snfamilymedicine · 3 years
What are Cancer Screening tests?
Screening serves as a cancer detector before the symptoms appear. The screening will help find cancer at an early stage when it might lead to treatment. However, as soon as symptoms appear, cancer may have already spread. This can make it harder to cure.
The benefits of these tests are as follows:
They reduce the chance of dying by screening for cancer.
They have more benefits than harms. For example, possible harms of screening include bleeding, inaccurate test results, physical damage, and overdiagnosis(which is the diagnosis of cancers that do not need treatment.)
Bear in mind that it doesn’t necessarily mean they have diagnosed cancer when your doctor suggests a screening test. Screenings are done when the patient has no symptoms.
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What we do
We offer a vast range of cancer screening tests to diagnose your condition best, using high-tech equipment. Some examples of our professional services are as follows:
Colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and stool tests
Transvaginal ultrasound
Low-dose helical computed tomography
PSA test
Skin exams
Pap test and human papillomavirus (HPV) testing
Breast MRI
Virtual colonoscopy
Source: Snfamilymedicine
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snfamilymedicine · 3 years
Receive women wellness services
We offer a vast range of women’s health services, including OB/GYN practice, ensuring all our clients stay in physical health stability.
Not only our services include medical treatment, but also they consist of physical training and laboratory trials.
Our first aim is for the women to gain more confidence about their physical condition and the medical services we offer. We insist on education more than anything. There are various rumors and myths about women’s body which is not valid. We intend to make our clients aware of the facts and make them comfortable with the natural reactions of their bodies.
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snfamilymedicine · 3 years
Primary care doctor in Las Vegas
Acute care
It is a level of health care in which the doctor treats the patient for a brief but severe episode of illness. It can also happen for conditions with the basis of a disease or trauma. Acute care is provided by a range of clinical personnel using pharmaceuticals, technical, and medical supplies. Some acute care services involve:
Ear infection
Sore Throats (strep throat)
Hypertension/ blood pressure
Hypertension(high blood pressure) is harmful as it can lead to:
Heart failure
Heart attacks
Kidney disease
Our goal is to lower your blood pressure level to protect essential organs like the brain, kidneys, and heart from damage.
We check your blood glucose level and recommend you take some precautions and diets that best fit you. We monitor your blood sugar level with high-tech equipment that can even be monitored from your own home.
Respiratory Illnesses such as Asthma and COPD
Chronic respiratory diseases affect the airways and parts of the lung. Some of the most common respiratory diseases include:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Occupational lung diseases
Pulmonary hypertension
Air pollution, occupational chemicals, and respiratory infections during childhood can cause such diseases. These diseases are not curable. However, there are various forms of treatment to dilate significant air passages; improving shortness of breath can eliminate symptoms and increase the quality of life.
Sleep apnoea
We make an evaluation based on signs and symptoms and your sleep history. A sleep specialist can help in determining your need for evaluation.
An evaluation usually involves overnight monitoring at the center. We observe your breathing and other body functions while you are asleep.
Urinary Tract Infections
A urinary tract infection (UTI) can happen in any part of your urinary system. For instance:
Most infections affect the lower urinary tract, the bladder, and the urethra. We typically treat these infections with antibiotics. However, there are steps you can take to reduce the chances of getting infected.
Gynecological infections
Most women’s urinary infections are fungal or bacterial. Therefore, our doctors usually treat these types of conditions with antibiotics or antifungal medications. Some of these medications are applied directly to the genital region, while others are taken by mouth.
Acne and rashes
Acne is a skin condition that may appear during puberty or even adulthood. It’s a condition caused by inflammation of hair follicles and the skin glands. Our acne and rashes treatment schemes include:
Topical medications
Oral medications
Laser therapy
Drainage and extraction
Chemical peels
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snfamilymedicine · 3 years
The types of STD testing
The type of STD you are going to need depends on:
Your symptoms
If your partner has had STD before
The number of people you’ve had sex with
The kind of sexual contact (oral, anal, vaginal, or any other skin-to-skin genital contact)
How often you use protection (condoms or dental dams)
Sharing needles
STD check is necessary because…
If left untreated, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can lead to severe health problems. For instance:
Organ damage
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