soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
"oh wow. I'm sorry to hear that. If my aunt Tohru was here? She'd be giving you the biggest hug possible." Sora braced her chin on her knuckles, smiling. Well, her Aunt was kinda sorta of here. But.. well. Close enough. "Honestly, she loves everyone. Her heart is as big as the sky."
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“An uncle is your parental brother. An aunt would be  a parental sister.” She explained easily. This was just proving her right that this was some big multiverse meeting point! “My dad doesn’t actually have any siblings, but there are people he’s close enough to see as brother and sisters. So, i call them my Aunt and Uncle since it’s something we all grew up doing. It’s also a sign of how close some people are that they regard each other as family. Do you have anyone back home you’d see as a sibling, even without blood ties?”
Nodding as she listened intently, there was still so many things she didn’t know. Unaware of things like an aunt or uncle, she thought back to Etheria, was there anyone like that? That was when the thought of Lonnie, Rogelio, Kyle, even Catra at one point, came across her mind.
“Well, I do have a few friends back home that I consider siblings, although they were and are the closest thing I have to a family. I don’t know my real family, I was taken from them when I was only a baby.”
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soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
   “Are you comparing me to Osaki? because that is not what my last name is or what our company does. We are a huge health and hospital conglomerate that foc-” he starts to say before cutting himself. He didn’t have to explain it to this little lady. “Never mind. Long story short we’re a big company in Japan”.
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   Kyoya takes the offered drink and opens it. “Thank you. And are you insinuating that you are a TV or book character? I find that is a ludicrous notion. We are in fact real people” he states as matter of factually before taking of sip of the drink.
"I mean, sure we're real people to us." Sip, sip. "But looking around this place and all the crazy things and people that wind up here. don't you think it's odd that there seems to be people from Japans that we've never heard of? Digimon, pokemon... people that claim to be famous in their own worlds. There has to be a chance one day, somehow we're gonna meet someone that'll point at us and scream that they know us, but from a manga! Or even an anime!!"
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And cue the waving of her hand and a grin flashing across her cheeks. "Wouldn't that just be wild? A total twist into something unexpected!"
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soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
Blinking in confusion, Adora’s eyebrow raised up as she folded her arms across her chest, her head tilted to the side.
“What’s an uncle?”
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As blunt as possible, the blonde asked the question, she wasn’t familiar with these terms, growing up in the horde had sheltered her from most of Etheria.
“Company? Oh, I see, well. I wouldn’t be opposed to it, but they are a lot of work.”
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"An uncle is your parental brother. An aunt would be  a parental sister." She explained easily. This was just proving her right that this was some big multiverse meeting point! "My dad doesn't actually have any siblings, but there are people he's close enough to see as brother and sisters. So, i call them my Aunt and Uncle since it's something we all grew up doing. It's also a sign of how close some people are that they regard each other as family. Do you have anyone back home you'd see as a sibling, even without blood ties?"
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soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
Adora’s baby blue eyes stared down at the kitten she was tickling, curious and wondering if this is what Catra was like when she was smaller. By the time she had met her, she was already rough around the edges and hardly let anyone near her.
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“You’re getting awfully attached to that little one.”
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"I mean i have been thinking about it. It's sorta lonely here in town. I've seen my uncles around but.. they're, um? Well how do i say this besides.. teenagers?" Sora frowned down at her chosen kitter. "And not having my brother around is weird. I'd need to check around on rules but.. I might adopt a fuzzy for company."
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soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
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“I guess it’s kinda the duty of all animals to grow up into.. well, to lose their baby charms.” Sora laughed and tickled the belly of one puddy cat!! it was so smol it still had it’s stiff lil triangle tail!! 
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“Ok, real talk here. How do you fight the urge to take home every single one of these fluffy animals?” 
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soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
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“You mean those awesome massage chairs? Did your family do those?” Absently Sora held out a can of tea to the other. “And yea! I figure if we’ve been drug to this weirdo world, there has to be lots of versions of worlds. Just image it! Every book, or tv show character ending up here somehow?” 
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“You’re from Japan too?! Thats awesome! I wonder if we’re from the same one, or if this is like.. one of those separate earth things. Have you ever heard of the Sohma family before?” 
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“Same one? I haven’t heard of there being more than one Japan but then again this world we’re in now could be a different universe so who is the say if we’re from the same one or not. And I don’t think so. Sohma Family? Should I know them? Then again have you heard of the Ootori family?”
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soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
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“You’re from Japan too?! Thats awesome! I wonder if we’re from the same one, or if this is like.. one of those separate earth things. Have you ever heard of the Sohma family before?” 
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soaringinsky-blog · 4 years
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“Ok, real talk here. How do you fight the urge to take home every single one of these fluffy animals?” 
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