Do Night Guards Help with Snoring?
You know how annoying snoring can be to a restful night's sleep if you or your partner snores. Daytime exhaustion, anger, and even more severe health issues might result from snoring. While there are many different ways to treat snoring, using a night guard is one that is frequently suggested. We will discuss night guards in this post, including what they are, how they operate, and whether or not they can reduce snoring.
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What are Night Guards?
Dental guards, commonly referred to as night guards, are appliances that are worn in the mouth while you sleep. They are often constructed from a supple, flexible material and are made with comfort in mind. Although they can also be used to treat snoring, night guards are most frequently used to treat teeth grinding, and bruxism or Anti Snoring Mouthpiece or Mouthguard.
How do Night Guards Work?
The way that night guards work is by shifting the jaw to clear the airway and stop snoring. The sleep guard assists in maintaining the airway open by keeping the jaw slightly forward, making breathing easier and minimizing snoring.
Types of Night Guards
There are two main types of night guards: over-the-counter (OTC) and custom-fitted.
Over-the-Counter Night Guards
Most drugstores carry over-the-counter (OTC) night guards, which are normally made of a boil-and-bite substance that may be shaped to fit the wearer's teeth. Although these guards are less expensive than guards that are specifically tailored to the wearer, they might not be as effective and might not be as comfortable.
Custom-Fitted Night Guards
A dentist can create night guards that are specifically built to fit a person's teeth. These guards cost more than OTC guards, but they often perform better and are more comfortable to wear.
Do Night Guards Help with Snoring?
Yes, night guards can help with snoring, to give the quick answer. The likelihood of snoring can be decreased with night guards since they help to free up the airway by placing the jaw. Night guards are not a snoring cure, it is crucial to remember, and they might not work for everyone.
Who Should Use Night Guards for Snoring?
The best candidates for night guards are those who snore because of a restricted airway or an unaligned jaw. A night guard might not work if other conditions like obesity or nasal congestion are to blame for your snoring.
How to Get a Night Guard
You should speak with your dentist if you want to use a sleep guard for snoring. Your dentist can advise you on the best night guard for your requirements and, if necessary, can fit you with a bespoke guard. Get snore stopper device and sleep better.
Other Snoring Treatments
Even though night guards can be an effective snoring treatment, other approaches might be preferable depending on the source of your snoring. Other methods of snoring treatment include:
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy
Nasal strips
Oral appliances
It can be worthwhile to try a night guard if you or your partner snores. Snoring brought on by a constrained airway or an unaligned jaw can be effectively treated with night guards. To choose the best course of action for your needs, it is crucial to speak with your dentist.
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