This video gives an honest view of the importance of Luke Cage, and what the shows means to different people, while also including a bit of a history lesson.
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Race representation is a point of controversy within media, especially television and shows. Most shows tell the story of white male main characters, with little to no straying from this story line, giving these character full arches and three dimensional truths, but only giving the POC characters two dimensional stories with little-to-no character development. There is a danger in only showing one piece of a complicated puzzle, in creating characters that can interchange themselves with no obvious change in their story or script. 
This is the beauty that is Luke Cage. Unlike the comic, the show Luke Cage is not made for white viewership, but rather, is made for POC. Luke Cage tells an intricate story a detail that adds a distinct artistry to the development of each character. Luke Cage tells more than one story that each person can connect with; from a young black man that is a dishwasher trying to move forward, to a businessman that holds a seat of power, from a young female nurse, to a politician, or a police officer. There is not one story but many. One story can create a stereotype, but many stories creates a community. A community of many voices that speak loud and in unison, towards one idea, their stories matter. 
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Actor,Mahershala Ali, explains the importance of a show like Luke Cage. Ali shares his experiences and speaks on why he thinks it is important to have a show with black heroes and villains.  .  
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRweZ-e0scc)
This shows the essence of the artistry that is behind this show. This scene stuck out most to me when watching this series. From a soundtrack of black artists to referencing historical figures of the community, this scene embodies the power that this show holds. There is very obvious detail in the small use of white actors or extras. This is a powerful and game-changing message. 
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“playing out civil rights-related struggles with an all-white cast allows the white male audience of the comics to appropriate the struggles of marginalized peoples” 
This article speaks on the ins and outs of why comic book superheroes have typically been written in as white males. This is because many companies believe that the consumers are largely white males. Many companies will actively reject any other type of viewership in order for their demographic to remain the same. 
The topic of race-bending the comes into play, can characters be made into black characters? Are characters so rooted in their whiteness that developing them with a different race is nearly impossible? It is explained that, with some characters, their history needs to be white in order to make sense. For example, Batman and Iron Man. These characters are connected to old money, this type of history is basically rooted in white history. With Batman, the mansion is significant to the character development, and, without the history of the mansion, the character loses a dimension.
This is why Luke Cage is such an important character, he is deeply rooted in his history too. A young black man that grows up in Harlem. Luke feels a connection to his home and continues to protect it, despite the initial rejection of the community. The new show makes sure to make the roots of the characters and of the show to be connected many different factors, including race. Not only are the characters rooted within race, the show itself is too. Much  of the music, artwork, and even featured literature are created by black artists and authors, there is no bending their roots. 
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Luke Cage is a new show on Netflix, this follows in a string of series based off of Marvel Comics. Luke Cage, otherwise known as Carl Lucas, grew up in Harlem, and, continues to live there when he takes on his new name and identity. He is forced to take on a new identity when he us framed for drug possession, sent to jail, and turned into what he is today. While in jail, Carl Lucas (Cage),, undergoes many different experiments with promise of a shortened sentence. These experiments give Luke Cage bulletproof skin,superhuman strength, and accelerated healing. Luke does not wish to use his new abilities, but, would rather blend in, continue to live behind the scenes, but, by a turn of events, ends up in the spotlight. Luke Cage becomes the hero that Harlem needs, but neither of them really wants it, at least not at first. 
Luke Cage comes in a time when the message that it sends is one that needs to be seen and needs to be heard. It is not often that there is a show that has a predominately black cast. This is rarely seen in shows, especially shows based off of comic books. The creators of Luke Cage use the platform to promote music,art,and books written by black artists, including them throughout the show. This shows that Luke Cage is a black hero,not just a hero that is black, but it is part of his identity. Along with this form of representation, there is also a nod to Trayvon Martin, more than a nod, a memorial to Trayvon Martin. It is explained that the hoodie is a direct reference to Trayvon Martin. This show highlights very real issues and,though the show itself is not going to change the world, it does give the world something to turn to. To represent is to show that it can be, and to know that it can be is to change the way in which people believe. No, a show cannot change everything on it’s own, it can show people that change can happen, it plants a seed. 
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Exceptional show. Present, timely, unafraid. Marvel needs to do more of THIS.
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