sodabop · 5 years
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—I know i’ve posted quite a bit about what’s happening at the moment over here in Australia with the bushfires and everything but it’s absolutely heartbreaking and cannot be ignored. I posted about these fires about a week ago and that post received a few thousand likes and reblogs from people, much like myself, who are deeply heart broken by these fires and seeing that many people comment, like and reblog has proven to me just how powerful social media can be as a positive force to instigate change and share a message to bring about a movement where we can band together as one society to make a difference. And because of that, I felt the urge to post about these fires again, to hopefully bring more awareness to the issue with the hope of motivating others to speak up, donate and support the brave firefighters and those who have lost everything.
Just read the facts above. Half a BILLION animals have died, record numbers of CO2 has been released into the environment with it predicted to take over a CENTURY to reverse. The fires are spreading down the coast with more and more people being forced to evacuate and leave behind their homes and belongings. 20 people have died with even more missing and unaccounted for.
You can show your support by donating food, toiletries, clothing and other supplies to those stuck in evac centres across NSW and Vic or by donating to any of the organisations in my previous post (reblogged from @starsthatshines) or to Celeste Barbers facebook campaign which has raised over 18 million dollars (!!) in less than 48 hours.
Again, my heart goes out to everyone affected and you are all in my prayers or thoughts.
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sodabop · 5 years
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sodabop · 5 years
“Allowing priests to marry won’t end sex abuse in the Church. Celebacy does not drive people to hurt children. Being a pedophile with no fear of getting in trouble leads them to hurt children. There’s plenty of married pedophiles but no one wants to do the hard work of rooting them all out. ” I say into the microphone. Lay Catholics looking for a five minute solution begin to boo me as I walk away.
“She’s right,” says a frail voice from the back. Everyone turns. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is standing.
“Thanks but go fuck yourself, you didn’t fucking do anything about it either” I cry back to him.
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sodabop · 5 years
I am very drunk and listening to toto’s Africa
I’m thinking about watching Charlie and the chocolate factory, but the one from the 1970s where gene wilder is giving off heavy ‘fuck them kids’ energy and the lighting makes it look like the Great Depression
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sodabop · 5 years
God u know when ur sleepy drunk or high and ur trying to plug the charger into your phone but you keep missing the phones pussy like stay PUT
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sodabop · 5 years
no thoughts word doc empty
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sodabop · 5 years
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Went worm hunting at the graveyard
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sodabop · 5 years
actually all representation is bad representation because the written word and the moving image are inherently evil
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sodabop · 5 years
my kitten says hello
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sodabop · 5 years
attended junji ito’s artist talk today and his literal advice to all artists/cartoonists can be summed up with “go to fucking sleep”
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sodabop · 5 years
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sodabop · 5 years
coworker got caught watching hentai on his phone
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sodabop · 5 years
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sodabop · 5 years
ok guys, i found a good rabbit clone today! it’s called frogwatch
you’ll need to login with your discord. but after that it has a working vm! so you can go and watch movies or shows like you used to with rabbit. but just to note that only 10 people at a time can join. If you need to paste a specific link, on your control panel there should be an option to paste the link there.
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sodabop · 5 years
Why is Kevin Smith incapable of writing male characters that don't come off as repressed bisexuals?
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sodabop · 5 years
been attacked by goose STOP
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sodabop · 5 years
me: i hate violence
also me: *sees a trump supporter*
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