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I have scrapped the idea of the app due to time constraints so have compromised to a instagram page. These are sketches for both the instagram page and the billboard.
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Final Collateral
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App Inspiration from https://dribbble.com/moatasem 
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Tumblr Inspiration for the campaign, pulling from some thought provoking illustrations found when ding initial research for this campaign (black and white illustrations) 
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Poster , Tote & Sticker Sketches
Depending on the poster style i choose i want to show the same design in the tote bags
I want to continue the idea I had previously when doing black and white to keep a common character coming through as a representation of the audience and their use of social media. 
I am leaning towards the 3 poster series with the girl climbing out of the phone, with alternative different backgrounds to represent that where ever you come from, where ever you are, look up, get out of your phone and social media habits and to experience the real world. Its a representation of the freedom and release that you feel from being “disconnected” from your phone. 
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Final App Sketch up Is more of a merge between two of the initial sketches.
I have stuck with soft curves and shapes, simple yet unique design format to yet again install that idea of open and positive space for users. I want to use light and colourful colour palette 
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App Design Concept & Sketches
The App: Allows you to track your social media usage, set challenges and get rewards, educational sources for information and daily affirmations. Get points through completing activities and challenges on the app to win free merch, products and enter giveaways. This app is a positive space to encourage people who believe social media has a negative affect on their mental and physical wellbeing. 
Challenges - easy, medium, hard. challenges such as 24hr no social media, completing affirmations, daily challenges, unfollow challenges etc. completing challenges gives you a points system where you can win things (collaterals - totebags, stickers, merch, premium features, giveaway collabs with other brands etc) 
Progress Tracking - allows users to see how far though challenges they are, what they’ve completed and an overview of how often they complete challenges. 
Timer - Shows where you’re at with your current in progress challenges and you can set your own 
Affirmations - Daily affirmations, and journal style questions to keep the audience thinking about their own usage and allow them to set achieveable and realistic goals.
Info - Educational information and blogs, with future ideas for expansion into a community page where app users can talk about and share their personal experiences, what worked for them, what hasn't, what they like and dont like etc. Creates a community to foster positive growth and information around how to use social media in a better way. 
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Brainstorm ideas for collateral
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Social Media Mental Health Instagram Accounts - Researching what they post, what design styles and conventions they have and any overall common themes (positive bright colours, many quotes and infographics) 
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Colour Pallets and Combinations from Colour Hex and Pinterest (Pinned to my Personal Accounts CDS Campaign Board) 
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A Change in Style / Direction
Originally I had planned and presented a black and white themed, thought provoking more serious style and tone to my campaign. This is something i have now backtracked, researched and really thought about and have decided this is no longer the design style and approach i want to make towards my social media addiction awareness campaign to Gen Z. I want to take a more lightened, calm, open and positive approach that incorporates more colour. I think showing a more positive attitude and helping Gen Z to cope with the struggles of high social media usage through visuals that bring positive emotions and help to encourage and enact change and showing this visually, would in practice lead to a better outcome and campaign. 
New Tone & Style: Bright colours, positive message, encouraging, colourful, fun, light, calming, open, soft shapes and fonts. 
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Mood Board
Black and white illustration
thought provoking images surrounding phone usage and mental health
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Looking at the different aesthetics to think about incorporating into my campaign. each has a different tone to the message i want to convey, i think my challenge will be picking between a more serious approach and a more light hearted one. 
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The Impact of Social Media Use on Adolescent Mental Health - Depression and Anxiety: A Review (By Flavia-Petronela Medrut)
Quotes from the Academic Article
"According to Lee et al. (2020), adults use social media platforms, albeit sparingly compared to the youths. Recent studies have demonstrated that teenagers and youngsters use social media more often compared to adults, making them vulnerable to distress caused by the excessive use of the internet."
"Although research has suggested that there are many benefits associated with face-to-face communication, the engagement of teenagers and youths with the offline world has apparently increased cases of emotional distress in the contemporary world. Adolescents have become so accustomed with online communication that real engagement makes them feel anxious."
"Furthermore, social media addiction also leads to the fear of missing out, popularly known as FOMO, which increases the feelings of low self-esteem and low self-worth. The inherent desire to stay ahead of the news and continually be updated with what other people are doing, especially on social media, leads to social media addiction."
"Radovic et al. (2017) performed a qualitative psychological study on five males and 18 females to show the correlation between social media use and anxiety. The study deduced that the adolescents who used social media for prolonged periods, especially those that interacted with strangers, displayed higher levels of anxiety and stress. Surprisingly, even those that used social media platforms for positive purposes, such as watching pleasant videos, comedy or entertainment, were susceptible to anxiety and/or cyberbullying. The study also showed that social anxiety was common among adolescents who spent more time switching from one social media platform to another."
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Call to Action:
Take a look at your own social media usage and what parts of your social media accounts and those that you follow are negatively affecting your well-being in any way, try to limit these instances where an encounter with these negative components can occur.
· Turn off notifications
· Unfollow accounts that don’t make you feel a positive emotion
· Switch your phone off more often
· Delete addictive apps where possible
· Set yourself a time limit for social meadia use – could make it a challenge to do less time the next day
· Check social media intentionally with purpose rather than out of habit
· Log out of social media apps and manually type in passwords if you want to use them
Similar Campaigns:
· The social dilemma
· Look up live
· The brain Doctor
· Phone & Social Media Addiction: an online campaign to generate awareness to society www.medium.com
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Brief Description of Audience: (what motivates audience/what do they respond to)
Gen Z respond well to social and cultural issues, we are a sensitive generation that believes change is important. So many big world issues are strongly supported by Gen Z such as BLM, LGBTQ+, Body Positive, Veganism, Global Warming, Feminism and more. Gen Z is motivated by social change, diversity, money, career advancement, fast fashion, a sense of personal ownership (higher engagement and entrepreneurial nature)
Overarching Message:
Choose to make positive healthy choices with your social media that don’t negatively impact your mental and emotional well-being, this campaign provides you with the information to support this message and how to help manage your social media usage.
- asking gen z to stop using social media would be like talking to a brick wall, so instead aiming on turning social media into a more positive place and how the audience can do this through their own social media usage. 
Secondary Messages:
Recognise and understand that social media is just a small snippet of people’s lives and not always the true reality/looks/lifestyle of the account that you are following. Prioritise your mental health over your social media addiction.
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Belonging / Reality / Pressure / Wellbeing / Industries / Authenticity / Challenges / Comparison / Mental Health / Perceive / Bullying / Friends
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