snazzycrow · 10 hours
legally i dont have to put on pajama pants
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snazzycrow · 1 day
In an inspiring return 200 years in the making, the last truly wild horse species has been reintroduced onto the open steppes of Kazakhstan.
The Guardian reports that four mares from a breeding program in Berlin and a stallion and two other mares from Prague, were flown to the Central Asian country to mark the second successful reintroduction of Przewalski’s horse to the lands that above all others are associated with this beloved animal.
At an unspecified place on the Eurasian Steppe around 6,000 years ago, of which Kazakhstan is a major component, human beings domesticated the horse. It changed history forever...
In 2011, Prague Zoo was also involved in a reintroduction of Przewalski’s horses to Mongolia which continued for 8 years until the population stabilized. There are now 1,500 such horses in the country.
The Kazakhstan reintroduction comes on the back of several environmental success stories driven by a passionate environmental movement in the country. This has included the reintroduction of Bukhara deer around the shores of Lake Balkhash, and the continued legislative and conservation efforts to restore the majestic saiga antelope, which have resulted in a growth of the population to 1.9 million.
-via Good News Network, June 12, 2024
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snazzycrow · 2 days
Keying/graffiti-ing someones car is old news now if someone cheats we go at their wardrobe with a seam ripper
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yknow what? Fuck you *unstitches all your shirts and jeans*
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snazzycrow · 2 days
if you like crafting and also free things, might i suggest the antique pattern library?
it’s a not for profit that’s gathering books, patterns, and other materials related to crafting that are out of copyright (or getting permission from copyright holders in some cases) in order to share them online. they scan items, clean them up, then make everything available for free!
free things are great, especially when you’re just starting to get into something. like oh, i’m supposed to spend money on this hobby i just picked up 20 minutes ago???
the first time i ended up on the site, i seriously spent hours just trawling through everything. there’s the usual suspects like knitting, crochet, embroidery, but there’s also woodwork, calligraphy, and books on things like how to mount and frame pictures. with cross stitch patterns, they also make modern charts with the dmc colour codes available.
links to their webbed site and instagram:
behold, a glorious cat cross stitch pattern (link goes to antique pattern library page):
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[image id: Multicolour charted cross stitch design of a cat sitting on a red pillow with tassels, holding a green ball]
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snazzycrow · 2 days
“I do not know how some people are brave enough to follow their own path in a world set out to destroy them” is such a raw line you’d think it was a pride thing but it’s actually lemony snicket talking about a guy that eats butterflies to hide them from the government
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snazzycrow · 2 days
"Autism traits that are actually advantages-" Hey guys did you know that the problem with eugenics and ableism is the act of assigning different degrees of worth and moral value to different people and abilities and not that we were simply attacking the "wrong" group?
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snazzycrow · 2 days
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snazzycrow · 4 days
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people on this website are unbelievably misinformed.
ok repeat after me. Disney does not own Doctor Who. Disney did not buy Doctor Who. Disney has, at the moment (June 2024), some international distribution rights for Doctor Who. this means that in some territories (notably the United States) Doctor Who is being simultaneously released on Disney+ at the same time as on BBC iPlayer. that’s it!!! It does not mean everything in the show had to be approved by Disney. It does not mean that Disney has any kind of creative control over Doctor Who (and i seriously doubt they do).
you may realise that a lot of non-disney properties also release on Disney+ (especially outside of the country they were made in!). before this distribution rights deal, Doctor Who fans in the US would have to either pirate new episodes, wait for the home releases or hope that the new episodes would eventually come to whatever streaming service they are subscribed to. now there is a dedicated official way for the yank fans to watch new episodes (as they release, but on Disney+). that’s literally it! any problem you have with new episodes of Doctor Who, you have to have it with the BBC/the writers, you can’t blame Disney. i hate Disney as much as the rest of you but at least be accurate in your criticisms for christs sake. they are not changing things to be less (OR MORE) gay because of “Disney money”. good heavens
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snazzycrow · 4 days
Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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snazzycrow · 5 days
It’s not rtd. it’s not rtd. rtd didn’t write rogue this was Kate Herron and Briony Redman’s first ever dr who story and they need all the praise in the world for it. I need at least somebody being vocally enthusiastic about having women writing dr who especially when I can tell you all adore this episode. Don’t let rtd get away with it don’t let him run away with the credit for a character and episode entirely conceived by two women
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snazzycrow · 5 days
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snazzycrow · 6 days
wtf do you get for a parent you hate when you’re obligated to give a gift for father’s day
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snazzycrow · 6 days
There was a young man from Peru
Whose limericks stopped at line two
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snazzycrow · 6 days
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snazzycrow · 7 days
Suzanne Collins really has the protocol down. On average twice a decade she writes a press release that's like "in one year there will be a new book and in two years there will be a movie based on said book. Here is the one philosopher I'll be referencing, and here is what upset me this time on the news enough to write another book. Enjoy!" and then she collects her millions, drops another banger, and doesn't go on twitter ever
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snazzycrow · 8 days
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snazzycrow · 8 days
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