at least not a real smile. You tried so hard to convince Suu that you were fine and put a smile on your face just for her so that she wouldn't be worried about you any more than she already was. One night you and Suu were asleep in your bed when you started to whimper quietly in your sleep, accidentally waking up Suu as she yawned and quickly looked over to you and saw the tears forming in your eyes. She calmly placed one of her appendages onto your head and read your mind. What she saw was nothing short of mortifying. Your ex S/O yelling at you, hitting you, treating you as if you were nothing but dirt. She knew everything about them now. What they looked like, where they lived, you name it. And she was pissed. Suu had to physically hold back from going on a rampage and trying to go and teach the a lesson on what happens when someone hurts the one that she loves. But despite her anger, she took a deep breath and slowly calmed herself down, holding you close to her and wrapping her body around yours while she lapped up the tears that fell from your face. You slowly calmed down, your whimpers slowly fading to occasional sniffles.
Suu: "I love you. I'll never let anyone hurt you again. I promise, you'll be safe here with me S/O. Now and forever."
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This girl knew that something was up almost immediately. She spent a lot of time around you and knew you al to well, so when you started to act strange, she was the first one to notice. Of course she was immediately concerned, but she also knew that it may be a sensitive topic that you didn't wish to talk about. However over time she began growing more and more concerned for your well-being. You would flinch every time you heard a loud noise and there would be times that she would catch you trying to avoid others. You eventually just chose to stay in your room, refusing to come out even to eat or drink. Eventually she couldn't take it anymore and went to confront you about it and finally get some answers as to what was going on. She was in complete shock when she found you in bed, knees to your chest as you cried your eyes out into a pillow. She is by your side holding you close to her in an instant as you leaned into her, your cries slowly becoming whimpers as she caresses your cheek and looks at you.
Lala: "My love, what's wrong? You can tell me anything. I promise, I won't judge you for anything you're going through."
You finally spilled the beans on everything that had happened. Needless to say, she was very pissed off the anyone would even think of treating her S/O that way. She was already planning on different ways she could plot theor demise. Of course she stopped after she noticed how scared you were. Lala sighed as she held you close to her in a loving embrace. The two of you lying together in bed beneath warm and cozy blankets.
Lala: "I promise you my love. No one will ever harm you like that again. Not while I'm here.
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She knew almost instantly that there was something off about the whole situation. It started off small and wasn't all that noticeable to anyone else, but she could see it. You slowly started to seclude yourself from everyone and it became rarer and rarer to see you smile about anything. You would always look so upset or down no matter how hard anyone tried to help chear you up. Although you still put on a smile, or at the very least try to, when others were around as to not worry them to much. Unfortunately that only made things more concerning for Centorea. One day you two were the only ones at home as everyone else had left to go and do some shopping. She was in the process of cleaning her sword and ensuring that it was sharp and ready for use (Even if it is fake. What can I say? The girl loves that word) when you had come into her room, looking as if you were about to break down crying as tears flowed down your face. She immediately dropped everything and was by your side immediately, asking you what had happened and if someone had said or done something to harm you.
Centorea: "My dear, what happened? Did someone hurt you? You can tell me, I'm here for you."
You hugged her tightly, burying your face in her breasts as you explained everything. Telling her every single detail about how your previous BF/GF had treated you and all the horrible things that he/she had done and said to hurt you. Centorea was livid by the end of your explanation, but remained calm as she knew that getting upset wouldn't help make anything better. She took a deep breath before lying down with you beside her, clinging to her tightly as you eventually fell asleep in your girlfriend's loving arms. She whispered to you as you snored softly.
Centorea: "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to protect you my dear. I promise you, I shall never allow another to harm you in such a way again. I love you."
She kisses your cheek before falling into a peaceful sleep beside you.
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Rachnera didn't even wait for you to explain things yourself when she noticed your strange behaviors. Always keeping your distance from others, flinching at even the slightest movements, even looking downright horrified when you so much as heard the girls getting into an argument over Kimihito. You had just decided to remain in your girlfriend's room alone, only coming out to eat or get some water to drink. Only a few days after she noticed this, she was quick to ask you about it as she hugged you, holding you tightly as you broke down crying in her arms.
Rachnera: "Honey, tell me what's wrong. You've been so upset lately and I need to know what's going on. You can tell me."
You explained everything and by the end of it she wanted nothing more than for your ex to be burning in hell, living in an eternity of endless pain and suffering for the rest of their pathetic existence. She held you tightly as she made the two of you a nice hammock from her silk to sleep in for the night. After several hours you managed to fall asleep beside the love of your life. You snuggled into her, your head resting against her breast as she smiled and kissed you gently, not wanting to wake you from your peaceful slumber.
Rachnera: "I'm so sorry honey. You deserve so much better than them. You deserve to feel loved, and you are needed. Because I love you. I always will. And nothing will ever change that.
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snakelordx · 5 months
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Remember when Caboose and Tex went out for a friend date together and Church totally FREAKED? Because I sure as hell do. 
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snakelordx · 5 months
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My fiancé asking the important questions.
Their pseudopods can expand and contract because they move like velvet worms :3 Still that recoil tho. XD
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snakelordx · 5 months
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Bugs is a sapient small alien from a remote jungle plant. Parum amica are highly intelligent and curious creatures, but are also highly venomous and toxic. The species are omnivores and are clever hunters and will eat just about anything. They are not aggressive or defensive due to being toxic to most predators, but will defend themselves in several ways if needed. They like warm and humid conditions.
Bugs one day found a set of Spartan armor, the occupant long since dead and rotted away. They climbed inside and accidentally activated a distress beacon, in which the UNSC eventually came to retrieve. By then Bugs had figured out how to partially use the suit, and thus was taken in to be studied. They were outfitted with an implant allowing full integration into armor for experimentation, but eventually they escaped.
They found another suit of Spartan armor, which they have since climbed in and started to awkwardly pretend to be human, in order to keep away from being put in captivity and poked again. They eventually made some friends that don’t mind that they are a little worm critter driving power armor like a mech.
Somehow they have the highest kill count in the Rookie squad.
They love watermelon.
Worked out a ref and a new story for Bugs. Now I can RP with them aheeeheee. The best thing about the RvB universe is that most people are fucking stupid so Bugs can literally awkwardly go around pretending to be a human and people won't care.
Random soldier: Hey Bugs, what's your gender?
Bugs: A gender? Man, I sure do love having a gender! (Sweating buckets cause they have no idea. what a gender is.)
Random soldier: Yeah cool! (walks away.)
Bugs: *Wheezes for five minutes straight*
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snakelordx · 5 months
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Working more on Bugs' species, 'Little Friends' until I come up with a good common name for them.
The species lacks true vocal chords, but can make sounds by contorting/pinching their breathing passages and expelling air through it. This lets them hiss, grunt, and make the characteristic 'noot' sound. They can make a high pitched 'eeee' sound to scare off potential threats, like a frog screaming when you pick them up.
As a fully sapient species, they had to pick somehow else to communicate since they can't make complex sounds to make a full spoken language. Instead they communicate in a mix of 'sign' and body language. It's more tactile, with individuals touching tiny feets together as they 'sign'.
Of course, Bugs was essentially kidnapped off world and fitted with an implant so has no other members of their kind to 'talk' to. Instead, after learning about the magic of programing via accelerated learning bullshit, they could program a basic translation program that works with their implant. If they stick a little wireless speaker on themselves, they can 'talk' with a sign to speech algorithm. It's not as complex as being able to 'speak' in suit, but it gives them some agency.
For more complicated concepts that cannot be translated or when having no access to a speaker, they have a little Speak & Spell. Also thought a lot about teeth. They have teeth that fit together like a stapler remover and are thin and sharp enough to slice through most fruits with rinds. They use this to make holes that they can be squeezed into (they can fit in any hole that lets their teeth through) and then hollow the fruit from the inside out. They are omnivores, so this lets them snip through most invertebrates to kill them quickly.
This is not counting their venom, but they have control over how they use it. They would rather not waste precious venom, which takes time and calories to make, when all they have to do is just snip a nerve cluster in half to kill prey just as fast. Teeth can be left behind if caught, like a lizard dropping it's tail. Teeth will grow back in time, but until then they are limited to food that can be swallowed whole. Teeth are made of keratin and shed constantly to keep it sharp, like a cat sharpening their claws. That and the harpoon are the only hard parts of their bodies. What does this mean in RvB universe? It means that yes, in universe soldiers would actually give an alien bug a speak and spell to see what they do with it. Said alien then would just type curses because that's what they learned watching these assholes at work.
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snakelordx · 6 months
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「ブレマートン ハッピーデーティング!」 by Kuavera | Twitter
๑ Permission to reprint was given by the artist ✔.
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snakelordx · 6 months
Councilman Arc Au: Jaune has to go to the Schnee Manor again, Pyrrha and Eve in yow as guards. One: to give Jacques a peice of his mind. Two: see his "son" Whitley, who is fanboying over Pyrrha.
This was a statement and a half, coming to Schnee Manor with two bodyguards in tow. Though not just any old guards: Pyrrha Nikos, the Invincible Girl, and Eve Taurus of the White Fang had come with him on this journey. Despite being on a watchlist, there was no warrant out for Eve's arrest, so she could come and go as she pleased.
She didn't please often when it came to Atlas, however. It was simply too cold for her tastes.
Jaune, meanwhile, had a rather odd goal. For one, he wanted to try settling out of court with Jacques. To Jaune, the whole thing was a waste of time and money, while Jacques wanted nothing more than a full monopoly on everything Dust.
Naturally, that couldn't fly, but it was worth a shot to see if the jackass was open to... mostly realising just how bad his own position was.
The catch? The man wasn't there. Klein couldn't find him, but invited the visitors anyway for tea and pastries.
Suited Jaune just fine. Due to his liaison with Willow, he considered Whitley to be just about one step below actual stepson. Meaning: he felt like the kid needed a dad, not a father, but also didn't feel close enough.
It came to just about everyone's surprise that the little guy was a big fan of Pyrrha.
"I am not one to brag, but I happened to witness your prowess on several occasions. Say, is what the TV series says about you true?"
Now if only he wasn't being so Jacques about it
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snakelordx · 7 months
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I took my ADD meds today by accident so we get some more art ❤️❤️❤️
Auntie Ahsoka and young Lord Grogu, who has never done anything wrong before in his life. Ever.
Drawn in Procreate ❤️
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snakelordx · 7 months
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Caf Crawling - Page 5
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 (End)
Senator Riyo Chuchi, fresh from the events on Orto Plutonia, vows to uphold her senatorial duties and enforce the laws of the Galactic Republic. Can this be the start of a strange friendship?
Riyo gives a speech (as senators do) and Fox is unimpressed. He’s more impressed when she stands her ground and gets in his face.
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snakelordx · 7 months
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Ahsokaverse pt.1!!!!!!
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snakelordx · 7 months
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Ahsokaverse pt. 2!!!!! 
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snakelordx · 7 months
Hmm headcanons, eh? I have lots of little dumb domestic ones for my prequel era faves. I feel like Aayla has an extensive tea collection. She sleeps in white linen, her room is very small. Kit Fisto has an upright aquatic tank in his room, one lone scroll on the wall painted by his late mother, who he has no memory of. And he has Nahdar’s saber mounted on one wall. When they are both at the temple they often share afternoon tea and discuss their latest madcap adventures.
Ok here we have Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight and proud owner of a collection of tea bags from all over the galaxy
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She's very jealous of it but she can make an exception for her pals, like Kit (sorry I had to put him INSIDE the fish tank)
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+ bonus gremlin
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snakelordx · 7 months
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Adi Gallia is respect for her powers of intuition.
Adi Gallia is a valuable intelligence source to Senate leaders, indicating some kind of diplomat to the Senate kind of relation.
Agen Kolar is known to strike first and ask questions later, he is also a valuable member of the Jedi High Council.
Agen is a master swordsmith, not just a highly skilled sword wielder, indicating there’s probably an entire Jedi discipline of sword-making?
“Anakin’s bond with his teacher, Obi-Wan Kenobi, is strong. They make a dynamic team in the Clone Wars.”
Barriss specialized in tandem fighting and used the Force to keep her actions perfectly in synch with her partner Luminara.
Coleman Trebor is the only known Vurk (from an ocean world) to have joined the Jedi Order.
Depa offers an ordered perspective to the wind-ranging minds of her fellow Jedi.
Jedi Master Mace Windu rescued Depa Billaba from space pirates who destroyed her parents. Eventually, Windu took Billaba as his Padawan. Over the years, they have developed a close bond.
“Kenobi has a healthy independent streak and truly formidable lightsaber skills.”
“The bond between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker is strong as they fight through the Clone Wars.”
Plo Koon, Saesee Tiin, and Obi-Wan Kenobi are considered great pilots of the Jedi.
Plo Koon is an awesome fighter and has strong telekinetic powers.
Saesee Tiin has more telepathic powers than most Jedi (who are closer to empathic than anything).
Torgruta Shaak Ti is one of the best Jedi fighters in group combat. Her hollow head montrals sense space ultrasonically, sharping her spacial awareness.
Stass Allie is a formidable warrior, but her talent for battlefield medicine is also impressive. These first-aid skills have saved the lives of troops under her command during the Clone Wars.
Stass Allie and Adi Gallia are cousins.
Yaddle trained Oppo Rancisis.
Yaddle has devoted a lot of time to scholarly interests, and spends much time in the Jedi Archives.
Yarael Poof has a mischievous side and enjoys playing mind tricks on colleagues.
Note: While this book was put out very recently, indicating an intention for these mentions to be canon, I would be careful of taking these as Hard Fact until they’ve appeared in an actual story somewhere (and sometimes they’re already wrong, 2019′s Master and Apprentice shows Qui-Gon was offered a seat on the Council, while this book says he wasn’t).  But they are SUPER FUN details to help expand the world in the meantime!
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snakelordx · 7 months
2XL Tee Shirts
Jaune: Glynda, I have to ask you something.
Glynda: What is it?
Jaune: Why do you keep buying such large teeshirts?
Glynda: What do you mean?
Jaune: You're wearing shirts that are like... two sizes to big; Why?
Glynda: Oh, simple; It’s to entice you~!
Jaune: Entice me? Entice me for what?
Glynda: For this~!
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Jaune looks at, Glynda and takes in her teeshirt before looking down.
Jaune: Fuck that was fast...
Glynda: Oh my~! Do you need some help with that~?
Jaune: Please.
Glynda: My pleasure~!
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snakelordx · 7 months
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So anyway this panel. …
The original comic version is under the cut
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