soc-trash · 3 days
opinions on misha being queer? not only in the context of dating noel but just in general (sorry if uve answered this before..)
I think it's definitely possible and that there are interpretations of it where it makes absolute sense! In terms of my Misha, it was the first time I'd played a character as an adult where I went "oh weird, I think he's straight." bc I tend to make every character I play at least bisexual, but idk. My Misha just very much so came to me very straight.
But one interpretation isn't to speak on the character as a whole/other interpretations. I think he's very easily read and interpreted as queer, I just personally saw him as a very open minded European man who didn't give a fuck about Western ideals like that. Like he's the dude who takes Noel to prom bc Talia's not able to go (bc Ukraine) and he'd rather go with his best friend & give his bestie that experience (and beat up anyone who had anything to say about it.)
The way I rational with that is this:
I personally identify as a gay man. That being said, I have in my life kissed my lady friends, danced with them, hugged them, cuddled up, etc. That doesn't make me inherently bisexual, it doesn't make me inherently straight, I am just a dude who loves his friends & expresses it in those ways. Same w/my personal interpretation of Misha- him dancing w/ or hugging or kissing Noel doesn't make him inherently bi or gay, he's just a love bug. I think that platonic affection between men, specifically between straight men & queer men is incredibly underrepresented, and if it were something more normalized in our society I think that we'd all be better off for it. So I wanted to showcase that w/my Misha- it also felt true to my interpretation of the character.
TL;DR- Misha can be queer, Misha can be hetero, it just comes down to your personal interpretation! Mine was not, for several reasons, but that doesn't make someone else's interpretation any less valid.
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soc-trash · 3 days
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soc-trash · 3 days
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soc-trash · 3 days
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work in progress
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soc-trash · 3 days
doing my damnedest to free myself of the “just gotta get through this week” “only x more days til the weekend” mindset & learn to appreciate each day for whatever it is lest i be driven to madness
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soc-trash · 3 days
hey! did you know that the mars reconnaissance orbiter, a nasa spacecraft in orbit around mars since 2006, has imaged nearly the entire planet's surface at a resolution of 6 meters per pixel?
did you also know that scientists have put all that data into the form of a 3D globe that can be explored for free in your browser?
it's the coolest fucking thing and i've spent hours and hours just getting lost in it
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soc-trash · 3 days
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This is a funny sign and all but I think the main takeaway should be that there is Dog English and Dog Welsh (Cimraeg?!?!?!?)
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soc-trash · 3 days
dipper is a weirdly special kind of character to me because I was that type of kid, the one who wanted to grow up too fast and got irritated at their sibling not taking things too seriously and never wanting to seem childlike. i connected heavily with him, and honestly the entire arc of Gravity Falls being in part about him learning to just be a kid really helped me in the long run. it was a great wake up call seeing a character so similar to me at that age learn to finally stop trying to be an adult before i was ready.
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soc-trash · 3 days
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Mdhm gang in bunads (traditional Norwegian clothing) because they’d look fancy
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soc-trash · 3 days
I will forever respect Animorphs for tricking kids who are just really into animals to read a book series by going “Hey you, you daydream about what it’s like to be a dolphin or a bird or a wolf? Have I got a book for you!” and then slowly radicalizing them with 50+ books of “There are no winners in war. Whatever ‘victory’ you perceive comes at the cost of sacrificing your own morals and killing the part of you that is human. In the end you will resort to murder, torture and war crimes and the knowledge of what you have done will haunt you for as long as you live.”
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soc-trash · 3 days
really terrifying how there were 22 martyrs (13 of them children) and more than 30 wounded from a North Gaza school being bombed by the iof and no one is saying anything. in a news story survivors said that there was a pregnant mother whose unborn child was ripped from her body because of the missile blast.
this is a daily reality for every family currently in North Gaza. on top of the medical siege (no polio vaccines have been granted despite rampant epidemic), high food prices (30x the price elsewhere), and the FOURTH consecutive day of bombing all of this has been normalized now
imagine going near deaf from the constant explosions of nearby bombings. every single hour of every day. imagine day-long communication blackouts, not knowing if you've just talked to your parents and siblings the last time. you ought to be uncomfortable this isn't something anyone should look away from
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soc-trash · 5 days
see this is why i have a strong disdain for sloganeering instagram explainer activism because now people are making pro-US interventionism posts like this using the exact same language LOL
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soc-trash · 5 days
Posted this on tiktok but wanted to share it here too. Pls pls pls interact rtc fandom 🙏🙏
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soc-trash · 5 days
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The grand prize: to live again
For @rtc-graphic-novel
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soc-trash · 5 days
so fun when us tour actors interact w us like wdym Emily rohm knows I exist
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soc-trash · 5 days
Of all the changed lines in the newer rtc script Misha’s “What???? Just because I am rock hard really man does not mean I haven’t seen all sixteen seasons of Rupuals drag race!!! Don’t even try to put Misha Bachinskyi in a box cause I will always break out of that shit!” Has got to be one of my favorites.
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soc-trash · 5 days
it is kind of fascinating how being clocked as a gay man kind of de-genders you around cis straight men where you aren't like A Man but you aren't a woman either. so they'll do their guy talk shit around you but they don't actually talk to you about it because you're not really a man and straight women don't treat you the same as straight men either and will do and say things around you that they wouldn't necessarily do around straight men. and i don't want to participate in that guy talk shit either because it's a mess but it is funny inhabiting a gender grey zone simply due to sexuality, esp bc these people don't even know im trans like they think i'm a cis gay guy
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