snoopdamo · 7 years
uknow wwwh at. im hopeful that they are st ill in love. damon has 40 extra tracks of songs and one of them must include snoop. in the song they probably confessed their love for each otheur ... but tthey trashed it b c they aren;t ready yet.. they just aaren;t!!! graham is just a cover up hes jus t there to just play his guitar with his prickly salad fuckinfingeirs. da mon and snoop will for e ver live on . that song is gointo drop when they are ready and in that day that song will end hoamophobia . mark. my. fucking. words,,,,
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snoopdamo · 7 years
i;m sorrrry guys but i ;;;m deauctivvatintthis blog im sorrrry its jussst ttthat now that i;;;ve ssseuen that snoop isn;;;t even on theu gorillaz album but that old hag graham ius breaks my ffuckinheart. i really had hhig h ho pes that d amonnn and snoop would be together again onn this a lllbum and thaet i e was gon na see them li ve and watch tt he ir chemis try on stage explode because tha t shit usee with on stage is loeve not hhinels e annd i j ust caan;;;t f uckinbe lieve this iu can;;t beliueve snoopdamo is fu uckinover louve is dead lllove isn;;;t fuckkinreaal
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snoopdamo · 8 years
Snoops got the BIG weed
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snoopdamo · 8 years
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haha yea!!!!!!!! Alex agrees ! 😩👊
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snoopdamo · 8 years
GRAMON????? Haha more like poopmon !!! 😜👊 snoopdamo4lyfe ✨💕🙏🏼
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snoopdamo · 8 years
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This is what tru love looks like! 😭💕✨👊😉
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