snzcty · 8 months
(bangs fist on table) i want him sweaty, whimpering, overstimulated, moaning, sniffling, twitching, squirming, whining, gasping, bucking his hips, drooling, begging (swipes papers onto the floor)
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snzcty · 9 months
Big fan of when a character's grief/trauma/guilt manifests as physical symptoms. Big fan of characters keeping things so tight inside them that it makes them sick. Big fan of when the line blurs between a character's mental trauma and physical illness until it's hard to tell which is which anymore.
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snzcty · 9 months
Imagine them trying so hard not to sneeze on you. That’s all
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snzcty · 9 months
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snzcty · 9 months
What happened last Friday changed me forever as a person
That morning I came out of the bedroom to my partner saying that my cat had been bothering them more than usual ("you're making me really sniffly, bud") and then almost immediately after that declaration they started sneezing. Like...at least ten in a row, watery-eyed, gasping. They were holding onto a sweatshirt they were trying to fold and just kind of helplessly sneezed into that??? Like oh my god???
I think I might actually be dead and ping ponging between hell (work) and absolute bliss (this).
I voiced my concern about them being a little more allergic than usual (they're a sucker and just let my cat crawl all over them), and they said they'd be fine, it would die down soon, and if not they'd take an allergy pill.
We went out for the day and I was treated to tickly, drawn out fits of threes and fours for h o u r s. After a while I stopped blessing them at the first sneeze, and we would banter about it ("Sorry, I'm just waiting to see if you're done" "Honestly there's probably a fourth one coming, I can feel more" LIKE EXCUSE ME??? HELLO???)
And they'd try to talk through them to be polite because I was mid-conversation at one point and I hhhh
We finally got home and they were about the same, until they got my cat on their lap again. Oh my God. That was the longest fit I've ever heard them have. It had to have gone on for minutes, just one slow itchy sneeze after the other with only a pause to breathe before the next one started.
They got up to walk around and wandered into the bathroom and came out groaning. "I sneezed so much I soaked through my sweatshirt," they lamented. AND THEY WEREN'T EVEN DONE ☠️☠️☠️
Not gonna lie, I was starting to get worried for them, and at one point they actually apologized and that was really sad :( they were like "sorry, I'm sorry" and I asked what they were sorry for, and they said "you look frustrated" and of course I wasn't, I was worried, and I told them that. They finally took their medicine and rinsed off in the shower, and that ended the sneezes for the day. Poor baby though 🥺 I did love listening to all their sniffles and such, which is a little strange because that never did anything for me before them.
So. Yeah, that happened to me. What is my life? Idk if I'd do that again because I have a lot of anxiety and there wasn't really a situation after where we could, you know. Decompress about it. (Something similar to this happened a while back where we COULD and I'll probably write about that soon, because my god that was good.) But I thought someone would like to read about it 🤭
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snzcty · 9 months
cute girl i am talking to: let me bring up my allergies unprompted
me: oh how interesting
me to my brain cells, internally:
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snzcty · 9 months
just tried talking through a few buildups/sneezes for first time. literally couldn’t finish as sentence no matter how I tried, it was a genuine struggle and strongly reminded me of trying to speak when I’m about to cum/am actively cumming. what words i did manage to to get out were very breathy and desperate sounding tbh it was extremely hot. I have worms in my brain now like wow It rly is like that and isn’t just a fantasy huh
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snzcty · 9 months
person I’m talking to has gotten sick like 3 different times in the past two months and it’s driving me fuckinh crazy HOW ARE YOU SO PATHETIC. They just texted me a single word. “Sniffle”. IM GOING FUCKING BONKERS
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snzcty · 9 months
filthy thought of the day: someone deliberately spritzing their underwear with a little perfume or cologne, because they know it’ll make their partner sneeze when they go down on them later
bonus if it’s a certain scent their partner is particularly sensitive or straight up allergic to
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snzcty · 9 months
you guys are so wholesome with your caretaking blogs and sick stuff and all that….then i’m over here wh*cking off to the thought of inducing someone to the point they lose all control. i feel sadistic
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snzcty · 9 months
What about handsome prince girl who sneezes but as a villain
Feels like it could be a fun character. Plus royals are evil anyway so it's more realistic.
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snzcty · 9 months
I keep having the strongest tickle in my nose and urge to sneeze in general on and off all day but my nose keeps teasing meeeee and won’t let me actually sneeze and it’s making me sexually frustrated
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snzcty · 10 months
raise ur hand if u want someone to care about u when ur sick and hold u and say nice things to u
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snzcty · 10 months
An overworker who so desperately wants someone to tell them to take a break, because they so badly want one and they know they need one but they can't give themself one.
They work themself sick, yet still, with a blanket wrapped around their shivering form, pale skin as white as the blanks that their foggy mind keeps drawing, and a crimson flush on their warm, tear-stained cheeks, they keep working.
Their partner checks on them.
"Oh...! Oh, honey. Oh, my baby. I didn't know it was this bad..." They rush closer and wrap their arms tight around their sick sweetheart and whisper, "Honey, please stop. You've done enough, you need to rest."
Finally given permission to have a break, they simply melt into their partners arms, practically going limp like a tired little ragdoll. "...okay..." is all they manage to mumble before sleep finally wins the battle that'd been going for weeks.
They're carried from their desk to their bed, covers are layed over them, they're tucked in nice and snug, and when they wake up, they'll probably cry. This is exactly what they needed someone to do.
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snzcty · 10 months
fgh loving the lil mini scenario things. If you're still lookin for more:
A: *hitchy* "Sure is, uh, dusty in here..."
B: *whispered* "Hold on! Whatever you do, don't-"
A: [sneezes]
B: "...sneeze."
A true classic
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snzcty · 10 months
For those small audios you’re doing, what about this?
“oh no, I..uuuuhhh.... I’m gonna-ahh-AHHHH...”
“Sorry, false alarm. Good thing too, my sneezes are really, rea-ahhh... AHHHH AAAAHH-SHHEEWW!!! ...big. Sorry.
Good one!!
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snzcty · 10 months
is there anything more attractive than a red nose. I do not think so
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