Objective: increase PARTICIPATION during the conference
I decided to focus on the objective to increase participation of people attending ECREA Conference. This means getting people interested in what is happening through social media. Why? Because I think social media are very dynamic platforms, which are more prone to increase involvement (participation) rather than brand awareness. You have to give people something “material” to be interest to and to trigger discussions and comments, such as the actual contents of the conference (accompanied by text, photos, video).
 Which audience?
ECREA target groups: 1) Common people/ institutions/ associations interested in communication studies 2) Academic body of every type (since “communication” is a subject which includes a wide range of fields) 3) researchers
 ECREA social media target groups (ordered by priority):
1)    Students in communication science (bachelor, master, PHD)
2)      Other students related (more or less broadly) to communication field
3)    Professors and researchers
The general idea is to give priority to those target groups that are easily reachable through social platforms because of their “intrinsic characteristics”.
 Characteristics of the audience
Demographics: I think it is better to target on the social media, those individuals that are more prone to consult social platforms to get real-time information and that are more interest in the development of the communication sector, such as students, professors and researchers. Specifically, those who are in the age group 18-40, since they interiorized the idea of social platforms as tools to gather information with the logic of engagement.
 Location: Actual participation for the conference has more possibilities to be activated if promoted locally, where people can actually attend it. Therefore, I would say that geographically the group that should be targeted are students and professors/researchers that live in Switzerland (or close to it).
 Interests: I Think people that should be targeted are those students/professors/researchers that have a strong interest in communication studies and especially a high engagement for new topics related to communication, its development and the possibility to actively contribute to it.
 Behavior: The idea is to promote the participation to the ECREA conference through social media. In order to do so, I think it is necessary to use a specific language in outlining the contents of the conference on social platforms. The language has to be convincing, synthetic and “academic” at the same time, but without being boring. The academic ingredient has to be just enough to cover the actual conference with a “scientific credibility” Aurea. Why? Because students/professors/researches don’t want to attend passive “lecture”, they want to contribute and debate informally in a prestigious environment. This is the perception of participation that the social media have to launch.
  Influence: by targeting such audiences, which are deeply involved in the logic of “like” and “sharing”, the social media communication regarding the conference is more likely to spread also among those who are not directly targeted for ECREA conference and maybe they can use their participation to stimulate a new interest in the communication field
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