snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Okay, that’s true. Who even has the energy to just be mean for no reason during this time. Though I can think of a few people, just not the people here at camp. But if people are bothering you, let me know so I can at least scare them. If they don’t stop, I’ll stab them in the kidney.” Artem knew very efficient ways to kill people and they probably wouldn’t even know it. He had a heart attack gun that he designed himself which was very successful in its kills. “Yes, I feed you too and you probably eat more and more everyday cause you’re a growing boy.” The son of Hecate teased.
Kole leaned against Artem and hugged him again, purely on principle. “Exactly. I certainly don’t have the energy to deal with mean people, so I avoid them.” To be honest, he was avoiding a lot of people, but that was because he didn’t want to get sick or risk someone else getting sick. He was trying to be responsible, even if it was sort of lonely. He giggled after. “I will let you know, I promise.” There was verifiable proof that Kole could take care of himself, but there was even more proof that Kole didn’t want to because he didn’t like fighting and confrontations. It was nice to know that someone had his back. He cackled after and grinned up at Artem. “Yes! So you don’t have to worry about me stealing Katya. We’ll both always be around to harass you for food.”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“How old are you? Ten? Sure, you’ll still have a lot of time to grow.” Nath continued to joke, even going so far as to pat the top of Kole’s head. It probably seemed mean to some people but Kole and Nath get along really well that it wasn’t a big deal anymore. “Okay, Raena and that tall guy. Not Teren because that dumb gay is soft and we know it.” The son of Zeus knew the blond son of Hecate very well to know that he’s only trying to look intimidating.
“Rude! I’m six- no, seventeen!” Kole paused to do some mental math. “Wait. Wait. No, that’s a lie, I just turned eighteen. I think. What day is it? What year is it? I’m pretty sure 2020 just isn’t real, so that messes everything up.” He snickered softly and then outright cackled. “Tyoma, uh, Artem is the tall guy. He’s epic. Well, he and Raena are both epic and Teren is scary. But, he doesn’t like Theios, so that puts him in my good graces.” Kole grinned blissfully.
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“You tell me who they are and I’ll stab them.” Artem answered, looking slightly too serious for comfort when he had said that. Maybe he wouldn’t exactly stab them but they would definitely scare them. A little bit. Just to get them to back off. “That’s exactly what she wants! Cuddles and playtime. She’ll betray me as soon as she hears you say that and I’d be powerless to stop it.” That didn’t seem like it would happen but he wouldn’t be surprised if it did just because Katya seemed really fond of Kole and vice versa.
Kole hummed a bit as Artem responded because he knew that Artem wasn’t joking all that much. If someone was bothering him, Kole knew he could ask Artem to help and Artem would take care of the problem. “Well, no one’s really been mean to me since this whole thing started. The pandemic, I mean. But that’s because I don’t really talk to anyone except the people I like, so.” So really, there wasn’t anyone being mean to him now, but he expected things to go right back to usual once this was over. Possibly worse, since the Ares campers would undoubtedly have a lot of pent up aggression to get out. He giggled after. “Okay, but consider that I love you and would never steal her. Plus, it’s not like you don’t know where I live. And you feed her. That’s very important. You also feed me, and look how well that worked out!”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Maybe you should just wish upon some star somewhere and then maybe you’ll grow tall.” Nath continued to joke. He never had problems with his height and he still liked to poke fun at other people’s height sometimes but he will stop if asked. “You know, if people hear you telling me that I’m the best, people might hunt me down. Like that kid from Hecate. The one that looks scary.”
“Do you think? I guess I’ll start wishing, then!” Kole laughed, perfectly content to mock his own height. He didn’t really have a problem being short, and it was fun to tease and be teased. “Which one? Tyoma or Raena? They both look very scary, but they probably won’t hurt you, especially if I ask them nicely and let them know that you’re important to me. Besides, you’re the best in a different way than either of them! You’re all the best!”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Of course, I’m being mean to you. Who else is going to be mean to you ever?” Artem said with a straight face though the corners of his mouth were already lifting into a smile. It was hard not to smile around Kole when he rarely did with others unless he really truly cared about them. “Okay, you’re going to spoil Katya and then she’s going to leave me for you. While I don’t mind, she’s still my little lady.”
“Rude! Lots of people are mean to me!” Though none had been in recent months, so maybe Artem had a point. He grinned at the son of Hecate though and started laughing when he saw Artem’s not-quite smile. He was glad that the other camper felt safe enough around him to smile. “Nuh-uh. She won’t leave you for me, ‘cause I won’t let her. Besides, I’m too cold to have pets! I only provide cuddles and playtime. She’ll always be your little lady. I just reserve the right to spoil her like any good pet uncle.”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“I’m getting you the ones that light up like a rainbow. Definitely those ones. I’ll get you platform ones just so you’ll look taller.” Nath joked as he pat the top of Kole’s head, chuckling. It was always refreshing to have Kole around because he was so carefree about everything. It was rather infecting. “Not the best but I’ll still take the compliment.”
Kole’s eyes widened at the thought. “I love rainbows!” He cackled after, leaning into the touch. “Yes, please, make me taller! Though I dunno if I’d be able to walk on them. I think it’d be fun to try.” Even if he fell over, at least he’d be having fun with it. He grinned at Nath. “Good, good. I think you’re the best, but this is a good compromise.”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Yeah, well, that’s dumb if you try to get used to it by yourself first. That’s going to get you hurt and we definitely don’t want that. All the gods would smite me if you get hurt.” Artem joked– well, the gods would smite him for that and other reasons. The thought just made him cringe a little. “She’s already a spoiled little lady, we can’t have you spoiling her more.”
Kole gave Artem a look that was playfully offended. “Now you’re just being mean to me.” He hummed a bit after and smiled to Artem. “I’m not too sure about that. They might be too busy laughing to go around smiting.” But that was okay, Kole didn’t want anyone to smite Artem. He laughed after. “But I want to! I just want to give her all the cuddles.”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“I’m sure I can find some that light up. Or I can have someone make it for me, I’m certain I’d be able to find someone or at least have my teammate with kids lead me to some direction.” Gods know if Nath can actually do that on his own. He probably could but it would definitely take him longer than usual. The shoes were very easy and were actually on their way to his apartment in the city already. “I’ve been told but I don’t believe it.” The son of Zeus answered honestly and chuckled when Kole moved and hugged him, wrapping an arm around him to hug him back.
“That’d be so cool!! I’ve never had light-up shoes!” But he’d always appreciated them and it was exciting to think about having some, even though he was probably too old. Oh well, who said you had to give up life’s simple pleasures just because adulthood was a thing? Kole had no interest in abandoning his “childish” anything just because other people thought he was too old for it. He squeezed Nath in a hug, grinning. “You should believe it! I’m right. You’re absolutely the best.”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Well, yes, that makes sense. Though you should probably get used to fire so it won’t seem so scary to you. You have to use that to your advantage.” Artem mentioned off-handedly, though it was true. For what advantage, he didn’t know until it happened. Kole should probably get used to fire even though it was the complete opposite of his powers. “You could stay in my place, you’ll be able to hang out with Katya more, that’s an option.”
“Yeah, but I dunno how to do that on my own.” Maybe if Artem helped, but Kole didn’t want to take up all his time. That wasn’t fair to him. He did lean over to squish Artem again, gently. “I love you, so much. It’d be so much fun to go see Katya again. I love her, too. She’s adorable. She needs all the attention.”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
Nath laughed and then made sure the two would meet when hockey season starts again. If it was safe, or at least, he’ll try to make the meeting as safe as possible given the circumstances. “Okay, so a Nokk doll that lights up and stuff too. I think I can do that. I’ll also add those sparkly shoes that I finally found!” The hockey player exclaimed with a proud grin.
Kole looked at Nath and then laughed. “A light up one? They have one of those?! That’s so cool!” He cackled after. “I would wear light-up shoes! Those are the best.” He grinned to Nath and leaned over to hug the hockey player. “Has anyone ever told you that you’re the best?”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Fire is not scary. It’s the easies–” Artem wasn’t going to continue that thought just because it was definitely disturbing and he stopped himself from talking about his job. Nobody wanted to hear that. Though he knew how destructive fire can be. “Do you really want to stay in the Hermes cabin at that point? They’re crowded and noisy. Though, I guess you’d like that cause it’s the complete opposite of your cabin.”
Kole looked at Artem for a moment and then squinted. “Fire is scary because it’s my opposite. Hot, melts ice, fast. I like campfires, but fire can be very scary to me.” Fire had its uses, but Kole preferred those uses to be well away from him whenever possible. Unless it was Artem’s fire, which was fine because Artem wouldn’t let the fire hurt him. He hummed in thought after. “That’s fair. It might be fun to spend a day or two there, but probably not much longer than that.” He liked the energy of the Hermes cabin, but he’d always been able to retreat when it got too much. Maybe it wasn’t a solid backup plan. Oh well.
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Oh, I’ve tried. I asked her out for dinner one time and she just glared at me until I went away. Also, I think my teammate likes her so…” Nath trailed off and then shrugged after. He didn’t want to think about that particular night either. Though he remembers the fun night he had at the bar. “I’ll send you sweets and some food… Maybe an Elsa doll or two?” The son of Zeus teased. Though if Kole asked, he would probably give one if he wanted. Or really, whatever Kole wanted anyway.
Kole stared for a moment. “That sounds dramatic. I kinda want to meet her.” If only to see if she was as impressive as Nath was making her out to be. That, and because he liked meeting new people. He cackled as Nath offered him an Elsa doll. “Okay, but it has to be from the new movie! Oh! You could send me a Nokk doll! I loved the Nokk, that was the best part. I didn’t think I’d ever get to see one on screen! It was very exciting.” He rambled happily, beaming at Nath.
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“She’s a tiny woman that gets what she wants. I’m not surprised that the whole team is scared of her.” Nath usually steered clear and followed his plan but it was definitely harder once the lockdown had started. Especially when he was alone and he was lonely. “How about some godly food? I might need more of that now that the season might come back soon.”
Kole blinked at Nath with wide eyes. He couldn’t imagine having to listen to someone that he was scared of all the time. “Someone should give her something nice. Make her less scary.” He brightened after. “I can do that!” It was good to have a suggestion, that made things much easier. It would be exciting to mail Nath some godly food and then be mailed something back, or however it ended up working.
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“Okay, to be fair, as much as I trust you with everything else, I can’t trust that you won’t burn down your cabin because really, you’re afraid of fire and anything can happen.” Artem was definitely worried about that but he would be there anyways and he can use the magic to stop whatever is happening. “It is definitely not a funny story because you know, where would you stay?” The answer was obvious, Kole would stay with him and Nine in the city for a bit but he was making a point anyways.
“That’s because fire is scary!” Kole protested. Sure, his ice abilities were fantastic at keeping the fire away from him, but as a general rule of thumb, fire was his opposite and he avoided it because it was mean. He blinked at Artem after. “My cabin is built of ice. I’d just make a new one. Or stay at the Hermes cabin and then build a new one.” It wasn’t really a scary thing, to think of his cabin melting because it was ice. He could fix it. Probably. Everything inside was more or less replaceable.
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
Artem couldn’t help but laugh loudly when Kole said that he accepted his challenge– he doubted that the other would succeed but he was going to want to see what the other would come up with anyways. “Hey, anything can happen. Though I doubt your cabin will be set on fire, we have to get ready for all the possibilities anyways.” The son of Hecate still doubted that but he would literally prepare for anything to happen. Only to appease the younger camper.
Kole lit up as Artem laughed, grinning brightly at the sound because that was a good thing. He loved making Artem laugh. “That’s fair, it’s me we’re talking about. If anyone was going to somehow have a cabin burn down, might as well be me- make it a story to be told.” He snickered softly at the thought, wondering how a cabin of solid ice would even catch fire. “But I trust you to make sure it doesn’t. Even if it’d be a funny story.”
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
“They’re shorter than you and I’m scared of her.” Nath pointed out and laughed softly because he wouldn’t get killed but he would get a stern talking down to and that was just as worse. No thank you. “Then I’ll visit more often. Though I have to go in a bit now though because I still have a meeting with my agent. I’ll try to send some stuff in a box like candy and chips, if you’d like?”
“Okay, that sounds very scary.” Short people had tempers and while Kole didn’t consider himself temperamental, there was plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise. Evidence that he was very deliberately ignoring. Because he could. He smiled sweetly to Nath, genuinely excited and happy at the thought of being visited more often. “I’d love that! I’ll try to send some stuff back.” He had no idea what he’d be able to send from Camp, but if nothing else, Nath would end up with a collection of beautifully crafted non-melting snowflakes.
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snowflaketragedy · 3 years
Artem would definitely keep himself still for as long as possible if it meant that Kole would get a sense of calm and even rest while he was there. He wasn’t going to lie that he felt warm whenever he was around the younger camper. “Please, as if you could ever bother me! You’re too innocent to bother me.” He pointed out, knowing that Kole would try his hardest to annoy him just because he was stubborn like that. Nothing ever really distracted him unless it was his boyfriend, which was definitely another case entirely. “Yes, and as much as you complain about me getting distracted and accidentally burning down your cabin, I’m going to protect you from that.”
Kole felt safe and comfortable curled up against Artem like this. Sure, he was probably restricting Artem’s reaction time a little by virtue of being directly in the way, but that didn’t diminish the fact that Artem had magic and was amazing with it. Kole didn’t think he could ever be safer than right here. He cackled at Artem’s statement, thoroughly delighted. “Challenge accepted!” Not that he’d actually go out of his way to genuinely bother Artem, but he’d delight in harassing the older camper now and again, just for the fun of it. “I dunno if my cabin can even burn down, it’s made of ice... But I trust you to protect it anyway.” If there ever was someone who could find a way to burn down a cabin made of ice, it was Kole.
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