snowymultimuse · 2 years
my blog is currently under construction but im open to plots
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snowymultimuse · 2 years
~ Heidi Turner ~
Basic Info
Age: 22 Gender: Cisfemale Sexuality: Bisexual Birthday: September 9th Zodiac: Virgo MBTI: ESTP Occupation: Student Faceclaim: Malina Weissman Ships: Kydi, open to chemistry
Heidi is about 5′4, she hasn’t had her height measured in a while but that’s what she was a few years prior when she went to the doctor for a check up. She was very average height and didn’t mind it. She didn’t really want to be taller; she was capable of reaching the higher shelves. Her face is a pretty diamond shape, her complexion was even and sun-tanned leaving freckles across any skin that were often left exposed to the sun. She used sunscreen, she just naturally tanned. Heidi’s eyes are a pretty light blue-grey eyes, with long but natural looking lash extensions. Her nose is small and slightly upturned, her lips plump and her cupid’s bow’s very pronounced. Fashion is more meaningful to her, she loves beauty but she doesn’t like wearing makeup; she’s overly aware of the feeling of it in her pores. Her daily makeup is very natural and light. Though that helps her hide the fact she’s gotten lip fillers and filler in her cheek bones. Her bmi is mildly thin on the scale, so the minor filler made her look a lot more alive, and her confidence skyrocketed. Her style is a little more to talk about, she always does her hair; her long thick brown waves, whether she’s curling it, straightening it, doing updos she found on pintrest. Coupled with her very gen z style, she liked to think she slayed. She liked the corset tops with big pants aesthetic, but also loved to wear chunky sweaters in a dark academia type of way. The type of girl who changes her aesthetic day by day.
Heidi is someone that doesn’t really know who she is. She knows who she wants to be, who she’s trying to be, but she doesn’t really know who she is. Though if you were to ask a friend, you would hear anything from her being a sweet art girl to a mean girl to a fitness or health influencer type on instagram. She wanted to be perceived as a Blair Waldorf type character, but doesn’t want to be seen as trying too hard. Instead, she’s the semi-spoiled daughter of conservative parents. Her dad in particular is very protective of her, and has no problems sending her money on apple pay whenever she asks for it. Whenever she asks for him to buy her things, he typically does. It caused her to be over men the moment they aren’t willing to spend all their money on her. If a man can’t spend another $20 for her, he’s just not worth it. However, she wouldn’t consider herself materialistic. She just thinks it’s normal high standards. It lead to a reputation of her being a maneater heartbreaker golddigger etc. Any title that keeps men from being responsible for their finances. Her mental problems include orthorexia, OCD, and borderline personality disorder. Though she has yet to have ever receive an official diagnosis.
Born on September 9th, 2001, Heidi is a Virgo sun, Scorpio Moon, Leo Rising. After her mother was in labor for 36 hours, Heidi was born at 6lbs 2oz, with bright blue eyes and platinum, almost white baby hair. Her hair darkened to a rich brown by the time she was a toddler. Her parents are a lot more conservative when she was younger, and though they’ve gotten slightly more moderate, it’s really just slightly. Her mom was adamant that she grew up doing ballet, in addition to school sports and activities. It was something she had to quit when she started dating Cartman when she was 10. The weight gain she would put on made it too hard for her to dance, and her instructor would essentially fatshame her, trying to get her to lose weight and go back to being a good dancer, but in a rage Heidi quit. After she and Cartman finally split, she got a personal trainer, a friend of her body builder father, that helped her to not just lose the weight she gained, but more. He taught her about body recomposition, gave her meal and workout plans to follow, and to her young, ten year old already disordered mind, it was like her personal bible. She never ate sugar, tried to eat 100% vegan, but would still eat something vegetarian if there were no vegan options available. She said goodbye to carbs, all meats, liquid calories, and ate a very unsustainable raw vegan diet for a long time. Her parents were very proud of Heidi’s bounce back and encouraged her to live a life again. She was pushed to get back into ballet, which was not good for her mental health but she did anyways, and she joined all the clubs she could the moment middle school started. Working hard to regain a sense of popularity after isolating herself with Cartman, then isolating herself to try to fix her perceived flaws, it was hard to feel comfortable talking to other people again. Regardless, she launched her new self with the dawn of the 6th grade, a whole new girl from who she ever was. She did her make up every day, she never ate in front of people, but she looked pretty and skinny, which she hadn’t looked in a while, so everyone seemed to accept her. She felt accepted, like her wrongs had been washed away. No longer being a social pariah. Ever since, she’s done everything she can to uphold her popularity. Which often lead to mean girl behaviors from her. Since going through college, she joined a sorority, and would do anything she could to network and get her name out there.
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snowymultimuse · 2 years
~ Stanley Randall Marsh ~
Basic Info
Age: 22 Gender: Cismale Sexuality: Bicurious, identifies as straight Birthday: October 19th Zodiac: Libra MBTI: ENFJ Occupation: Full Time Farmer Faceclaim: [ig: toolikk] Ships: Open to any with chemistry
Stan's about 6'1, he has broad shoulders and an athletic build; his body is well sculpted from his long hours on the farm and football. His face can be described as slimmer and angular. He has broader cheekbones and a defined almost square shaped jaw. The peek at a Randy-stache was even starting to form, really solidifying how much he looks like his father. The resemblance was uncanny, except for the shape of his eyes and how he spoke. On occasion, people that know his father will approach him, thinking he’s Randy from afar. When he keeps up with his hair cuts and keeping it at around a 3” skater cut, the unwanted confusion is kept a bit at bay, but every winter when he grows out his hair to keep him warm, he gets it frequently. Despite his strong semblance, his wardrobe often sets him apart. Stan’s never been the type to care that much about he was wearing, outside of his very short metrosexual phase. He would take $200 to a goodwill and buy anything that he thought felt comfortable as soon as he started to get properly paid by his father. The staple pieces are his wrangler jeans, he saved up to buy 5 pairs in different shades of blue because he liked the fit so much. As for shirts, he wears a lot of just plain white shirts, graphic shirts he found at a thrift store, or a button up flannel overtop of the previous two options. His dad got him a pair of cowboy boots with a weed plant on the side that when Stan started to wear, he fell in love with the comfort even if he thought he looked dorky. He has two main coats, a big brown work coat for when he has to go out and water the plants in a colder morning, and a nice YSL jacket style coat for when he has to go to school. Stan owns a small collection of designer clothes. It consists of two coats, a sweater that was a gift and a wallet. Having a few nice things was all he wanted. He prefers to spend his money on other people.
Stanley grew up in a very small Republican town, it leaves a mark on a person. For the most part, he’s politically indifferent, and indifferent to a lot. His job and school work are the only things he really works on. Though it sucks out his soul, it comes back on his one day off a week that he tries to spend with as many people as he can. He tries to be generally indifferent to his life responsibilities. If he doesn’t like it, he won’t want to do it, but he has to do it regardless. He does it so he can spend time doing things he actually wants to do. It made him responsible, and a generally happier person. Mental health isn’t his biggest priority, and he deals with a bad day by drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon and watching the sports network. He tries to be a generally nice guy, but has a tendency to be a bit misogynistic, but in an almost chivalrous way. He doesn’t let women open doors so that he can do it for them, he sees women as weaker than him because physically they were. It wasn’t in a superior way, it was in a protective way. Stan’s a pretty soft dude and didn’t want to see any girls getting hurt around him, he’s always been a protector type, trying to save animals and help people. Religion isn’t the most important thing in the world to him, but he still feels a strong tie to his Catholicism. Stan has literally met Jesus on multiple occasions, and feels a strong connection to his faith for that reason. Other peoples’ religions have nothing to do with him, so for the most part he doesn’t care or pay attention to it. His history with different Christian based churches only further solidified to him that he should focus on his relationship with Jesus and maybe the saints. Though he’s not very involved in the church, and occasionally goes on a Sunday morning when he’s going through a hard time. Overall, Stan’s just an easygoing farmer boy, he’s just focused on trying to have money and enjoy his youth.
Ever since Stan moved to Tegridy Farms, his life was overtaken by the weed industry. In the beginning, and for a few years it kind of bothered him that he had to move away and couldn’t see his friends as often. It kind of ruined his life. He couldn’t have friends, a girlfriend, or any fun. Despite all that, he was able to start a new venture for himself in middle school. Selling his dad’s product. Randy had so much production, that Stan taking a few ounces here and there was virtually undetectable. Stan was the one processing it anyways, and the ugly shitty pieces he didn’t want to save for his own supply, he put in a side bag to sell to kids he didn’t really like very much. The quality depended on how much he liked people for sure. It lead to people doing him favors for a couple grams. By the time he was a freshman, he was really good at his operation, he kept it small and casual, and in a town with less than 750 occupants, that wasn’t really a secret operation. Detective Yates just didn’t come knocking on his door because no one snitched on him. According to a lot of the adults that his dad kept baked, he was just a good kid. Just a good Catholic boy that reads his bible and works hard in his dad's fields, and is never late when running deliveries for his dad. Every year since he was 8, he’s been the football quarterback, and in this small town dynamic, it awarded him certain luxuries. If he was wearing his letterman with the Q on the left part of his chest, and a cop pulls him over, he will be let go almost immediately. Some cops hear his last name, and will mention his dad but he tries to play it off. He got his truck, a black chevy tahoe, for his 16th birthday, when he got his license. Randy bought it for him, and even wrote it off on their business taxes. Technically he got it to do deliveries in, but he smokes a lot of weed in it, and tries to get as many girls on an air mattress in the back as possible. During his junior year, Randy made the monetary decision to increase the size of the farm and start keeping animals and food. It was a decision sparked by a threat to divorce Randy again, and since Sharon got to finally have her dream, it brought a new era to Tegridy Farms. However, at the detriment of Stan's education. He dropped out and began taking online classes in his few evening hours. It took until he was nineteen to finally get his diploma, and any inklings of a desire to go to college were ultimately squashed before they could become ideas.
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