snapshotadeline · 2 years
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
Why do you think i’m with Chelsea.  Even if I could stand i’d only be 5′6 ½ never forget the ½ that’s important .  Even though I apparently would have been taller if it wasn’t for the fact that my spine is fused together cause apparently fused bone doesn’t grow as well , restricting my height.  Well that’s the excuse i use for being a short ass and I’m sticking with it.  
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or on her lap in the corner.  Hoping no one notices your PDA.
I had no say with this woman. I mean, I definitely had a say in like marrying her, cos I proposed, but like when you sober up and realize you’re in love, well you’re already too late to pick.
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If I’m on her lap and we’re in the corner, we’re probably going home soon. Though usually not for PDA reasons, sometimes, not usually.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
That seems…Odd. To each their own, I suppose. How others choose to handle their relationships are truly none of my business. 
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I am well, thank you. I do recognize you, though throwing out accolades, generally speaking, is not my forte. So, if you were expecting fawning, you won’t find it here. Hunter Clarington. Pleasure. I’m sure I could say that you probably recognize me, though it is not my custom to list my, or my family’s, achievements during an introduction.
I imagine to most it would be, but we have enough open communication that it works for us. It’s the one time a year she does any kind of drinking so, either way it’s not a big deal. 
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I certainly wasn’t, so it’s fine. I’ve never been one to boast, but I’ve been told I tend to undersell myself, so doing a bit of work on that, I guess. Pleasure to meet you Hunter, and admittedly, while your name is vaguely familiar, I couldn’t tell you why. Mind my asking what you do?
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
I think it’s got easier when I finished college.
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Oh, south of France sounds great. I’ve heard they have good wines there, beaches and sun. So we may give it a shot. I’d love to see some different things, if we can afford to go to the other side of the pond, why not?
I don’t think I’d be able to focus on the job if I were you; dogs are too adorable.
Which is typically understandable, the peer pressure is less.
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For sure, everything is so much closer together over there too, so it’s easier to see a bit of everything.
Honestly, focusing is pretty easy, getting the dog to focus, on the other hand, harder. But still ultimately worth it.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
Was any part of this not meant to be concerning? You might want to ask your wife to be more respectful to the event by not getting drunk at important parties. Though I’m not saint myself. My mother is Étiennette Lilou Smythe, if your hobby is fashion, then you’ll know the name and if you don’t know the name then you don’t know fashion.
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I worked London, Milan, and Paris Fashion Weeks wine drunk for like 3 years before I got sober. Believe me, the editor-in-chief of Bold being a little more than tipsy at after parties, is nothing. I am familiar with your mother, yes. Can’t say I’ve ever met her personally, but word gets around and I’m sure my wife is more the type to know her than myself. Though, I admittedly don’t know fashion, I just know how to photograph it. I’m more a ripped jeans and band shirt with a beanie kind of woman, unless I lose a bet, then I do own a few designer dresses I refused to ask my wife the price on.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
Well don’t laugh too loud, You might interupt our LOTR/Star wars marathon,
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Well in that case i can’t wait to see you both .  I get to meet that beautiful wife of yours at last and in return you can get to meet the lady that came into my life since we last saw each other.  Aka my little Willow.  
See, I’ll watch Star Wars with you but I can’t guarantee she won’t get up and go do work.
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Ugh, it’s been too long, I’ve been too busy! I can’t wait to meet her though.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
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Adeline consistently wears shoes with internal heels because Darcy is so tall that she feels even shorter than she actually is if she doesn’t.
While Adeline refuses to change her style for her wife, no matter how strange they may look when seen together, she does wear skirts more often than she used to, and can even be convinced to wear a dress if the price is right or she loses a bet.
Adeline is actually in the process of stopping smoking cigarettes, though it’s a very slow process and one she isn’t entirely sure she’ll finish.
While in Milan in 2019, Darcy bought Adeline a stuffed elephant. It was the first stuffed animal anyone had bought for Adeline since her birth parents and it means a lot to her. It would later be the reason she got the elephant tattoo on her upper left arm.
Speaking of tattoos, Adeline has five others, for six total. Her first tattoo was Matilda sat on a pile of books on her upper right arm. She’d later go on to get a dragon on her back and a griffin on her right thigh. An accident in a moshpit would leave Adeline with a scar on her left ankle that she’d later get barbed wire tattooed over top of. Her last tattoo before the elephant tattoo, was “you’ll still find hope despite the pain” a lyric from the Patent Pending song “Another Day” written in her father’s handwriting on her left forearm.
Adeline’s PTSD has a tendency to trigger age regression, something not many in her life know about, unless they follow her tiktok  It’s something that she can’t particularly stop, without damage to herself, and at times she will, in fact, not remember regressing due to her PTSD. While seen as taboo by some, it’s one of her better coping mechanisms and is helping her more than a lot of other things.
Due to having a mild oral fixation, Adeline keeps homemade, honey-cinnamon lollipops on her person at all times.
Adeline keeps blankets and pillows in Darcy’s office at Bold for days when she’s got nothing better to do, or simply wishes to exist with her wife while working, and will set up a nest for herself in a corner of the office.
Adeline’s favorite place to be is in her wife’s lap. While she does her best to not be there all the time, if she’s had a bad, or simply long, day, Adeline will happily curl up in Darcy’s lap. If she’s aiming to get her wife to take a break, she’ll also simply climb into Darcy’s lap, this is most often how they end up being found, fast asleep, by Darcy’s employees.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
 haha, the perils of being Vertically challenged . 
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PM: but the fact tht you have come to terms with it is what matters 
Tell me about it , 
My wife just has to be 5′10 and insist on wearing heels.
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PM: Yeah, I know.
Me and my camera will be in the corner, or in Darcy’s lap, y’know, depends on the day.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
This is also why I usually get a beer or two when I hang out with my bros. Too much ain’t a good decision.
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Do you know any cool destinations?
Sounds pretty cool! Hey, dog shoots sound very fun. Have you done many of these?
It’s good that you’re good on the moderation front. I never was.
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Depends on what vibe you’re looking for. I personally love the south of France, would definitely go back at any chance. But there’s all sorts of places abroad you could go, or even within the states, if that’s more your speed.
Dog shoots are so much fun, though often result in more cuddling with the dog than anything... But y’know, work hazard. I have.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
I could see that being weird, for sure. You build up a character a certain way in your head, seeing other people interpret it so differently must be weird. But that’s cool. I feel oddly disconnected, knowing that it was this thing and still I know nothing about it. That seems like a rabbit hole I could easily lose myself in. 
That they do. 
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I feel like that’s one of those moments where you realize the world isn’t how you think it is. But I mean, how cool would that be, in the grand scheme of things? To see how the same thing is perceived so differently by other people. Yeah, it’s definitely a lot and I imagine would make a good rabbit hole.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
True. I’m with you there. It’s like how sometimes I have to look up sayings on Urban Dictionary because otherwise I’d have no idea what people are saying most of the time. Don’t know when I became such a grandma, one moment I blinked and boom. Although I will say I like TikTok. It’s kind of like Vine in a way. It’s real and you should be proud of yourself for getting this far too.
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I’m happy to wait. I can never keep up with you anyway. Sounds like you and Darcy are slowly taking over the world one destination at a time.
Urban Dictionary is both a curse and a blessing and I hate that. I do, occasionally, text the teens and young adults in my life if I really don’t want to look it up. I knew I was an old soul, but I didn’t realize Iw as this old. Like, I’m almost convinced Darcy knows more about this stuff than I do, and she’s nearing fifty, so... Tiktok definitely makes sense to me more than a lot of things and it’s very much like Vine. I am, I am very much proud of how far I’ve come, that I’m so much better than I was.
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I am a little all over this time of year, but I should be back in NYC for a good few months starting in April. I mean...
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
Wait, for real?? That would actually be…incredible, yeah. And I can show you my stuff, so you know that I’m not just like a weird crazy person that you’re letting set up shop there. I guess that’s more or less what I’ve been missing. I’ve met other photographers but I’ve never really gotten in with a community, I guess. So yeah, if you’re serious, I’d love to. 
There really is just something special about them. It’s hard to be in a bad mood at a wedding. 
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Yeah, I’ll be back to NYC soon, now that Paris FW is mostly wrapped, we can set something up and get you in with my people, and see what you can do. Not that I’m too worried, I can get behind weird and crazy.
I honestly love weddings. I mean, mine was stupid simple, or as simple as a Greek wedding can be, but it fit my wife and I rather well, which is what matters.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
You do realise that my plan now is to corrupt her fully to the dark side. 
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I’m not going anywhere so if you don’t make it until later this year I’ll  still be here. 
You can certainly try. I will likely laugh the whole time.
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Still, it’s not too much hassle. Honestly, it’ll be nice to decompress after Boston.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
She sounds like fun. I get it, I’m glad to hear you both communicate well with each other, and she checked in first with you. I’m sure you’re still the life of the party without actually having to be the life of the party. Hmm, sounds a lot like my old high school days. Now I’m more of the friend mom or drunk texted, good thing I only text my wife anything remotely embarrassing.
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You’re in Milan? Wow, how is it? I’m guessing it’s not the first time you’ve been there? Yes, I’m the lucky woman who got to marry that beautiful specimen of a woman. That was you, thank you for the delicious baked goods. They did, but between my wife and our son, I almost didn’t get any. Iris did manage to save some for me.
She is, in my opinion. Communication is really important to us, cos I have a lot of mental health issues that can be set off via certain things, so we have to be careful. I am an introvert who would much prefer to be sat in a corner, or in my wife’s lap, reading a book, or just people watching. I am not the life of the party type, even when I was a drunkard, I don’t think I was the life of the party, honestly. The wife has definitely texted people other than me while drunk and it’s funny.
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I was. Now I’m finishing up in Paris. But it was a very good time, as Fashion Week almost always is. It is not. I actually proposed in Milan, last year, and two years before that, is apparently when my wife realized she loved me, we weren’t even dating at the time, as sad as that sounds. That was me, yes. I’ll make sure to leave a note with the next batch of whatever I deliver, outside of what I’m making as a belated birthday gift for Iris, that you at least get some of them.
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
I’m…Admittedly not quite sure what to say about the first part of this. Or the last part, really. But, hi! We haven’t talked in a bit, I think you responded to my Valentine’s Day post. Here’s hoping everything is going well for you!
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Hey! Don’t worry about it, honestly. I did, been busy, but we’re coming to the end of Fashion Week madness. Which is the important part. How’re you?
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snapshotadeline · 2 years
That…sounds like it could get pretty insane very quickly. Which definitely has it’s potential to be really cool. 
Which is pretty fair, to be honest. I suppose as long as what you believe isn’t harmful to other people, everyone has the right to stand strong in that belief. And hey, some people really do just like to argue. 
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For sure and there’s a lot of memes and really cool stuff that has come out of Night Vale. I remember hearing or reading about how the main voice actor was surprised about how different people pictured Cecil, because Cecil is named Cecil after the actor, Cecil Baldwin and so in his head, the character looked like him, because that’s what he’s used to. And I found that fascinating. Then, one of the authors I like, Maureen Johnson, has actually been a guest on Night Vale, and then I think she also had a role on something else but I’m not sure the name of it.
Exactly, and people certainly do, that’s for sure.
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