snuubbed · 1 year
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Thomas Weatherall in Heartbreak High season 1 episode 1 (2022) dir. Gracie Otto Costume design by Rita Carmody
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snuubbed · 1 year
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Easy's not the most well-seasoned employee at Revolution. He's still new enough that the other security guys have tacked on the nickname newbie and refused to drop it, even though another guard was hired last week. Not that he minds. He's got a brother — he's had worse nicknames. Still, it feels weird that he's at this party at all: like he got sent a golden ticket by accident. He's not complaining or anything. Far from it, considering he's on his third plate of waffles. Free brunch? Uh, yeah, that's a no-brainer.
Sitting here for forty-five minutes eating plate after plate of syrupy deliciousness means Easy's had plenty of time to evaluate the other brunch guests. One in particular has taken up most of his observation, if only because the guy is clearly trying to work while also getting hammered off the bottomless mimosas. Easy recognizes him from around the office, but barely. The most he can say is that he's pretty sure the man's name is Emre, and he's 110% positive the guy is a workaholic. Clearly.
Easy decides it's his job, then, to get Emre to stop doing his. It's a party after all, right? He wipes the syrup from his face and gets up, taking his plate with him, before sitting down again, this time at Emre's table.
" This seat taken? " Easy asks, already comfortable. He takes a large bite of waffle, then wiggles his eyebrows at Emre. Easy juts his chin toward the phone in his hand. When he speaks, it's only slightly muffled by the food he has tucked away in his cheek. " You on the clock right now or something? "
*       ♡     ◞      open starter      ╱        @revolutionstart​ .
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company  wide  events  had  its  downsides    —    forced  reunion  with  the  coworker  from  the  fifth  floor  who  always  leans  in  a  little  too  uncomfortably  close  when  he  speaks  to  you,  not  to  mention  having  to  hold  conversation  without  trailing  off  to  work  matters  with  people  you  barely  knew  outside  of  the  office.  but  it  equally  had  its  upsides,  namely  no  one  questioning  the  use  and  abuse  of  the  bottomless  mimosas  available  at  brunch.  hence  why  emre  found  himself  lifting  champagne  flute  to  his  lips,  emptying  what  must  have  been  his  third  if  not  fourth  glass.  he  considered  it  the  necessary  complement  to  the  task  he  had  assigned  himself,  namely  answering  the  pile  of  high  priority  work  emails  that  had  begun  to  stack  within  his  inbox.  after  all,  it  was  easy  to  give  into  his  workaholic  tendencies  if  it  gave  him  an  excuse  to  escape  the  aimless  small  talk.    “  oh,  you’ve  got  to  be  kidding  me,  ”    he  then  sighed  under  his  breath  at  the  sight  of  a  new  notification,  setting  down  the  empty  glass  as  brows  creased  into  their  characteristic  frown.
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snuubbed · 1 year
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" You know it's a safety hazard to ride alone, right? You could fall out and start drowning and no one would hear you splashing around over the music and then you'd drown, alone, in the middle of some lake at a party that's technically a work function. " Mini sniffs, her expression neutral — like she'd commented on the weather and not just shared a terrifying reality of going solo on a boat. She shrugs. " Of course I'll go with you. As long as you're driving, of course; I'm not even licensed to drive a car. "
Mini gives Brook a sweet smile. " And I can't swim. But that shouldn't be an issue. I simply won't fall out! "
closed starter ft. mini ( @snuubbed )
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" would you ride with me — " brooklyn asks, stopping the first person she stumbled across. " they said i can't drive the boat by myself an i insisted that i can but, " she would go on explaining the pointless back and forth she'd had with the attendants by the boats for a while. " anyway, this is the only time i have to do a boat ride and nobody else is free. could be fun? " she offers. she puts on a pout, softening her gaze toward the other. " please? "
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snuubbed · 1 year
@glcws / sunny kim
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" Look dude. I know it seems like a bad idea to get into a situation with someone you don't know that you can't run away from. Total stranger danger. I won't blame you if you call me a freak and run. But, uh — " Easy looks over his shoulder at the giant spinning wheel behind him, lit up with sparkling lights, and then back at the man he'd flagged down. " The dude in charge says I have to ride with someone else, no exceptions. I was trying to go solo so I could smoke this alone, but hey. "
Easy holds up a lopsided joint. It matches his lopsided grin. " I'm down to share if you are. "
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snuubbed · 1 year
@sacrilegiious / beyza kilic
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" Are you sure you don't mind? "
Mini wrings her hands in front of her, a nervous habit she's been trying to ditch for years. She forces her arms back to her sides, willing them to stay there. Maybe she shouldn't have added an extra espresso shot to her latte this morning — her fingers shake minutely as she clenches them into easy fists.
" It's just, you did such a good job with the liner last time, and this party is a really big deal, and I don't want to be the worst looking one out there, and I thought maybe if you did my makeup it would be — well, I'd look more professional, you know? But it's okay if you don't want to, seriously, I know you spend your whole day doing makeup, so like, why would you want to spend this weekend doing mine, right? Um. "
Mini takes a small breath after her word vomit and gives Beyza a shy smile. " Sorry. I'm like, really caffeinated. And nervous. And I think I might be allergic to some of the flowers on display, but that's unrelated. "
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snuubbed · 1 year
@raisinqhells / addie ortega
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Spinning Ferris Wheels with heart-shaped carriages, string lights of delicate glowing bulbs, the scent of cinnamon sugar pretzels wafting through the air... It's a lover's paradise, curated by a couple to share their love with all of their company's employees.
It's disgusting.
Look, Mini's not like, anti-love or whatever, okay, she's totally pro-love, it's just... Well, maybe she's a little jealous. A lot jealous. Really, really freaking jealous that not only are the CFO and her wife superduper in love, they also have the time, money, and charity to share the wealth. Also, like, no hate, but Valentine's Day and it's aesthetics are a huge scam and marketed specifically to women to sell chocolate. Not that Mini would say that to anyone other than her therapist or a particularly unlucky stranger in a coffee shop, of course. She's already had three tiny cupcakes and is balancing three more in her palm, so how anti-love can she really be?
So focused on keeping her cupcakes upright, Mini doesn't think to look twice before darting in between groups of people around the food booths. She just moves, quickly, like she's afraid someone's going to flag her down and ask for a coffee ( even though everyone here is off the clock ). So quickly, in fact, that she spins right into a lone passerby and shoves not one, not two, but all three tiny cupcakes frosting-first into the stranger's shirt.
" Oh. My god. Oh my god. I'm so, so sorry, I'm — " Mini looks up, prepared to spend the next five minutes apologizing, when she recognizes exactly whose frown she's staring at. She stiffens, straightening up a little like it might actually make her taller. As if. " Oh. Hi Addie. Um. Whoops. Sorry about your shirt. "
She doesn't sound completely sorry.
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snuubbed · 1 year
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀thomas weatherall.   22.   cis male.   he/him.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !   easy wheaton   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the label’s resident   security guard   and have been working with the label for   two months.    they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @easywheats.  the office knows them for being   imperious   but i swear they’ve got a   compassionate   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   worn out t-shirts, crumpled loose-leaf paper, and lazy half-smiles.   their coworkers even voted them  most likely to sneak onstage at a concert.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
here's some quick facts about easy squeezy:
has looked up to his big brother his whole life (even tho his big brother is. not cool. in fact objectively easy is a lot cooler than him? its a little brother thing you wouldnt get it)
huuuuuge massive i mean gigantic crush on his big brother's best friend. has defined his childhood and teen years even though he's never told anyone about it. he's not exactly open about being into guys but hes ESPECIALLY not open about his feelings
the drummer for his big brother's band, but only a stand in for the current drummer (who is constantly too stoned to play). he's hoping that if he works at the recording studio long enough he can get the band signed and secure the official drummer position
can and will outsmoke you like it's nothing. however he's a HUGE lightweight when it comes to alcohol. he avoids it wherever he can because easy's so quick to get giggly
incredibly flirty, in a quiet way. like, he's not going to go out of his way to start something, but if they're there, he'll make them feel like the only person in the world for the time they're together
good luck pinning him down btw he refuses to date for more than a few weeks. heartbreaker central tragically /: but he's got a rule against dating coworkers so !
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snuubbed · 1 year
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one of her two highly-coveted days off and mini still finds herself at the coffee shop. sure, it's all pleasure no business this time, but there's something to be said about visiting the same shop every day even when not getting paid to bring someone their cappuccino. it's familiar, in a way. maybe she's traumatized. honestly, it's just very very good coffee, as she's come to intimately know.
and so has, apparently, the stranger she's continued to run into. mini's eyebrows pop up toward her hairline and she tinges pink, taking the coffee with care. she reads the label — small black coffee, two pumps sugar, one pump almond milk — and smiles. a real one, without the normal anxiety the corners of her lips always carry. " i can't believe you remembered. i feel bad now, i have no idea what yours is. let me guess, it's um... " mini falters, knowing she's backed herself into a corner. " it's... coffee? "
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TAILORED TO: mini of @snuubbed.
SETTING: a coffee shop near the revolution records building, some time in the early morning.
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"thank  you  kindly,"  a  sweet  voice  thanks  the  barista  as  the  hands belonging to it  retrieves  two  coffees  from  the  counter,  turning  in  place  with  a  squint  of  her  eyes  to  hopefully more  easily  spot  the  familiar  girl  in  line.  this  isn't  the  first  or  second  time  they've  seen  each  other  in  line  at  this  shop,  and  this  time..  gwen  has  decided  to  take  advantage  of  the  opportunity  being  further  ahead  in  line  than  her  to  order  the  drink  she's  heard  mini  order  twice  before.  it's  an  offering  of  sorts,  a  friendly  gesture  to  see  if  they  can  get  past  more  than  a  'hello,  it's  you  again'.  "hope  you  didn't  mind  me  ordering  for  you,"  she  greets  the  girl  in  line  and  holds  out  the  drink  that's  hers  for  the  taking,  "i  think  i  got  it  right,  if  you  wanna  double  check  the  sticker?"
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snuubbed · 1 year
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two months under his belt at the company meant easy isn't as familiar with the carlisles as some of the other guests they'd invited for the weekend. he felt kind of honored to be here at all, tucked in a nice room surrounded by familiar (and not-so-familiar faces). the pink thing is cool too, even if it took him ages to find something suitable to wear that looked remotely fancy. he figures it doesn't matter if he sticks to the carnival - his bread and fucking butter. if easy doesn't take home a prize, he's failed. and easy isn't a failure.
(hopefully. this is his fourth time in a row playing this particular game, so the outlook is varied.)
" eh? " easy says, half-coherent as he registers who the intruder — jonnie, his brain helpfully provides — flopping down at at the table is. " y'think you can smoke me? i'm four-time champion at this game! " he grips the handles of the water gun, eyeing the carnie behind the counter and daring him to say something. he doesn't. " go ahead, try your shot. we'll see who takes home the prize. "
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now  don't  get  jonnie  wrong  ,  he  was  an  absolutely  competitive  piece  of  shit  ,  especially  when  it  came  to  games  .  he  liked  to  win  ,  sue  him  !  plus  ,  he  hadn't  been  to  a  carnival  of  any  sort  since  he  was  a  young  teen  and  terrorizing  the  population  with  his  pals  .  so  the  minute  he  was  told  about  the  carlisle's  party  and  what  the  theme  was  ,  he  was  so  down  .  not  that  he  would've  rejected  the  invitation  ...  but  that  wasn't  the  point  .
after  entering  ,  his  eyes  scanned  the  area  around  him  ,  wondering  what  he  should  get  into  first  .  the  games  had  caught  his  eye  specifically  ,  most  of  them  he  hadn’t  seen  in  ages  ,  so  jonnie  wasn’t  going  to  wait  .  plus  was  that  a  big  stuffed  giraffe  ?  oh  ,  he  had  to  have  that  this  second  .  fast  walking  to  the  booth  ,  he  plopped  down  next  to  someone  ,  only  noticing  it  was  easy  a  few  seconds  later  ,  “  so  you  want  to  be  smoked  ,  huh  ?  ”
— closed for @snuubbed .
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snuubbed · 1 year
@alterglows / jake wu
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" look. i get it. you're famous. you have needs. you're stressed from being rich and hot and loved and all you can think about right now is getting your hands on a sweet, sweet dunkaccino to calm your nerves, but i'm like, oh, i don't know — " mini pauses to readjust her grip on the three trays full of drinks she's got balanced in her arms. a splash of coffee leaps to the laminated floor and she winces. " really freaking busy right now, jake, so give me two seconds, okay? "
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snuubbed · 1 year
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THOMAS   WEATHERALL   heartbreak  high  ;s01e04
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snuubbed · 1 year
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CHEER UP (2022)
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snuubbed · 1 year
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mini startles easily from her daydream, pulled into reality by a question she’s pretty sure she’s heard before from a couple of men in neat suits holding bibles. she’s briefly wide-eyed, wondering if security had just let some random religious group in to wander the halls, before she turns and recognizes the face of a fellow employee. beyza, she’s pretty sure, according to the staff briefing she’d gotten on her building tour two weeks ago - although they’ve yet to meet so who knows if mini’s got her information straight.
“ me? oh. ” mini looks over her shoulder; perhaps beyza is talking to someone else - someone who doesn’t fetch coffee and kiss ass for a living. “really? i don’t wear much makeup - mom always said too much might cause irreversible skin damage so i tend to err on the side of caution, but as long as you promise i won’t develop any lumps, bumps, or rashes that permanently scar me and my face then yeah ! definitely ! it’s, um. it’s beyza, right? you're the in-house make-up artist? ”
—  open for everyone.
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"  uhm,  hi  !    i  am  not  sure  how  to  say  this  without  it  coming  off  weird  but  do  you  perhaps  have  a  bit  of  time  ?  "  taking  a  second  to  think  about  it,  the  brunette  soon  realized  she  must  sound  like  she  wanted  to  recruit  the  other  to  a  weird  cult  or  something.  and  since  they  were  working  in  the  music  industry,  that  was  definitely  not  entirely  out  of  the  realm  of  possibilities  either.  not  what  she  was  trying  to  get  at  though.  "  i  promise  it's  nothing  weird.  it's  just...  i  was  wondering  if  you'd  be  willing  to  let  me  do  your  makeup  ?  "  that  was  certainly  a  better  start,  way  less  vaguely  threatening.  putting  on  a  bright  smile  she  gestured  towards  their  face.  "  i've  been  having  this  idea  for  a  really  cool  graphic  liner  i'd  like  to  try  and  i  think  you  really  have  the  eyes  for  it  !  "  plus,  it  was  better  finding  out  how  it  would  look  on  an  actual  person  now  than  when  she  was  showing  it  to  the  world  on  her  channel,  with  her  next  guest.  "  i  swear,  it  won't  take  too  long  and  you'll  look  amazing  afterwards  !  "
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snuubbed · 1 year
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꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀han jihyun.   25.   female.   she/her.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !   mina “mini” bu   has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the label’s resident   personal assistant   and have been working with the label for   two weeks.    they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @minibullshit.  the office knows them for being   obstinate   but i swear they’ve got a   loyal   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   overly sweetened espresso drinks, strawberry scented shampoo, and the electric charge before lightning strikes.   their coworkers even voted them most likely to   most likely to spontaneously combust from anxiety.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
hiii i’m migz very excited 2 be here...
some quick facts about mini (until i get her bio up and running):
she’s gay and ummm figuring it out. mainly has no romantic life outside of the guy friends she’s neutrally let take her on a few dates before claiming she’s “too busy” or “too stressed” for a love life right now. she’d rather hang with her bff <3 in a platonic and not gay way <3
shakes like a damn chihuahua when she’s anxious (most of the time) but refuses any kind of help with her tasks. her plate is full of stress by her own design
mommy issues [buzzer] mommy issues [buzzer] mommy issues [buzzer] i wish i could’ve been a better daughter [buzzer] mommy issues [buzzer]
huge fear of getting sick/being sick. incredibly naggy about wearing proper clothes in winter and washing hands and not sharing food/drink (unless she trusts your cleanliness and hygiene habits)
has a tendency to talk in run-on sentences once you really get her going, and even though she claims to have asthma she never seems to stop & take a breath
accidentally says rude things very often without being aware shes being rude. but shes cute so its fine !
i know her fc is 5′7 but everyone ignore that because mini is actually 5′4 because obviously. she’s mini. and she hates it btw she has a huge complex and if she didn’t think that heels were super bad for posture + foot health she’d be wearing them every day (although she does wear platform sneakers which is almost more embarrassing)
fiercely loyal to her friends. absolutely ride or die, no questions asked (actually probably many questions asked, but like, she’ll be there)
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