softurl · 3 hours
tough fucking luck losing my cart and my pack of camels in the same 48 hour period i suspect that it may have been ghouls
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softurl · 4 hours
the funniest part of my trans journey is being horrendously depressed about not having a penis and having no clue that women don’t feel this way
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softurl · 4 hours
Please does anybody have the picture of the orange kitten sitting in front of old yellowed wood paneling and it’s smiling like this. The post where I saw it went something like “little kids before they learn how to smile in photos”
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softurl · 5 hours
im at the frodo birthday party im at the bilbo birthday party im at the combination frodo and bilbo birthday party
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softurl · 5 hours
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softurl · 14 hours
does anyone have that video where toby fox is giving a speech in japanese about video games n when he says the “project” part of “touhou project” he briefly drops into the strongest american accent I’ve ever heard n then immediately switches back to perfect japanese pronunciation. been thinking about it all day
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softurl · 1 day
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Do not go gentle into that good night.
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softurl · 1 day
Oh, hm, I properly realized that Obi-Wan never finds out about the Tusken massacre in the prequel trilogy. Now I'm imagining an immediately post-Ep3 scene on Tatooine, in which Owen or Beru is forced to reference it as it relates to other occupational hazards on Tatooine, and Obi-Wan has to be like, "I beg your fucking pardon???"
And they're reluctantly like, "You know, that time that Anakin, your student, came back to Tatooine after his poor mother had been taken by the Sand People? He singlehandedly killed that big group of them down to the last child, dozens of them, and then took off right afterwards. Big mess. It was about four years ago now. Just before the Clone Wars started. Is that, uh, is that normal for you Jedi people, by the way?" And Obi-Wan has to say, "No. No, it is fucking not."
So the Larses are, at least, incredibly relieved. They didn't want that kind of thing to happen around here again and were a little worried about this Kenobi guy starting that up again. Big mess, don't you know? Everyone in their corner of Tatooine heard about it. People a few towns over heard about it. Anakin and that Padmé woman really never said anything?
Obi-Wan, already reeling from Anakin's recent betrayal and suddenly having to re-evaluate the late Padmé's entire character as well, in the flattest tone of voice that anyone has ever used: "No, I can't say that she ever mentioned it. How odd."
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softurl · 1 day
Americans really really need to be less paranoid and more capable of tolerating minor discomfort in public. Not everyone is a pervert/rapist/strangler/fiend. In fact, very few people are. Treating every violation of normal order as though it is a threat is why people are getting shot for turning around in a stranger's driveway. This happens within the frameworks of basically every ideology present in American culture. It is an American illness. If your vision of the world doesn't have room for saying "I'm sure it's nothing" then you really gotta work some shit out.
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softurl · 1 day
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CODY DAY??? happy 2/2/24 !
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softurl · 1 day
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One gets the idea, watching Gomez, that he delights in getting to be a man, short and boisterous and nurturing and bursting with hope and pocket watches. He's especially delighted to be a man married to a woman, particularly when that woman is Morticia Addams. It's hard to get the same idea watching Herman Munster, or indeed lots of non-trans men both on and off the screen; maybe Herman is willing to be a man, or simply resigned to the idea. Possibly he merely considers it sufficient compensation for also being a monster of Frankenstein, but it doesn't seem to strike him with renewed absurd glee every morning when he gets to wake up and be one. One can imagine Herman Munster waking in a spirit of tol- erance, at most willing to get out of bed and face another day as the head of a family. Whereas it's very easy to imagine Gomez's inner euphoria-driven monologue when he wakes up every morning: Ah, how wonderful! Another stormy day! Ahahaha! Once again, I'm a short and stocky husband and father, with a wife as tall as God! What luck! Why else would he spend a thousand dollars a month on cigars, or own so many bathrobes with exquisitely-designed lapels, or tend so carefully to such a thin mustache?
- Daniel M Lavery, Something That May Shock and Discredit You
(Gomez & Morticia are T4T and that's a fact)
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softurl · 1 day
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softurl · 1 day
I hate living under the panopticon :( my tummy hurts :(
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softurl · 1 day
download killing upload pain. instant thousand deaths to brain. motherboard on murder spree. blood computer victory.
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softurl · 1 day
people on twitter freaking the hell out because rebecca sugar drew a comic of pearl and greg having a messy situationship in the aftermath of rose dying wasn't on my 2024 bingo card if I'm being honest
even Less so because the thing they're apparently mad about is that the nonbinary alien rock was supposed to be a lesbian (as if there's anything wrong with a nonbinary alien rock being bisexual, Or that lesbian can't have a situationship with a man without still being a lesbian on the other side.)
anyways, may take on it is: you don't have to consider any of rebecca sugar's sketches "canon," because it's not actually in the source material. rebecca may have a strong influence on how the fandom sees the characters but it does Not actually change the show. so getting worked up about it in the first place is ridiculous.
That Said, it kinda works with whatever they had going on in the show if I'm being honest
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softurl · 2 days
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it’s so confusing sometimes to be a girl ❤️‍🔥
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softurl · 2 days
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it might just be because im sleep deprived from jetlag rn but this r/relationship_advice post is making me cry actual tears of laughter. i read the post at first and was like yeah pretty standard whatever but im nosey so i clicked on the drawing op linked and i was not mentally prepared for it. putting it under a read more so you can get the same experience as i did
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