i’m an angry person and i want to let it out and be an asshole but i’m also a nice person and i don’t want to actually hurt anyone’s feelings do u feel me
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So my dog is a 210 pound Great Dane who has never had a toy smaller than a car tire before, and he always rips them to sheds within a couple weeks.
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Recently my sister got him the biggest toy she could find in the doggy toy section, a toy owl about the size of my dog’s head.
He smelled it, took it delicately in his mouth, then just dropped it on the floor and has barely touched it since.
But I keep finding him with it near him while he is sleeping.
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I haven’t put it there, and neither has my mum.
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He never chews on it, like he is afraid to break it.
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And it is always right near his head when he sleeps.
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I think he has accepted the tiny owl as his pet.
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My best friend is 6'4". I'm 5'6". He likes to call me Shorty.
I don’t feel like I’m 6'4. it just kinda feels like everyone’s small.
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there is one rat for every person in new york city
if you live in new york city then one day, when you die, your personal rat will appear and lead you to the underworld 
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I’m color-blind, but I can pick out that [Yves Klein] blue anywhere. I wrote 30,000 words on this color, and I never grew tired of it. The pigment is staggering. It’s amazing that a color can be so emotional. One can only hope to achieve that intensity in acting.
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facebook // signed prints
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Then I can't wait for you to find this one 🤗
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when ppl write “i probably hate you” in their tumblr descriptions
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Omg same
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stop i really do cancel my cart if i see that $6 shipping
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The Story of Romeo and Juliet Condensed Into a Single GIF
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Oh finally a term to explain my bitchiness
do you ever get so annoyed at everything that you start to get pissed off at even little things like a spoon clinking against a bowl or sounds of people talking  
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I do covers on musical.ly and I keep my account private so no one can see it so when I send people my covers they don't understand how big that is
when an artist wants to show you their art
or a writer wants you to read what they’ve written
it’s quite often an expression of trust
because a poem or a story or a painting are often things that come from the heart
little pieces of the artists themselves
and if they’re willing to share it with you
you should appreciate it
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