socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Sunshine Blogger Award 2015 - Nominated
Sunshine Blogger Award 2015 – Nominated
It is not the HAPPY PERSON who are thankful; It is the PEOPLE who are HAPPY . . .
As the quote suggests, I, On Chow is very much thankful because I am happy. Wanna know what’s the reason of my happiness? OK! just keep reading.
I want to say “THANK YOU SO MUCH” to icerene01 for nominating my blog , socialleadblog , to be one of the nominees of the so called Sunshine Blogger Award. The…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
5 Tips and Rules - Effective Video Media Content
5 Tips and Rules – Effective Video Media Content
Creating a video media content for your website or Youtube must be taken seriously, especially when earning is at stake. Yes, you read it right fella, you could earn for posting videos on Youtube but then your video has to be worth watching because if no one watches your videos then you won’t be earning. Same applies with videos uploaded, whether those are for promotion, for informative purposes…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Find out more about the FAMOUS LOGOS
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Top 10 Free Parallax WordPress Themes
Top 10 Free Parallax WordPress Themes
Parallax Scrolling is getting big in the web industry. There are many sites adapting to the design principle because of its potential to promote guided browsing and user engagement. Many professional brands have been using Parallax Scrolling in their sites; some in particular are Sony and Samsung.
Parallax Scrolling is web design principle that originated way back in the days of 2D game consoles.…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
How to Promote your Blog
How to Promote your Blog
Okay! Have you ever asked yourself How to promote your blog? In order to gain traffic, one must promote his site. As for bloggers just like me, things are the same. We have to promote our site to gain subscribers and eventually start getting real money through our blogs. But how exactly do we promote our blogs. Well, commonly promoting an niche can be done through advertising and paid promotions…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Business must grow. Same with the business owners. They must grow and to do that, they'll need inspiration  Check this video for more inspirational quotes which may apply to you.
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Solution to your lose keys. Go check the vid to know more
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
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How to connect your home, meds, appliances, cars, keys with technology?
The simple answer to that question is  Internet of things. Wanna know why/ Go check the details .
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Basics of Camera Comparison
Basics of Camera Comparison
Camera comparison does not end with the price. And the common belief that the price determines the quality, well it’s absurd. Sometimes the price is mostly because of the name. When you buy a camera, you do not look at a single angle only. You have to see through things and get your facts straight.
Today’s article is about guiding you guys in buying the right camera. This will be very basic so…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Myths about Affiliate Marketing
Myths about Affiliate Marketing
Myths and misconceptions are everywhere; it’s a product of peoples’ wild imagination and speculations of those who knew less. Almost everything has been a victim of this. When you thing only celebrities are getting roasted with false information and stuff, well you haven’t checked on the web yet. See, everything is misunderstood, in information technology almost everything is misconceived, SEO,…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
5 Weirdest Programming Languages
5 Weirdest Programming Languages
When you think programming languages are just Java, C++, Python, Ruby, PHP, C, etc, think twice, there hundreds more and when you think those languages I have mentioned are complicated enough well you have not seen worst. In this article I am going to present some programming’s weirdest languages.
Brainfuck : Programming Language
Just by reading its name, you’ll know something is off because,…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Nexus 5X vs Nexus 6P: Which Phone Should I Buy?
Nexus 5X vs Nexus 6P: Which Phone Should I Buy?
Since Android phones from Samsung and Sony are too main stream, I’ve decided to get away from them and consider buying from a different brand. But, what brand should I pick? Honestly there are too many Smartphone brands in the country today that choosing one among all them is difficult. Then I thought, why not try Google’s Nexus? If Google is Android’s home then phones from Google could be one of…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
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SEO 101 : The Basic. you might want to learn things in an easy way. Check this link to read more of the Search Engine Optimization Basics.
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
5 Reasons why you aren’t making money online
5 Reasons why you aren’t making money online
I have been writing post about making money online, tips on how to increase online income and all sorts of stuff like that and it wasn’t just me, many online writers do the same. This is because all of us want to earn, all of us wants our online ventures to succeed and sometimes we overlook things and fail to realize that we are doing things wrong.
With this article, try to reevaluate your…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
List of Motorola Websites
List of Motorola Websites
I know the struggle of trying to find a local center for your phone brand whenever things get a little messed up. But then how would you know if there is a local service center near your place? Well you have the internet, make use of it. Look for you phone brand’s website in your country and contact them for help. That is the least you can do to get proper answers with regards your phone’s…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
Top Free Blogging Platforms
Top Free Blogging Platforms
Blogging is on hype today. Except from the fact that it lets people express themselves it also gave them a way to earn money while enjoying life.
There were fortunate ones who got to earn a lot just by letting the world know how they were living their lives. There were also others who made money just by criticizing just about anything they see, I mean reviewing things like books, movies, gadgets…
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socialleadblog-blog · 9 years
5 Core Characteristics of an Effective Website
5 Core Characteristics of an Effective Website
When you are asked to evaluate a site, how will you be able to determine whether it is effective or not? Would you base your assessments on the overall look of the site? Would you users for their evaluation and make a conclusion out if them? Look, determining an effective website is not as easy as one look and you are done.
There are many aspects and factors that has to be examined and to make…
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