soft4space · 3 years
send “ long tomorrow ” to accompany my muse on a mission.
bonus: add details, set the scene.
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soft4space · 3 years
star trek
hold still. you’ll tear your bandages.
can you bury your heart?
let me help.
you are either very brave or very stupid.
you can’t order someone to get rid of their emotions.
space, the final frontier.
we are explorers.
i don’t think you can analyze love. it’s the greatest mystery of all. no one knows why it happens or doesn’t.
your combat training has been sadly neglected, little one.
a lie is a very poor way to say hello.
how do you feel? better?
if you can’t take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. it’s not safe out here.
fear is the true enemy. the only enemy.
we get to reach for the stars. we get to reach for the best in ourselves.
you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting.
this is my home. it’s a space station.
but if there was someone in this universe i could choose to be like, someone who i would want to make proud of me, it’s you.
i’m alone. you are the closest thing to family that i have left.
thinking about what you can’t control only wastes energy, and creates its own enemy.
one voice can be stronger than a thousand voices.
if you can’t even count on the ground beneath your feet to remain stable, what in the world does remain stable?
it takes courage to look inside yourself, and even more courage to write it for others to see.
logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.
if we’re going to be damned, let’s be damned for what we really are.
i haven’t faced death. i’ve cheated death. i’ve tricked my way out of death and patted myself on the back for my ingenuity; i know nothing.
i realize you can’t understand a word i’m saying, but that doesn’t matter. i know you’re aware of me. 
sometimes a feeling is all we have to go on.
the only way to defeat fear is to tell it “no”.
if there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.
death is that state in which one only exists in the memory of others; which is why it is not an end. no goodbyes, just good memories.
i always hope for the best. experience, however, has taught me to expect the worst.
someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives.
hit them with everything we’ve got.
there are many parts of my youth that i’m not proud of. there were loose threads, untidy parts of me that i would like to remove. but when i pulled on one of those threads, it’d unravel the tapestry of my life.
even in the darkest moments, you can always find something that’ll make you smile.
there are three things to remember about being a captain: keep your shirt tucked in, go down with the ship, and never abandon a member of your crew.
even life itself is an exercise in exceptions.
being afraid of everything means you learn nothing.
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soft4space · 3 years
stargate sg-1
in fact there’s an official list of reasons for which crying is a good thing.
so, with your permission, i’m going to fall down now.
all right, we came here in peace, we expect to go in one piece.
things will not calm down. they will, in fact, calm up.
that’s easy for you to say, you with that little flesh wound.
this conversation has been disturbing on many levels.
you are an idiot every day of the week. why couldn’t you have taken one day off?
look, i’m sick of laying around. help me up.
not that you're an egghead. okay, you are, actually, but in a good way.
permission to barge in, sir.
you’re sick and you need help.
what’s the last thing you remember?
i just wanted to say, when you were lying there, i – i’m really glad you’re okay.
stay there, shut up, and let me finish.
the secrets of star travel, our weapons, our power.
the cliché is, “are you thinking what i’m thinking?” and yes, i am.
well, here’s a question: how do we deal with an invisible threat.
there's putting your life on the line and there’s being stupid. guess which one you picked.
you’ll forgive me for holding out hope a little longer.
you know, i’ve never been on a stakeout before. shouldn’t we have donuts or something?
let us feast together and celebrate our strangeness and new-found friendship.
then we’d better start looking for a way. because i’ll be damned if i’m going to die on some god-forsaken block of ice a million light years from home.
come on, on your feet, let’s go.
the report said there was a brawl!
oh, well how very important. i’ll inform the galaxy.
all i’m saying, just for the record, this is the wackiest plan we’ve ever come up with.
ever had a birthday? you know, a birthday cake with candles on it, funny hats, pin the tail on the donkey, that kind of thing.
the sun is warm, the wind is wild, the grass is green along the shores. 
perfect. if any little rocks sneak up on us, we’ll have plenty of warning.
you’re so deep in it that nothing seems to matter anymore. it’s chaos. you’re just trying to make it through each day alive.
so what are we supposed to do, start guessing?
actually i’m listening to it on tape. don’t tell me how it ends.
there’s such a thing as over-thinking a situation. when you’re dealing with what we deal with, you’ve got to think on your feet and think fast.
can we stop agreeing on how we’re going to die and start doing something about it?
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