snarkystjames · 4 years
Listen To Your Heart || St. Berry
Date: December 13th. Late afternoon
Location: McKinley High School & Rachel’s house
Starring: Rachel Berry @starberrycupcake & Jesse St. James
Notes:  Jesse shows up at McKinley after hearing Rachel is banned from seeing her boyfriend. He offers to help her study.
Warnings: partial song fic bc it’s glee (gross)
Rachel Berry: 
Rachel had begun the year determined and not distracted by anything and now here she was, almost the end of the first semester of her senior year completely consumed with something other than the future. It had felt so good to be so focused on Hunter and absolutely nothing else but now that she was grounded until her grades were up, she was frustrated with herself. She didn’t regret being with Hunter in the least bit. She’d had the best, most wild three months of her entire life and she wasn’t about to regret any of it because of school. She would just have to pull herself together and quickly get her grades up and she and Hunter would be off to starting their future in no time. 
Her teachers were seemingly exasperated with her constant requests for extra credit and make-up work so she could hopefully pull her grade up before her GPA dropped significantly. Though reluctant, they still gave her a much needed chance and she knew that if she could just get it all done she would be set and she could see Hunter on her birthday without having to sneak around. It had only been a couple of days but knowing she couldn’t see Hunter made her want to see him even more.
Rachel was just finishing up glee club when she sent a text to her boyfriend, letting him know she was finally out of class and was thinking of him when she bumped into a familiar face right outside the door, almost knocking her phone out of her hand. “Oh! Jesse!” She glanced around to make sure her glee peers were nowhere to be found. “If any of the New Directions see you, they’re going to flip out on me.” She let her eyes trail up to his face, her demeanor softening a bit. “What’re you doing here, anyway?”
Jesse St. James:
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m here to see you, of course,” Jesse replied with his usual confident demeanor. He had been waiting right outside and as soon as he’d seen Rachel come out of the room, he was right in front of her. He didn’t care whether or not any of the other New Directions’ kids would’ve spotted him. “I’m not here to spy but you were amazing in that last number-- someone might want to tell Finn that he was a little pitchy on the last refrain because he probably doesn’t even realize.”
Jesse smoothed out the front of his jacket, playing with the ends of his chiffon scarf for just a moment before smiling at Rachel. “Vocal Adrenaline is taking a break from rehearsals today-- a rarity-- so I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to see you. Is your boyfriend going to mind if I'm here to see you?"
Rachel Berry:
Rachel felt a little apprehensive about seeing Jesse at all much less alone, especially considering the smile that involuntary spread across her face at the way he told her he was there for her. Their history was complicated and Jesse had a great track record of making her feel on top of the world and then ripping the rug out from under her. For some reason, however, she trusted him each time. Even now despite her apprehension she could feel the trust. 
Rachel chuckled, shaking her head. “Finn was fine, he’ll be ready by competition. We did win Sectionals after all.” A cheeky grin spread across her face as she looked at her former lover but it quickly faded when he mentioned Hunter. She felt mildly uncomfortable in that moment, thinking she should maybe tell Hunter about this little run in. “I’m sure Hunter wouldn’t be thrilled to know you’re here, especially considering that I’m grounded and not even allowed to see him.”
Nibbling on her bottom lip, Rachel glances around again before sighing. He had come all this way to see her. “I can’t really hang out too long because my dads will be home in a couple of hours and I’m supposed to be home when they get there…” she offered, letting him know that if he wanted, she could make the time for him.
Jesse St. James:
“Congratulations on the Sectionals win, by the way. It’ll be fun to see you and your boyfriend go head-to-head at Regionals; I’m sure we’ll be seeing you at Nationals again this year,” Jesse grinned. Upon hearing that she and Hunter were banned from seeing each other due to her being grounded, an idea popped into his head. Any time an opportunity presented itself to Jesse, he was raring to grasp it at first chance. 
“So let’s go to your house,” Jesse suggested, completely unbothered with the fact that he just invited himself over to Rachel’s house. “I’m sure your dads will be supportive of you getting homework help from me; I did go to college, after all.” Of course he intentionally left out the fact that he’d dropped out because he didn’t actually go to his classes. But that wasn’t a necessary detail right now.
Rachel Berry:
“Thank you,” Rachel grinned. “It will be a lot of fun because he’s as competitive as I am. That is if the Warblers even let him stay long enough.” She rolled her eyes, sighing as she thought of all the drama that Hunter had been through so far this year. “Of course I’ll be at Nationals. I have to win, it’s crucial to my reputation-- if I can start out in the Broadway scene as a national show choir champion it’ll be extremely helpful in getting the respect that I deserve.” 
Rachel raised her eyebrows at how forward Jesse was, though it shouldn’t have come as such a shock. “Jes, what makes you think I can have anyone over if I can’t have my boyfriend over?” She asked him, nodding her head towards the way she would begin to walk. “Wait, you want to help me with my homework?” She giggled. “Do you even know anything about Trigonometry?” Rachel couldn’t remember the last time - if there was ever a time - that Jesse even talked about homework or anything that wasn’t related to show choir or Broadway.  “I have some make-up homework- I actually could use help on it.” She said as she approached her locker, opening it up to grab the homework she needed to take home. “I had thought about sneaking out to Westerville but I don’t really have a way to get there and back before LeRoy and Hiram get home so..” She shrugged. 
Jesse St. James:
As Rachel walked towards her locker, Jesse accompanied her and met her pace. “Yeah, I’m great at math,” he boasted, though he honestly couldn’t say what he knew what trigonometry even looked like. “It’s just like, adding and subtracting stuff, right? How hard could it be?” At the mention of her going off to Westerville, Jesse nibbled on the inside of his cheek. He wanted to say something about how that was a bad idea and Hunter was causing her to neglect her studies but he thought it wiser to keep his mouth shut.
“Oh, before I forget,” he spoke up as she rummaged through her locker for her things. He pulled out a slim jewelry gift box, held closed by a simple gold ribbon. “I brought you your birthday present in case we don’t see each other before then. I figured you could use the pick-me-up after being grounded, too.” He handed off the box, giving her an expectant look for her to open it now. He looked happy and hopeful as she opened it to reveal a necklace with a small gold star charm.
Rachel Berry:
Rachel shook her head as a giggle fell from her lips. She wasn’t sure if he was joking or not but she was among towards him being serious which was no help to her. Still, it would be nice to have the company for a little bit. She was about to speak again when Jesse interrupted her by pulling out the small jewelry box. 
“What’s this?” A grin spread from ear to ear as she closed her locker and took the gift from him. When she opened it up to reveal the golden star, Rachel’s stomach flipped. “Oh, Jes…” her grin faltered a little bit as the weight of the gift settled in her. It was incredibly sweet and it made her heart skip a beat. “You shouldn’t have, I can’t accept this..” she tried weakly to deny his thoughtful gift. “It’s too much.” Her brown eyes looked up to meet his, her voice soft. 
Jesse St. James: 
“Stop it, it’s your birthday gift,” Jesse pushed, taking the gift box from her and stepping behind her. “A girl such as yourself should have the best accessories to accentuate your beauty and talent.” He helped to put it around her neck and once he was done, he returned to stand in front of her to get a good look. “See? It looks perfect.” You look perfect.
So it was probably pretty obvious to everyone that Jesse still had feelings for Rachel but that didn’t mean he couldn’t do nice things for her-- especially since the gift was for her birthday. With Hunter out of the way for the time being, he knew this was his chance to get back in Rachel’s good graces and establish himself as her close friend. “So? Are we going back to your place to study?”
Rachel Warbler:
Rachel bit down on her lip as Jesse moved to slip the necklace around her neck, placing her hand on the small gold star that now rested on the base of her neck. It was the sweetest gift anyone had ever given her. When he came back to get a look at her, a blush painted her cheeks at his words. Shaking her head gently, Rachel smiled at him. “Thanks, Jesse. I really love it.” She felt the warmth in her cheeks spreading down her neck, the effect he had on her was obvious and she was regrettably transparent. 
When Jesse suggested going to her house, she let out a soft sigh, checking the time. “I suppose, but you have to leave at five. You can’t be there when my dads get home, I’m walking a fine line and I don’t want to not see Hunter until we graduate.” She explained as she gathered her things, closing up her locker for the day. Hunter. She again felt compelled to let Hunter know that Jesse had showed up. “And you have to help me with my homework to some extent- no distractions.” Rachel pulled out her phone as she led the way to leave the school, sending a text to Hunter to give him the heads up that Jesse showed up at McKinley and was giving her a ride home. “Can I get a ride home?” She asked Jesse, glancing over at him. “My dads dropped me off and I’m supposed to get a ride from Kurt but there’s no need for him to go out of his way since you’re here.” She smiled.
Jesse St. James:
Jesse grinned ear to ear when Rachel finally agreed to him coming over. Even if it was a few hours, he’d take what he could get. “Yeah, of course. My Range Rover is parked right over here,” he gestured in the direction of his car once they were outside. “I promise I won’t do anything to distract you but I also wouldn’t be opposed to singing with you if you wanted; it’s been a while since we’ve had a duet together. You know our voices sound phenomenal together.”
When they both got into the car, Jesse’s phone connected via bluetooth and he scrolled through his music, looking for the perfect song for such an occasion. He knew the Rachel Berry he loved-- who also loved him-- was in there somewhere… He just needed to coax her out. The opening melody of Roxette’s Listen To Your Heart started playing over the speakers as Jesse started driving out of the parking lot and towards Rachel’s home.
Rachel Berry:
A smile spread across Rachel’s face when Jesse suggested singing with her. It had been a bit since they’d had the pleasure of singing together and she would be lying to herself and everyone else if she said they didn’t fit together vocally. He was the only person that could ever keep up with her talent. That is, until she met Hunter. “I suppose a harmless duet wouldn’t hurt.” She said as she got into his car, settling in and buckling her seatbelt. 
When she heard the first note of the song flow through the speakers, her stomach clenched and she glanced over at Jesse, a small grin tugging at her lips. She knew the song and she knew it well, obviously. His choice of song wasn’t lost on her and she knew that she shouldn’t lead him on-- but she also couldn’t resist a chance to belt out one of her most favorite classics.  Shifting in her seat a little, she folded her hands in her lap, closing her eyes.
I know there's something in the wake of your smile I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yeah You've built a love but that love falls apart Your little piece of Heaven turns too dark
Jesse St. James:
Jesse had known that Rachel couldn’t resist this song. When she started singing in that crystal-clear voice that Jesse adored so much, he couldn’t help but to smile and nod his head. He kept his eyes on the road but glanced over to her whenever he had the chance. These days, it was rare for him to hear Rachel singing unless it was at a competition. Singing with her was an even rarer occurrence.
When the next verse started, he sang along with her. Just like the first time they sang Hello together in the music library those years ago, their voices melted together beautifully.
Listen to your heart
When he's calling for you
Listen to your heart
There's nothing else you can do
While stopped at a red light, Jesse looked over to her and when he caught her gaze, smiled brightly at them. Regardless if on a big stage, in the choir room, or doing a little karaoke in the car, Jesse always enjoyed singing with her.
Rachel Berry:
When Jesse’s voice melted with hers during the chorus, Rachel couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on her face, looking over to Jesse to catch his eye when they were stopped. 
Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yeah
They're swept away and nothing is what is seems
The feeling of belonging to your dreams
She kept her eyes on Jesse as she sang with him, giving it her all as usual. She could feel something crawling up from the depths of her heart, something that was supposed to be shoved deep down to never be touched again. It felt good to sing with Jesse but for a brief moment as she looked to the man next to her she saw Hunter- the mirage taking her breath for a split second. Rachel shook her head, she sang with other people all of the time, it didn’t mean anything because it was Jesse.
The only man who’d ever come close to knowing her as much as Hunter did.
Jesse St. James:
Jesse was in high spirits as they continued to harmonize through the song. He liked the way she looked at him when they sang to each other. After the song eventually came to an end, Jesse turned down the volume as the next track played.
“Still as amazing as always; it’s a wonder why you’re not already on the fast track to Broadway,” he said to her. They were just a few blocks away from her house by now. “It’s too bad you can’t pass all your classes by just singing… You’d be valedictorian.”
When they pulled up to the house, Jesse parked his car in the driveway. It’d been a little while since he’d been over to her house-- not since when they were still dating each other. It almost felt like stepping into a timewarp, into the past.
Rachel Berry:
Rachel blushed again for the second time that day when Jesse complimented her, giggling softly. “That’s really sweet.” She said, looking over at him as he parked. “What about you, though? You’re equally as talented as I am...if not more so. You shouldn’t be here in Ohio-- you should be in New York already.” She shook her head, her tone serious. “I know Vocal Adrenaline is important to you...but they’re holding you back.” 
She knew from the times they’d spoken that Jesse wasn’t back solely for Vocal Adrenaline-- but for her. “You can’t let anything-- including me-- hold you back.” Nibbling on her bottom lip, she grinned a little, reaching over to place her hand on his. “You’re too good for this place, Jes.” Rachel gave his hand a gentle squeeze before moving to take off her seatbelt. 
Jesse St. James:
Jesse was quiet for a moment after Rachel told him that he shouldn’t let anything hold him back. It was nice that someone believed in him-- that he was destined for bigger and better things than Ohio. He squeezed her hand back and smiled at her. “This is just a temporary gig-- another credit I can list on my growing résumé,” he insisted, knowing that he couldn’t be confined to such “small picture” ventures.
When they exited the vehicle, Jesse let Rachel lead the way up the path towards the front door. “But for the record, it isn’t you that’s holding me back,” Jesse clarified, pausing for a moment to clear his throat, “New York is still my future. You’re part of that future, too.”
Rachel Berry:
Rachel paused briefly with her keys in the door as Jesse reiterated that she would be part of that future. It was sort of flattering that Jesse was so adamant. She may be part of his future career-wise but romantically she just couldn’t do it. Anytime the thought tried to crawl out from the back of her mind all she could see was Hunter. “We will take over the Broadway scene,” she chuckled, opening the door to let them in. “Our names will be in everyone’s mouth.” She dreamed for a moment about her and Jesse being friends and being a powerful force in New York together. 
“You and Hunter getting along is crucial, though, or it’ll never work.” Rachel cleared her throat as she led him into the dining room, placing her things on the table. She was suddenly very aware that she was alone with Jesse and it made her palms a little sweaty. “So, uh, trigonometry…”
Jesse St. James: 
"Oh, definitely. The first time you have a leading role, you and I will win for Best Actress and Best Actor; we'll do so much press as the two ingenues from Podunk, Ohio who made names for themselves-- together." Jesse followed Rachel into her home, also acutely aware that with her parents not present it made them very much alone. He took the time to take a look around, familiarizing himself with how things looked similar to the last time he was here. Nostalgia washed over him, picturing his teenage self with a doe-eyed sixteen year old Rachel Berry singing duets together around the piano in the living room.
Jesse forced himself to step away from the past, aware that he needed to put himself in the present to continue being part of Rachel's life. "So what's Hunter's plans? College in New York? He probably wants to do something boring like being an accountant, right?"
Rachel Berry:
Rachel chuckled to herself as she took a seat at the table, noticing the way Jesse skirted around her prompt for the homework help that he’d come for. She should’ve known better-- Jesse couldn’t actually help her with her homework. He just wanted to spend time with her and if she were being honest, she did, too. She wanted to spend time with him without Hunter around so she could assess Jesse’s actual intentions and feelings and if he could actually handle just being her friend.
“I told you, we’re moving to New York. He’s wanting to go to Cornell- which, admittedly, isn’t ideal because it puts two more hours between us than we have now but it’s not like we can’t make it work. We’ll meet halfway most times, I’m sure.” She said, having not given much thought to their future other than the fact that they were going into it together, even if it meant being apart for a few more years. “His father wants him to go into the Navy, follow in his footsteps. But we haven’t talked about that much, though.” Nibbling on her lip, Rachel tried to push the thought from her mind as she usually did. She hoped that when the time came, Hunter would choose her over the Navy without prompt and she didn’t have to be that girl.
Jesse St. James:
“Navy?” Jesse murmured to himself, wondering how that would impact Rachel’s future. “So he’ll be on a boat somewhere? Like a sailor out to sea for weeks and weeks at a time..? Doesn’t sound like fun.” He finished perusing through the living room before returning to Rachel’s side at the dining room table. Her books were spread out on the table and when Rachel opened up the math book, his eyes became wide like saucers. He couldn’t make heads or tails of what he was looking at, but he wasn’t about to make that apparent.
“A sailor and a broadway superstar don’t really mix, do they? It’s not exactly the ‘Broadway power couple’ I envision when I see you walking down the red carpet at events.” Jesse flipped through the pages of the trigonometry book, eyes scanning the content to see if there was even a little bit of something he understood so he could help.
Rachel Berry:
Rachel sighed, looking down at the table as Jesse mentioned Hunter being away for long periods of time out in the middle of the ocean. She really hadn’t taken a moment to sit alone with those thoughts and really assess. She thought being grounded from Hunter was bad, but what about when he was shipped off somewhere and she couldn’t speak to him every single day whenever she pleased? She suddenly felt nauseous.
“M-maybe it’s not ideal. But it’s what he wants...he doesn’t hold me back from what I want.” She was trying to convince herself rather than Jesse. “If...if the Navy is what he wants to do then I can’t stop him.” Rachel trailed off, thinking of the first date she’d gone on with Hunter when they had discussed their lives. “Though...I don’t really think it’s what he wants really. I think his dad is more or less pressuring him into it.” As these thoughts began to nibble at her anxiety ridden brain, she wasn’t so much focused on getting to her homework. Glancing over at Jesse, Rachel shook her head. “Do you know anything about the Navy? Do they, like, go to actual war?” She realized then she had little to no knowledge of any military branch.  
Jesse St. James:
Upon hearing that Rachel wasn’t especially supportive of Hunter’s decision to join the Navy, Jesse thought to himself that perhaps he found the fracture in their seemingly perfect relationship. It would be cruel to manipulate Rachel, but honesty was the best policy… Being upfront with her about his opinion of the military wasn’t the wrong thing to do, right? “Oh, I’m pretty sure people in the Navy go to war,” he answered, leaning back in his chair a little. “I mean, I only know from television but there’s a bunch of ships and submarines in the ocean watching the Koreans, right? It’s like, an island, right? So it’s surrounded by water. Isn’t the US. on the brink of a war with them right now?”
He backed off a little when he realized he might be scaring Rachel. “Maybe you can convince him not to join the military. The guy’s in show choir too, right? I mean, there’s no way he can get into NYADA but lots of actors hack it in New York without an education. He could totally get an ensemble role.”
Rachel Berry:
“War?” Rachel asked, looking at Jesse with her forehead wrinkled, the nausea turning her stomach again. “L-like, war?” She shook her head, imagining the worst case scenario. There was a vivid image in her mind of her in New York, alone. And then another of her coming backstage from curtain call of one of her shows to a phone call letting her know that Hunter was dead and never coming back. She took a shaky breath, closing her eyes and shaking her head as she tried to calm the anxiety that was rapidly building in her chest. 
“Uh, yeah,” She cleared her through, pressing her lips together as she looked down. “He’s extremely talented. He’s better than me, even. Well...at least just as talented.” Rachel explained, rubbing her hands over her face, taking another breath. “I just don’t…” She tried to get the images out of her head again, sighing. “Maybe...maybe he won’t go. Maybe he’ll change his mind and realize that it’s not his dream and he’ll find something else. Y-yeah...maybe.” Rachel placed her hands down on the table, sitting up a little straighter, visibly uncomfortable, anxious. She didn’t want to think about this anymore, it was scaring her and she didn’t have Hunter there to comfort her and talk it through. She didn’t want to have an anxiety attack in front of Jesse, either, regardless of whether or not he’d seen it before.
Jesse St. James: 
Jesse mentally kicked himself when he realized Rachel was on the verge of an anxiety attack, clearly caused by him. “If anyone can convince someone into doing something, it’s you. If he really likes performing as much as either of us you can convince him to do something else with his life. Besides, who goes to college just to waste it in the military? That’s just dumb…” Maybe he would talk to Hunter too; it was the least he could do after making Rachel unnecessarily worry. “I mean, weren’t you just talking about Ohio and Vocal Adrenaline holding me back? Don’t be surprised to run into me this time next year because I am definitely going to New York, too. Even if I have to bus tables while I go to every audition out there, I’m going.” 
His tone about New York was much more self-assured than before and it was all thanks to Rachel’s words. She had an innate ability to cheer anyone on, right beside them. Even if Rachel wasn’t actually doing anything, she really was a driving force for Jesse to find his place. He just hoped that when he landed on his own two feet Rachel would be standing right beside him.
Rachel Berry:
Rachel just nodded her head as Jesse tried to talk her down from the looming anxiety attack. “I guess. I...I don’t even really want to think about it anymore.” She tried to get the jarring images to leave her mind as she took a deep breath, appreciating the way Jesse changed the subject. 
“Y-yeah...I know you’ll be there. I don’t doubt that.” She looked over to Jesse, placing her hand on his. “That’s why it’s important to me that we all get along. We’re going to be in each other’s professional lives at the very least.” She said, giving him a gentle smile. “It’ll be really nice to have a familiar face to work with, I’m glad it’ll be you. I mean that.”
Jesse St. James:
Jesse nodded a bit when she agreed that they’d all be in New York together. At least while Hunter was in college figuring his future out, Jesse would be the third wheel; he had that much guaranteed for him and he was completely fine playing the slow game. Rachel had almost gone back to him once before, so it was only a matter of time. “Right? The three of us will be bonafide New Yorkers in no-time. Now c’mon, I promised to help you with your math homework so tell me what chapter you’re on and I’ll look up the answers on my phone.”
He was satisfied that he managed to talk her down a bit and she was smiling, so he took it as a good sign. Her worries were obviously still there because a matter like that wasn’t going to be overlooked; Jesse knew her too well to know that he’d inadvertently planted a seed of anxiety somewhere in Rachel’s brain. One thing was certain to him, however: if Hunter was going to commit to the military, things might not work out for him and Rachel. That was the golden opportunity Jesse had been waiting for.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
I wouldn’t be so sure about that, Hunter’s talent is definitely a match for yours and regardless of whether they’re my friends or not- I can admit that Blaine and Sebastian are also extremely talented. Not to mention the Warblers are just extremely entertaining in general. They’re charming. It all happened too fast for anyone to react, there was no stopping it. Anyway, I just wish I could enjoy my relationship without all of this…drama.
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Okay, but are the Warblers five-time show choir national champions? Or are they being coached by a five-time show choir national champion? I don’t think so. You only think they’re entertaining because most of them are cute; don’t let their schoolboy charms fool you. 
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People will get bored after a while. Everyone in New Directions threw a fit the whole time we were dating and even when I came back to Ohio to visit you last year; but life goes on and people lose interest in hating things or throwing slushies because they’re jealous.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Thank you, please do. It’s not bad luck..it’s just…we’re surrounded by a lot of jealous people. You know what it’s like to be talented and have people hate you for it. When they’re threatened they try to antagonize you to make you look bad. Like Sebastian- he’s jealous of Hunter’s talent and the fact that Hunter is the best captain the Warblers have ever seen. So he turned on him. Finn’s jealous because he lost me…it didn’t matter to who. If it had been you, he’d have punched you at the winter formal.
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Oh I’m well aware. I have my many awards to comfort me in my trying times. So even the Dalton Academy Warblers don’t have everything going for them; Regionals should be a cakewalk for Vocal Adrenaline if we happened to get grouped with them. I wouldn’t have let Finn lay a hand on me; I have the reflexes of a puma.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Yeah, I guess I did. Yes, you did. Hunter isn’t violent, his reputation is based on lies and hatred. Context is important. You have a reputation, too, you know. But I know the real you.
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With the exception of Finn, you’re a good judge of character so I’ll have to take your word for it. So every time Hunter’s gotten a bloody nose or black eye it’s just been a wrong-place-wrong-time kind of situation? Maybe he’s like a black cat-- Unlucky.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Oh, he has. I took Hunter to McKinley’s winter formal last month and we had to leave early because Finn punched Hunter right in the face. He didn’t break anything but it was pretty bad. I honestly don’t even know who Finn is anymore.
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I appreciate that more than you know.
Oh, yikes. Sounds like you dodged quite the bullet there with that guy. Of course, I could’ve told you that years ago. Oh wait, I did. So Hunter’s not as violent as ol’ Finn? He’s got quite the reputation-- or so I hear, anyway.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Yeah.  Hunter came to McKinley a couple of times to pick me up from school and then he came to sing with me because I’d asked him to. He left to wait for me to finish talking with one of my teachers and Finn and Noah caught me alone. Slushie in hand. I…technically did it to myself. To make a point, when he hesitated and Noah was egging him on, I took it from him and poured it over myself for him. It was empowering and heartbreaking all at the same time.
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No, you’re extremely tame. At least you’re trying to be civil.
Well I guess I’m not surprised. After I transferred to McKinley for a month-and-a-half, and then came back the following year to take you to prom, the guy tried to punch me. I’m more surprised he hasn’t already taken the chance to take a swing at Hunter.
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We’re all adults here; I don’t need to resort to fistfights and slushies like Finn.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
That kiss was as much my fault as it was his. We should’ve never written that song together, as beautiful as it was, it was a mistake. I can also thank him for the last slushie I had in my face, too. I think no matter where I end up someone will be there throwing a slushie in my face– even if just metaphorically. Also I will be coming in first place. You keep forgetting that little fact, J.
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Whoa, back up-- Finn slushied you? After he’s gotten on my case so many times for the egg incident, he went and slushied you? Wow, I thought I was the most jealous ex-boyfriend in the room but here I stand corrected.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
In a different universe, maybe. A high school life with no slushie facials would’ve been nice. I can’t believe that it’s my senior year and it’s already happened twice. It would’ve been nice to be at the top of the high school food chain..
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You have your ex-boyfriend to thank for that. Had that kiss not happened, you would’ve already had a national title under your belt. But this time next year you’ll be on the top of the heap. Coming in 2nd place at Nationals, getting into NYADA and living in New York... there won’t be any of these small-minded hicks throwing slushies in your face anymore.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Right. It’s nice to see you and talk to you again, too. Really nice.
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You’ll never stop, will you? I think with my current situations with my grades and the lying/sneaking out, transferring mid-year would be a major red flag and probably have my dads look into sending me back to my psychologist. 
Well, maybe in a perfect world we would’ve both been at Carmel and I could’ve passed the torch to you when I graduated. We would’ve been running that school and you would’ve went your entire high school career never seeing a slushie in the face.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
I know, you keep telling me that. It’s…extremely flattering even though I keep telling you there’s no chance. If you two can play nice, there’s no reason we can’t be friends. It’ll be nice. I do like having you around. Maybe our next meeting won’t be so tense. 
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Clearly you have fallen and hit your head because you’re underestimating my ability to carry the entirety of the New Directions on my back straight to victory. 
Hey, I get it-- you’ve got a boyfriend now. It’s still nice to get to see you and be talking again.
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I think you underestimate my being a five-time national show choir winner; I know exactly what it takes to be the winning-est team and even with you at the lead of the New Directions, you’ve just got too much dead weight. It’s a shame you won’t just transfer to Carmel; we’d love to have you and it’s a guaranteed national title.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Maybe that’s so. I don’t want to get rid of you- I never did. I meant it when I said that I’ve missed you. I really love your company when you’re just being you and not insulting my boyfriend.
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I wouldn’t have chosen anything else- it’s the biggest audition of my career so far and I’ve been belting that song out since I was a baby. Second? Oh, no, I think you meant first.
Good. For what it’s worth, I missed you too. A lot of people think I came back to Ohio for this gig with Vocal Adrenaline since I’m a Carmel alum but the truth is I came back for you. I’ll play nice with Sgt Soldier as long as it means we can still see each other.
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Well, Vocal Adrenaline is obviously coming in first place. They have the great Jesse St James as their coach so it’s a no-brainer.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Good. Please, just know that. I care about you. I know that our meeting didn’t go exactly as smoothly as I would’ve liked, but I still want us to be friends. Next to Hunter, you know me better than most.
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Thanks, Jesse. I can always rely on you to build my confidence back up when I need it. Are you kidding? Of course I’m going with Don’t Rain on my Parade. 
There’s a clear-cut reason why the two of us keep crossing paths, Rachel. I’m destined to be part of your life, in some way or another. Even if you wanted to, you’re not getting rid of me that easily.
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An amazing song for an outstanding performer. You never fail to impress and I’ve heard you sing that song more times than I can count; you’re definitely getting in after you sing that for your audition. Placing 2nd at Nationals will put your resume over all the others, too.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Jesse, you mean a lot to me, even still. You know that. I mean it. I wouldn’t be trying to stay friends if you didn’t.
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You’re right. I’m just being ridiculous. I’ve been training for this moment my entire life. They’ll give me that chance and I’ll blow their minds and they’ll be begging for me to come to NYADA next year.
I know. You wouldn’t have agreed to meet with me at the Lima Bean if you didn’t still care about me, either. Even though we only had a few moments to ourselves before your bad-boy boyfriend showed up.
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Exactly. You’ll knock them out of the water; I just know it. Do you know what you’re singing yet? I mean, obviously Barbra, but which song?
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Wait, no. Jes, I didn’t…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. The way I love you is just…different. 
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I hope so. I’m just…nervous.
Right. Sure, I get it.
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I’m sure Barbra herself was nervous when she opened for the first time at the Winter Garden Theatre as the pivotal Fanny Brice. She had no idea how that performance would culminate her entire career. NYADA is just the first step into your bright and long-lasting career-- and eventual legacy-- on Broadway
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Maybe the difference is that I’m actually in love with him. 
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I don’t know. I’m going back and forth between being really ready and confident and then just feeling…scared. It’s weird. I just wish I would get that letter already.
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... Well, you’ve always been flawless. I’m sure that letter will come any day now.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
My future on Broadway is safe, don’t worry. He’s going with me. It’s not his fault that my grades have slipped, that’s on me. I just need to fix them. No, not yet. I’ve been trolling the blogs quite a bit but most are saying they’re being sent out and we could get them any week now. I’m…a little worried that I’m not going to make it as a finalist. What if they don’t even give me a chance?
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Right, but when you and I were going out your grades never slipped. I don’t even think when you were dating Frankenteen that your grades ever wavered. Obviously the common denominator here isn’t the boyfriend but which boyfriend. I don’t think NYADA is that stupid that they wouldn’t even give you a chance; you’re Rachel Berry. You’re already a star-- they just don’t know it yet.
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snarkystjames · 4 years
Considering how happy I’ve been, I think it’s been for the better. Despite drama in every other aspect of my life. Of course that plan hasn’t changed, I’m still going to NYADA. Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve told you, even though I would give up everything for him, I don’t have to. I’m not going to. I haven’t completely changed. 
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Okay, I’m just thinking about you and your inevitable future on Broadway. That won’t happen if Hunks McGoo keeps distracting you with his motorcycle and playing Prince Charming with you. Have you heard back from NYADA yet about your application?
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