sogaywara · 5 years
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sogaywara · 5 years
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sogaywara · 5 years
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IronDad and IronMom to the rescue! 
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sogaywara · 5 years
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Favorite Photoshoots | Evangeline Lilly photographed by Max Abadian for Shape Magazine (2018)
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sogaywara · 5 years
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Hulk + normal flesh tone Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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sogaywara · 5 years
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“The Illusion Battle” stills from Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
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sogaywara · 5 years
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sogaywara · 5 years
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“For the last five years I’ve been trying to do one thing, get to right here. That’s all it’s been about. Bringing everybody back.” — Natasha Romanoff, Avengers: Endgame (2019)
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sogaywara · 5 years
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tony + sacrifice
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sogaywara · 5 years
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#My heart
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sogaywara · 5 years
the fact that we will never able to see a irondad and spiderson content in future mcu movies makes me EMO
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I LOVED their dynamic
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sogaywara · 5 years
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Ahoy, ladies! Didn’t see you there. Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I’ll be your captain. I’m Steve Harrington.
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sogaywara · 5 years
Spiderman Far From Home: The Smartest Marvel Movie?
To make up for the click-bait title, I’ll get right to business: Spiderman Far From Home is a movie about how we put up facades of perfection and try to hide our flaws instead of embracing them. This is especially true for superheroes who are embodiments of perfection which we mere humans should look up to and strive to be (an idol). At the beginning of the movie, Peter is stuck in this mindset and therefore he believes he cannot step into the shoes of Iron Man as he’s only that kid from Brooklyn. He meets Mysterio who literally uses the facade of heroism to get what he wants. He’s also stuck in the same mindset as Peter, but he believes the power of the idol is more important than the physical ability to be a hero. So throughout the movie our protagonist is someone who is physically able to be a hero but doesn’t believe he can be the idol and an antagonist who is the idol without the being physically able to be a hero. Peter eventually escapes his doubts by realizing that you don’t have to be an idol to be a superhero. He learns that the superhero facade is unrealistic and embraces his faults. Peter DOESN’T become the idol and he DOESN’T change except for realizing that his original self was already good enough. However, what other parts of the movie support this idea of perfection being a facade? Let’s see:
Ned and his girlfriend form a “perfect” relationship early in the movie using all kinds of cute couple talk and doing classic couple things, but by the end they’ve broken up.
Peter’s plan to enter into a similar relationship with MJ fails multiple times. By the time MJ gets the gift he’s given her, its already broken and yet they form a more real bound through embracing each other’s flaws.
The idealistic spiderman “swing your girlfriend through the city” fails, highlighting just how unrealistic that is and how scary it’d be in real life.
Flash Thompson (Peter’s asshole classmate) is revealed to have a troubling home life when his mom couldn’t make it to the airport to see him. His image online is much more filtered than the reality of his situation.
The idea of “the perfect vacation” is subverted multiple times. First they end up in a rundown hotel and have to face the reality (sinking buildings and water) instead of the facade we all understand about the beautiful city on water that is Venice. Later after Fury upgrades their vacation, the kids are happy at first until they have to go to the opera. They prefer the chaotic nature of the festival to the scripted nature of the opera. It turns out that perfection isn’t always the most enjoyable. No matter how you feel about the opera we know it represents “perfection” because its a very scripted experience much like Mysterio’s battles.
Happy’s offhand comment about how its actually called Tower Bridge not London Bridge. Yet another references to how famous tourist locations are nothing but a facade as well. 
Peter defeats Mysterio in the end without using his webs (his super powers) and instead by using his own ingenuity. He even uses scraps from the drones as a way of literally symbolizing how broken doesn’t mean worthless. 
Mysterio shoots himself because he orders the drones to fire while they’re close to him. He clearly viewed himself and indestructible. This is a case of where the idolization of super heroes as invincible ends up getting him in trouble when he can’t actually physically deliver on the bullet immunity and super strength the real heroes have. It also shows that his drones are flawed.
Mysterio’s motivation is revenge for being treated badly by Stark. In this way he himself is an example of how superheroes are flawed.
When Fury asks Mysterio something off script he totally fucks up the line and confirms Fury’s doubts. Its impossible to keep up the facade when unexpected circumstances kick in, hence the weakness of the facade.
When Mysterio’s illusion ends, Peter is hit by a train, literally symbolizing the phrase “reality hit me like a”.
The movie also has a pretty clear message on Fake News:
They joke multiple times about how “you can always trust the internet / news”
The media is easily manipulated into calling spiderman “Night Monkey”.
The post credit’s scene with our favorite Fake News reporter.
These two concepts go hand in hand and combined they illustrate the message “if its too good to be true, it probably isn’t”
This will always be one of if not my favorite Marvel movies because of the clear attention to detail they put into delivering the theme in every conceivable part of the story. It really feels like a complete package with no loose ends. I also love how the theme comments on superhero movies as a whole with very clear nods to how the theatrics behind Mysterio are similar to that of a classic Marvel movie. I hope this is an indication that the movies coming next are diverting from the classic hero formula and breaking down the facade that is a superhero.
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sogaywara · 5 years
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sogaywara · 5 years
Fuck, Far From Home gave Natasha a better memorial than Endgame
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sogaywara · 5 years
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Can you feel the love tonight?~♪
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sogaywara · 5 years
why isn't anyone talking about the scene in which Peter jumps out of the roof of the bus and shoots the drones with his webs
and how he looks afterwards
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