softxsorrows · 5 years
My Adventures in Highschool
1) Student to teacher: why does Jackson look like he's going to a golf tournament?
Teacher: because he's Jackson
2) Student: Mrs. S guess what!
Teacher: You won the lottery and you're gonna use the money to pay off my student loans?
3) Student to friend: Maybe I should just become a stripper
4) student: If you won't grab his titty I will
5) me to Jewish friend: Hi jew
Student 2: Hi non jew
6) student to friends: If you buy me food I will suck your dick or titty. I don't swing that way, but food is food.
7) Student 1: Why is he taking so long to use the bathroom?
Me: maybe he fell in the toilet
Teacher: Dont say that that actually happened
8) Student to friend: Dude why did you take your pants off
9) me: Consider this Tomfoolery because my name is tom and you have been fooled
10) black student jokingly to friends: Bro are you a porch monkey or yard ape?
I used to be a porch monkey but I got in trouble and they put me back out in the field
11) Student 1: why is she crying?
Me: Jerome showed her a video of someone blending up a live goldfish
Student 1: oh well my friend showed me a video of someone flushing a dead squirrel he found down the toilet
Student crying: *squeals and cries more*
12) Teacher: Mind my language but this is bullshit
Student: FUCK YEA!
Teacher: HEY!
13) Teacher: This one time at band camp- haha just kidding
14) student: oh hell
Teacher: dont say that
Student: why cant I say it it's in the bible
15) student: everything has sugar in it
Teacher: No?
Student: your clothes I can guarantee have sugar in it
Teacher: .....
16) student: I've been gone for two days and my football coach called my parents to ask if I moved
17) student 1: are you ok?
Student 2: dude I dont know
18) teacher: Why are you wearing slippers?
Student: why do we do anything?
19) student: I hate coming here because my dog misses me
20) student 1: do you have the homework
Student 2: there was homework?
Student 1: yes Dave I texted you about it this morning
Student 2: Oh...
21) student to teacher: I like your shirt
Teacher: dont tell me how to live my life
22) Teacher: so the homework fo-
Student: *pterodactyl yawn*
Teacher: *concerned and flustered look*
23) teacher to student: how did you come back with chips and soda when you asked to go to the bathroom?
24) student: that's a damn cockroach
Teacher: I'm sending you to guidance you need help
25) me: I'm gonna choke you
Friend: a girl did that to me once
Me: no not in the friendly way
Friend: well that wasnt very friendly of her either though
26) teacher to student: you were my friend now you're my student now you're being fake
27) student to friend: I heard they put steroids in the school water fountains
28) student: the bathroom sink attacked me
29) student 1: bro the teacher gave us a lecture it was so boring
Student 2, sarcastically: whaaaat no way bro really? How dare she do her job like that.
30) student 1: how are you?
Student 2: no
31) *student walking past our classroom after bell rings* "I dont want to do the work todaaaay~"
32) student: "Wait we're getting new students? Are they from another country?"
Me: "No, Jackson, from another planet"
Other student: "Why you always gotta ask some stupid shit?"
33) teacher: sit down please
Me standing up 5 seconds before the bell rings: why?
Teacher: I will give you detention if you dont sit down and wait for the be-
*bell rings*
Me: *leisurely walking out class with everyone* it's really not that deep Mrs D.
34) teacher: "Give me your phone"
Me sitting in a class full or people also on their phone
Me: "Not to be disrespectful but you dont pay this phone bill, so no. And you're not about to single me out like this"
Teacher: "you're right I dont I dont even pay my own phone bill. Do you need me to call admin to come get it for you?" *walking over calling admin before I can even answer
Me: *Visibly pissed* No dont waste you're breath I'll go down there myself.
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softxsorrows · 5 years
Lol I love how another character is considered "bullshit"
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‪It’s Monday!‬
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softxsorrows · 5 years
You know you have relationship issues with your father when you tell him "just because you dont like mozzarella sticks doesnt mean they aren't any more of a real food then fried mushrooms" and he says "Don't get an attitude" and leaves the Logan's roadhouse for a smoke
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softxsorrows · 5 years
oh my god??
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softxsorrows · 5 years
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shark loaf looks scared
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softxsorrows · 5 years
"So who's the bad guy?"
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softxsorrows · 5 years
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Desktop Goose is a fun little app which unleashes a mischievous goose on your desktop!
Read More & Play The Alpha, Free (Windows)
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softxsorrows · 5 years
"O h
N o "
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softxsorrows · 5 years
Nice try magical mind bending cabbage but society won't fall because I have this epitaph from Abraham Lincoln's tombstone to put an end to your quell. Swallow this maniac!
prompt 1115
You must use all of these words in your story: 
cabbage society nice try epitaph swallow mind-bending magical quell If you don’t know what they mean look them up! We think this one’ll be fun :)
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softxsorrows · 5 years
:( this is a whole mood ):
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No, man, this can’t be because Jason’s gone, Tahani’s off doing her thing, and I’m not ready to go, so if you leave, then I’m alone here.
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softxsorrows · 5 years
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Twin Soul is a very freaky near-photorealistic Eastern European horror game where your apartment block is overrun by flesh-eating monsters that look like kids.
Read More & Play The Alpha Demo, Free (Windows)
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