softscarss · 3 years
White Queen. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, meaning you are strong in some aspect of your life. Physically, emotionally, mentally, one of these is your strong suit. The queen can move anywhere she wishes upon the board, meaning you have your hands full with all the different tasks and choices in your life. Just be careful not to overwhelm yourself. For all your poise and status, your position will surely crumble under the weight of your pride.
Black Queen. The Queen is the most powerful piece on the board, meaning you are strong in some aspect of your life. Physically, emotionally, mentally, one of these is your strong suit. The queen can move anywhere she wishes upon the board, meaning you have your hands full with all the different tasks and choices in your life. Being the black piece means you work more behind the scenes, working to make sure someone else's plans succeed, or pushing your own agenda. Just be careful who you trust, for all your cunning and beauty, there are reasons why queens were beheaded.
Tagged by: @kamipyre & @bellecosebabe !! Tagging: surprise me.
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softscarss · 3 years
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Date with Yufi. Date Fee: $9.99 Customer Comments: "It wasn't that great of a date but they're hot so its fine. (Female in late 20s)"
Date with Paz. Date Fee: $9.99 Customer Comments: "Please erase my memories with Paz...Please... (Male in late 30s)"
Date with Franziska. Date Fee: $89.63 Customer Comments: "Franziska took me to an expensive place and left me with the bill.... (Male in late 30s)"
Date with Katara. Date Fee: $89.63 Customer Comments: "Terrible taste. (Person in 30s)"
tagged by: no one, I stole it. tagging: and now you can, too.
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softscarss · 3 years
❝ stuff usually blows up in here so it has restricted access. ❞ ( for paz ! )
hello charlotte.
it would be a lie, wouldn't it, if paz were to claim she had no fascination, no intimate familiarity, with volatility. she already borders on the planes of mortality before she even steps foot in this unstable facility Tida brings her to. and perhaps it's that lack of fear, the encompassing self-awarensss that there is no concern about her corporeal form-- if he is spirit, then she is already half-spirit, one foot in the grave. they are two sides of one coin, the shade to the sun on his figure: for where there is strength, there is weakness, and for all frailty her body possesses, her mind ever the sharpened weapon, her tongue sharper than the culinarian's knife.
" it'll look good on the camera, " paz retorts, bandaged index finger holding down the shutter in half-press, the lens' focus sharpening in mystic air. " better than any of those Hulu documentaries, at the very least. "
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softscarss · 3 years
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softscarss · 3 years
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softscarss · 3 years
You found me! You know, someone told me the community would find me sooner or later. I just didn't think it would be so soon. But it's a delight to see you xx.
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softscarss · 3 years
please don’t tell me how proud you are please don’t tell me how strong i am i didn’t need to walk through fire for you to call my scars pretty 
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softscarss · 3 years
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»        hello charlotte quotes i’ve saved, part 9           tw: body horror, gore, surgery.  
❝ so? are we going? are we going right now? ❞
❝ i’d rather not think, [name]. that should be your thing to do. ❞
❝ did you know? knowledge is produced to be sold! ❞
❝ no one ever reads warning signs these days, do they. ❞
❝ everyone’s starving! hungry for information! new, old, hidden, forgotten, second-hand knowledge! ❞
❝ soap operas just CALL for soap milkshakes! ❞
❝ do you think i’d act more rational if i killed my remaining emotions? ❞
❝ a pair of extra hands or a participle bomb spawned from clothing wouldn’t be so bad, right? ❞
❝ i’m so desensitized to cruelty and violence that i no longer feel saddened or shocked by them. i don’t think i’m capable of crying, either. or feeling anything really. everything is just… mundane. ❞
❝ have you tried the wormburgers? they melt in your mouth! ❞
❝ when you can’t sleep, don’t count sheep. count on your chainsaw! ❞
❝ you must have figured it all out a looooooong time ago! everyone must’ve looked like a whole bunch of idiots to you! right? right?! ❞
❝ why celebrate birthdays once a year when you can have deathdays almost every day?! ❞
❝ open the door and DIE! survive and get a PRIZE! ❞
❝ one soda costs 5 coins. and i’m broke. ❞
❝ if we replace her belly with… let’s say, this device and bowels with spiral wires, will she be able to produce electricity from the food she consumes? ❞
❝ sorry! no time to talk! my favorite show is starting in an hour and i haven’t finished my errands yet! ❞
❝ JUNK is stuff we throw away. STUFF is junk we keep. ❞
❝ i’ll make tea. which one would you like? there’s oolong, honeybush, jasmine green, rooibush, good morning tea, gunpowder green, earl grey, lady grey, christmas mix, japanese lime — ❞
❝ come here, i’ll sing you a get-better song! ❞
❝ …after 1037 episodes and 10 specials they’ve finally confessed their undying love to each other! ❞
❝ underneath my protection suit, i’m dying from complicated feelings. ❞
❝ anyhow, do you need anything you don’t need? ❞
❝ FACT: Chicken Nuggets are VEGETABLES too ❞
❝ it’s some kind of a journal… so boring. i thought there’d be some severed head or something. ❞
❝ YOU and only YOU can stop the world crisis! help stop overproduction by buying things NOW! ❞
❝ stuff usually blows up in here so it has restricted access. ❞
❝ that meeting marked the beginning of our alliance, and people started dying in the name of science. ❞
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softscarss · 3 years
in the meantime, I've made pages I'll be updating with synopsis/info for each character I have so far:
thanks to winter for supplying me with so many memes I can use for info. I'll occasionally reblog things to the dash as well just so it's easier access. c:
happy to take suggestions as well!
I didn't realize I officially "opened" this blog on a munday. that's really funny.
anyway. hi. good to see you. I'm still re-learning decorum around here, but it's a pleasure to see some familiar faces, and looking forward to interacting with new ones.
full bios will be out..............eventually.
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softscarss · 3 years
it is no use of magicks that bring her here: no, it is the god-awful position that america in its entitlement claims to be leading power and authority on most global-elected positions; and how ironic it is, really, that endowed leadership would be applicable even to a populace reduced to one-percent, considered caricature by most, shown mostly by eagle feathers and chicken feet.
is there much she can learn here? katara isn't certain, honestly, has very little opinion of these states, but knows assuming observations may lead to glaring oversights, so she bites her tongue. besides, sokka speaks highly of los angeles, but isn't that because of preferred medium of outreach...? the media production capital of the world, and social media, too, it feels, with flashing lights and self-portraits snapped within what seems to be every few feet of her.
she leaves sokka with the company credit card-- a choice, certainly, she may come to regret, but katara cannot be bothered to stand at baggage claim, nor to watch her brother fail at hailing taxis with wolf whistles and waving with calloused hands. no, instead she walks to the windows that face the port, let her palms press against the cool glass, glacial eyes keen on observing the waves, timing her breaths with the crash of tides. only the water keeps her calm, mind focused on the tasks to come.
but before she can get lost in the ocean's allure, the siren's call, there's a more grating presence vibrating in her pocket, garnering her attention. " c'mon, kat ! I picked a place off the beach, just for you! ... I'm gonna get the bigger beeeeeed ! " and katara scoffs, making her way to the arrivals station and taxi stand, nonchalant as she brushes past chiffon camisoles and corduroy slacks to intended destination.
but they say you never know who you might brush shoulders with...!
a starter for @undrowns !
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softscarss · 3 years
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Everyday I Need You ~ LOONA/ViVi (2017)
Garden Song ~ Phoebe Bridgers (2020), various works ~ Sue Fenlon
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softscarss · 3 years
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softscarss · 3 years
I didn't realize I officially "opened" this blog on a munday. that's really funny.
anyway. hi. good to see you. I'm still re-learning decorum around here, but it's a pleasure to see some familiar faces, and looking forward to interacting with new ones.
full bios will be out..............eventually.
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softscarss · 3 years
6. What is something that you didn’t think you will write but now you are writing it?
munday questions.
lore for ffxiv. no, seriously. I remember there was a time I wouldn't touch xiv with a pole, but the last year playing with some great people & meeting wonderful communities was incredibly therapeutic to me, especially during lockdown and as I've made major life transitions. I even met my partner through the game which was ??? wholly unexpected but spun my life in an incredible direction. I'm only into shadowbringers and I definitely will not complete the game before the next expansion comes out, but that's okay, I'm enjoying the road I'm taking. eventually I'll put my own wol here, but likely after I've caught up with the story, whenever that is.
*I want to say I didn't think ffxiv was bad, I just for a long time found it difficult to find people to play multiplayer games with, and I had people who straight up stopped wanting to be my friends in uni/early twenties because I didn't have an online account or didn't have time to dedicate the same way they did, so that exposure to players left a poor taste in my mouth. but since picking it up last year, I've met a lot of lovely people & I don't think I've run into my former friends at all. if they see this... well, critique your own behavior.
I think another thing I thought I would shy away from would be like judgment/activist type characters because I recall a time here where everyone was so anti-sjw. and perhaps that's still a huge thing, but I'm just not around those circles. regardless, I think the last year globally has really exposed the dangers and privileges of apathy, and I find myself really invigorated by characters who look for the truth and aren't afraid to confront evil face-to-face, even the evil in themselves. so playing ace attorney lately (I'm currently on the last case of dgs1) and watching avatar: the last airbender for the first time this year really helped me feel more comfortable with these themes. it's funny though bc irl I'm pretty outspoken when it comes to injustice & human rights & advocacy, so isolating my writing from this part of myself which is pretty inherent to me is really weird in retrospect. but maybe as I get older I care less about "fitting in" and more about living in my authentic truth and putting effort into things that really make me feel alive and that I care passionately about. I'm looking forward to writing franziska and katara, in the same way that writing paz challenged me to consider a more gritty reality in the forefront versus as something to consider in the back of the fray, with other characters I've written in the past.
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softscarss · 3 years
Ok, I’m not a big fan of these kinds of posts, but lately, I’m becoming more and more disheartened so I need to know if you’re out there. 
Please reblog this post if you are willing to write with ‘un-shippable’ muses. 
I’m talking about those muses who are perhaps elderly, who are married/taken and not liable to affairs, muses who are asexual/aromantic, or even just muses whose muns don’t really want to ship. 
While I’m always happy that anyone would want to write with me, sadly, over time I have realised that my older/married/ace muses are very rarely (virtually never) requested. So please share this on your blog so that people know they can throw their muses at you who are not going to wind up in ships or with smut threads. 
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softscarss · 3 years
10, 17 !
munday questions.
10. are your muses easy muse to ship with?
if I had to rank easiest to most difficult to ship, it would be: katara; paz; yufi; franziska. paz & franziska are finicky to place, though. katara, by far, would be easiest as she's just looking for love in all the right and wrong places. paz can be flirty and would definitely date but her heart wouldn't be in it, as she doesn't trust people. franziska would be a slow burn if someone managed to get her attention, but she'd definitely choose the job first. probably not the best person to date. yufi puts their heart into what they do, but would feel torn when attempting to answer the question: but what do you really want? so I suppose in shipping... one should consider what kind of dynamic they'd want and choose wisely.
17. when do you block someone?
I'm not the person I was before hiatus, that's for sure.
I'd likely block.. whenever I feel I've been disrespected or violated or people are rude without trying to understand perspective. if someone wants to start drama. if someone is trying to get my attention to be aware of drama. unless it's like for entertainment's sake (you know what I mean!). but like... just dragging me into situations I'm not involved in or asking me to choose sides... I'm not into that. and finally, those who have really unhealthy perspectives or attitudes about things.
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softscarss · 3 years
1 and 16!!
munday questions.
1. how do you draft your threads usually?
when I receive a reply I throw it into my drafts. when I have an ask I leave it in my inbox until I'm ready to respond. I don't do a lot of proofing, I just write until I'm satisfied and then click "post". whatever strikes my fancy is what I'll respond to. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to respond to things in order received, but not so much anymore.
16. do you agree with people refusing to write with minors?
first, let me add that it's in my rules. but tl;dr is that people have the discretion to write with who they want, minors or no. I just wish both parties the best.
I'm 25+ and honestly after 20 I stopped having anything in common with teens. it's not about the writing ability, but obviously in a collaborative hobby like this, there'll be points in which you're going to have to talk out-of-character, and I think that's when things can be a bit strange? to each their own, but I think if someone feels like they just want to avoid any sort of age-related controversy by prohibiting access to their content they should have that ability to. speaking from experience as an ignorant kid at one point who argued "maturity" but didn't really respect the freedom I had outside of adulthood: enjoy your naivety while you have it. don't ruin the online experience for others in case you choose to slip up and do something that may not have consequences for yourself but dire consequences for those of which you chose to affiliate.
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