snyderappdesign · 3 years
Prototyping Scenarios
Scenario 1:You have recently downloaded the ChinUp app.  You have a very stressful schedule, between school and your part-time job.  You tend to feel tense and want to learn about how to relax your mind and body.  You remember that the Chin Up app has a resources page that does just this.  
Task: Click through the resources to find what you need or are curious about. 
Scenario 2:You are new to ChinUP and would like to try the therapy feature. You look through the therapist bios and find the right one for you.  Now you can schedule appointments with your new therapist whenever you need!  
Task: Click through to choose a therapist and make an appointment. 
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snyderappdesign · 3 years
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Mental Health App Digital Wireframe
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snyderappdesign · 3 years
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
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User Flow Chart
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
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App Storyboard
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
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Journey Map
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
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Insights and Solutions with Features
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
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Competitive Analysis
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
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Mental Health App Priority Features
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
Secondary Research Insights
After doing my secondary research I came to a few interesting insights.  The first article, "Mental Health App Market Value Projected to Reach US$ 3,709.2 Million by 2027: Acumen Research and Consulting,” I learned about the growth of mental health apps and about how many people are affected globally by various mental illnesses.  According to the article between 2020-2027 (this article is from March 2021), the mental health app market is expected to grow 24%.  This is because mental health awareness is becoming more widespread. ��According to the WHO, as of 2020 264 million people globally suffer from depression and 450 million suffer from mental or neurological illnesses.  In Australia, people who suffer from a mental illness are 7 times more likely to die of suicide than the general population.  Based on this I realized how necessary it is to develop mental health apps.  People suffer every day and either have no one to turn to or are too afraid, but these apps give people the opportunity and the resources to get help.  The market continues to grow, because the world is finally starting to recognize and become aware that mental health is serious and it is okay to get the help you need.
The second article, “Germany approves new digital mental health app for prescription,” discusses how Germany is taking a step forward and allowing doctors to write prescriptions for certain mental health apps and the patient can get reimbursed.  There are 11 approved digital health apps that are approved in Germany for prescription and reimbursements.  They treat various areas of mental/emotional health.  This is something that is especially useful now when people are not leaving their homes as much or are afraid to go to a doctor’s office.  According to my first article Talkspace, an online and mobile mental health service, has also launched a new plan to have insurance cover the service (this is very new and not all companies participate).  What I took away from these two initiatives is that doctor’s and insurance companies are slowly starting to recognize that mental health is important and we should treat it the way we treat any other physical illness.  Medication can be great, but is not always the answer and these digital services can be more helpful and should be treated the same as being prescribed a medication or any other doctor’s visit.
The third article I read for my secondary research, “Michael Phelps on the pandemic's impact on mental health struggles: 'It honestly destroys me’,” former Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps discusses his mental health issues and how the pandemic has affected them.  Phelps has been very open about his mental health struggles since his retirement.  Like so many others, the pandemic exacerbated the struggles we were dealing with before.  Phelps has discussed his suicidal thoughts and how he empathizes with anyone who has ever struggled with those thoughts too.  He says that being open with how we are feeling is hard, but important and that is one of the things that helped him grow.  Celebrities, like Phelps, have been more open about mental illness and that is important.  Reading about Phelps and his feelings towards mental illness, his own or others, gave me insight into the fact that anyone can be suffering.  Anyone can be affected, whether it is a celebrity, who seems to have it all, or a friend, who seems to have it together and is always happy.  This is why talking about it more, will normalize it and make people realize that they are not alone, others feel this way and we can help each other get through it together.
·      https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/08/2188955/0/en/Mental-Health-App-Market-Value-Projected-To-Reach-US-3-709-2-Million-By-2027-Acumen-Research-and-Consulting.html
·      https://www.mobihealthnews.com/news/emea/germany-approves-new-digital-mental-health-app-prescription
·      https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/health-wellness/2021/03/24/michael-phelps-meghan-markle-mental-health-amid-covid-pandemic/6967418002/
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
Interview Insight
Based on my interviews it seems I can conclude that people believe that mental health is important and should be normalized.  People have different ways of coping with a bad day, there is not one way to make yourself feel less anxious, depressed, etc.  There are certain things that tend to help people feel better, but everyone still has their own personal things they do to help.  People tend to believe that we need to support each other and be each others cheerleaders so that we can feel more motivated and like we have a reason to be successful.  While it might be getting better, it is the general belief that there is a stigma related to mental health and we need to not only acknowledge it but also actively do things to fix it.  In regards to my app idea and having therapists to talk to, people think that that would be helpful, because we tend to make excuses and cost is a huge factor. Overall the interviews were helpful and confirmed that this type of app would be incredibly useful for everyone, because we all go through tough times and can always use some help and encouragement.
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
Affinity Map
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
New Interview Answers
1.     How would you describe the way you deal with a stressful situation?
P1: Freak
P2: I usually try to remove myself from the stress to calm myself down and create a plan. Will watch TV to alter my mood and then strategize and try to relax and reassure myself.
P3: I think about all of the different outcomes and sometimes get overwhelmed by all of the possibilities.
P4: Depends on the situation honestly, I handle actual stressful events very well, and minor inconveniences send me into a tailspin
P5: Not so great. I get overwhelmed and don't necessarily deal with it. Sometimes I do try to take a break from the situation and just breathe.
P6: I think about all of the different outcomes and sometimes get overwhelmed by all of the possibilities.
2.     Since the beginning of the pandemic how have you been feeling mentally/emotionally?
P1: Growth
P2: Ok. It is hard being home and often times I will get burnt out, overwhelmed, and a lack of motivation for work.
P3: Ok
P4: Actually better than I’ve been in a while. It’s been a great time for self-reflection and discovering myself and my hobbies. Only issue Is I get incredibly bored and that can lead to feeling depressed
P5: Bad. This past year has been hard and has led to greater anxiety.
P6: Ok
3.     Are these feelings that you only started feeling during the pandemic or did you experience them prior as well?
P1: Prior as well
P2: sometimes I will get burnt out but it was definitely more noticeable during the pandemic.
P3: During the pandemic
P4: Feelings from prior to the pandemic sometimes show up. Nothing is new but just dealt with or seen in a new light.
P5: No, I was definitely feeling this way before, but the pandemic has heightened these feelings.
P6: During the pandemic
4.     Do you think that more people would be more willing to speak to a therapist if it were covered by insurance/not as costly?  Why/ Why not?
P1: 100% cost is set back
P2: Yes. It is hard to motivate yourself to go see a therapist regardless of cost. cost is another excuse for people to hesitate.
P3: Yes, because it is very expensive
P4: Absolutely. It’s intimidating starting something new without having to dedicate money to it.
P5: Absolutely! Sometimes we are not comfortable telling people we know our problems and want a third party to vent to and help us. Mental health is just as important as physical health and should be treated that way.
P6: Yes, because it is very expensive
5. Is there someone in your life that you feel you can turn to when having a tough day?
P1: Yes, many.
P2: Yes, several
P3:  Yes
P4: Absolutely
P5: Yes and no. I have people I feel comfortable talking to but I don't always feel comfortable sharing.
P6: Yes
6.     What do you do, if anything, if you are feeling down (it can be something really small)?
P1: Shower
P2: Talk to people close to me
P3: Go for a walk
P4: Work out or go for a walk, and honestly a good cry always helps
P5: Sometimes just taking a break is good. Exercise also makes me feel better and just breathing too.
P6: Go for a walk
7.   How do you think we can help people follow through on goals they set for themselves?
P1: Be their cheerleader
P2: have check-ins with them to make sure they are following goals and offer any help to continue motivating and helping them succeed
P3: Having someone who keeps them accountable
P4: Helping people focus on one goal instead of trying to keep up with everyone else
P5: Don't minimize or make fun of someone’s goals. Cheer them on so they feel more motivated to follow through.
P6: Having someone who keeps them accountable
8.     Do you think there is stigma behind mental health? If so, what would help alleviate it for you or others?
P1: I don’t think as much as there used to be
P2: Yes. publicizing it more. It may be uncomfortable but many people are going through the same thing. having school programs, initiatives at work, and other sessions will help normalize it.
P3: Yes, try to speak about my experiences to others to show that everyone goes through things.
P4: Yes and no. There’s this glorification of it these days, like you’re some sort of troubled artist. I feel like everyone acknowledges their issues now without actually trying to fix them
P5: Yes. The stigma is being addressed more, but we still have a long way to go. Starting earlier on in life talking about it would help to feel more comfortable with it later in life and maybe even incorporating it into the education system.
P6: Yes, try to speak about my experiences to others to show that everyone goes through things.
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
Interview Questions
1. How do you think we can get rid of the stigma behind mental health?
2. How would you describe the way you deal with a stressful situation?
3. Since the beginning of the pandemic how have you been feeling mentally/emotionally?
4. Are these feelings that you only started feeling during the pandemic or did you experience them prior as well?
5. Do you think that it is beneficial to speak to a therapist?
6. Do you think that more people would be willing to see a therapist if it were covered by insurance/not as costly?
7. Is there someone in your life that you feel you can turn to when having a tough day?
8. What do you think are good ways to cope when feeling down?
9. What do you do, if anything, if you are feeling down (it can be something really small)?
10. Is setting goals a good thing?  Why/why now?
11. Do you ever set goals for yourself?  Do you follow through with them?
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
Interview Insights & New App Idea
After going through the answers from my interviews and seeing some of the reactions to this app idea, I have realized that this idea will not work right now.  Although it is an app that I would personally be interested in using, it does not seem like the people that I interviewed would be as interested (based on answers and actual reactions).  Additionally, the answers that I was given did not give me enough to build an app like this.  Perhaps, if I was interviewing a different or more diverse group of people I would have gotten different answers, but right now the answers that I did get were too difficult to attempt to build this app to the best of my ability.  
Since, I had these insights from my interview I have decided to build a different kind of app.  This new app idea is a mental health app.  I believe that this type of app will benefit more people and there would be more interest n something like this.  There are many mental health resources, but hopefully my app idea provides help to a larger group of people.  The app would include several features, including: the option to talk to a therapist, motivational quotes, setting goals, other resources for when a person is having a particularly hard day, alert button/help number if a person feels they are in danger or will harm themselves, etc.  Sometimes the internet can be very overwhelming with too many choices, but here with this app there are several features in one place that will make it easier for someone who needs them.
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snyderappdesign · 4 years
APP Interview
1. Do you travel/do you want to travel?
2.Where would you like to travel?
3.How would you do your research before traveling somewhere?
4.Do you own a map/globe?
5.How often do you look at map/do you like looking at maps?
6.Do you find Google Maps helpful?
7.Do you enjoy trivia?
8.Would you like to learn about different places?
Person 1
1.I have traveled, not a lot, but would love to be able to travel more if I could.
2.Vancouver, I hear it’s supposed to be really nice, clean, pretty, or Prince Edward Island (which is the opposite end of Canada).  Canada is is a nice country.
3.The internet; I would Google the place and see what comes up and start clicking away.
5.I look at a globe sometimes and I look at an atlas pretty often.
7.Yes I do.  I watch Jeopardy almost every night.
8.Yes, I really like learning about different cities and countries.
Person 2
1.Not really but I would love to
2.Australia would be really cool; it’s far but would be awesome to visit
3.I don’t really travel but I guess I would just Google whatever place I’m traveling to and see what I find.
4.No, unless you count the map on my phone.
6.Yeah, it’s helpful when when I’m driving somewhere
7.Sometimes, but I don’t do it
8.I guess, I like seeing places more
Person 3
1.I’ve traveled a decent amount.
2.I’ve only really traveled throughout Europe and would still really like to see more.  I would love to go to Sweden, Scotland, Poland also is supposed to be beautiful.  So many more places.
3.I’ve used travel books, but I also use the internet and Facebook.  Facebook can be a really good resource; there are so many travel groups.
4.I have some maps.
5.Not so much.  If I’m going somewhere or want to reference something I will, but otherwise not a lot.
6.Yeah it’s pretty helpful.
7.Yeah I love trivia, and have done some trivia nights
8.Yeah I do
Person 4
1.No, but if I could I would
2.I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii, Greece, always Israel, Italy.
3.I’m not good at these things, but I guess Google.
4.I have a globe, some maps, and atlas.
5.Not often, but I like to look at a globe or map.  It’s nice to see where a place is on a map.
6.Somewhat, I still prefer a physical map.
7.Sometimes, yeah.
Person 5
1.I have traveled a little and would like to more.
2.I would want to go to Arizona, Scotland, other places I can’t think of right now.
3.Google, just see what I find, maybe also Facebook.
4.I don’t have a map or globe.
5.If I had a globe I’d look at it.
6.Yeah, it’s good when I’m driving somewhere or walking somewhere.
7.Yeah trivia is fun.
8.Yeah I guess so
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