How to Increase Your Engagement on Social Media
In this video, I'm going to show you how you can increase your engagement rates through social media. My name's Eric Siu. I am the host of the Growth Everywhere podcast, where I've interviewed over 300 entrepreneurs, and I'm the co-host of the daily Marketing School podcast where I nerd out on marketing every single day with my co-host Neil Patel. So, engagement rates, it just means if you got 10 likes on a post that has reached 100 people then your engagement rate is 10%. You're looking to have a high engagement rate because that just means your content is good, people are resonating with it, and that means they like you more, they have a reason to follow you. So, the first thing you can do, you can make sure that you're not just posting something once, so for example, if you're posting a blog post to Facebook, for example you're not just posting once, you might be posting it multiple times. Now, with Instagram it might be a little different. You can't just post the same thing all the time. It just depends on the type of platform that you are on. Sometimes you don't have the time to repost things all the time through Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, for example. You can use a tool called Meet Edgar. The other thing you could do too is tag people. So, if you're posting in Instagram, if you're posting in Twitter, for example, tag the right people, and sometimes when I see myself tagged in something I'm going to go ahead an retweet it. I'm going to go ahead and engage with it as well. People like being tagged. You are on a social media network. People like engaging with each other all the time. You can think about hashtags as well. You can google hashtags that perform really well socially. What I would suggest though is if you're posting to Instagram for example, put the hashtags in the first comment. That way it's not just all in the first thing which is just like a bunch of hashtags and you're just throwing it up out there. The other side of things too is you can post more engaging images. You don't necessarily need to be an artist. You can just use Canva. Canva is great. They're valued north of a billion dollars now. By the way, Melanie she is on the Growth Everywhere podcast, so check that out. Cadva is a tool that you can use to make nice engaging images, and you should be testing your images as well. If you're looking to grow your social engagement you have the opportunity to advertise on Facebook, on Pinterest, on Twitter, on Instagram. That's how you can drive your social engagement even higher. If people don't know who you are initially you can do that. Also at the same time, you can do Shout for Shouts with other people. Let's say you're in the food industry, and there's food influencer out there, you guys want to do a collab, and they can shout you out on their page. They can tag you. You can do the same thing for them, and also at the same time you guys can create pods, which are looked down upon by the these social networks because pods help drive engagement with very similar people and they're all kind of upvoting at the same time. You're just building relationships with other people. You're getting a lot more engagement, and at the same time you're building relationships with these people. I would recommend, I think long-term, just focus on creating relevant, helpful content for people. It's really easy for people to just say "Oh, create content. Create content." Just be helpful to people. Think how it can be useful. If you don't think it could be useful maybe don't create content, maybe go do something else. Anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this. Let me know what you're going to do to level up after watching this video. Go ahead and hit subscribe, and we'll see you tomorrow.
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Linking social media accounts - the risks
Children can be constantly connected to a number of social media accounts, all at the same time! Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Snapchat and Pinterest, just to name a few. How can someone possibly manage all of these accounts at once? While some kids will simply multitask between each app, others may use tools or apps for managing social media accounts so that juggling between them and maintaining a presence in each is achievable. For example, if they want to post the same status update on both their Facebook AND their Twitter accounts, they can do so using a third-party app. Hootsuite, Buffer, Tweetcaster Pro and Everypost are just some examples that allow this from one central convenient location. Are there personal risks for your children by having them all linked together? Yes there are. The first risk is that these accounts are often all linked together by one username and password. The second major risk is that identity thieves can piece together information on one person based on their multiple social networking sites. The third major risk is that if an online predator can gain access to all of a child's social networking accounts and learn all their hobbies, interests, thoughts and feelings, it helps to enable the grooming process, as the offender tailors conversation in favour of the child's interests. It serves for the child to relate to this newfound friend, and the relationship of trust develops rapidly. This is then followed by the request to meet in person. What can you do to minimise this from happening, whilst allowing your child to have certain social media accounts? It comes back to educating your child. Constantly reinforce the need to keep social media and personal information separate, and really encourage them to avoid posting their address, their date of birth, the school they attend, their phone number and, if possible, avoid using their full name. Often when an account is first set up, it asks to link one site to another, but tell your child not to link. If sites are already linked, and you and your child are concerned about it, there is an option to unlink. Although each site can be slightly different, the option to Unlink can usually be found in Personal settings, under Edit or the Connect accounts section.
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Social Report
Social Report is an all-in-one social media management and reporting solution that efficiently allows you to track and also manage each and every one of your social network accounts—all in one place.
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