seriously is this episode real? I can’t stop thinking about how even aside from Johnlock everything is SO contrary to previous characterizations
- “Sherlock you were always the grown-up” after every other episode calls him a child? TSoT and T6T??? Mycroft says, “I’ll be mother” in ASiB? Mycroft was always characterized as an adult, Sherlock’s parents really came across as doting old parents in HLV… there was never the remotest hint of Sherlock being anything LIKE an adult, always a brat who had to have people around him act as parent figures.
LIKE??? This can’t be a real episode, can it?? They deliberately hammered in the opposite trait? It’s a defining trait??
- they go on and on in interviews about how the stories are about their relationship and the characters, and write every episode until TFP that way… then tell us it doesn’t matter who they are it’s all about the cases, in an episode which suddenly begins ignoring their relationship for the first time ever
we didn’t make those interviews or perspectives up, we *didn’t*, they went out of their way to make the distinction between focusing on character stuff versus cases, so… what the fuck is coming out of their mouths now? why the abrupt 180, and why laid on so thick?
- Three Garridebs??? Really? They love so much what it illustrates about the characters and even non-Johnlockers consider it a crucial moment in their relationship… and they just borrow the names?
- they had such a thoroughly extra character do the voiceover. they’ve said over and over, and even most casuals would agree, that the story is about the two of them. Why would Sherlock Holmes and John Watson need a third character to tell them who they are?
Why the fuck wouldn’t John do the voiceover as he’s the one who tells his and Sherlock’s story? He did the TAB voiceover! Watsons do voice overs, it’s literally their function to narrate. Mary was just a messy selfish interloper and the main character she married doesn’t even love her? Why this character??
The voice over is cringeworthy. Honestly the whole ending was laid on so thick??
- Mary died with a big spurt of blood and flying backward??
- is the bleeding eyes John Locke and the absurd horror movie homage supposed to indicate this is the nightmare version with no Johnlock? is there some EMP alternate ending coming that will explain how weird this series has been?
This has got to be… some trick, like that freeze frame Clue ending thing. Like they’re trying to get us to argue over how that couldn’t be the ending because it’s so terrible, then air the real one? Are they going to make us pick our favorite ending or something?
They are doing a bunch of very bizarre 180s and it’s so difficult to process.
Because this so fucking weird either way. Either we’re suddenly in opposite land or they have another episode… I don’t know when the hell they *could* drop another episode, though. They showed this terrible version in theaters. Wouldn’t you save the theater event for your reveal?
So we’re in opposite land, then. But WHY?? HOW?? “Sherlock you were always the grown up” – THEY SAID HE NEEDED WINDING TWO EPISODES AGO??
my mind goes in circles
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“Insane wish fulfillment.”
reducing john watson to nothing more than a sidekick who’s conveniently stupid and helpless whenever needed
reducing molly hooper (AN ADULT WOMAN) to a desperate girl with a crush she cannot get over and which defines her as a character
making sherlock holmes forgive his psychopath sister with a hug after she killed his childhood best friend, threatened all his loved ones’ lives more than once, apparently raped a person and killed them too, and almost made sherlock kill himself
screwing up the whole potential of mary morstan’s character by first making her a deadly assassin who shoots (AND KILLS) the main protagonist before “redeeming” her so that in the end she’s only a sweet little housewife just happy to be out of the way
queer coding and explicitly making every single one of their villains non-straight but not making any of their protagonists openly queer………. gay people are evil rapists and psychopaths, alright
queerbaiting the hell out of your loyal fanbase with 7 years worth of subtext and gay jokes that weren’t supposed to be jokes but in the end were
feel free to add more.
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so what they are saying is gatiss and moffat created a mediocre detective show with massive lost potential while their fans managed to create one of the most multi layered and beautiful love stories of all time.
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“Series 4 is the strongest one yet”- “Groundbreaking television” - “To hell with deferred pleasure”
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i will literally never in a million years accept that a woman who concealed her identity and her entire past from her husband pretty much until she died and who literally tried to kill the main protagonist twice, is supposed to be the person who just Knows and understands john and sherlock better than anyone else alskdjflskdjflsdj
like this ending that should make me happy because john and sherlock are together as a unit and raising a child together, makes me want to vomit because mary is narrating it like she has some claim on them when she was literally
a fake and a murderer who literally never shared a moment of genuine affection with her husband and who literally was only able to be in john’s life to begin with because he thought the love of his life was dead
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Plot holes in S4
-Johns letter to Sherlock at the end of episode 1 -Gun used at the end of episode 3 was not a tranquilizer gun and made a gunshot? -Marys death was so unrealistic ,the fact she was able to jump in front of the gun in 0000000.1 secs? -They explained what actually happens if you get shot “it isn’t like the movies”,yet that’s exactly how they portrayed Mary’s death. -Molly talking to a lock screen at the “I love you “scene? like where’s the attention to detail at all. -John looking at Sherlock pointing a gun at himself and he just stands there? -John chained to the bottom of the well but able to get out with a rope? -Mary being able to magically send DVDs from the dead
Wow that was wild
I could probably go on tbh @citruspocket @love-in-mind-palace @quietlyprim @marcelock @skulls-and-tea @graceebooks
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To be clear, I’m not discussing the theory that the BBC interfered because I want to absolve the showrunners of blame or because I’m clinging to a shred of false hope, but because it is literally the only thing in my mind that explains the abrupt shift in tone and content from TLD to TFP, as well as TFP’s own apparent self-awareness of its departure from romantic tropes.
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How can the rest of the show be so delicate and understated emotionally and then this.
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Maybe I’m just in denial
but unless there is some magical fourth episode to fix everything I think we should legitimately consider that the BBC squashed the idea of airing a gay romance.  Consider:
I’m going to assume that everything was on-track through S3 and TAB because really nothing but TJLC explains that part of the narrative
BBC has some serious funding issues now.  Sherlock is a massively successful show with an international following.  Sure, BBC may have been fully onboard when whey the show started with a pilot and two relatively low-profile actors, but things have changed.
Mark and Steven and Sue are being soldiers, and they are going down with this ship. So they wrote and produced a bizarre S4 that is fun (for the majority of the audience) on first go through but rapidly falls apart with any analysis.  They either get the show canceled or convince BBC to let them go back to telling their story
There was no foreshadowing of the content of The Final Problem…why the heck was that title such a spoiler that they had to release it late?
Mary’s totally implausible death and not even remotely explained character redemption
The combination of editing and transitions that will probably win awards combined with sloppy work like cameras in frame in TST and disappearing blood during the morgue scene in TLD
What is Sherlock’s recurring dream, or the content of the note from John? Eurus shoots John but it’s just a tranquilizer (and why)?
All the water and deep memories but Sherlock has no memory of what happened?
Also…just all of the plot?
So I am just going to believe for now that they are trying to tell us not to believe this is the story they wanted to tell.
Mark going on about warm paste and saying that “Sherlock” is the villain of S4 - and the victim of it’s own success
Mark apparently in tears about the hug during the TLD screening Q&A because it wasn’t the culmination he wanted
With Brexit and all the political and funding stuff maybe at comic con they still didn’t know that the story was going to have to change
Easter eggs for us about acronyms and drink code
I know people are angry about queerbaiting and the “who you are doesn’t matter”…but consider that they are just as angry as we are and lashed out.
Anyway thats enough ranting for now.  Maybe it is just queerbaiting, but this theory makes me just the tiniest bit less mad so I’m sticking with it for now.
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“it’s not a detective show, it’s a show about a detective”
“who you really are? it doesn’t matter. it’s all about the legend. the stories. the adventures.”
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The greatest question in my mind in this moment, if this is it, what was Martin ever Doing. Why did he make those choices. Someone tell him.
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the worst thing is i dont know how to just stop loving sherlock. like the episode itself i can get over but the entire show and these characters and what theyve gone through and the happiness and the love they shouldve gotten, that they deserved, means so so much to me and i. cant just turn that off even when i feel so goddamn cheated
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I still feel like it was fake?? I’m still expecting something else to happen? ? I’m in shock?? 
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something feels really weird here something isnt. right .. im not sure if its my dying soul hoping for more but this feels weird still
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why was everything so off throughout the whole series if it didn’t mean anything? 
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it doesn’t matter who you are? THEN WHAT’S THE POINT
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i feel so. empty. like. what’s the point then? the episode was about nothing. i don’t. why. i feel like it never even happened. when’s series 4 of sherlock coming out?
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