softphantoms · 8 months
When you realize the Orpheum was named after Orpheus and suddenly the connection between Julie and Luke and Orpheus and Eurydice makes sense. Julie played at the Orpheum and led Luke home.
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softphantoms · 2 years
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[id: a drawing of julie molina performing “stand tall” from the julie and the phantoms season one finale. her hair is all tossed to one side and her face is scrunched in a smile as she sings into a microphone, while her other arm is thrown out behind her. end id.]
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softphantoms · 2 years
jatp can and should be renewed and open up with this band is back
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softphantoms · 2 years
when a series has multiple seasons and you can see the actors getting more used to their characters as time passes and the relationship dynamics get more complex and sets get more specific to the characters and plot lines grow on top of each other and you get backstories and shit and you can look back on the first season and be like omg they were so little !!! we deserved that with julie and the phantoms !!! they deserved that !!! I am never getting over this
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softphantoms · 2 years
it’s missing jatp hours, lads
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softphantoms · 2 years
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softphantoms · 2 years
Julie: Why are you on fire?
Alex: This is just how my day is going.
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softphantoms · 2 years
I missed them so much they just made my day ahsksjdjd
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softphantoms · 2 years
i don't think i'll ever fully come to terms with jatp being canceled, i'm always gonna be here like 'maybe another network will pick them up :))' even ten years down the line
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softphantoms · 2 years
I’m still upset about JATP, but my tiny consolation is that at least I didn’t have to watch something that I love slowly devolve in quality over years of my life until it becomes unbearable to watch, but impossible to pull myself away from because the memory of it once being so good gives me just the tiniest hope that it might get better again. So there’s that.  
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softphantoms · 2 years
To Australian JATP fans
With this recent article about netflix reconsidering JATP, and the respones of the Cats and Crew particulalry Kenny and David, i had an idea of how we could show Netflix what an amazing, massive, worldwide fandom we are. Now i’m not very active in fandom and have no idea how to organise this but i’d love to try and have a JATP fan meet up at Sydney Supanova in a few weeks. I have a friend whose a talented photographer and they are willing to take photos and we can share them on social media and demonstrate all the love for JATP we have here. 
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softphantoms · 2 years
luke saying “don’t you look sharp” to nick while standing right there wearing the fanciest shirt he owns (probably) is peak comedy
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softphantoms · 2 years
so this blog is as close to inactive as it gets, really. i'll still keep it, for the memories and because i still talk with people through this blog and because i'm still hoping jatp will be renewed at some point, but i'm not gonna actually update it or anything
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softphantoms · 2 years
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gif request meme - most heartbreaking scene of julie and the phantoms:
↳ i just wish you were here.
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softphantoms · 2 years
I still don't understand how Alex
"I put a red sock in with my white clothes and was confused when everything was pink, genuinely thought two Ghostbusters cosplayers were about to bust me, told Julie that we heard her sing in the garage when she wasn't supposed to know we were there, heard 'Willie', 'you boys' and 'magic' in the same sentence and assumed that Caleb was talking about our relationship, heard Luke get brandished and saw him look down at his wrist in concern after shaking Caleb’s hand and then proceeded to also shake Caleb’s hand, knew Julie was going to come out to the studio and followed Luke and Reggie there anyway so Julie found us dying again and got really upset, and bit into a hot dog, said 'that's a new flavor' and then continued eating the hot dog"
got to be labeled as The Smart One when Reggie was literally out there the whole ass time like
"I was literally correct in assuming there was glitter in Julie's dream box because I recognized from the studio and her bedroom decor that she's a girly girl but purple instead of pink, immediately knew the HGC was creepy and bad news, that Alex has a massive crush on Willie so bad it makes him look even more stupid, and Luke and Julie ooze chemistry like no couple I've ever seen before"
and then he didn't get labeled The Smart One.
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softphantoms · 2 years
So I love the idea of Willie and Luke having the kinda awkward "friend of a friend" dynamic for a lot of reasons, but I have one moment that I'd absolutely want between them.
Willie still being anxious that Luke doesn't entirely trust them because of the Caleb situation, coz even if he says he's cool with it, they don't know for sure. Then Luke just awkwardly says "Alex hasn't really smiled as much since he came out to his parents. It's nice seeing him smile like he used to. Thanks." and it's so unexpected that it makes Willie start crying
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softphantoms · 2 years
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-- jim halpert the office + julie/luke
happy valentine's day @pam-jim ❤️
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