snakes-sn-snails · 10 hours
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Time to switch to my fall desktop background: Dan McPharlin's 2009 cover for 'Prefuse 73: The Forest of Oversensitivity' EP
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snakes-sn-snails · 10 hours
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Utroba Cave in the Rhodope mountains, Bulgaria. Carved by hand more than 3000 years ago (?), it was rediscovered in 2001.
Archeologists hypothesize that an altar built at the end of the cave, which is about 22 m deep, represents either the cervix or the uterus.
At midday, light seeps into the temple through an opening in the ceiling, projecting an image of a phallus on to the floor.
When the sun is at the right angle, in late February or early March, the phallus grows longer and reaches the alter, symbolically fertilizing the womb before the sowing of the spring crops.
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snakes-sn-snails · 11 hours
[VIDEOS TAKEN: JUNE 24TH, 2024 | Video IDs: Two videos, played one after the other, of several red, yellow, and black paper wasps working on their nest, generally seeming to be ignoring the camera as they build up paper cells and tend to the young, apart from one or sometimes two workers who are calmly watching /End IDs.]
Some beautiful paper wasps building up their nest! I had to get extremely close to get these videos, by which I mean, within inches of the nest, which, apart from indicating I probably need to get a camera that can shoot video from afar some day, goes to show how calm they were at this point! Given this is a whole nest of them, I did have to spend a while gaining their trust, but they've been generally perfectly ok with my presence as they grew in number from the small nest you see here to the 30 - 40 individuals that stand there today!
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snakes-sn-snails · 11 hours
Adding Fuck to LOTR, from the Hobbits.
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snakes-sn-snails · 11 hours
We made this during lockdown for the Glorious 25th and I just have to share it again.
My wonderful cosplay friends and their amazing costumes made me so happy to come together and celebrate Terry and his world.
And a hardboiled egg.
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snakes-sn-snails · 11 hours
Thank you so much for the response! I watched that clip like 10 times, their wing movements are very interesting, and I will definitively be using those diagrams instead of my magnifying glass going forward.
I do want to clarify that the larger wings in the paper wasps on my porch all all quite literally folded i half, as in i need something to hold them flat when I'm looking at them. I can only speak to the status of the dead wasp's wings as none of the living ones hang around long.
Howdy, I'm working on a wasp themed fairy costume (paper wasp with creative liberties). To do this I was trying to find good photos of wasp wings (short supply), and resorted to taking my own.
I was wondering if you knew why, or if you could point me to any potential resources as to why paper wasp wings are all seemingly folded. I'm from southern Louisiana if that makes any difference.
Well, I think the general, most simple answer, is that, that's just the most natural resting position for their wings to rest, that and I'd imagine that wings that are on top of one another rather than spread apart are more protected, especially the notably smaller hindwings (but that's just an educated assumption). Paper wasps will actively use all four wings in flight (as all flying wasps do), with those wings coming mostly (but not necessarily fully) out of position with each other, but are more inclined to keep them folded at rest or even when taking a more defensive position, prepared for takeoff.
and yeah, honestly, finding good reference for insect wings and other parts of their anatomy can be an absolute pain in the ass, I've had to resort to taking apart some long dead insects at least twice before to get a better understanding. Here are a few references that aren't that-
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[Image Sources: ResearchGate, CABI Digital Library | Image IDs: An illustration showing the head of a paper wasp alongside two of its wings, one forewing, one hindwing, followed by a photo showing a paper wasp, Polistes dominula, with its wings more spread out /End IDs.]
Note that paper wasps with dark/black wings will have similar venation and a shape that's only a little bit different, but just be more opaque/darker.
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snakes-sn-snails · 22 hours
Writing References: World-Building
20 Questions
Basics: World-building ⚜ Places ⚜ Imagery ⚜ Setting
Exploring your Setting ⚜ Kinds of Fantasy Worlds
Setting & Pacing Issues
Writing Notes
Animal Culture ⚜ Autopsy
Alchemy ⚜ Creating a Magic System
Art: Elements ⚜ Principles ⚜ Photographs ⚜ Watercolour
Creating Fictional Items ⚜ Fictional Poisons
Cruise Ships ⚜ Dystopian World
Culture ⚜ Culture Shock ⚜ Ethnocentrism & Cultural Relativism
Food: How to Describe ⚜ Word Lists: Part 1 2 3 4 5
Food: Cooking Basics ⚜ Herbs & Spices ⚜ Sauces ⚜ Wine-tasting
Food: Aphrodisiacs ⚜ List of Aphrodisiacs
Food: Uncommon Fruits & Vegetables
Greek Vases ⚜ Sapphire ⚜ Relics
Hate ⚜ Love ⚜ Kinds of Love
Medieval Art & Architecture: Part 1 ⚜ Part 2 ⚜ Some Vocabulary
Mystical Items & Objects ⚜ Talisman
Moon: Part 1 ⚜ Part 2
Seasons: Spring ⚜ Summer
Shapes of Symbols ⚜ Symbolism
Slang: 1930s
Symbolism: Of Colors Part 1 2 ⚜ Of Food ⚜ Of Storms
Topics List ⚜ Write Room Syndrome
Agrostology ⚜ Architecture ⚜ Art Part 1 2 ⚜ European Renaissance Art ⚜ Fashion ⚜ Gemology ⚜ Geology Part 1 2 ⚜ Greek Art ⚜ Law ⚜ Literature Part 1 2 ⚜ Poetry ⚜ Science
Writing References: Plot ⚜ Character Development
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snakes-sn-snails · 22 hours
im going to post old cat images now
ceiling cat
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monorail cat
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long cat
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the OG can i haz cheezburger cat
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the lesser known graphix cat
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invisible bike cat
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my planet needs me cat
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cat with the gat
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snakes-sn-snails · 22 hours
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snakes-sn-snails · 22 hours
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I just know some characters would unleash this line onto an innocent bystander but I want to hear everyone’s specific thoughts
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snakes-sn-snails · 22 hours
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Just some Crown while I'm warming up today
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snakes-sn-snails · 22 hours
mercymorn the first reportedly tried to stop the world just to stop the feeling
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snakes-sn-snails · 1 day
it’s so funny in retrospect when in harrow the ninth harrow’s like “i never had dolls when i was a child but if i did i would not have played with them i cannot fathom why someone would want to play with dolls” cuz it’s like GIRL you fell in love with Barbie herself
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snakes-sn-snails · 1 day
that regular lesbian experience of being a good girl in love with an evil nun.
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snakes-sn-snails · 1 day
I think  the main reason everybody underestimated Palamedes at first was because even though he was a necromancer that knows a lot about the medical and healing part of necromancy, he didn't use it to fix his eyesight! Which, I must emphasize, is easier to do than treating symptoms of cancer (Dulcinea) and helping the kidneys remove all the toxins from the body (Judith).
Harrow probably guessed it was a misdirection. Pal trying to appear less powerful than he actually is. Gideon mentions that when he takes his glasses off is a form of a threat, not vulnerability or openness.
I think fans will say it's him just sandbagging.
But the interpretation that I like is that it highlights his biggest flaw. When Palamendes sees the solution to a problem, he elaborates a plan, and doesn't stop to consider other alternatives. With that approach he corners himself.  Pal learned medicine to help Dulcie so he didn't consider that he could've used it on himself. He discovered who the killer was and thought only his abilities could take them down, when it was a combined effort that killed the lyctor. He wanted to discover who Nona was but didn't realize that she wasn't neither Harrow or Gideon, and because of that, she was killing the body she occupied the same way he was killing Cam's body.
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snakes-sn-snails · 1 day
Naberius TRANS
Marta DYKEas
Palamedes GENDERtus
John GAYus
Commander WOKE
GAYdeon THEY Ninth
Ortus NiGAYnad
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snakes-sn-snails · 1 day
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