snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
THIS  BLOG  IS  NOW  AN  ARCHIVE .     find  cassandra  at  @snowsurvive  
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
THIS  BLOG  IS  NOW  AN  ARCHIVE .     find  cassandra  at  @snowsurvive  
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
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no .     cassandra  is  a  de  rolo ,  and  you  took  them  away  from  me .     and  now  we’re  taking  everything  away  from  you .          /     independent  cassandra  johanna  von  musel  klossowski  de  rolo ,  loved  by  katie  ( she / they ,  white ,  24 )  since  january  2021 .     private ,  mutuals  only .     template .
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
THIS  BLOG  IS  NOW  AN  ARCHIVE .     find  cassandra  at  @snowsurvive  
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
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no .     cassandra  is  a  de  rolo ,  and  you  took  them  away  from  me .     and  now  we’re  taking  everything  away  from  you .          /     independent  cassandra  johanna  von  musel  klossowski  de  rolo ,  loved  by  katie  ( she / they ,  white ,  24 )  since  january  2021 .     private ,  mutuals  only .     template .
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
steeples  fingies .     what  if . . . archive
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
change pronouns and gendered nouns as necessary.
now, now. there’ll be plenty of other opportunities.
it’s more about confidence than anything else.
you make it sound so easy.
nothing ever rattles you, does it?
you do know that you cannot show someone your best without allowing them to see your worst.
they’re quite lovely, are they not?
the damn thing stung me.
please don’t. do not leave me.
do you think _____ will like it?
perhaps by then, you will have an engagement to announce.
i shall be the very picture of amiability.
for goodness’ sake, ____. stop your pacing before you give me indigestion.
i’m sure you’ll find the gentlemen there very good company.
and since when has that ever created an issue?
you will charm him with some assistance.
oh, i am so pleased you were able to come.
she’s too busy reading to notice anything else, as usual.
enjoying your brief respite from the ferocious packs of marriage-minded young ladies, _____?
well, i cannot wait to meet the woman who has captured your heart.
tell me, what is she like?
is that a promise or a threat?
you’re smiling. i see my plan to win you over is already working.
i was smiling at the view, which you are now blocking.
mark my words, _____. by the end of your stay, your opinion of me will be much improved.
i did not think you such an optimist.
since your schemes to manipulate me are now out in the open, i suppose it would be an improvement, indeed.
i’m entirely flattered, ____.
i very much look forward to spending time with you and your family.
so you’re quite set on your decision, then, i take it?
i made my intentions clear.
you must know there is no need to hurry such a momentous occasion.
You should take the opportunity to get to know one another.
i only hope you are acting with a clear mind.
you have wanted me to marry for years. and now you suggest i wait?
what exactly are the rules of this game?
pall-mall is less about the rules, more about the goal.
it is a poor player who plays the game, and a wise one who plays their opponent.
i believe i shall rather enjoy this game.
he will strike when he thinks you are least suspecting it, so always be suspecting it.
i, of course, am a complete enigma who will divulge none of my secrets.
he’s usually the most genteel sportsman. except as far as this field is concerned.
are you often in that part of town? seems it is rather far from the fashionable side, is it not?
perhaps i might ask you the same thing. but i will not because i happen to believe a lady’s business is her own.
it’s meant to be a game, is it not?
you exaggerate.
are you the superstitious sort?
i know some men cannot perform without their familiar tools. like a child with a blanket.
you’ll find it gets easier.
your head is clearly elsewhere, _____.
yes, the season can be quite cutthroat.
you have the chance to best him.
that would not be very sportsmanlike, would it?
i was told unsportsmanlike conduct was a requirement for this game.
what do you say, _____? are you in a losing mood?
ah, is that so? you would bravely bear the crushing shame of defeat?
i shall, uh… join you if you like?
there is no need to spoil your fun on my account.
do you want my help or not?
it is not amusing.
i believe i… underestimated you, _____.
that seems to be the theme of our acquaintance, does it not?
well, since we are long past formalities… tell me frankly. what must i do to win your approval?
she will be amusing company at dinner.
i know what well is, and this is not well.
he cannot do this. i will not allow it. you stop him.
i told you, you may not speak to him.
it is not your choice to make. it is mine.
flutter it so, to draw his eyes to your bosom. and remember to laugh at his jokes.
every man wishes to be thought a sharp wit.
you have an interest in travel?
do i need a reason to enjoy their company?
i do hope the afternoon was not too taxing for you.
you do express yourself so agreeably, _____. it is refreshing and rare indeed.
i myself am fortunate to have found a love of literature, but also of learning as well.
i must admit to you. the only books i have read this year are ledgers of the estate’s accounts. and, um, they’re all dreadfully boring.
it is perfect, then. you are much too busy to read, and i am very much in need of someone to tell about my stories.
i so enjoy talking of books.
well, uh, i… i only hope his intentions were genuine and nothing less.
who are you, and what have you done with my brother?
what exactly are your objections?
if you say she is the one in whose presence you cannot properly think, or even… or even breathe. if you say you feel that feeling.
all those years traveling, you have not been tempted to marry?
could you stop your interruptions?
might i ask you for the honor of your company for a promenade?
it only takes the smallest of doses to feel the effects.
or perhaps it will allow you to escape the thoughts that’ve been plaguing your mind.
you must not let the game of pall-mall dismay you. antagonism is, i’m afraid, what you must expect.
was it your choice you never married?
my brothers tell me i have a habit of being rather direct.
everyone tells me it is fate worse than death to end up a spinster.
the world is not exactly welcoming to an unmarried woman. there seems to be no place in society for us, except at the edge of things.
that rather seems to be society’s flaw, not a woman’s.
now i’m making myself useful with embroidery.
perhaps join us for family dinner?
i know this is hard. i know you miss him. but we all miss him.
_____, this is it. this is my best. i am doing my best.
i feel even sorrier for myself because, most of the time, all i am thinking is that this little baby did not do me the kindness of killing me so that I could be with my husband.
_____ was the air that i breathed. and now there is no air.
i hate to see you like this. so weighed down.
i’m fulfilling my duty to this family, _____. that is what takes precedence above all else.
i know that is what you want too. i know that, deep down, it is what you have always wanted.
you’re quite certain how well you know me.
you deserve the feeling that i had the moment _____ placed that ring on my finger.
i could never be the cause of such pain, no matter how cruel and hard-hearted everyone else may find me to be.
the buzz of the city is thrilling indeed, but i quite enjoy the peace of the country.
_____, dear, you alarm our guests.
it has certainly been a privilege to truly make your acquaintance these past days.
you must know you did nothing wrong.
surely, if _____ were to propose, he’d have done it by now. yes? what if i have missed my chance?
i have bungled this entire affair. and now i feel like a fool.
i knew he would only end up hurting you. come here.
you are the diamond of the season. there is nary a gentleman back in london who does not wish for your hand. you have choices, _____.
you were right. i’ve allowed my doubts to plague me for too long.
you are a fatwit.
you shall all bear witness to my talents!
shh! it’s the middle of the night!
he will be as insufferable now as you.
are you ladies not always writing letters?
funny how distance is no match for memory, is it not?
well, devil if i know.
it is your job to be observant, is it not?
i think we can be of use to one another.
so your feelings are too strong for you now?
all you are doing, _____, is toying with the emotions of an impressionable young lady.
i can assure you, happiness is not your strength. exasperation, perhaps. fixation, most definitely.
the only feeling you are, in fact, capable of engendering, my lord, is that of discontent.
do not tell me what to do!
it is only a bee - ow!
i am unharmed. it was just a bee.
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝙸𝙽 𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜
add  + REVERSE  to reverse the roles!
∆ FOLLOW ∆  -  sender grabs receiver’s hand to bring them somewhere
∆ STOP ∆  -  sender grabs the receiver’s hand to stop them from going somewhere
∆ FRIGHT ∆  -  sender grabs the receiver’s hand because they are scared
∆ EXCITE ∆  -   sender grabs receiver’s hands out of excitement
∆ OVER HERE ∆  -  sender grabs receiver’s hand to grab their attention
∆ COMFORT ∆  -  sender places their hand atop the receiver’s to comfort them
∆ HEAL ∆   -  sender treats a wound on the receiver’s hand
∆ COLD ∆  -  sender warms receiver’s hands in their own
∆ CATCH ∆  -  sender grabs receiver’s hand(s) to keep them from losing their balance/falling
∆ LIFT ∆  -  sender grabs receiver’s hand to help them climb up\down from somewhere
∆ SIZE ∆  -  sender starts measuring their hand in comparison to receiver’s
∆ TRACE ∆  -  sender starts tracing the receiver’s hands in their own
∆ OUTSIDE ∆  -  sender kisses the back of receiver’s hand/their knuckles
∆ INSIDE ∆  -  sender kisses the palm of the receiver’s hand
∆ TOGETHER ∆  -  sender entwines receiver’s hand in theirs as they are walking
∆ SWING ∆  -  sender swings receiver’s hand in theirs as if they are a child
∆ BRUSH ∆  -  sender accidentally brushes their hand against the receiver’s as they both reach for the same item
∆ CLOSE ∆  -  sender places their hand with their fingers just barely touching receiver’s, too shy to fully hold their hand
∆ CIRCLES ∆  -  sender gently rubs circles over the receiver’s hand with their thumb
∆ MASSAGE ∆  -   sender works the stiffness out of the muscles of the receiver’s hand with a massage.
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
GILMORE  ASKS     :     How long have you been out here?
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cassandra  jumps  slightly  at  the  sound  of  someone’s  voice ,  though  she  calms  when  she  sees  that  it’s  @sparkhe​ .     an  awkward  sort  of  smile ,  the  best  she  knows  how  to  offer .          “ oh  --  hello . ”          she’d  come  out  to  watch  the  sun  set  --  it’s  a  novelty  still ,  to  be  allowed  and  able  to  stand  in  the  sun  and  its  warmth ,  and  the  fact  that  she  can  see  it  come  every  day . . . it  still  takes  her  breath  away ,  even  as  it  leaves  her  ( as  everything  and  everyone  else  so  often  does ) .     this  may  be  as  much  of  a  break  as  she  gets  today  --  but  she’s  not  going  to  complain  about  it ,  not  to  one  of  the  two  people  that  expends  something  that  cassandra  doesn’t  personally  have  to  keep  whitestone  safe  --  a  city  that  he  has  no  personal  attachment  to .     she  pulls  her  shawl  more  tightly  around  herself  over  her  jacket ,  trying  to  find  any  warmth  she  can  in  in  the  rapidly  cooling  dark .          “ i  haven’t  been  out  here  too  long . ”          . . . probably .     she  hasn’t  checked  her  watch  recently .
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
… perhaps  you  should  comment  on  this  post  with  a  number  between  1  and  73  and  i’ll  make  you  a  starter  based  on  that  icon .     perhaps .
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
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make  her  laugh  i  dare  you
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
. . . perhaps  you  should  comment  on  this  post  with  a  number  between  1  and  73  and  i’ll  make  you  a  starter  based  on  that  icon .     perhaps .
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
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person  on  the  train  reading  a  book  hot .          you're totally their type. well, you're not. but that's what the passenger across from you is thinking as you sit there, completely oblivious. you're mysterious, and serene, and look so natural sitting there on the train they think your feet might be bolted to the floor the way the chairs and safety rails are. you're in your own world, you're reading something with an intriguing title, and without even knowing it passengers are praying for some reason that you'll look up and ask for their number. you don't, of course. and they don't ask for yours, either. how could they disturb such a peaceful moment? but despite the fact that nothing was said, they managed to fall in love with you for 15 minutes. for the rest of the day they think about what your voice might've sounded like, what your interests might've been, how you might've smiled at them like they were your whole world if they'd managed to make you feel that way. you have that effect on people, in case you didn't know.
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
JESTER  ASKS     :     we don’t have to talk to me, if you don’t want to. we can just sit together.
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cassandra  nods  to  indicate  that  she’s  heard  @chaoshe​  speak ,  though  she  doesn’t  fully  lift  her  head  from  her  arms .     it’s  always  worse  after  her  brother  and  his  friends  leave  --  worse  when  she’s  left  behind ,  time  and  time  again .     she  can  breathe  when  they’re  there  --  when  she  can  see  that  her  brother  is  alive  and  well  and  as  infuriating  as  ever .     but  percy  hadn’t  been  alive  and  well ,  and  cass  had  felt  the  death - chill  on  his  skin ,  and  she’ll  never  forget  that  feeling ,  and  it’s  just  too  much  --
a  deep  breath ,  in  and  out ,  it’s  okay  that  it  rattles  through  her  chest .     percy’s  alive .     he’s  off  with  his  friends  again ,  off  to  kill  the  dragons  for  good ,  and  if  he  comes  home  that  cold  corpse  again  --  if  he  doesn’t  come  home  at  all  --
a  choked  sob  now ,  scaring  even  herself  with  its  volume .     she  lifts  her  head  slightly ,  unwrapping  one  of  her  arms  from  around  herself  and  holding  out  a  shaking  hand ,  the  cassandra  equivalent  of  begging  for  jester’s  comfort .
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
JULIAN     :     @whyvernwind​
          Julian was of height with his father now, hair a mix of black and gray, with none of the red she’d have last seem him with. As they lock eyes, she can watch as they turn from black to a blue that mirror’s her own, a relief in him almost as if he’d forgotten the exact hue before this moment. For a few beats the two of them sit in silence, color coming back to the gray skin he’d adopted while underground.     “ I found it, I reached the place and now none of my studies were in vain. ”     His tone was half excitement, half apology.     “ I’ve come home before, once or twice. It was never the right time to stay. ”     They swallowed, their eyes darting away - to the side where he knew his partner sat.     “ Nas helped. ”
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it’s  a  relief  to  watch  his  eyes  return  to  the  hue  of  her  own ,  to  see  the  beginnings  of  the  image  that  lived  in  her  memory .     she’d  recognized  julian  without  the  indicators ,  of  course  --  they’re  her  child ,  she’ll  know  them  anywhere ,  no  matter  what .     but  there’s  something  that  feels  like  home  about  this ,  enough  for  cassandra’s  hand  on  his  wrist  to  squeeze  gently  ( one ,  two ,  three )  ,  to  make  a  smile  start  to  spread  across  her  face .          “ of  course  you  found  it ,  i  had  no  doubts . ”          . . . she  had ,  after  a  time ,  doubted  that  he  would  return  at  all .     but ,  no ,  he’s  here ,  within  her  grasp  and  speaking  to  her  and  with  a  family  of  their  own .     at  the  mention  of  their  name ,  she  finally  looks  over  to  julian’s  partner ,  flushing  slightly  at  her  lack  of  manners ,  but  she  hopes  she  can  be  forgiven  for  it .          “ nas ,  a  pleasure  to  meet  you . ”          her  eyes  move  to  the  small  one  in  nas’  arms ,  softening  further .          “ and  who  else  have  you  brought  with  you ? ”
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snowsurvive-aa · 2 years
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Percy and Cassandra de Rolo from Critical Role.
Please don’t repost the pictures without my permission.
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