(Ahhh, okay!
Would you wanna make the starter?)
Aw, how cute, you actually thought I had an idea. I kinda do, but nothing major. Just kind of what I do with all  jacks. Jack asks death why he refuses to take him, and death explains winter and how her embrace on someone cannot be lifted so easily.))
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(YES BUT what's gonna be the plot?)
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snxwballsandfuntimes said:(boop, this is also dontstartunbelievin’s mun, let’s RP! c: )
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What are your plans today, Jack?
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"I…actually didn’t have any! …why?"
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"...it's simple. If no one believes in me, then...I'll be invisible. I-I'm not entirely sure what'll happen...but I think if that ever happens...I might vanish, and not be able to come back. People need to believe. And not just in me, but in...all the Guardians."
A look a sadness swept across his pallid face. "Yes, of course there's a Guardian of spring and summer. There's also a Guardian of Hope, Guardian of Wonder...Guardian of Sleep. There's quite a few of us."
Jack paused for a moment, lightly tapping his chin.
"Maybe. It sounds like a stupid idea, but hey. It's the only one I've got, and I'm desperate."
Please Believe || littleaddydear
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"Of course I'm real! What, ya think I was some old fairy tale? Some myth? Nah, I'm here, right here. Seeing is believing, am I right?" 
Jack placed the staff behind his back, "And what I'm doing here in Cailburry, is trying to get people like you to believe in me. Do you know how important it is, to believe in THE Jack Frost? Very, very important. ...as for believing in the other Guardians, too."
He wasn't gonna mention the others, just yet. Maybe later. "I got ya to see me, so...now you HAVE to believe in me." 
Please Believe || littleaddydear
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Yes, YES, it was working! Ahaha, victory! 
Jack pumped his fist in the air, a triumphant grin appearing at the corners of his mouth as he continued watching the redhead. He walked toward her, making a breeze of cold air rush to her. Then, he opened his mouth to speak, smiling widely. 
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"Yeah, it's me! Jack Frost, winter spirit. Guardian of fun! ...dunno if you can see or hear me just yet, but just in case, I thought I'd speak up." He rubbed the back of his neck with his wooden staff. 
Geez, hopefully, this worked.
Please Believe || littleaddydear
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(If anyone knows of any other ROTG RP blogs, could you please lemme know?)
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"Great, wonderful! She's incredibly stubborn. ...time to turn things up a notch." The Guardian couldn't help but smirk. He rushed forward, another snowball forming in one hand. He took aim, andddddd--
The snowball hit the back of Addy's head. He let out a giddy chuckle, before moving to stand directly beside Daisy. "Name's 'Daisy', huh? Well, at least YOU know something's up." He muttered, before facing the girl, waiting for her reaction. 
Hopefully, it was the one he was waiting for. And, if not, he'd keep on trying until Addy could physically see him. He needed to get her to believe he existed, to believe, that he in fact, was completely real and not some made up fable from childrens' books.
Please Believe || littleaddydear
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my character doesn’t just need lovers
They need enemies that break them and force them to test their morals
They need friends that will backstab them and hurt their feelings
They need an enemy that will become a friend
They need friends that they would lay down their life for
They need people so close to them that they might as well be siblings
They need fights and conflict and battles that could leave them broken and inches from death
My character does not just need lovers
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Jack peered around the door, catching a glimpse of red hair. Hearing her voice, his grin faltered and then vanished. Sad...what a shame. Another person who didn't believe the winter Guardian existed. How was he even supposed to get this girl to believe in him?
A fairy tale. 
That comment really stung. Even though the boy heard it well over a thousand times, it still hurt. He wasn't some fable, he was real! If only more people believed. 
He slowly approached Addy, and sighed, trying to think of what to do. An idea formed in his mind; not a very good one, and it wasn't well thought out, but it was something. 
A snowball magically appeared in his free hand, and with a flick of the wrist, he tossed it at the girl's back. 
Please Believe || littleaddydear
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Please Believe || littleaddydear
The winter spirit's eyes were narrowed in concentration, but a playful grin tugged at the corner of his lips. He was excited, happy to be visiting the town of Cailburry, England. North told him he might be needed here, so off he went. He cruised on his staff like a snowboard, easily dodging the trees before appearing at the town's entrance. 
He leaped up, landing swiftly on the balls of his feet, his staff falling and landing in his hands. Jack Frost glanced up at the sign, then stepped into town. His curious gaze scanned Cailburry for people, and he saw them. There were plenty of them, but it seemed none of them could see him. That wasn't good...he didn't like being invisible to others. 
His grin became a frown as he slowly moved deeper into town, gripping his wooden staff tight. It was still early in the day! Maybe he'd find a few kids later on, and show them he was real, somehow. But...wait, wait! 
He soon came across a barn, which peaked his interest. He took note of the cows in the field, then decided to investigate. The white haired boy stumbled into the barn, glancing around quizzically. 
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"Hello...? Anyone home?" 
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-Though Jack is a Guardian, that doesn't mean he got rid of his reckless behavior. 
-He loves teasing Bunnymund whenever he can. 
-He has a small crush on Tooth...
-He considers North to be his fatherly figure, and considers Sandy a brother. 
-Jack considers his death a good thing, because something good came out of it. His sister lived because of him. Therefore, he doesn't dwell on his death. 
-There are some people who still don't believe in him, but he's incredibly determined to make himself be seen.
-He always has his staff; rarely, is he ever seen without it.
-Can be rude/pushy without realizing it. 
-One thing he absolutely loves to do, is people watch. 
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"My staff." The winter spirit answered simply. "It's my most prized possession."
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  Blog is multiverse, but not multiship. And is SFW.
Blog takes place after Rise of the Guardians(the movie, not the books). Mun hasn't read the books, so if anything from the books is mentioned to Jack, he won't have a clue as to what you're even talking about.
I love shipping, so if you think your muse and mine would make a good match, lemme know! 
Main OTP is JackxTooth. Second is Jelsa(JackxElsa).
Please don't spam my inbox.
If we aren't in a mutual follow, then chances are I don't want to RP with you, I'm sorry. 
If I unfollow you, I'm sorry. Please don't take offense.
I won't be accepting most M!A's. Especially no sexual or 'love' M!A's. 
Please, no godmodding or powerplaying. 
I think that's it for now.
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