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when I say I wanna have sex I don’t mean I wanna get fucked and cum I mean I wanna makeout with someone for half an hour on my couch with grabby hands all over my body and our teeth clashing because we get so into it that we can’t stop kissing, I mean slow desperate, needy grinding on each other before we take it to the bed, bumping our heads, giggling as we take our clothes off, trying to adjust and get into the right position, I mean having someone on top of me and looking up at them to see that blissful little grin on their face before they scrunch it up a lil and moan because it feels sooooo good and I mean making each other cum so good we end up all out of breath, a sweaty, happy mess, fingers still intertwined, my legs still around their waist, making out again, that’s what I want and it would be kinda cool if I could have it now
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Alexander Semenov | Pelagia noctiluca rainbow
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signs that are perceived as calm but are actual angry little demons inside: cancer, virgo, pisces, taurus, gemini
signs that are perceived as angry but are actually calm inside: scorpio, sagittarius, aquarius, leo
I do what I want: libra
Raging fire breathing dragon at all times: capricorn, aries
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Fetty Wap just inspired this young fan to face the world without his prosthetic eye 
Brenda Vaden, the mother of a young Colorado boy, shared a Facebook post Sept. 10 describing the powerful impact Fetty Wap has had on her son’s life. Vaden describes how, similar to Maxwell, her son Jayden lost an eye at an early age. Seeing the rapper face the world without his prosthetic helped Jayden gain the confidence to do the same. Wap, to his credit, responded with a heartwarming message of his own.
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how to tell if the signs love/hate u
Aries: talks to you 24/7, relaxes around you / straight up ignores you and pretends you don't exist
Taurus: is physical with you (cuddly) and tells you their deeper thoughts / gives you dirty looks and talks mad shit
Gemini: tells you good jokes, and takes you in to their friend group, wants to know if you're ok / is fake and two faced, acts like they love you
Cancer: calls and texts you daily, always asks for help and for a listener / avoids you, doesn't want to be in the same place as you
Leo: Acts weird and funny around you, opens up and let's you into their lives / acts scared of you or simply never talks to you
Virgo: isn't as shy and reserved, compliments you / acts like you're not worth their time
Libra: has super funny inside jokes with you, always asks you to do something / gets angry easily and finds new friends that aren't u lol
Scorpio: literally would let you live with them, always making sure you're alright / lol they just straight up tell you
Sagittarius: would honestly do anything for you as a friend, bends over backwards for you / yells and gets angry bc they did everything for u dude
Capricorn: aren't as tightly wound and rigid around you, let's their guard down / calls you out for everything you do wrong
Aquarius: lets you be weird with them and enjoy life with them is opened and sweet / doesn't tell you they hate you, leaves you guessing
Pisces: has deep talks all night long, does nothing w u all day / distances themselves and gets really saddened and upset
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Chubby Puppies That Look Like Teddy Bears
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the signs expectation vs reality
aries expectation: always angry. wants to fight you. punches a wall
aries reality: their personality lights up the room, they can just be a little loud sometimes
taurus expectation: never leaves the house. eats food. emotionless
taurus reality: amazing friends, trustworthy little sweethearts- but comfort and security is very important to them
gemini expectation: two-faced hoe. never knows when to shut up. laughs at their own jokes
gemini reality: some of the most entertaining people out there, they can actually hold a conversation and make you laugh, although they can get carried away
cancer expectation: crybaby. innocent fluffball. emotional wreck
cancer reality: thinks about sex more than you would think, total babe, they can’t help that their emotions have a tendency to spill out
leo expectation: it’s all about me. me. me. aren’t i great? looks in mirror
leo reality: will always stick up for you, make better friends than people assume - they just crave approval from others in many things they do
virgo expectation: really smart. boring neat freak. always cleaning
virgo reality: also more sexual than you would think. it is true that they are perfectionists at heart, but that doesn’t always equate to organization and being detail-oriented
libra expectation: indecisive af. flirts with everyone. shallow bitch
libra reality: caring little beauties, more attached to their loved ones than you would assume
scorpio expectation: sex. murder. the hot bad boy stereotype in movies
scorpio reality: lonely sarcastic assholes (who you love anyway) who’s mood changes a lot. intense in everything they do
sagittarius expectation: asshole. can’t commit. always partying
sagittarius reality: one of the best friends you can have if they are loyal to you, always know how to have a good time. they know what they want in life, but are more unsure of the relationships that apply
capricorn expectation: boring workaholic. doesn’t know how to have fun. who even cares
capricorn reality: loyal friends with surprisingly great senses of humor. they know that you must work in order to succeed
aquarius expectation: alien creature. self centered weirdo. smart af
aquarius reality: cute lil goofballs. their minds are like a library of everything that appeals to them. however, they can feel isolated when their quirkiness separates them from the rest
pisces expectation: gives way too many fucks. doormat. little baby bunny
pisces reality: chill as fuck. wants everyone around them to be happy and will do what they can to make it happen
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The signs and anger:
Aries: The smallest things can send them into a fit of fiery rage. They don’t thing about the ramifications of their anger, they simply act. But it burns out fast and they apologize easily. What angers them: indiscipline, disloyalty, to be bossed around, waiting, and anyone with a lack of decorum.
Taurus: Despite being the bull, Taureans are very hard to make angry. Their anger builds up little by little over long periods of time, each slight adding up, and finally erupting when you least expect it. On top of this, they don’t forgive easily and can be vindictive. What angers them: they don’t like to be wrong or to be called out about their mistakes, betrayal, aggressiveness, and interruptions when they are doing something important.
Gemini: They express their anger through words, and they know how to use them like knives. And what’s worse, they become eloquent and aggressive when furious. But this sign is known for diplomacy and logic, they don’t anger easily because of these characteristics, and their anger passes as quickly as it comes. What angers them: if they feel wronged, offended, close-mindedness, or dealing with someone who is particularly stupid.
Cancer: Like Taurus, Cancer’s anger builds up slowly until pushed to far, then they explode, letting all of those memories of past wrongs spill out. They sometimes will even cry, but don’t mistake this for guilt or anything else, they’re still furious. They sulk, lash out passive-aggressively, and sometimes withdraw entirely. What makes them angry: to be taken advantage of or treated in a way they don’t feel they deserve, cruelty.
Leo: Leos don’t feel anger - it’s pure rage. And, like the lion, they roar. They become so angry that they will insult you in any way they can, going for your weakest spots, “beneath the belt” you could say. And they become condescending, putting on their “kingly crown”. What’s worse, their pride and arrogance keep them from apologizing. What makes them angry: disrespect, dishonesty, disloyalty, to be bossed around, being forced to do unnecessary things.
Virgo: Virgos don’t like to express their anger so they do their very best to suppress it, usually trying the silent treatment, until they just can’t do it anymore. Because of this their anger can seem pointless and nonsensical. They also struggle to express themselves when angry, their words dissolve into a mess. Their anger develops like a Taurus and is as fiery as an Aries. What makes them angry: if they feel like they are being persecuted, disrespected, or like their opinions are being ignored, vulgarity, carelessness, and the revealing of personal secrets.
Libra: It’s hard to make a Libra angry, and Libra will actually think before letting their anger overcome them or control any of their actions; partially because they allow it to drag on for a long, long time, filing the wrongs away for future reference. They are the most diplomatic of the zodiac and this stays true even when furious. But they can justify their anger no matter what, and that makes it dangerous. What makes them angry: being undermined, rudeness, dishonesty, or unfair treatment towards anyone, not just themselves.
Scorpio: Scorpios become defensive and distant when angry because they want to keep themselves from tipping over the edge, they know how bad it will be if they explode. They tend to stick to glaring, sarcasm, and cruel comments when angry because they’re good at keeping their anger under control and they feel to let it show is a sign of weakness. Once angry, it’s hard for them to ever forgive and they often seek revenge. What makes them angry: disrespect, mind games, pettiness, people who are fake, if you try to give them advice, and to take them for granted.
Sagittarius: Sagittarians are already blunt people and when angry this aspect grows: they, like Geminis, use words to hurt those who anger them or start pointless arguments. Other times, they will simply leave, especially if they’re feeling trapped in some way. But their easy-going nature usually means their anger dies down quickly. What makes them angry: limited freedom or if someone tries to control them, to be insulted or pushed around.
Capricorn: Capricorn is orderly and controlled, they often don’t show their emotions, so when they become angry it can be a shock. Their anger erupts in bouts of yelling that cause scenes. They become authoritative, condescending, and even demanding. If it’s really bad, they will shut down and leave. If you’ve caused them one too many pains, you can kiss your relationship goodbye. What makes them angry: irrational or immature behavior, insincerity, an invasion of their personal space/time, unreliability, disrespect.
Aquarius: It’s hard to anger and Aquarian, they are calm and not easily instigated, not to mention they don’t like confrontation, but they can be as wrathful as an Aries. They typically express their anger through the silent treatment until they can’t hold it in anymore, then it turns into bouts of shouting and screaming before they leave the scene. What makes them angry: prejudice or intolerance, being told how to live their lives or for their way of life to be outright insulted, cruelty.
Pisces: Because Pisces are so in touch with their emotions, it’s easy for them to become angry and for that anger to show but at the same time very hard for them to truly become furious. Because of their emotions they do have great sympathy and do their best to talk it out and if that doesn’t work they seek solitude. At the worst, they blank out and go into a blind fury, their amazing imagination fueling the drama. What makes them angry: inconsiderate people, cruelty, criticism, and to be pressured to do something.
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The hunger games version
gifs credits:  iguessyoucanjustcallmev
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