ooc || I am SO sorry, folks. Looks like Life struck again. I’ll try to get some replies out this upcoming weekend!! I seriously wish it’d give me a break...
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“Well, actually it’s Balbok.” To be fair, he didn’t remember the other’s name properly anymore either. Lupin, Lupus, not quite the same. Although Balbok doesn’t know about the meaning behind either of the names they called each other, which is why he’s just shrugging it off. “Nice to see you again, Lupin. “
He looks around briefly, still holding the gifted plushie tightly under his arm. There’s a smile on his face now, because seeing everione in good spirits is a nice change for all the exhausting adventures he’s been through. “SpiraleFES? What does that mean? It sure seems nice, though.”
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“Long and short of it, my tall friend, it’s a festival to celebrate summertime! It’s warm, there’re games and food and all kinds of festivities taking place!”  Lupin gestured for the orc to follow alongside him as he continued off.  “Careful of the games though, some of those carnies like to rip us off.”
He slipped his hands into his pockets and headed for a food stand selling funnel cakes.  “You like sweets? Or are you more the savory type?”
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Lupin & Co. get a 3D treatment in the upcoming Winter 2019 flick, Lupin the 3rd: THE FIRST.  Watch the full trailer here!
Catch it in Japanese theaters on December 6th!
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     What a peculiar fellow he was. Rinoa liked it though, she found him easy to talk to as he spoke. Maybe if she ever ran into Irvine - or if she ever did then she would have to be sure that they would meet. It would be interesting to see a showdown between the two.
     Letting her grasp go of his sleeve she gave a warm smile before she introduced herself. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Lupin! My name’s Rinoa Heartilly.” Funny that he was the first person that she actually gave her first and last name. It was only fair since he pretty much gave his whole title to her.
    Once more curiosity sparked her. “What other tricks do you have up those sleeves of yours Lupin?” Would he show any more of his shooting skills? Whatever it was she sure couldn’t wait. “If I ever run into my companion then I would like for you two to meet. I’m sure you two would get along with guns.”
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“Well, if you really wanna know some of my other tricks, I’ll just have to show ya! Like,”  he began, his voice drifting for a moment. Drawing his weapon, he pulled the slide back and smirked. Then, he aimed his Walther P38 replica right at himself, finger on the trigger and--- “This!”
The trigger was pulled, but instead of a BB shooting out, a flower popped out of its barrel and the thief grinned, chuckling.  “See, I’m much more than just a gunman, I’m a thief! I’m chock FULL of tricks!”
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He plucked the flower and bent forward, holding it out to her.  “Sorry if I scared you there,”  he chuckled, an apologetic sparkle in his eye. Standing once more, he grinned.  “I figured it’d be more thrilling to just show you!”
He twirled the gun on his forefinger, then slung it right into the holster inside of his blue jacket, just under his left arm.  “I’ve got more tricks up my sleeve, but then I’d just be spoiling the surprise!”
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"Welcome back, Lupin."
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“Hey, thanks! It’s good to be back!”
[ @artificist ]
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The orc doesn’t quite see the appeal in playing a game to win a giant stuffed animal, that looks nothing like the real animals he saw at home. Not that this had to say much, maybe animals like these exist somewhere. If the price was something to eat instead, then maybe—
He stops in his thoughts, when he sees a certain thief. What was his name again? Lapin? He watches his uncanny friend’s unsuccesfull attempts with a frown upon. Even he realizes that something about the game isn’t right. Which makes the following show even more satisfying to watch.
He’s a little surprised as — Lampe?— gifts him that enormous pink plush-toy. When he just starts to walk off afterwards, Balbok carries the large plushie under his arm as he follows. He has no real use for it, but it’s been a gift, so he certainly won’t throw it away.
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“Wait a moment! What is going on here?” He only just returned today, and even though he still remembers Spirale, he isn’t sure about whatever that is going on at the moment. And why not ask someone he’s somewhat familiar with? “What was your name again? Lupus?”
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“Lupus!?”  Lupin nearly lost his footing, resulting in a short stumble to the next foot. He halted in his steps, turning to give whoever called him a disease a piece of his mind! However, he blinked when it was the very orc he’d gifted his winnings to.  “Oh, it’s you! Bollock, right?”
His face portrayed utter innocence when calling him a Middle-English term for ‘gonad,’ implying maybe he was unaware of the double meaning behind the word. That couldn’t be further from the truth, but Lupin wouldn’t admit that. A slow smirk formed, as he shrugged.  “Name’s Lupin, and you’re here for SpiraleFES! There’re all kinds of fun events happening around Spirale! It’s summertime, baby!”
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     Rinoa was slowly getting accustomed to Spirale, sure there were some differences, but aside from that, it was just like she was back home. Currently, today’s adventures led her to the Golden Ward’s boardwalk. It was naturally of course bustling with life as all sorts of life was going on around her.
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    It wasn’t until she heard the popping and some talk that her ears perked up. Coming around the corner she noticed a guy holster a BB gun and speak some words to the game operator. Her eyes were wide with amazement at his shooting skills.
     Just as she was about to compliment the male she was handed the prize he had won. “Uwah!” It took her by surprise and she was silent for a few before she chased after. “Hey!” Reaching him she grabbed the sleeve of his jacket to halt him. “You’re shooting skills are amazing!” He might have been better than Irvine, and keyword might.
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Admittedly, he was a touch surprised. She’d chased him down the boardwalk, latching onto his sleeve. His feet came to a halt and the thief looked over his shoulder, a briefly confused expression on his face as he listened to Rinoa compliment his skills.
A grin stretched across his face and he spun around.  “Why, thank you, young lady! I’ve got all sorts of tricks like that up my sleeve!”  He wasn’t sure what got her so excited over his skill, but he could hanker a guess that she knew someone with similar skills. Enough to know how to appreciate a good gunman when she saw one.
“Though I’ll admit, my partner back home’s even better than I am---but not by much!”  He smiled more sheepishly before his confidence took over once more. A straight and powerful stance, he then took a very proper and smooth bow.  “My name’s Lupin the Third!”
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“Think you can beat me?”  The master thief held his BB gun up with an air of confidence. It was the Golden Ward’s boardwalk, and he was getting in on some of the games. He wasn’t exactly talking to anyone specific, but rather the game itself. The point of the game was to pop balloons with darts, but after a few failed (or rigged) attempts, Lupin whipped out his BB gun to give them a real show.
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“A little word of advice,”  he told the game operator as he plucked a plush toy from the rack,  “don’t rig your games, you sleazeball robber!”  Pot calling the kettle black here, but Lupin hated getting cheated. Holstering the BB gun, he turned to the nearest person and grinned.
“Hey, this one’s for you!”  And he handed the toy off to the person before walking past a few steps, waving a hand.  “Toodles~!”
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“Well, well, looks like Summertime’s finally arrived! Here’s a toast to warm weather and lots of fun here in the city! Cheers!”  Lupin raised his glass and grinned.
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“I guess it’s better than not having anything while I’m here.” But what good are my powers? It’s not like they’re particularly helpful for anybody right now. That sudden thought is tossed aside and Yomiel celebrates its disposal with a long exhale and a sigh.
That’s a good question, both of them are actually – and he gets back a thought he’s entertained in the short time he’s been here. Guinea pig stuff, poking things with a stick and seeing how they react. A plausible theory that holds some water… The vacation thing, Yomiel isn’t so sure about.
“Depends on your definition of ‘fun’. I was having plenty of fun back home…” Doing terrible things, perhaps? “I only like playing a game when I know about the other players.”
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“But where’s the fun in that, Yomiel?”  Lupin winked, then gestured to the city around them.
“It’s like one big Texas Hold’em game in the back room at a casino. You join the table with a bunch of strangers around you and play ‘til you can’t anymore! It’s a thrill, not knowing your opponents or how to read them! C’mon,”  he tilted his head,  “you can’t honestly tell you don’t enjoy a good game of poker, can you?”
He chuckled. Honestly, Lupin was a bit of an anomaly. He loved the thrill of the chase, but also a good mystery, too. Suspense, it kept him gripped, and he loved the challenge of adapting to an unknown situation. It was truly what he’d consider ‘fun.’
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Hey, I'd like to re-app for Lupin! Same account, same stuff as usual. App under /app from this URL. He was housed in Condo 402. I did try putting in for a hiatus (twice) but I think something happened and my asks got eaten.
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Lupin!
You will be housed in HOUSE 123.
You’ll retain everything you were given previously.
Because you were removed in an activity check you have one week to make three in character posts else you will be considered inactive once more.
– mod altair.
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“Nothing too fancy. I could move a lamp, or make a computer chair wheel back and forth, but anything elaborate’s beyond me.” The guy up and fesses that he’s some sort of thief (unorthodox thief, even) which is… he supposes it’s a way to gain trust? Yomiel’s unsure. “Red’s a good color for you,” he admits. “Then again, it’s a good color in general.”
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An interesting bit of information – everyone who comes here is significantly powered down. It makes sense enough to him – couldn’t bring in a god without the god shredding it all to pieces, after all. 
“Like why were you brought here, or just figuring out what you want to do now that you’re here?”
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“Still. You’ve got some power, right? Even if only minimal, it’s something,”  he told Yomiel. The thief tilted his head, however, as the man in red grew pensive over his own thoughts. At his question, he lifted his head a bit.
“Well, what I want to do and what my purpose is here are two totally different things, don’t you think?”  Lupin pursed his lips, squeezing one eye closed and holding one finger up.  “On one hand, I could’ve been brought here as a guinea pig for some organization trying to see how beings of different realities adapt to being thrown into chaos. On the other, maybe I was brought here for a fun event-filled vacation.”
Lips spread into a wickedly positive grin, bearing his chipped teeth for his new pal to see.  “It’s like some sorta game, really!”
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|| I swear, I will be back soon. Ya boy has hit a proverbial wall...
I also can’t remember if I put in a hiatus request... so I might throw another one in the next day or two.
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“Something like that.” He doesn’t elaborate, and doesn’t need to. This person doesn’t know anything about him, won’t know about Temsik, and will never know the truth, as far as Yomiel is concerned. “I can manipulate things, or I could. Coming here screwed those powers.”
Ghost trick sounds right. It’s a neat little trick he can do with his ghostly powers, right up until you got to ‘manipulating a person’, and then it turned into ‘ghost atrocity’. 
“Yomiel,” he says. “Not a name you hear everyday, combined with a style you don’t see every day. Don’t think I got your name, either. As for the ‘hoodoo voodoo stuff’, it’s… complicated.”
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“Gotta admit, that’s a pretty fancy power,”  Lupin assured, grinning.  “Name’s Lupin the Third, your resident unorthodox thief. And for the record, I wore red a long time ago, it’s a pretty snazzy color, if I don’t say so myself!”  It was pretty bold of him to admit his rather unlawful profession, but for some reason, he didn’t feel threatened by doing so.
“Coming here practically nerfed everyone’s abilities. Maybe to assure the locals that we won’t overthrow their world or some crap like that,”  he shrugged.  “To be honest, I’m not too concerned about learning about it. I’m more interested in figuring out what my purpose is here, y’know?”
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“Was I dead? Huh. Probably because I–” and then his body just sort of quits on everything, like the strings of a puppeteer had just been severed. It remains that way for a few seconds before Yomiel straightens back up again. “Neat party trick, huh? Dead on command, like a dog.”
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“Don’t ask me about how this all works. I have no idea why my body isn’t decaying, but calling me a ‘corpse’ is half-right. Thanks for the weird, roundabout, kinda back-handed compliment.”
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“Lemme guess,”  he flicked the butt of his cigarette to the ground, straightening up and stepping on its smoldering tip. Then, he gestured a hand towards Yomiel.  “This is somethin’ passed to you from the world you came from, right? Some sorta neat ghost trick where you can possess something to give you its abilities.”
Lupin chuckled. The words coming out of his own mouth, he could only imagine his old partner’s face had he been there. Shrugging a moment, Lupin closed his eyes.  “Sounds crazy, but I’m just pretendin’ to understand all this hoodoo voodoo stuff. What’d you say your name was, again?”
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// Drew this based on an iconic drawing from Monkey Punch himself! You can snag it on my Teespring shop in one of the links below!
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