snastle · 2 years
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snastle · 2 years
Returning after nearly five years to find the hot topic still being “water dad please come home you said you were only going out to get milk” absolutely rules.
with the teaser for a potential water ancient in two weeks or so, here are some thoughts. which is funniest do you think?
- tidelord is no longer attached to adventure and returns with the ancient release
- tidelord remains attached to adventure and the water ancient shows up like ‘dad says hi’ and zero other explanation
- tidelord remains attached to adventure and the water ancient shows up with sad puppy eyes going ‘where father?’ bc they also have no idea where he is or what’s up
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snastle · 2 years
just learned you can get your progens back, grabbed mine and did the TASTIEST scatter obsidian/turquoise/turquoise We’ll take that! Wasn’t planning to start playing again but brain is saying “just remake your progens as fucked up shadetouched beasts since you left them exalted so long. https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/6949483
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snastle · 2 years
Heya <3 Sliding back in after a couple of years away, hope all my FR friends are well and happy, it’s been a hot minute!  I’ve got an absolutely silly amount of stuff ( like 40k+ in gems alone) sitting on my account and I’d like to commission people to draw rats for me, please feel free to hit me up here or at snastle on FR, I’m #103101 Edit: Thread with deets! https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3182712 Time to trawl the tag and see what’s changed!
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snastle · 4 years
Listing at least one of every familiar (minus KS stuff) up until greenskeeper 2018 at a decent undercut. If anyone wants anything for treasure, please check that the listing is still up and then CR me at 1:1000 <3 Also popped the rest of my festival currency up at 1:1 Edit: DONE woo! Just got dragons, apparel and accents to go, the rest is either listed or hoardsold.
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snastle · 4 years
if someone harassed and tried to guilt me that much I would just block them and deny them any access to any products I have ever.
Yeah I have them the benefit of the doubt through lowballing, hassling me out, and guilt tripping, I’m not going to interact with them further because at a last message they said they won’t be buying anything anyway, because “I think what your doing is not kind and a bit selfish because of the prices and the first bought first serve bit but, we can agree to disagree.“ After a few years doing business with adults, it’s just jarring having the barrage of entitled child behaviour from people I know aren’t minors.
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snastle · 4 years
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Starting the arduous process of stripping and selling.  There are still 4 full pages of fully gened G1 geodes with their own custom accents. for any of those, I’d be happy with 2000g or 2500 with accent, or treasure equivalent. Or make an offer honestly! For anything, you can send a CR with an offer. Selling my complete set of familiars (minus KS) as well, not as a set but at an AH undercut, feel free to CR for those at a fair price in T or G. Haggling/offers welcome on everything! I’m logging on once or twice a week and the best way to get noticed is CR, if I miss your ping or message please PM me on FR. People who guilt trip me or stalk me out at my workplace or do any other weird shit I’m just going to block okay? I’m just here to sell pretties and buy art, I don’t need any more of that nonsense. Lair ID 103101
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snastle · 4 years
And now someone's freaking out telling me that it’s ‘unfair’ if I don’t hold dragons for them and they have ‘first claim’, and trying to guilt me into it with disability and personal financials, holy dooley FR community feels the same 3 years on. Most of yall are cool people but I’d forgotten how obsessive some can be. Legit, would rather give shit away to randos than put up with this nonsense, harassing and guilt tripping is gross.
hey guys whoever is MESSAGING MY WORKPLACE to ask me to come back and list dragons on the auction house, pleaSE DONT?!  Our social media manager can’t help you, and it’s deeply inappropriate. I promise I’ll try my best to be timely, and to reply to all the inquiries RE selling all my shit, but I’ll likely only log on once or twice a week to do so if that, so if you feel like I’ve missed you, message me VIA FR PLEASE holy shit lol
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snastle · 4 years
hey guys whoever is MESSAGING MY WORKPLACE to ask me to come back and list dragons on the auction house, pleaSE DONT?!  Our social media manager can’t help you, and it’s deeply inappropriate. I promise I’ll try my best to be timely, and to reply to all the inquiries RE selling all my shit, but I’ll likely only log on once or twice a week to do so if that, so if you feel like I’ve missed you, message me VIA FR PLEASE holy shit lol
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snastle · 4 years
Gen 1 lair leaving FR, selling everything
Hey all, I’m off living my best life running a rat rescue, “Rachie’s Ratirement Home” if you want to find it, and I don’t see myself returning to FR. I’ve loved it, it was an awesome community and creative outlet during some rough times, but I’m happy to say I’ve been putting my energy elsewhere for a while and I’m totally flourishing. I have a full G1 lair, most of the dragons have their own custom accents and lore, please check it out. https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/103101 Everything is for sale, dragons, familiars, apparel, I’ll do my best to list stuff in the AH but there’s a lot there, and an old friend gets first dibs, so depending on what they want there’s sprites dating back to light, etc. Been here a while. Even Peony is for sale. I’m liquidating everything for art money for a personal project I’d like some assets for, but please no art offers (unless you’re BatCrooks, in which case HMU.)
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snastle · 5 years
Hey all, you know how I barely get to come here or on FR any more because I started rescuing rats? Now it’s an official rat rescue so I’m back on tumblr in a “Denny’s twitter account” kind of way, please come hang with me. @rachiesratirementhome is a totally separate account, I’ll be keeping this blog alive but killing my main and sideblogs so if you want to catch me and my shit rat memes hit me up there, I dont have time to tumble recreationally but if I can keep tabs with a few people I miss it’d be great <3  Also holy heck what a glowup, right? Life is so cool now. You lot were a great community at my worst so it feels cool to come back now I’m totally thriving and be like “look! i made this!”
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snastle · 5 years
It’s me, but as a real rescue. Miss all you guys, please come stalk me out on the rescue account so I can tumgle vicariously through there.
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GUESS WHO’S BACK! So I quit tumblr because I’d started rescuing rats, but it’s two years later and now I’m back as an official rat rescue!
What a glow up. Follow us, we do the rat of the week, educate passionately, and have lots of baby rat pics. #AdminAlly is here as well, she’s the one who’s good with all the hashtags, and #Chris is all-around good! I’m #Rachie and I make shit memes. Good to be back!
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snastle · 5 years
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Well, as you probably notice my inktober doesn’t exist this year (I did four). I decided to cut it out because as always it grown to a rank of The Most Important Thing To Do Every Day, and because… https://ift.tt/2qLImaS
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snastle · 5 years
“#wait rachie has a tumblr blog” @joutacujo yo <3 Nah sometimes I just blast the survivors of my old inactive petsite account with my rat memes because I’m proud of my babies and I miss the days where I could fuck around on tumblr and have things like hobbies and self care. :P Time for a Rachie’s Ratirement Home account though, yes/yes? (It would mean exposing sweet pure Admin Ally to tumblr though. Which would be something because just yesterday I was saying “no don’t use the words ‘furry bait’ that’s... that’s something else...”)
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“Excuse me. Don’t talk to me or my adopted son ever again. …S’all-right son, you’re safe now.”
(Pup was dumped at a cricket ground and is the sole known survivor of his litter, Chonk is a grumpy old boy who struggles socially. They love each other.)
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snastle · 5 years
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“Excuse me. Don’t talk to me or my adopted son ever again. ...S’all-right son, you’re safe now.”
(Pup was dumped at a cricket ground and is the sole known survivor of his litter, Chonk is a grumpy old boy who struggles socially. They love each other.)
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snastle · 5 years
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Hey all so I should probably make a tumblr for the rescue, I’m never here anymore because it’s just my whole life and I love it.  Thought you’d like this good meme though. Be back in six months with another one if past performance indicates anything. I’ll be over on FB but also soon a website.
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snastle · 5 years
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More bullshit from Rachie’s Ratirement Home <3 
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