snxrling-a · 5 years
this blog is an archive / active multi is @owlsector
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snxrling-a · 6 years
   “Shaxx said I can dual wield swords in the Crucible so it’s over for you nerds.”
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snxrling-a · 6 years
@snxrling // sc.
          shaxx huffs softly, tense posture dropping when he sees that the cabal seem to have lost their trail. his chest hurts and his throat is dry, he feels tears pricking at the corner of his eyes when he thinks back to the traveler, thinks back to that burn and emptiness that struck him – struck them all – when that cage appeared. with a sigh, he removes his helmet before turning and resting his head against maine’s, closing his eyes.
          “ i feel so empty, ” he whispers, hand moving to rest over maine’s heart. the steady beat calms him, lets him know that maine is still there, still alive. vincent was still knocked out and shaxx has no doubts that maine’s ghost is out, too, leaving only each other to lean against and keep sane. “ i haven’t felt like this since– ”
          the words catch in his throat and he clenches his jaw, shifting so that he rests his chin on top of maine’s head, holding him close. their armor makes it awkward and clunky and perhaps they shouldn’t be standing in the middle of the forest when cabal are looking for them but they need the moment of reprieve to gather themselves from this reeling defeat.
          “ i don’t think i like being mortal, maine. ”
   Maine can feel the dull pain of something digging into his ribs, sensation lost among the rush of adrenaline for the time being. He will certainly feel it later if still alive at that point. Nothing in his previous life could prepare him for this; memories flood forth of dangerous encounters with people and aliens alike but never like this. Never so many so fast and so lethal. 
   The feeling of Light being torn away did not harm him as much as it had so many others. He lived years before becoming gifted with a Ghost and Traveler’s blessing, recovery was easy, and he cannot fathom how it was for those not so lucky. Maine does not wince at the pain in his side when drawing in a deep breath and winding arms about Shaxx.
   “I am here for you,” voice so soft and practically silent. Leaning his head forward and against the other Lightless Titan, face burying itself into his neck, happy only that they had made it out alive and together. A mirthless chuckle manages to make itself known of being mortal.
   “Yeah? Can’t say I blame you. We should get moving before those damn hounds sniff us out..” 
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snxrling-a · 6 years
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Smile, soldier. 
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snxrling-a · 6 years
“Uh, pal? SERIOUSLY, can’t we talk about this?”
It hadn’t escaped Church’s notice that his attacker - his very large attacker - hadn’t said a word but as words were Church’s favorite weapons, he was truly hoping that wasn’t the case. Hands came down towards him and he kicked out.
“What the hell, asshole!” 
When strong fingers clasped around his ankle, Church let out a very undignified yelp of fear. He tried kicking but it didn’t seem to work which wasn’t exactly surprising. Analysis was one thing but actually fighting was another. And Church failed at it spectacularly.  
“Okay, listen. Are you a Freelancer? I mean, technically we’re on the same side, right? So let’s work something out.”
   A snarl, ravenous and feral, escapes from under the gold tinted dome of a helmet. So much for a conversation. There was no time for talk and no patience for the motions of resistance being placed towards his hands. Strength in the former-Freelancer is quite unmatched when compared to Church.
   Another low rumbling noise meets the questions. Was, not anymore. Had this guy not gotten the memo that the Program had been ripped apart? Torn into a thousand pieces and no longer existed.
   Dragging Church through the dirt he heaves him forward several feet, wasting no time and stepping forward, planting a boot down into the middle of the blue-clad Trooper’s back. There will be no fun and games here, sorry dude.
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snxrling-a · 6 years
Thanks to being a beginner, he gagged a couple times, but quickly regained his composure and began to relax. Right as he was getting to like it, he was pulled off and turned around. A quiet whine came from his lips as if to tell Maine that he did enjoy sucking dick. Like the whore he was.
As his boxers were tugged down, he shuddered and hissed at the sudden coldness that hit him. It was weird, to be so exposed in front of someone he looked up to, but also very arousing. The power Maine held over him was enough to make him hard by itself, but what they were about to do made him ache. He craved…something more. “Mr. Maine?” He asked, voice quiet. “Could you s- spank me? Just, for like, a couple seconds-”
   The question earns a raised brow, then a deep rolling chuckle. Reaching out and taking hold of Cam’s hips he draws his other hand back and draws it across the tender flesh of his ass. Once, twice, three times before moving in close, cock grinding up against him as Maine leaves over and growls low into his ear. “Now, I want you to be quiet unless I saw otherwise.” Or if he ends up uncomfortable, though that point had already been made.
   A slow roll of his hips later Maine is taking a step back and fishing the lube out of his pocket, then pulling his pants down to his knees. For now he only squeezes some out onto his fingers and presses one to the tight ring of muscle between reddening cheeks, easing it in a few seconds later.
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snxrling-a · 6 years
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Day 213- Its RVB Sunday~ Why can’t we all just be friends again?
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snxrling-a · 6 years
@lordshaxx me but screeching cuz i forgot that exists LMAO
same and i was pleasantly surprised to find it and read it again ajkfhkj 
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snxrling-a · 6 years
im going through and fixing links and i cant believe the second post on this blog is maine and shaxx having a good romp legendary
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snxrling-a · 6 years
At the newest command, he shuddered, tongue flicking out to wet his lips once more before opening his mouth to take Maine in. It was rough, honestly, with how wide he was, but Cam was determined. He had to impress, he reminded himself. So he breathed through his nose and took in as much as he could, which admittedly, wasn’t much thanks to his gag reflex.
His eyes looked upwards once more before closing entirely. A moan vibrated out around Maine as Cam realized the filthiness of it all. He shouldn’t have been doing such a thing to his teacher, but he no one else had to know. Besides, it was likely only a one time thing, right? He kept that in the back of his mind as he began bobbing his head, eyes watering. When he pulled back enough, he experimentally flicked his tongue against his slit, a soft groan resonating around him once more to show just how much he was enjoying himself. It pained him to not be able to touch himself while he did it, but it was his idea to be restrained, after all.
   Maine guides himself into Cam’s mouth, the very least he can do considering how the other doesn’t have his hands readily available. If anything that added to the excitement. For Maine, at least. Given the Cam hasn’t yet complained or asked to be untied was a good sign so far. 
   The moan around his length earns a similar sound but not quite as loud. It would take more than what Cam was offering to really get anything out of him. Maine doubts he could even reach climax from something so minute in the grand scale of what pleasure could be derived. 
   Precum beads at the tip of his cock just after Cam swipes his tongue over it, Maine pulling back some to help the smaller onto his feet without prompting. Spinning him around and shoving him forward once more there is a deep rumbling growl that thrums in the back of his throat, hands reaching to tug down Cam’s boxers. 
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snxrling-a · 6 years
When he didn’t get another smack to his ass for disobeying, he frowned, slightly disappointed. He found he liked the ‘punishment’. He didn’t get much time to dwell on his thoughts, though, thanks to being pulled up and turned around. He saw the mischievous look and instantly knew what was being asked of him.
“Um. O- Okay,” he whispered to himself with a nod. Hesitantly, he lowered himself to the ground and licked his lips upon seeing just how big the other was. Holy shit. Swallowing his nerves, he licked a stripe up the underside of Maine’s cock, moving to eagerly lap at the head with his tongue. Like he was asking how her was doing as he sucked the other off, he looked up through his lashes. He wanted to impress, so he sucked along the side of his cock with an unmatched eagerness and urge to please. It was rough without his hands to hold him steady, but he found that he didn’t truly mind.
   As Cam drops to his knees the hand that had still been placed on his shoulder, moves to instead hang at his side. His other reaches down between them to hold his cock up and give better access. A deep and pleased hum rumbles in Maine’s chest and really should be all that Cam needs to know that he is doing something good, at least, eyes down and watching.
   There is something in seeing another kneeling between his legs and his cock on their face that makes the heat in his gut grow, member twitching slightly. Maine’s free hand moves again and slowly the back of it trails down the other’s cheek until he is moving to grip his jaw. “Open your mouth. I want you to suck on as much as you can take.” 
   Which, really, won’t be much. It isn’t his length that would be the problem, rather the girth he possesses. 
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snxrling-a · 6 years
Oh, thank gods. He hated being treated like he was made of glass. His mouth opened to speak just as Maine began to touch him, then there was a gasp from him as he bucked into the feeling. He’d never had anyone else touch him in such a way. It was strange, yet he couldn’t help but whine when it all stopped.
“Yeah. I’ll tell you if it’s too much. Thank you, sir,” he said, barely above a whisper. His fingers curled, uncurled on his back in anticipation. The tie restraining him felt smooth yet strong, like Maine himself. Another huff through his lips as he shook his hips once again despite being told to be still. He always did have trouble following directions.
   The movement has him shaking his head out of mild disappointment, but he cannot be surprised. Reaching out Maine grips Cam’s shoulders and pulls him up so he is on his feet and then is turning him around. “You will to have to start listening, or we are going to get nowhere, quickly.”
   Maine is looking him over now and offering a grin, mischievous glint in his eyes. Moving a hand from the other’s shoulder and using it to raise his chin up, forcing Cam to look at him, the next few words are yet another command. “Kneel. You are going to use your mouth to get me hard enough to fuck you.”
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snxrling-a · 6 years
I'd like to submit Lord shaxx for your consideration
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Lord Shaxx more like LORD SHAGS
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snxrling-a · 6 years
The touch to his hips startled him for a moment and as Maine’s hands worked at his button and zipper, he huffed as he felt heat flush to his face and his dick. It was hot, who wouldn’t be aroused? At the gentle swat to his ass, he whined like he was genuinely upset. He opened his mouth to complain, but then he was asked a question.
“…Yeah. I mean. I know how everything w- works, of course, but…” His shoulders rose, fell in a shrug. He found himself grinding against the bed totally by accident and let out a quiet sigh. “Doesn’t mean you gotta go easy on me though.”
   “Do not worry, I will not be going easy on you.” There is a grin showing for his words and Maine leans over him. One hand settles into the fabric of sheets on the bed, the other moving under Cam and stroking him through the fabric of his boxers. 
   “That being said, if the pain is unbearable, you need to tell me. This will be the last time I warn you of such.” His breath is warm against the nape of the other’s neck from where he had been speaking. Sitting up again and leaving Cam there with nothing once more Maine is undoing his own pants just enough to pull his cock out from its confines. 
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snxrling-a · 6 years
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Shiny-head man and some guy called David.
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snxrling-a · 6 years
Aw, how sweet. It was common courtesy, of course, but Cam found it charming regardless. At the grin, he smiled in return and moved towards to bed to bend over on it, ignoring how red his face was. He sincerely hoped he could handle whatever Maine was going to dish out.
It was unbelievably arousing to think of what Maine could do to him. Hell, he could hurt Cam and he’d be totally okay with it. It was kind of sad to think of what all Cam would do for him, but he had to remind himself that most of those things likely wouldn’t happen. Swallowing his nerves, he brought his confidence to his face in a smirk as he swayed his hips in what he hoped was a teasing manner.
   When Cam turns away Maine takes the chance to grope himself through his pants, a deep hum in his throat. He certainly also enjoyed when someone was so readily willing to listen to commands within the bedroom. They are going to have fun, he is sure. Moving up behind him Maine sets his hands on Cam’s hips only to let the other know he is there, then slips them down forward to the front of his pants.
   Deft fingers work at the button and zipper, undoing each, and tugging his pants down to his ankles. “Be still,” he almost growls, hand giving a gentle swat across his ass. “I would take a guess but I cannot tell. Are you a virgin?”
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snxrling-a · 6 years
There was a growing tightness in his pants once he was told to turn around. He should not have been as interested in that as he was. He did as told and turned, shuddering as the tie was tied around his wrists, binding them together. He tested the hold by lightly pulling his wrists and, sure enough, they didn’t budge.
With his hands behind his back, he turned back around to look at his teacher with wide, almost innocent eyes. They were full of insecurity and nervousness, but he was determined to do…whatever Mr. Maine had planned. “What do you want me to do now?” He spoke in a quiet voice, almost like he was hesitant to speak. Like he wasn’t sure he was allowed to.
   “You know, if at any point, you can back out of this if you end up uncomfortable. I would rather not have that happen if at all possible and I will not think less of you, for it.” He grins down at Cam, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder. Turning and sliding his hand so it settles between shoulder blades he urges him forward to the bed. 
   “I want you to bend over, and keep quiet, unless something hurts you too much.” Gently he is pushing the other closer to the bed, arms crossing now as he watches and waits. It would be a lie to say he is not incredibly amused by the entire situation. 
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