softarcana · 1 year
I like ur blog ✨
i finally conquered my fears and logged back in... thank you :’) i miss it here
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softarcana · 3 years
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Main 6 + animals winter ball sprites and backgrounds
(click for better view)
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softarcana · 3 years
Tagged by @tinyarmedtrex thank you,you are incredible
Rules: Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them
@rheawolf  @tinyarmedtrex  @mikotofubar  @ldwoolart  @jwilliambyers  @dear-wormwoods  @dumbasselric  @rukia-writes @constantreaderfool  @gay4annie-reblogs  @tozierpunks @kikuism
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softarcana · 3 years
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Oopsie, we made another one…
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softarcana · 3 years
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The consul with a fondness for wine and drama
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softarcana · 3 years
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NEW Arcana Update: Alec Romance Tale
Alec’s back in Vesuvia after a long time away and meets up with the apprentice for a day on the town. 
I’ve been planning this for quite a while, and today I finally finished it! Alec’s very own romance tale!
Huge thank you to @jilljoycearts​ for the CG art for this tale! I am in love with how it turned out—it fits the mood of the story perfectly ☺️
I’ll post the CG by itself tomorrow, but for now, read on to see the full version!
Note: There’s a few dialogue options within the story. They will look like the following example— Option A Option B Then *Option A* followed by the content for that choice, and *Option B* followed by the content for that choice. This *** means that you’re back on the general storyline!
Romance Tale under the cut!
Keep reading
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softarcana · 3 years
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“I’m so proud of you.”
I am weak for a ruthless dictator who falls to pieces over one word of approval from his lady love 😔
Can’t believe we got cock blocked by Asra.
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softarcana · 3 years
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I know it’s something weird to fixate on…but I have always loved the different ways to draw noses of the Nix team
Like, not only the character design is ON POINT but also the fact that they have such variety of noses on the main LI makes me so happy <3 <3 You rarely see characters that have actually big noses or just profiles that aren’t into the normative aesthetic and I LOVE IT!!
My three favorites have to be:
+Julian +Nadia +Lucio
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softarcana · 3 years
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softarcana · 3 years
Main 6 after Wisdom Teeth Removal
Head cannons for @madllamamomma​ because I got mine removed almost a month ago and the memory is still fresh in my mind.
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- He is just so chill about the whole thing, yep, getting four teeth out, gonna be under for an hour, it’ll be a nice nap. not like he needs help napping
- Has Muriel or MC listed as his carer for the next two days but just plans to sleep it off.
- Almost too late for appointment, but sweet talks the nurse a little so she lets him in.
- Yes he asks to keep his teeth. His going to make Faust a little crown from them.
- First thing he does is goes to remove the gauze from his mouth, only to have his hand slapped away by a nurse.
- Second thing he does is whine for MC - even if Muriels the only one there to pick him up.
- Has no concept of how loud his being and is shouting the whole time.
- No one can understand him still so he just talks louder.
- Doesn’t fall for any tricks - very, aware of everything other than his voice.
- Created a nest pre-op so he has somewhere to sleep post-op.
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- Look, its a routine operation, happens all the time he is not nervous at all.
- Except he is nervous and considers writing a will before hand.
- Has organized it so he stays with Mazelinka for the next two days, if he stays with Portia he just knows shes going to prank him.
- Little does he know,  Mazelinka is in on it, and Portia is picking him up.
- Doesn’t’t keep his teeth, he already has a mouth full. 
- Comes out really slowly and kind of groggy.
- The nurse lets him choose a juicebox and he almost cries when he has to pick just one.
- Gets a second juice box for being a good sport and almost cries again.
- You know that one video where the man forgets his married? That’s Julian but with the nurse.
- Very surprised when Mazelinka picks him up and has dyed her hair the same colour as Portia. 
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- Acts brave and tough, not going to hurt, not going to get pranked.
- Ask Nadia to stay with her, because nothing bad will happen at hers.
- Starts to get the waiting room jitters.
- By the time his lying on the table, he becomes a ball of anxiety.
- Nurses have to gas him before he goes in.
- Keeps his teeth, going to say they were knocked out in a bar fight though.
- Is alert within seconds of waking up.
- Rips the cannula from his wrist and is very upset after that.
- Clingy, constantly asks Nadia why they got a divorce. 
- Nadia just lets him cry on her shoulder, knowing it will be over soon.
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- Allows Asra or MC to look after him post op. 
- Looks like his going great but is silently screaming.
- Over half an hour early for the appointment just in case. 
- One word answers to the doctor and nurses, but polite nether the less. 
- Doesn’t really care what happens to his teeth. If you want them, he’ll ask for them, if not they can burn. 
- Just a big, soft boi who does exactly what the nurse tells him too.
- Very insistent that he is good to go home. He is not. It takes him ages to fully come to.
- Gets his juice, asks for orange but doesn’t complain when he gets black current.
- Said he needed to go to the bathroom, claimed he didn’t need your help, disappeared for 20 minutes and you still have no idea if he washed his hands.
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- Very composed. 
- Asks Portia to pick her up because she knows as much as Portia loves a prank, she would never prank her.
- Very insistent that she won’t need more than a day off of work (she is wrong her elegant cheek bones get engulfed with bruises.) 
- Sits patiently in the waiting room and takes the cannula like a champ.
- Doesn’t keep her teeth.
- She becomes very suggestible and chatty.
- Like, she wants to tell you all her secrets kind of chatty.
- And suggestible, this will probably be one of the few times she’ll just straight up do whatever someone tells her too.
- Aesthetic ice packs, straight onto the cheeks, but swells up anyway. 
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- Organizes for Julian to pick her up - he’s a doctor, and her brother, so she’ll be in the best hands. 
-  Really hopes she gets high as all hell and someone pulls a really good prank.
- So much excited energy in the waiting room.
- So peppy to her nurses they think she’s anxious. 
- Writes ‘Keep the teeth’ on her cheek to remind the doctor. 
- At first she’s very upset because she feels normal.
- That’s until Julian shows up and she starts mumbling about fights they had as children and then she gets very grumpy.
- But then she gets given ice cream and everything is okay in the world.
- Until the pranks begin. 
- You know that one video, where the guy convinces his sister that there’s a zombie apocalypses? That’s Portia!
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softarcana · 4 years
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First wintery drawing (even though it’s still autumn kind of)
Now they’ve been reunited it would be really cute if Julian and Portia visited Nevivion again for the winter
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softarcana · 4 years
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Baby boy, baby.
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softarcana · 4 years
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More wholesome Dadlian content because I can’t stop my hand. 😔💕 Also I tackled something I never do, drawing kids. I really don’t know how to draw kids. 😂 I was asked a lot if I had drawings of Lily when she was small, and here she is with her Papa, I also cleaned up some little bonus sketches. Hope you guys like it 💕
Art, Lily belongs to me © @dreamer-rena-artz Myron belongs to © @jyuukichannart Julian belongs to © The Arcana Game
My Insta is dreamer.rena My Twitter is dreamer_rena You’re allowed to repost my art with credits.
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softarcana · 4 years
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Cassandra being a simp
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softarcana · 4 years
❄Main 6 + Winter Holidays❄
note: December is a summer month in Vesuvia, because it’s in the Southern Hemisphere. But for the sake of consistency, I’m grouping December-and-adjacent holidays like Hanukkah, Yule, Christmas, et al. together with the Winter Solstice/canon holiday of Midwinter. Yes, in Vesuvia, Midwinter would technically be in June - but ‘tis the season.
His family doesn’t really have a major winter holiday; the biggest festival days in Zadith are in spring and fall
But he and Muriel grew up celebrating pretty much anything that had a festival on the street, and because Vesuvia is such a cultural hub, there was no shortage of winter festivities to duck into, besides the week-long Midwinter festival
If he isn’t invited to participate in anyone else’s holiday, he won’t invite himself; he’ll spend the holiday season at the street festivals, grab some latkes or glögg from a cart and sit up on a rooftop, watching dances in the Square
He loves learning about other people’s personal and family traditions, though - he’ll jump at the chance to help decorate or cook something, and the whole time you spend explaining your family’s traditions, stories, why you do things a certain way, he’s listening with wide, eager eyes
Decorates the shop with snippets of his friends’ holidays - he gets chocolate gelt from Julian and Portia to put in the candy dish, burns pine boughs in the fireplace to fill the shop with wintry smells, carves Kokhuri candles and puts them on every available surface - and loves explaining their meaning and origin to his customers
When he’s traveling, it’s all he can do to keep up with the calendar, and Hanukkah isn’t really a huge holiday, so he got in the habit of not doing terribly much for it
The most he’s done on his own is teach some crewmates dreidel; elaborate candle-lightings aren’t the most practical ritual to maintain belowdecks on a wooden ship for doctors who tend to fall asleep at their desks
He likes to jump feet-first into the local holiday scene, wherever he ends up in the winter - he doesn’t need backstory to enjoy street food, dancing, the occasional parade or craft-making table
In Vesuvia, now that he has a more stable living situation, he puts the chanukiah in his window, and if Hanukkah coincides with the Midwinter festival, he’ll stop home to light it before running off to catch the crepe-cart in the Square
He’s the last to show up to every home holiday celebration, because he always gets caught up at work - but he’s also the last to leave, makes great winter cocktails, and insists on helping with cleanup
Since coming to Vesuvia, she’s quite gotten the hang of Midwinter; Prakra has some holidays in common, but the Solstice isn’t nearly as big of a to-do back home
As it stand, she doesn’t do much for the winter holidays herself (she does take trips home for the major Prakran holidays, but those are in fall and summer), but she’s always honored to be invited to her friends’ 
Some of her friends’ holidays involve gift-giving, and some don’t, but she doesn’t want anyone to feel left out, so she makes gifts for everyone, but keeps them modest so no one feels uncomfortable or obliged
She’s always looking for suggestions to improve the Midwinter Festival - Vesuvia is a city of many cultures, and the more she can do to make everyone feel celebrated, the better
When she’s invited to her partner’s celebration, she has a million questions, and she takes careful notes - what should she wear, what will be served, what dish should she bring to pass, and so on 
She is determined to be the model girlfriend you bring home for the holidays. It’s not a competition, but she’s winning
In the past, he’d watch the shop while Asra went festival-hopping, and otherwise avoided the Midwinter Festival like the Plague, except that he would rather catch the Plague than deal with that volume of people
Now that he’s interested reintroducing himself to Kokhuri culture, he tries to incorporate some Kokhuri winter traditions - he’s learned a surprising amount from the tapestries, and he’s more eager to try new things than he lets on
It slips out when he teaches other people; he gets this sparkle in his eye when you’re out collecting holly and pine together, talking about what each plant invokes, and where they’ll be hung in his hut
The Kokhuri Midwinter has a lot of overlap with the Scourge celebration (with a few key differences - the Scourge burned pine trees, but there are no trees on the Steppe), so he’s filled in some blanks in the tapestries by sending friends to interrogate Lucio on the sneak
Kokhuri Midwinter also involves a lot of hugging and visiting loved ones; he’ll work up to the first part, but he compromises on the second by inviting people over for candle-making and mulled wine, and despite his house being full, he still seems content, even cheerful, like the old rites are helping him find comfort in togetherness instead of stress
She was very private about her winter celebration the previous year (she couldn’t risk someone recognizing her traditions and associating her with Julian), but now that she has her family back, in the same city, and not on trial for anything capital, just try and stop her
They spend so much time cooking together, Mazelinka basically moves in for Hanukkah - the Palace staff get to start every morning with homemade sufganiyot, fresh from the fryer and filled with her super-secret triple-berry jam recipe
For the first time since they were kids, she and Julian have the applesauce/sour cream debate (she is firmly in the applesauce camp), and this time she has bullet points on note cards
Lets it slip that she was working during the Midwinter Festival last year, and Nadia insists she take time off to experience it; it’s magical to rediscover Vesuvian Midwinter through her eyes, everything for the first time
Her favorite part is the candle ceremony at the Palace, gathering outside the gates with steaming mugs of cocoa and watching it light up room by room - huge, elaborate candle displays reflecting in her eyes like starlight, ‘til the last light goes on in the Contemplation Tower, and everyone cheers and rushes the food carts
He stopped celebrating most of his tribe’s holidays (and if you ask, he’s never heard of them), but he sneaks little remnants of their Solstice traditions into his own Midwinter celebration
Just the things he likes - he does not spend the night before the Solstice doing chores anymore, and you can’t make him, but he still loves mulled wine, and the Palace always serves roast reindeer for a Midwinter feast
Candles are the habit he’s never been able to break; he’s used to winters where the sun never fully rises on Jul - uh, Midwinter - so he fills the Palace with fancy candle arrangements, and keeps them burning for the duration of the festival, so it glows like a magical beacon you can see anywhere in Vesuvia
He won’t bring it up, but if you ask, he does like teaching you some of his tribe’s traditions - spicing logs together is a great excuse to get messy and lick stuff off each other (not that he needs an excuse)
Cackles like a hen at the look of horror on your face when he explains things like putting out a glass of water on the nightstand so the winter spirit doesn’t drink your blood…yeah, there’s a reason he doesn’t celebrate many Scourge holidays
☕ Ko-Fi | My AO3 ☕
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softarcana · 4 years
once again i must say: huh??? to the things i find in my notes app
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softarcana · 4 years
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(The fake screenshot template is by @ momky_savenkey on Instagram) Finished the fourth sprite in my swap AU! Yay! My polls said that people want to see count Montag next, but I’m dating a Vulgora stan, and I wanted to cheer them up in this trying time. I’ll start working on the loveable fool as soon as I’m done with the next batch of commissions.   About them: - A former captain of the palace guard who was accused of Nadia’s murder - Used to go by Giorno the same way Julian’s birth name is Ilya   - Had an affair with Devarshi (Valdemar) between the MC’s death and resurrection, they end up as a side-ship in some other route  - A side-ship with Volta is also a must - They keep a stag beetle as a pet, they trained it to fight - A total thembo (nonbinary version of himbo) - Used to fight in the coliseum before it got closed down - Used to be friends with count Montag, but neither of them remember their friendship - Their patron Arcana is the Tower, so they had to overcome a lot of hardships in their life - Their deal with the Tower was to become very lucky, but their luck manifests into avoiding disasters by the thinnest of margins. Their life is even more stressful ever since they made the deal - They think Devarshi cursed them - Their masquerade outfit is deer-themed instead of a beetle Check out my “courtier swap au” tag for more info on the project as a whole.
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