sodacolapop · 15 days
I am Muhammad Shehab from Gaza🍉. I support a family of 6 people. My sick mother and father, my wife Hiyam, and my sons (Zain and Yahya). I have a gofundme campaign that I created to treat my mother and father, protect my family, and get them out of the danger of the war on Gaza🍉. We live in very difficult circumstances Help me we are still very far from the goal. I hope everyone will donate even a little. I am confident that you will stand with me and support me until I achieve my goal and save my family from the danger of war. Share my story. Pin my story to your page. Everything helps. Can you share some of my posts from time to time? Maybe the internet will be cut off in my area. Thank you
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sodacolapop · 15 days
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Please sign the petition!!!
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sodacolapop · 1 year
Transformers prime was on a whole other level of character design. Not only was distinctive silhouettes something they actually put a lot of care into (a rare quality of transformers media) but they also went as far as to design different eye styles for every autobot. And they are all stunning. The way they used the classic cartoon pupil expansion/dilation trick on robot eyes by copying the movement of a camera shutter... You can get so much extra expression in there without losing any of the realistic robotic details.
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sodacolapop · 1 year
Why are you so cool? Asking for a friend.
because I live in the north (it's pretty cool here at least half of the year)
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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get rekt nerds
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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The Cat has its Heart on the Outside
Available as a fanzine in Swedish with a translation note  here.
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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The JOJOLands official announcement.
2023.2.17 (Fri.) Start of Serialization in the March issue of Ultra Jump.
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sodacolapop · 2 years
heelys but instead of wheels, it's skates
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sodacolapop · 2 years
A Few of My Favorite Russian Proverbs (with their literal translations)
Большой секрет — знает весь свет.    Big secret—the whole world knows.
Борода не делает философом.  A beard doesn’t make a philosopher.
В темноте все кошки серы.  All cats are gray in the dark.
В Ту́лу со свои́м самова́ром не е́здят. No one brings a samovar to Tula. (Tula is famous as the city where samovars were manufactured. This is the equivalent of “Don’t bring coal to Newcastle.”)
Волко́в боя́ться — в лес не ходи́ть. If you’re afraid of wolves, don’t go to the woods.
Говорить правду — потерять дружбу.  Tell the truth—lose friends.
Доверя́й, но проверя́й.  Trust, but verify.
Долг платежо́м кра́сен.  Debt is beautiful once it’s repaid.
Доно́счику — пе́рвый кнут. The informer is whipped first.
Друг познаётся в беде́.  You get to know your friend in trouble. (A friend in need is a friend indeed.)
Дру́жба дру́жбой, а де́нежкам счёт.  Friendship is friendship, but count money.
Знать всё — значит не знать ничего. To know everything is to know nothing.
И у стен бывают уши. And even walls have ears.
Когда́ де́ньги говоря́т, тогда́ пра́вда молчи́т.  When money talks, truth shuts up.
На чужо́м го́ре сча́стья не постро́ишь. One can’t build happiness upon another’s grief.
Назва́лся гру́здем — полеза́й в ку́зов. If you called yourself a mushroom—get in the basket. (Sort of like, “don’t just talk the talk—walk the walk.”)
Не ошиба́ется тот, кто ничего́ не де́лает. He that does nothing makes no mistakes.
NB: any translation mistakes are mine
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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Donatello, Rykiel and Ungaro, Stone Ocean anime (transparent).
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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Crystal Cup by Олена Овчіннікова redraw
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Without beard
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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moe salaryman
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sodacolapop · 2 years
One minute that Ignacio Varga hid into the crude oil.
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sodacolapop · 2 years
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