soccerislife-01 · 5 years
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soccerislife-01 · 5 years
3 facts leading to becoming a good player...
Have you ever had that feeling of losing faith and confident in yourself? Thinking to yourself that you won’ t be able to kick the ball or pass the ball. Well, I once think to myself that I can’t play soccer, I can’t even kick a ball or I won’t even score a point. When I started off playing soccer, I followed the three facts of becoming a good player. Always have a positive attitude, be smart and stay focused.
Having a Positive Attitude 
Having a positive attitude is really important. For me as a player, it was important for me to have a positive attitude on the field. Why? Because if I don't have the good support of being a team member then that is not showing good team support. When your teammates are feeling down or overthinking the game too much, take time to talk to them and make them feel better. Say some soothing words to push their confidence rates up. In order for you to have a positive attitude, you must learn how to control your temper and your anger if you have anger issues. Learning how to control your anger can benefit you in the future or when you are on the field playing. If your opponent is playing in an unfair way, it is better for you to hold it in or keep it in after the game is down then talk it out. Rather than returning back what they did to you on the field, revenge is not part of having a positive attitude. Make sure that you must have a positive attitude before trying to play the ball. Play the ball not the player.
Be Smart!
When you are on the field make sure that you are ready for what is coming your way. No one knows what is going to happen on the field or during the game. Someone might get hurt on the field or not. It is important to be prepared and be ready for what is going to happen. You must always be prepare for the worst that might come. If you hurt yourself on the field, make sure you are ready to take responsibilities for your own injuries. Be smart on the field is like making sure to use your head and brain on the field. If you don't want to get hurt then always have your eyes on the ball and protect yourself from getting hurt.
Stay Focused
You must always stay focused on the ball and not the player. You are the one that is either depending the ball or taking the ball to make a score. When you have the ball and someone is trying to defend the ball, do some moves to confuse them or distract them from getting the ball. No matter how hard it is to always focus on the ball and keeping your eye on the ball. ALL EYES MUST ALWAYS BE AT THE BALL. Always focus on yourself and the ball at all time. Try your best to get a score when you get the ball. Focus on having a lot of confidence in yourself and always have faith in yourself that you can do it.
By doing these steps or facts, I hope that it might help you get to improve better. Never lose confident in yourself. Always strive for the better...
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soccerislife-01 · 5 years
Warriors win Against Wildcats!
This week I have decided to interview Tafuna High’s Soccer Team, both Varisity and JV. After weeks of practicing none stop and giving it their all, they finally showed it on the field. The game against Wildcats was not easy nor hard. I interviewed the coach for both teams and he stated that, “They did their best on the field, even though some of them were not taking it seriously”. Although, they took that dab on Tuesday, it wasn’t easy for the boys to get some scores. The Wildcats had some strong defense, so it was challenging for the boys. 
The Varsity boys said that the practices and the scrimmages that they were doing for the past few weeks were worth it. The game against NVTHS was not easy, but it was a great game. I interviewed Daniel Leota, who made the last score that broke the tie between Tafuna and Wildcats said, “It wasn’t easy to make a score. Taking the ball with me and always keeping in mind that my boys got my back, encouraged me to score. When that ball went in the goal, it felt like everything that was on my shoulders were lifted. Seeing the smiles on their faces made me wanna improve better. Now that we know the mistakes that we did on the field. We will be sure to take it as a lesson and do better on our next game”. The mistakes that they made on their first game, they turned it into a lesson learned. Also, I interviewed Lafaele Aunoa, the goal keeper, he stated, "When Wildcats scored I almost had my guard down, the feeling of not being able to defend that ball with my life felt like I let not only my team down but so is my pride for my school. It was really hard to play that position but I'm glad I gave it my all." The boys all have bigger things that they wanna bring and show, not only to impress but to be role models for the young generations. Their game had wasn’t taken seriously on Tuesday but at least they were working together as a team. Even though, one of the good players was out because he got a red card. That did not stop the boys from giving it their all. They said the win wasn’t only for them but for the school. The boys stated that they have so much pride in their school. 
Junior Varsity
The JV boys did way better than the Varsity. They had their first score 5 minutes after the game started. I interviewed Pago, who made that first score and he said,” It wasn’t me that made that score, it was the Father above that gave me the strength and the energy to kick the ball”. Even though that wasn’t Pago’s first time playing but he did a great job. The JV boys were told that in order to get better, you must do better. Practice kicking the ball, running with the ball, and practicing new skills will make you a pro at kick and taking the ball with you. Learning from the Varsity boys and getting advice from them is a good thing. What they experienced on the field on their game was totally different from the scrimmages that they had with the Varsity. The last person that I interviewed for this week is Ten Fili. Ten plays the position with Pago. I decided to interview him because he made the last score. Ten said, “ Making that score was unexpected. Even though it was hard and challenging , I did know that my ball will actually make a goal. What you need to have on the field is focus. You must always focus on the ball and not on the player."
After interviewing this players and getting some advice from both boys soccer team. I learned that in this sport, communication and working as a team is really important. If this isn’t shown or done on the field, things won’t go the way that the players wants it to be. It is important to always focus on the ball and not on the player. The player can have really good skills to distract you and not focus on the ball. Our soccer boys did very good on their first game and they gave it their all on that field.  
D. Leota (March 11,2020), L. Aunoa(March 12,2020), P. Ipu(March 13,2020), T. Fili(March 12,2020)
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soccerislife-01 · 5 years
The mind-blowing player...
What is soccer?
Some people out there take football and soccer differently but in reality they are basically the same thing. Soccer, which is what people nowadays call it used to be called football back in the days. Soccer specifically is a game played by two teams of eleven players with a round ball that may not be touched with the hands or arms during play except by the goalkeepers. The object of the game is to score by kicking or heading the ball into the opponents’ goal. This sport has rules just like every other sports and positions as well. For soccer there are eleven players and eleven positions, which is the goal keeper, 3 or 4 defenders, 3 or 2 midfielders, 3 or 2 attackers. the main purpose of the goalkeeper is to defend the ball from going into the goal post. The defenders or the fullbacks, their main job is to defend or block the opponent from making a score. Midfielders or Wings help the attackers or strikers to try and make a score. If you want to know more interesting information about soccer, click  https://www.sportsrec.com/7785392/what-is-soccer.
This week, I decided to interview my cousin Elcy Lui who is attending NVTHS and is a senior. Elcy has been playing soccer her whole life. She is also well-known for being an MVP at this sport. Elcy plays almost all of the positions; fullback, midfielder, and striker. I asked her what keeps her motivated when she’s on the field and she replied saying " Everything motivates me, especially my loved ones, my dad is basically the main reason why I played this sport, not only he taught me when i was little but he still coaches me and gives me feed backs on whatsoever i should do and not to, “SOCCER IS LIFE” and i can never give away the talent i was gifted with by God”. Elcy started playing soccer at the age of five or six. She started off by winning soccer trophies and she was the first soccer player that made it to the Nationals at a very young age. Some skills that she is known for is kicking a goal from the half of the field, the “fooling” skill and the “round about” technique. She has a lot of skills and techniques but most of them are not to be known to the world yet. 
The “fooling” skill is when she’s in the position to pass her teammate the ball when she’s really not gonna pass it to her teammate. In order for her to make a score, she’s going to fool the other players by clearing the way for her to kick the ball  straight, hard and fast to score. Her “round about” technique is when she’s going with the ball to score, she sees a lot of the defenders coming straight at her. She circles around them fully so they can run into each other and get distracted from following her. Elcy’s advice for whoever is going to start playing this sport is, “It can be hard and difficult at the same time but if you give it your all and play your heart out, it is going to be fun and addicting”. Never stop believing that you can’t do it. Have the courage to take the ball and make a score. 
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soccerislife-01 · 5 years
Making a score!
In this blog, I will be posting interviews and important facts about athletes that plays this sport and have amazing skills as well. What I plan to do is to interview different soccer players from different high schools that I’m familiar with. When did they start off and how did they get to where they are right now. I’m going to ask them about what positions they play, what motivates them and what keeps them going. 
Through the interviews, some skills from these players will be revealed not only their skills but also their techniques. I hope that in reading these, you will be motivated to get a ball and kick it with all of the force that you have. Anyways, stay tune for more of making a score!
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