CP is in 95% of the show, if WAs are still unhappy what else are they gonna do? They could not watch like the rest of us but they won't, CP won't be hired anywhere else. This is all she's got and they know it.
As you know based on what’s going on, there is no pleasing mob mentality. 
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What is the rumor I keep hearing about CP getting sacked for real? Like everything is adding up against her they just need to put it in the show? Did you hear anything about that?
If it happens, then it happens in Season 7. Nobody will watch the show after the swan song season. 
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Is Hartley gonna be hired back? There's a petition going around that has over 1,000 signed. Will anything come of that?
Due to him being white and male, don’t see it.
But the petition is reaching ground, points for effort.
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Need further proof she lives in her own fucked up world? ^^
Astrology is bullshit
… or, is it?
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cp is a cancer, we been knew. Narcissist? Check. Snake? Check. Attack others? Check.
(naah just joking, astrology is 100% bullshit, but of course cp would go for that nonsense. I bet she also has little voodoo dolls representing people she hates that she puts pins into, just on the off chance that it might work.)
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I heard of the idiot on twitter who outed Hartley, isn't she a teenager? She's also a CP stan, amazing how fast the show acted to a nobody blue check mark poc.
Skai Jackson is not innocent herself. She’s tweeted some nasty things in the past and somehow gotten away with it due to her racial privilege and age.
Eric taking her word on what counts as exposed is hilarious. She’s got a rap sheet that rivals CP, her idol.
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Do you think CP has the power and leverage to get DP fired? By leverage I mean with BLM behind her?
Yes, judging from the racist militant behavior thus far.
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Hartley Sawyer got fired for tweets that he made years ago but CP can't be fired for being a whorewrecker because she's black? Make it make sense!
Well there is a double standard for a reason, all straight white men are eventually going to be eliminated from the network, give them time.
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Also GG's IG account hasn't had a break, I think it's not him posting to his IG stories. CP is uber gloating; she is being an uber militant race baiter and now how will she ever get fired? She has this whole movement to back her up. W/e she wants now on the show she will use "white people hate me" to the MAX and she will get everything. Iron clad. Her stans are rooting her on; Because this movement is all about CP's weave and not life and death.
He has handlers who make him post woke shit all the time against his will.
There are plenty of pocs who hate her too, VM being one of them. DN another, countless others who can’t stand her attitude.
The most important thing to take from all this is that she isn’t that known, she’s not famous. She trended because of her affair with jr, not as an actress.
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Yo the cunts made up a lie that DP supports "sexual assault" because she mentioned Hannibal Bate's kiss with Caitlin in an interview or two. They have no respect for sexual assault survivors because they used sexual assault to hate on a woman, and no one was thinking sexual assault until they brought it up. It's disgusting how low that fandom will sink to find reasons to hate on DP for nothing but being white. But CP is a sidechick homewrecker and that is okay with them? WTF?!
Kissing someone back is sexual assault? OK then. 
Wouldn’t it be banger if VM, the tart who outed CP and JR at the Halloween party got the lead in Batwahmen? I’m sure those CW parties would be incredibly fun to watch if they crossed paths.
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At least Snowbarry got an emotional ending scene while Virus Pest was still stuck behind a mirror, do the writers even WANT WA to be the lead ship?
There were little emotional nuggets here and there. WA was pretty much sidelined since the Virus was stuck in the mirror for most of the season. Like I said, it wasn’t terrible.
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S6 didn't end with WA that's a plus, Virus spent half the season behind a mirror and Barry cheated on her with some chick I bet he liked fucking Eva more than he did his MIA sister-wife.
She got pretty badass at the end of the season, it made her even more attractive. Barry was actually banging a total hottie.
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Can't wait until the show is finally cancelled since we know they won't fire the racist tart creating all the drama.
If it gets .07 in the ratings, it might hold out until at least Season 8, the farewell season, they could throw more money at Grant and buy at least two more seasons of garbage writing. It’ll never really keep 1mil in the ratings, they can say goodbye to their glory days, their demo is already demolished. How did Arrow stay on the air for as long as it did? Money and bought seasons.
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What I want to know is why Grant was supporting what Wallace said completely? Basically throwing Hartley, his friend, under the bus. Also, has Grant been apologizing for being white way too much lately? Something weird is going on with the cast. They are being too weak to this strange radical movement going on in the world.
Grant is a simp for SJWs, he’d be kneeing and washing their feet if they forced him. He doesn’t know how to be because he wants to keep working in the industry and not piss of his poc boss.
As far as supporting Hartley, I don’t think anyone is allowed to. Apparently what he said 8 years ago is akin to harassment and murder, so, anyone throwing support for him being a changed man has a target on their back by keyboard warriors out there controlling everything. 
He’s been apologizing for his invisible privilege a lot. If he doesn’t like it then he should not negotiate for more seasons. But he’s also a simp for money too.
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What are your thoughts on Hartley Sawyer being fired from the show from the problematic tweets he said in the past?
CP had something to do with it. Hartley wasn’t on anyone’s bad side, the entire crew really loved him and his fanbase is bigger than CP’s. I’m not his biggest fan but the guy didn’t deserve to be fired over something that happened 8 years ago. 
But CP who has said nasty, racist things on a daily basis and treats the entire cast like shit is still on the show...come on now. Don’t tell me this isn’t political. Wallace’s feelings were hurt, a grown man’s feelings were hurt, OK, cry more about it. He didn’t harass or kill anyone. He made some awful jokes. 
All this is too convenient to believe in this time, with racial tensions being at their highest, it all sounds too slimy to believe. He was hired because he was right for the job, not for his bad jokes. Cancel culture is a disease.
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Season 6 wasn’t a great season but it wasn’t terrible either, it’s just been very unwatchable, especially the last half of the series. Wallace has no direction and panders to the lowest common denominator. He doesn’t understand Barry Allen nor does he care to develop characters that have been there since the beginning.  
Nobody has nothing bad to say about Danielle not even Eric Wallace. Everyone love her. Did you see how S6 has been good for us. A lot of Frost, OTF and SB back, now they search a way to have her back for 701-703. She get more focus than CP even in 613-615 when she was really pregnant. A lot of fans on Twitter have seen clear in the problem this is not Danielle being racist. She is just a problem for WasteAllen so insecure for this toxic couple
Eeeeehhhhh.... S6 barely had any Caitlin except for Ep 1 and Frost was dumbed down. Barry had almost no scenes with Caitlin. OTF including Ralph and lots of new annoying characters. They had to give us the SB scene in the finale cause of the virus. Otherwise we would still have WA eps going. But I do agree DP is loved by everyone except Cuntice. WA is definitely insecure or they wouldn't be lying their fat asses off about DP and making shit up about 'sexual assault'. They KNOW CP can't hold her own with DP in the picture. That's why they are so thirsty for DP to leave. CP can't stand DP because she is loved.
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He’s doing humanity a service as well.
There will mostly be no WA romantic scenes before a moment. The Canada security protocole is out and if they don't want to kiss then they are no forced to. GG will never take the risk to be contaminated
I'm sure he'd want to protect himself from more than just Coronavirus.
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cp is at it again with her Instagram pettiness. Apparently she has blocked Danielle now. Yes, it could be the other way around, but I consider that extremely unlikely. cp is deeply unprofessional and unlikable.
I don’t even have to look at her IG to see she’s still on her insecure antics. If she really blocked DP out jealous pettiness, well, are we really that surprised? Was only a matter of time before she truly snapped.
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