snortyport · 2 years
(Un)Broken Happily Ever After Chapter 8
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Word Count- 2214
Warning- Swearing maybe, mentions of sex
A/N- Sorry this took so long! Laptop problems but thankfully it’s fixed now! I’m going to try to post chapters more regularly but life sometimes gets in the way of that.
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For the longest time, Tae had been trying to get you to play video games with him. You’d been living together for a few months now and almost everyday he’d ask you to play. You’d usually say no since video games aren’t really your thing. You enjoy watching him play but you don’t get the same satisfaction as he does from them.
It’s not like your bad at them either, you’re actually pretty good and can get the hang of a game pretty quickly. Tae often will tell you hints while he plays and will explain everything going on in the game so you’ve picked up little tips and tricks here and there. You love hearing him talk about the silly pixels that he’s invested so much time in. Seeing him talk about something so passionately is down right sexy. You sometimes just watch him and his mouth moving without even paying attention to what he’s saying.
Today though, you decided to indulge him and play a fighting game with him.
As he’s loading the system up, you run your thumbs over the controller, excited to take him down once and for all. And the best part is he’ll never see it coming. Your competitive spark igniting with a tingle down your spine.
“Babe, I’m so excited to finally play a game with you!” he says, clicking through the library until he finds the one he’s looking for. As the game starts up, Tae’s knee starts bouncing with excited, jittery nerves. “I’ll go easy on you, babe, since this is your first time playing,” he smiles at you. As you smile back, thoughts of wiping that overconfident, smug smile off his face stream through your mind but you smile back anyway.
“Thanks, babe. You’re so considerate. You’ll go easy on me until I get the hang of it?” you ask innocently.
“Of course! It wouldn’t be that much fun if I took you down in three seconds,” he says. You watch as his fingers run over the controller. You’re so tempted to just forget the game and have him play your body with his skilled hands instead. You’ve been dating for almost a year, and still the two of you can barely keep your hands off each other.
“You’re so sweet,” you smile at his adorable, unknowing face. The two of you pick your fighters, Tae going for the fast moving ninja, and you picking the small, cute, and deadly woman fighter.
Tae picks the arena and before you know it, the game starts.
“Ok, so you move with the analog stick,” Tae starts, but you drown out his explanation, already knowing the basics of it.
Even though you’ve never played this exact game, you know these fighting games are all the same. Each fighter has special moves depending on which buttons you press, so you start pushing buttons to make quick combos before you find the good moves. The match is over within seconds, Tae’s mouth hanging open and his fingers hoovering over the buttons in surprise from the moment you started the match.
“No, it was pretty fun to win in three seconds,” you giggle while staring at his astonished face. He blinks a couple times before shifting his gaze to you.
? I don’t understand what just happened?” he says, a confused but happy smile spreads across his face. “I thought you said you’ve never played before?”
“I’ve never played this one
 but I’ve played other ones,” you smile triumphantly at him, so giddy that you were able to play him as well. You start laughing at the look of utter awe on his face.
“I love you,” he says, his voice full of wonder.
You stop laughing to stare in shock at him, your eyes wide as you take him in. You can’t see any trace of a joke on his face or in his voice. Just his sincere, wide eyes staring back at you.
“You love me?” you ask, you voice lifting with hope. This being the first time it’s been said, you feel lighter than you ever have. You’ve been looking for the perfect moment to say it to him first, knowing you’ve been in love with him for months now. You’ve wanted to do something romantic in candlelight on a special occasion, maybe. You wanted it to be the perfect moment. But this is it. This is so much more perfect, this is what you needed.
“Of course I do,” he says like you should know this. “You’re an incredible woman who amazes me in new ways every single day. Like, you beat me in no time flat even though you said you rarely play. That’s so fucking hot and I
 I just love you. I really love you,”
“I love you too!” you say, your heart feeling like it might burst.
At the same time, you both drop the controllers and as if a string was pulling you together, you meet for a frenzied kiss. Clothes come off and get thrown around the room, the game completely forgotten, as you lose yourselves in each other instead.
A few hours later, you lay on the couch, wrapped in Tae’s arms. He slowly drags his fingers over your bare back, making goosebumps pop up with every pass. He kisses the top of your head and tightens his arms around you. With your head resting on his chest, you feel his chest rise in a deep, content sigh, his heartbeat pounding steady in your ear.
You spent the last few hours getting lost in each other, over and over and over again. You love this man so much that you can’t even picture living a life without him. In less than a year, he’s become your everything.
You don’t even mind delaying your Mother Teresa trip, as Jungkook and Hobi have been calling it. Having applied the summer before your senior year of university, you had to cancel it. In doing so, you knew you might not get accepted again the next year but you were fine with that. All you want to do is spend all your time wrapped up in Tae’s arms and you didn’t want to spend a whole year away from him when your relationship had basically just started.
You would have missed this incredible night if you had gone, and right now you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
“I love you so much,” he whispers against your hair.
“Mmm, I love you so much too,” you mumble sleepily. Being snuggled against his naked body is keeping you toasty warm and after being taken care of so fully, you are so close to falling asleep.
Tae always makes sure you get release first, whether it’s with his mouth, fingers, or both. None of your previous boyfriends seemed to care whether you got off or not, so finding out Tae was such a giving partner was a very nice surprise.
“Are you sleeping?”
“Should we go to bed?”
“I don’t want to end this night just yet. I want to live in this moment forever,” you whisper, rubbing your cheek against his chest like a cat. You hear the rumble in his chest when he chuckles at your statement. “Don’t laugh at me,” you pout, even though he can’t see your face.
“I’m not, my love,” he says, kissing your head again. “I just think you’re so cute and adorable and I wish we could stay in this moment too. I wish we could relive this whole night,”
“Mmm, me too,”
As you lay in silence, you mind drifts over the last ten months. Tae has made you so happy, happier than you ever thought possible. You knew you were happy before meeting him, but it was like he unlocked something in you, something you didn’t know was missing. Meeting him felt like coming home. You enjoyed your time away but home feels right, it’s where you feel safe. And that’s how you feel with Tae.
Your parents were a little concerned at first with your relationship. For the first three years of university all you talked about was Jungkook, Hobi, and Jin, when all of a sudden, this new man became your only topic of conversation. You and Tae spent every moment together that you could, even spending most nights at his or your university apartment. It helped that your friends and his got on so well. So much so that Hobi and Tae’s best friend, Jimin, started dating shortly after you and Tae did. Your lives meshed so well together that you didn’t think anything of how fast you were moving.
Your parents tried to warn you about getting too caught up in someone. When you told them you were deferring your mission trip for a year and planning on moving in with Tae instead, they sat you down and had a long conversation with you about losing yourself for someone else. A heated fight broke out because you knew that wasn’t what was happening. You were so infatuated with Tae and even at that time you knew you were in love with him. He didn’t tell you to take a year off from your trip, and he wasn’t making you move in with him. You wanted to do that all on your own accord.
Your fight made the last few weeks of living back at home with them very awkward. No one knew what to say to each other. Your parents thought you were making a mistake and were worried for you but you saw it as them trying to keep you away from a future you were so excited for.
The day you were getting on the train to go back to the city, they drove you to the station in complete silence. Before you got on, your mom pulled you into tight hug and apologized. They just wanted you to be happy and safe. Your father wrapped his arms around both of you and the three of you shared pent up tears. They told you they’ll always stand behind you as your biggest cheerleaders with their arms open if you ever need to come home.
You even knew you were moving really fast with Tae, it sometimes feeling like you were hurtling through life at the speed of light, but it’s also so exciting and you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Even your friends had worries they weren’t afraid to tell you. The whole summer, Jungkook had asked over and over if you thought it was a good idea. Hobi called every day making sure you really wanted this. Jin texted when he could to offer his old man wisdom as he liked to call it.
But you knew you were ready for whatever life threw at you. You wanted, no, you needed to be with Tae. Being away from him for the last few months of summer felt like torture, like you had left a piece of yourself with him and you could feel that pull to get back every second of every day.
So, after a teary goodbye and promises to call and text whenever you can, you got on the train and headed back to the man you planned to spend the rest of your life with. You’d take in everyone’s concerns, but you knew, no matter what, you were making the right choice. You felt good about Tae. So sure of your relationship with him with you’d risk everything for him. And you knew he would do the same for you. He’d proved himself over and over again that he’d always choose you.
Laying here now, you’re not sure how anything could go wrong. Everything is so perfect. His arms holding you tight against him, your legs tangled together, your breathing in sync with his. Being right here, nothing could ever go wrong.
You lift your head to stare into his dark, beautiful eyes. Lifting your hand to sweep a few locks of hair laying across his forehead to the side, you cup his cheek, craning your neck to plant a kiss on his lips. He meets you half way to share a soft kiss, his hand squeezing your hip. He brushes your hair behind your ear before you lay your head back down on his chest.
“Can we just stay here tonight? I don’t want to move,” you mumble, wriggling against his naked body to try to get closer.
“Ok, baby,” he kisses the top of your head again. He plants his feet on the couch and lifts his hips, pulling up the blanket that fell under him from the back of the couch during the excitement. “Here, so we don’t get cold.”
“Aren’t you glad I made us keep a blanket out here now?” you giggle, as he drapes the blanket over your shoulders.
“Just one of the many reasons why I love you,” he says, squeezing you tight against him.
Your eyes drift close but you can’t help the smile that threatens to crack your face in two. This man is your person and nothing will change that. And with that thought swirling around your mind, and Tae’s heartbeat pumping a steady rhythm in your ear, you nod off to sleep.
There we go! I know it took forever for this update and I hope you enjoyed the comeback!
If you’d like to be tagged, let me know!
Taglist:  @anatron9000​ , @sugalarity​ , @alexnicolaidisss​
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snortyport · 2 years
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SUGA x GQ Kr Photoshoot (1/3)
Cause this look~~~ THE skirt~~~ o_O
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MAKE ME CHOOSE ↳ silver taehyung or blue taehyung? — @astrarum (cr. namuspromised)
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+ bonus : seokjin’s unbeatable logic
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I C A N N O T breathe
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are u also still here, lurking in the shadows????
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Happy New Year!
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