softglowed · 5 years
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MANICURED  BROWS  RAISE  slightly  ,  peaked  in  question  as  she  eyes  the  girl  across  from  her  .  the  subtle  name  drop  had  her  body  stiffening  .  she  thought  studying  would  take  her  mind  of  this  entire  situation  .  she’d  already  lived  through  this  once  ,  did  they  need  to  dig  it  all  up  again  .  two  were  dead  ,  one  missing  &  the  culprit  behind  bars  .  with  a  sigh  ,  petra  offers  a  shake  of  her  head  .      ❛            i  think  it’s  some  dickhead  with  a  sick  sense  of  humor  &  no  social  life  ,  natalia’s  probably  dead  ,  why  would  he  leave  one  alive  if  he  killed  the  other  two  ?   ❜
         NIKITA  BITES  HER  LIP  GENTLY    as  she  takes  note  of          the  other’s  changing  facial  expression  ----  had  they  said          something  wrong  ?  was  curiosity  of  her  thoughts  on  the          anonymous person  not  a  good  enough  reason  to  bring  the          whole situation  back  up ?  OPS !  nik  pressed  their  lips  together,          starting  to  feel  slightly  uncomfortable.  “ that’s probably more like-          ly  than  the  person  being  natalia , huh . . ? ”
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         she  shrugs  at  the  follow  up  question. “ i don’t know . . . ”  an          honest  answer.  it  really  wouldn’t  make  sense  for  the  killer  to          slain  two  &  leave  one  alive.  unless -------- “ what if  .....  what if          natalia somehow escaped . . ? ”  sure;  it  was  grasping  at  straws &          creating  unlikely  scenarios.  but  nikita  can’t  help  but  wonder   ...
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softglowed · 5 years
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sebastian looked over at her, replaying her question in his head a few times before finally working out an answer. “my ex girlfriend? do i think she’s behind some treacherous account trying to scare us by threatening our secrets? is that what you’re asking me?” he questioned, though his words were stone cold. “no, i don’t.” 
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       A  RATHER  STRANGE  LOOK  washes  over  their  face  as  sebastian  speaks  ;  the  way  he  had  said  the  sentence  rubbed  them  the  wrong  way  ---  not  to  mention  the  tone  in  his  voice. “ i mean, okay . . . you could’ve just said no. ”  nikita  doesn’t  mean  to  but  their  eyes  roll  on  their  own.  their  attitude  had  shifted  completely.  “ do you think it’s some kind of joke like everyone else? ”
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softglowed · 5 years
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the moment leo looks over and sees tears in nikita’s eyes he regrets having gone off on her; he hadn’t even meant to, everything had come out before he could stop it, but that’s pretty much his modus operandi these days concerning the subject of natalia. “sorry, nik,” he says, heaving a great sigh and scooting closer to bump her gently with his shoulder. “it’s not your fault, i’ve been on edge since everyone got that text. pathetic, really.” pathetic, yes, and also impossible to do anything about, apparently.
the question she asks is a personal one, and why not? they know a lot about each other. she’s told him about the horror show of her high school career, and he’s told her about his struggle with substance abuse and a one-parent family. of course, he’s also lied to her–they’re lies he tells everyone, but they’re still lies. he hates it, but the alternative is talking about things he simply doesn’t have the strength to talk about, so he tells one more now: “no,” he says simply, and lifts the bottle to his lips again. “i…smoked with her once or twice, that’s all.” it’s more than he’s told most people, anyway, but still a long way from the whole truth. and, in a low voice, “did you know her?”
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          NIKKI   RESTS   HER   HEAD  ON  his  shoulder.  she  knew  he  didn’t  mean  it  ;  she  just  couldn’t  help  the  fact  that  her  feelings  are  as  fragile  as  a  raw  egg.  brows  furrow  &  lifts  her  head  ,  turning  to  him.  she  cups  his  cheek  with  her  hand. “ leo, you are not pathetic. ”  surely  everyone  (  or  most  people, at  least  )  who  had  gotten  the  text  was  on  edge.  it  was  creepy.  unnerving.  &  the  absolute  last  thing  people  needed  to  read  when  settling  in  to  the  new  school  year   -----  poor  freshmans.
after  asking  the  question  ,  she  studied  his  face  ;  trying  not  to  make  it  painfully  obvious  that  she  was.  nikki  turned  her  body  towards  him   ---  now  sitting  criss cross  on  the  couch  ---  &  leaned  her  head  against  the  back  pillows.  she  appreciated  that  he  had  opened  up  to  her  --  even  if  only  a  little.  “ i didn’t really know her, no. ”  sure  :  nikki  had  seen  her  around  the  school  but  she  didn’t  know  her  intimately. “ are you . . . okay ? ”
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softglowed · 5 years
“ not at all. truthfully, i think natalia may be dead, just like destiny and mateo. this may just be another student trying to fuck with us. ” sage replied dismissively, thinking on the matter. “ and besides, we shouldn’t let this distract us from our academics. the only way we can beat this is by outsmarting whoever this is. “
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      OUTSMARTING  WHOEVER  IT  IS  . . .  nikita’s  face  seems  to  glow  at  those  words  ;  she’d  never  thought  to  outsmart  them.  to  try  to  find  whoever  it  is  &  expose  them.  she  hums. “ think we’re smart enough to do that ? ”  nikki  asks  --  half joking.  she  knows  they  most  certainly  are.  a  straw  is  placed  in  between  her  lips  &  the  remaining  cold  water  in  her  cup  is  slurped. “ i just hope whoever it is drops the whole act soon . . . it scares me, honestly. ”
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softglowed · 5 years
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nikita’s presence has become such a safe and comfortable one that leo rarely has any defenses up when she’s around, and his defenses are usually thin anyway. he’s an open person, honest about his feelings, comfortable with emotion, so usually there’s really no need for any defense. the thing with natalia is different–almost unbearable, actually, but in this matter leo has kept himself a rather closed book. tori’s the only one he’s ever told about his history with natalia, let alone the feelings for her he’d developed, and until that whole obscenity two years ago it hadn’t been difficult to keep secret. he’d mourned alone, bitterly. now every time someone mentions her name he’s terrified they’ll see everything written on his face. having been as utterly relaxed as he is hanging out with nikita at his apartment, beer in hand, he’s absolutely sure he faltered when she said natalia’s name; the question is whether he’d managed to cover it up fast enough. “do i think what is natalia, love?” he asks in a voice of drawn-out apathy, as though anyone on this campus wouldn’t immediately know what she was referring to. “are you talking about the text?” he laughs, and there’s no humor in it. he wonders if he’ll ever be able to talk about this particular subject without shutting down. “no, i don’t think it’s fucking natalia, what kind of vapid teen drama do these idiots think we live in? gimme a break.” he immediately regrets the harshness of his words and, after taking a sip of his drink, adds, “it’s just stirring the pot is all, nikki, people get bored with reality and make up these pathetic fantasies to entertain themselves. it’s called lord of the fucking rings, know what i mean? i’m so sick of living in a fucking reality show.”
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      HER   HEART   SINKS   INTO   HER   chest  as  she  listens  - -- watches  his  reaction  to  her  question.  she  tries  not  to  take  his  response  too  personally  but  it’s, to  her  surprise,  rather  hard  ;  the  two  had  been  through  quite  a  lot  during  their  time  in  each  other’s  lives.  nikita  didn’t  expect  to  care  so  much  about  him . . .  his  well - being.  “ i -- i’m sorry, ”  her  quiet  voice  says.  &  then  his  harsh  words  come   ----  hitting  her  directly  in  the  heart.  tears  began  to  well  in  her  eyes.  why  was  she  so  goddamn  sensitive ?  nikita  clears  her  throat  before  taking  a  drink  of  her  water. nikki  clenches  her  teeth  together  &  forces  the  sadness  back  into  her  chest  before  saying  :  “ i didn’t mean to upset you if i did. ”  a  long  silence  comes  over  her.  why  did  she  open  her  big  ,  stupid  mouth ?
a  few  moments  had  passed  :  nikita  wipes  the  remaining  tears  from  her  eyes  before  turning  to  leo.  she  hadn’t  seen  his  walls  fly  up  so  quickly  around  her  when  talking  about  someone  in  particular.  she’s  hesitant  to  ask  but  once  she  builds  up  the  courage ------   “ did she . . . mean something to you ? ”   &  it  only  took  seconds  for  nikki  to  regret  asking.
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softglowed · 5 years
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     “ natalia ?  ”  pink matte lips pressed together at the name, a girl she hadn’t spoke of for quite some time but also harboured her own curiosities in regards to her disappearance, before a humourless laugh caused them to part once again.  “ of course not, that’s fucking stupid. she’s dead. ”  it was bad enough that the investigation had been reopened after all this time, but to have this mass text lingering over their heads now was ridiculous. the very thought had tori’s blood boiling. how dare some self-proclaimed sleuth try to threaten her. with an exasperated roll of green hues, the blonde lifted a hand to gingerly tuck a few loose strands of hair behind her ear.  “ honestly, nikki, it’s been two years  —  nearly three. it’s just some sick take at a joke to get everyone going absolute apeshit. ”
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      MAYBE  THE  BLONDE  WAS  right  but  ---  “ how do you know that for sure, though ? have you seen her body ? ”  maybe  it  was  disrespectful  to  even  be  considering  her  to  be  the  one  who  sent  that  mass  text . . .  though  part  of  it  being  her  made  sense. “ i mean, wouldn’t you hold even a bit of a grudge against the people who were supposed to look for you until you were found but never did ? ”  shrug. “ anyway, i guess it doesn’t really matter at the end of the day. it’s not like we can all have life threatening secrets . . . . . . ”  nikita  looks  at  tori  &  feels  somewhat  worried. “ right ? ”
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softglowed · 5 years
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“of course it’s natalia,” the young woman confirmed in a loud yet oddly hushed tone as she braced forward on her bony little elbows, folding her arms on top of each other. “i mean, it’s just too convenient, don’t you think? chad’s locked up, i doubt someone managed to smuggle a cell phone with paid service up their ass to him, and where is she? out there turning this thing into some morbid joke– two people died.” these last words were said in firm criticism, as if she suspected the girl in question was somewhere nearby, listening in. “i mean,” vada shook her head, blowing bangs from her eyes,”i always had this feeling about her, y’know? like that she was just a seriously shady person.” indeed, the dislike between the two females wasn’t secret. 
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      SHE   ALMOST   IMMEDIATELY  GOT  A  sick  feeling  in  her  stomach  after  the  other  voiced  her  opinion  -----  it  did  make  sense  for  it  to be  natalia  but  . . . “ why would she do it though . . . ?  to this extent ? ”  nikita  shook  her head  &  pressed  her  lips  together. “ it just doesn’t make sense to me. ”  nikki  leaned  back  in  the  chair  &  let  out  a  raspberry.  she  didn’t  know  why  she  was  so  intrigued  +  interested  in  cracking  the  code.  maybe  it  was  the  psychological  factor  that  interested  her  the  most  ;  who’s  to  say . . . “ did you know her when she was here ? ”  a  question  nikita  prayed  wouldn’t  bring  up  any  bad  memories.
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softglowed · 5 years
       𝑺𝑯𝑬   𝑪𝑨𝑵'𝑻   𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑷  𝑩𝑼𝑻  giggle.  not  technically  at  him  ----  nikita  watched  at  the  pieces  hit  the  floor  ;  slowly  starting  to  pile  on  top  one  another.  “  i can almost guarantee -- with the price of being here so fucking high -- that almost everyone goes to their classes. no matter how early.  ”   she  leans  her  head  slightly  to  the  left.  “  i’m guessing you have an 8am class . . ?  ”
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Running his hand down his face he sat up at the table, “Mierda it’s too fucking early.” Sitting in the UC Santiago was busy tossing peices of notebook paper on the floor. He’d get some professor bitching at him, he knew that but right now he didn’t care. “Does anyone who takes 8am classes ever actually go to them?”
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softglowed · 5 years
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      𝑬𝑽𝑬𝑹   𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑬   𝑯𝑬𝑹   𝑭𝑰𝑹𝑺𝑻  day  at  the  university  ,  she’d  been  curious  about  the  history.  she’d  often  wonder  if  he  really  did  it.  nikita  opened  her  eyes  &  leaned  closer  to  the  other  to  ask  a  question  :  “ i know this is completely random and out of no where , but . .  ”  she’s  reminded  of  the  mass  text  that  went  around  just  a  few  days  prior.  the  knot  in  her  stomach  hadn’t  loosened  since  she  read  it.  her  voice  drops  even  quieter.  “  do you think it’s natalia ?  ”
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softglowed · 5 years
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softglowed · 5 years
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softglowed · 5 years
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softglowed · 5 years
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                                                 *     𝘿𝙀𝙏𝘼𝙄𝙇𝙎  .  
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softglowed · 5 years
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             ♡ ! ———  hELLO  my  name  is  amanda (  19  +  she/they  )  and  i  am  very  excited  to  meet  everyone  +  your  characters  :^)  under  the  cut  you’ll  find  info  on  my  baby, NIKITA  ~
also my d/scord is coochpetals#3608 if anyone prefers talking  /  plotting from there
— ARIZONA U is proud to introduce you to NIKITA TANAKA , the twenty-three year old , undergraduate psychology major in her/their SOPHOMORE year. most of their peers deem them as someone who is sweet, empathetic & polite but i know that some of their professors think they’re more emotional, clingy & skittish , maybe that’s why the police are still interviewing them on the reopened cold case. maybe it was because they were also EX GIRLFRIEND of DESTINY MICHAELSON. i mean that is just a little suspicious, but i only really think of golden hours, gold cross necklaces, crying at night so no one can hear & matching shirts with her grandmother when i hear their name, not murder. but i could be wrong. — FIVEL STEWART.
minimal make up , soft kisses , shy smiles , glossy lips , sugar melting on the tongue , fairy lights around a mirror , berry picking and sidewalk chalk , silently observing the world , appreciating small beauties .
turtle necks , mom jeans , wool scarves , floppy sunhats , black tights , cross necklaces , sneakers , scrunchies , blue jeans , sundresses , heart shaped sunglasses , oversized sweaters .
a forewarning that there will be mentions of her being drugged  +  recorded while doing indecent stuff  --  i’ll also put a warning on that specific bullet point so you can skip if it need be. & i’ll be talking about religion ( christianity ) throughout
born to a very religious & strict couple, bo and leona in a small town just 3 hours outside arizona.
she had to abide by the rules of god & the rules of her household or there would be “dire consequences” ( as her mother put it ).
in grade 12, nikita was invited to a house party by a girl named matilda… someone she would grow to hate. there was no reason to be suspicious and so, she went to this party.
WARNING ~   /  nikita had been drugged & had done indecent actions while matilda & her friends recorded her.
^^ she woke up on the front doorstep when the sun rose ; alone  &  terrified.
the link was spread throughout the entire school & nikita was quickly made into a mockery. by some miracle, her parents never saw this link. thank GOD (literally).
prayed, confessed, countless hours of volunteer work. eventually, she was forgiven —– by herself or by her god, who’s to say. she still feels a lot of regret & hates talking about it to this day.
she always knew she wanted to study psychology  &  become a school counselor to be the person kids  /  teens can trust with their problems. nikki thinks it’s mEGa important for them to not bottle it up like she did.
she still very much loves god  &  prays often but she does it more in private and doesn’t really like to discuss religion with people.  she does go to church every sunday though.
trying to live her best life tbh  --  just taking each day as they come, trying to blend in with the crowd and not get into too much trouble.
really wanted to get out of her comfort zone for the rest of her university experience so she became a cheerleader as a back spot !!?! and to her surprise, she actually really enjoys it. 
tries to be that person everyone can go to with their problems  --  not only for practice but also because she genuinely wants everyone to be mentally healthy and happy.
is a demigirl  &  goes by either she or they !  she literally...... never talks about her gender identity &  she’s only really told her super close friends about it.
is a vegan  &  will get very sick if she eats meat :(
a hOPELESS FRICKING ROMANTIC. WOW. she loves love and will literally melt if you compliment her and wholesome things make her so happy
was in looooooove with destiny  &  still is !!!! she was her first ever same-sex relationship  &  nikita was the one to break things off because she didn’t want destiny to feel tied down or anything and she reeaaally regrets leaving her.
is simply too fucking wholesome for this world DJKGH. she gets hurt so easily and makes this really sad face while trying not to cry. shit’s so sad LMAO. 
i think that’s all i wanted to add ?? if you’d like to plot, please hmu @ legit any time of the day or night + i’ll reply as soon as i see it !!! :”)
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softglowed · 5 years
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Well, what was I supposed to do? Leave! Do nothing!
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softglowed · 5 years
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#i think i’m in love
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softglowed · 5 years
                    —    good  things  happen
                    —    love  is  real
                    —    we  will  be  okay
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