socialsavvyadvisor · 9 months
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socialsavvyadvisor · 9 months
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
All or nothing
Are you a all or nothing person? The easiest way to answer this question is to ask yourself if you want this relationship to be everything in your life or do you feel comfortable not having this relationship at all. If you can answer this honestly then you will know that you want it all, or that you are quite self reliant and don’t really have room in your life and world for a serious…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Slutty behavior
Slutty behavior have become so much more acceptable these days that it’s really surprising, perhaps it’s because sex have become the thing that everyone wants to jump into without really thinking of what it looks like. For me I find slutty behavior so unnecessary and it seems to be a chosen behavior by very a many married women. They seem to forget that they already have a husband at home or he…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Fireworks or just comfort
We are all hoping that the person we meet and have intense chemistry with is going to result in fireworks between the sheets and I am sure in most cases that’s exactly what happens. However some people go out to meet potential hookups and from what I have heard in some cases the instant chemistry relates to fireworks and multiple orgasms between these two people, but only for the hookup, in…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
The honeymoon
We all know that when you meet someone that you are attracted to instantly you feel those butterflies in your tummy and you feel yourself blushing right away, you feel chemistry in your brain that you know you can’t explain. You feel like you just can’t get this person out of your head, you find yourself constantly thinking about them, wondering what they would be doing and are they also thinking…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Older men
Why date older men? Older men are certainly more mature and have had some failed relationships from which they have learned certain things not to do in future relationships and certain ways to approach situations of conflict that impacts their relationships. Older men have had their opportunity to sleep around and to some extent get that out of their system, however there is a downside as well…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Codependent relationships
A codependent relationship can in some cases work very well where the couple move in quickly and tend to live in each others pockets, but a codependent relationship where there is one person struggling with addiction can become real toxic very quickly. In a very small percentage of relationships the codependency of a couple can strengthen their bond and result in a very successful relationship,…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Nothing is permanent
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Was it good or great?
I feel focusing on the sexual connection in your relationship will bring a few questions to mind. As people we always compare our sexual experiences and place them next to each other in our minds to place it in a top two of greatness. Some girls will go out there and even discuss their sexual connection with their best friends, I also believe men do the same thing even though they deny that. I…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Sex and Intimacy
I am fascinated by people that believe that sex equals intimacy. Sex is a act that we perform for pleasure and for “mating” and sex can add to your intimacy with your partner, however you can be a lot more intimate with a kiss, with a touch, with an almost touch, with a hug and in all these instances you will be fully clothed. Intimacy is a deeper connection between two people that you find hard…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Life’s too short
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socialsavvyadvisor · 1 year
Drama Queen
We all know at least one girl that fits the profile of a drama queen. The unfortunate thing is that most men assume that every woman is one which is not true. Most women do think more with emotions than what men do but not every woman is a drama queen. Women do use their emotions to guide them through relationships and friendships however the drama queen would use her emotions to manipulate and…
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socialsavvyadvisor · 2 years
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